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"4:00 - 5:00"
blacknwhitedog 6528 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-17-09, 03:10 PM (EST)
1. "RE: 4:00 - 5:00" |
Yay!!! Aaron is back!!!!I'm surprised creepy FBI guy was the mole- he seemed so obvious. Bill is hot!!! ![](http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/User_files/40b68c6324c01268.jpg) Slice n' Dice Chop Shop ©2004
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AyaK 10083 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-24-09, 09:23 PM (EST)
5. "On to the double episode" |
Oops, Marika did die. No wonder Renee was angry -- although there is no way on God's green earth that the police get Marika's sister to the hospital that quickly.An acquaintance of mine was recently watching seasons 1 and 2 again. In season 1, Jack was almost as emotional about what was going on as Renee is this year. In season 2, he was much different, cold-bloodedly murdering a bad guy in episode 1 to get access to the real bad guys, but he still wasn't the gung-ho torturer that he later became -- although he did fake killing a bad guy's kid to get the guy to tell him about a bomb location, which is pretty much what he and Renee did this season. So, in answer to Renee's question about his feelings, he could have answered that he's seen a lot of friends die over a lot of years, and a lot more enemies. And it looks like he may see one more friend die next week. Rumor is that either Bill or Aaron Pierce is toast during General Zuma's invasion of the White House.
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Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-25-09, 01:00 AM (EST)
6. "RE: 4:00 - 5:00" |
I thought this week's episode was the best so far this season. I really enjoyed it. Things moved fast and we didn't get the predictable result everytime. I have heard rumblings that Bill might get killed off. I sure hope it is not true. I would miss him.
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AyaK 10083 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-03-09, 06:39 PM (EST)
7. "RE: 4:00 - 5:00" |
LAST EDITED ON 03-03-09 AT 06:39 PM (EST)White House invasion in progress. President captured. And the previews show us that one of Jack's group makes the ultimate sacrifice next week. As far as the "to torture or not to torture" debate, dozens of people died because the President chose not to torture. I thought it was an interesting way to present the debate -- the 'Kobayashi Maru" no-win scenario. Must the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few ... or the one? We know where Jack Bauer stands on that question. We know where Presidents David Palmer and Wayne Palmer stood on that question as well. And Bill Buchanan will show us his solution to the Kobayashi Maru next week.
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Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-04-09, 05:39 PM (EST)
8. "RE: 4:00 - 5:00" |
I just want someone to slap Senator Red Foreman.
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Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-10-09, 02:06 PM (EST)
15. "RE: 4:00 - 5:00" |
Karen never was mentioned. But I want to know what happenend to Martha Logan. Pierce mentioned her in an odd way.
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trigirl 2844 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"
03-11-09, 01:52 PM (EST)
21. "24 "The Tearjerker"" |
For me it was when George snuck in the plane.
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Ahtumbreez 10456 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-15-09, 10:47 AM (EST)
23. "RE: 24 "The Tearjerker"" |
Edgar's "Chloe" right before he died was a tearjerker for me.
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AyaK 10083 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-10-09, 04:53 PM (EST)
17. "Comments" |
Well, we know (according to Olivia) that whatever happened with Martha Logan happened four years ago, and we know that Martha stabbed Charles four years ago. It wouldn't surprise me if Martha went in for mental treatment, and it wouldn't surprise me if we never find out exactly what happened.Olivia's scene with Ethan Kanin was pretty harsh. But Ethan still looks like a baddie from here (and I have no spoilerish foreknowledge, for those who wonder about that). He was gone from the White House during Juma's attack, and he authorized Jack's interrogation of Ryan -- which was completely known by Hodges' staff and, in fact, included in their plans. Since Hodges also wanted the President dead, we have to presume that he wanted the VP to become President. But we don't have to presume that the VP is in league with Hodges -- although he may be. And Bill dying was effective in a way that most of the deaths on 24 over the years haven't been. Bill deliberately sacrificed himself to stop Jack from doing it ... thus, my spoilerish reference above (sorry) to Spock's self-sacrifice in Star Trek II.
