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"Ok....New Theory Again"
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kuchakor 126 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"

12-23-01, 01:15 AM (EST)
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"Ok....New Theory Again"
This week, the previews really don't give anything to do with the boot. We know the Immunity challenge is something to do with throwing things to knock little pots down, and that Ethan doesn't win because he was leading the hike to TC with no necklace on. After remembering the archery challenge, Lex and Ethan both had just about perfect aims. I think that since it appears Ethan didn't win, Lex is a shoe-in. Tom had decent aim, Mamakim had so-so aim and so did Teresa, but Lex will proboably win at something like this.

ALSO, the previews are HEAVILY pushing the all-girl alliance. I think that Teresa WILL persuade Mamakim to vote off Lex. BUT, if Lex wins the IC, then the only other targer with votes is TOM. I think Mama, T-Bird, and Kim P. will prepare to send Tom home. If I remember correctly, I saw a preview for last week that said "A tribemember is pushed to tears over a last-minute decision" or something like that. Last week, we saw Teresa cry over voting fro Frank, but we NEVER saw the "last minute decision" or anything, it was just a sudden vote out of nowhere. I think we still haven't seen the "last-minute decision". The timing of CBS's website has been way out of sync, and I think that the decision will come this week.

In the previews, when mention of the "All-Girl Alliance" is shown, we see Teresa talking, and a shot or two of Kim P. with a solemn look on her face. In a preview I saw earlier today in the Patriots/Dolphins game, she was shown several times. I'm thinking that since Lex won the IC, Teresa and Mama prepare to vote for Tom. Kim P., who has bonded alot with Tom, breaks down to tears over having to vote for him, and at the last minute breaks down and tells him about Teresa & Mama's plans, and then Lex/Tom/Ethan/KimP vote out Mamakim OR Teresa. Although the all Girl Alliance would work, I think whoever was the last man left against the three women could whoop then in an IC, and therefore Kim P. would proboably go because she'd be third in the pecking order. Kim P. seems to be a person with great morals, similar to Elisabeth, and I don't think she will vote for Tom, just as Liz wouldn't vote for Rodger. This may be a stupid theory, and most of my and everyone else's theorys have sucked, but, it IS a possibility.


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 RE: Ok....New Theory Again Rose Red 12-23-01 1

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Rose Red 419 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"

12-23-01, 01:55 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Ok....New Theory Again"
>This week, the previews really don't
>give anything to do with
>the boot. We know the
>Immunity challenge is something to
>do with throwing things to
>knock little pots down, and
>that Ethan doesn't win because
>he was leading the hike
>to TC with no necklace

This is probably a red herring, or my name isn't

Rose Red(Herring)

This shot could be from another episode. They've been doing that a lot this year.

After remembering the archery
>challenge, Lex and Ethan both
>had just about perfect aims.
>I think that since it
>appears Ethan didn't win, Lex
>is a shoe-in. Tom had
>decent aim, Mamakim had so-so
>aim and so did Teresa,
>but Lex will proboably win
>at something like this.

Applying the OFG theory,the whomsoever is edited to look like they lost in the promo WINS! Or at least, does not get voted off.
So therefore Ethan wins the IC. But we also once again have the immunity whoopi cushion surrounding Lex's Skull Torch. Whoopee! He Stays! No wonder the ratings are in the basement... Colby, everyone's fave kept WINNING and that's what made that series such a success. And everyone's favorite, Ethan, well, he's not winning all the challenges everyone predicted he would. Strategic or just clumsy?

>ALSO, the previews are HEAVILY pushing
>the all-girl alliance. I think
>that Teresa WILL persuade Mamakim
>to vote off Lex. BUT,
>if Lex wins the IC,
>then the only other targer
>with votes is TOM. I
>think Mama, T-Bird, and Kim
>P. will prepare to send
>Tom home. If I remember
>correctly, I saw a preview
>for last week that said
>"A tribemember is pushed to
>tears over a last-minute decision"
>or something like that. Last
>week, we saw Teresa cry
>over voting fro Frank, but
>we NEVER saw the "last
>minute decision" or anything, it
>was just a sudden vote
>out of nowhere. I think
>we still haven't seen the
>"last-minute decision". The timing of
>CBS's website has been way
>out of sync, and I
>think that the decision will
>come this week.

I think this is absolutely right. I totally agree with you.

>In the previews, when mention of
>the "All-Girl Alliance" is shown,
>we see Teresa talking, and
>a shot or two of
>Kim P. with a solemn
>look on her face. In
>a preview I saw earlier
>today in the Patriots/Dolphins game,
>she was shown several times.
>I'm thinking that since Lex
>won the IC, Teresa and
>Mama prepare to vote for
>Tom. Kim P., who has
>bonded alot with Tom, breaks
>down to tears over having
>to vote for him, and
>at the last minute breaks
>down and tells him about
>Teresa & Mama's plans, and
>then Lex/Tom/Ethan/KimP vote out Mamakim
>OR Teresa. Although the all
>Girl Alliance would work, I
>think whoever was the last
>man left against the three
>women could whoop then in
>an IC, and therefore Kim
>P. would proboably go because
>she'd be third in the
>pecking order. Kim P. seems
>to be a person with
>great morals, similar to Elisabeth,
>and I don't think she
>will vote for Tom, just
>as Liz wouldn't vote for
>Rodger. This may be a
>stupid theory, and most of
>my and everyone else's theorys
>have sucked, but, it IS
>a possibility.

I don't agree with your assessment of the mysterious Kim P. Maybe this is why MB has hidden her so. Because what she says and thinks become ABSOLUTELY crucial from now on. With only six players, she's a major just like all the rest of them have been protrayed to be. Except we don't KNOW her, the way, say we know TOM or LEX at this point. Their stories, I'm sorry, are OVER-COMPLETE.

Kim P. is a follower. She now seems to have seriously aligned with Teresa, whom I think she's gonna stick with. But you know, you COULD be right. Kim P. is as Oscar Wilde once said, "A Sphinx without a secret."

She's a wildcard. We don't know WHAT. She's gonna do. After reading and rereading your excellent post, you've almost got me convinced.



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