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DrKegel 430 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"
03-18-09, 08:36 PM (EST)
29. "Me neither!!!!!!" |
>I was not expecting that at >all! ME NEITHER!!!!! I LOVE THIS SHOW!!!!!!! IT COMPLETELY CATCHES ME OFF-GUARD!!!! JUST LIKE THIS!!!! BLINDSIDED!!!!! ----------------------------- However, I did mention >to DH that I was >perplexed as to why they >(the FBI) didn't just break >down the door. In the >middle of speaking that sentence, >Senator Foreman is kaput! Well, the thing is the guy at the door identified himself as the police. It seemed totally normal that the police would be in the area and the first to arrive - and the senator's life and safety was paramount!!! It didn't raise any red flags though. I was like oh, the police were in the area and ... then BOOM!!!!!! I also had already begun to daydream about if the senator was really going to be able to pull this off - NOT!!!! --------------------- >On another note, I think Olivia >is giving off the strongest >mole/rat stench ever. Maybe it >just the writers trying to >throw us off track, but >her facial expressions and reactions >to accusations are sketchy. My >personal feeling: she is still >mad at mommy for whatever >she did, and this was >an ample opportunity to continue >her evil work "from the >inside out." Haha, I think >I am grasping at straws >though....good ol' 24 keeping me >on my toes! I'm getting the same vibes from her!!!!! That story she had about who leaked the information was thin at best. If she had been sleeping with that guy or offering him a bigger story, he would have lied for her!!!! The thing that keeps crossing my mind is this ... did she hate her mother enough to join the dark forces of evil? In that case, she would have even been involved in the death of her brother!!! And this season, the people giving off vibes are the ones that are guilty!!! At the beginning of the season, I thought Sean couldn't be involved because he was Bad Vibe City, but it was him!!! The suprise was it was also that stupid idiot he was having an affair with!!! Olivia is on my suspicious list!!! Or maybe she's not involved with the evil forces, but still just involved? And she acted so squirrelly with Aaron!!! Remember she wanted to come along!!! Did she want to get caught????
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DrKegel 430 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"
03-21-09, 11:15 AM (EST)
32. "Olivia .... ?????" |
Re: While I think Olivia stinks to high heavens I don't think she's dirty with the evil forces, just full of herself and her desire for power. She's the young hotshot who wants to take down the seasoned Ethan and run the presidency with mommy. She'll end up being fully chastised at some point. Or not.Sittem - Don't know about this. I mean, obviously there's animosity between her and Ethan - and Ethan actually tried to make nice-nice. I know that they had to get her picture to identify her so ... and they didn't know she was in the White House ... wait!!! How did that guy get into the White House records to begin with? Does that mean he just hacked into it or that there's someone on the inside feeding him the access? I guess it would seem Olivia was not involve based on needing her picture and not knowing she was there and taking her hostage. And it wasn't her idea to be there. Still ... that leak. I'm trying to think of who knew about Jack being in on the interrogation? The yutz at the FBI (God, is he stupid!!!) and ... ???? Who else? Walker of course, but now she's in prison. I'm suprised Chloe didn't slug her husband!!! And why did he have to break the code that quickly? They were asking how long it would take and he could have taken a couple of hours - giving Jack time to do whatever he wanted to do! They wouldn't have known any difference!!! Stupid!!!! You think Chloe is going to hop on that computer in the conference room and do something? I'm not sure about Olivia. There are many layers of this operation so it could very well be that she wasn't involved in one thing, but involved in another. And she hated her mother and now we know she's vindictive in trying to get Ethan in hot water. In watching this, I now think that only single people without stupid family members should run for President!
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sica077 523 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
03-24-09, 00:37 AM (EST)
33. "RE: 4:00 - 5:00" |
That little sneak, Olivia! Ok, so maybe she isn't working for the ultimate bad guy... but seriously, what she did tonight is just pathetic! Plus, no matter who the blame is placed on, her mom did hire and work closely with Ethan, so how does she know this will not fall negatively on her mother? Sounds like an evil, spoiled brat!
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DrKegel 430 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"
03-24-09, 05:06 PM (EST)
34. "RE: 4:00 - 5:00" |
Uh-oh!!!! Well, you, Sittem and me called that one right!!! As for me, it takes a lying, stinking, cheating little #itch to know one!!!! I'm sure in both your cases, you're just very intuitive!!! And you are so right about not hurting her mother!!! Ethan stepping down is going to make her look good??!!! In what universe?!!! And, of course, Jack made the blunder of all blunders. He should have just let the bio weapon release whatever it was because then the bad guys would have been exposed to it!!! Hey, you think that's how it's going down? I mean Jack is toast and he's even being complacent and passive (which is a sure sign he's been sprayed with something!) But do you think that ultimately, it's ends up a suicide mission and so they let Jack go because they figure he's dead anyway. And of course he has that hero thing so he'll do it. And he ends up not getting killed, but maybe touching that evil Mr. Jones and infecting him???? Could be interesting?!!! And I am so sorry the Prez Mom came out of that lockdown to save her sorry a## daughter!!!! I wonder how mom will find out? Ooooohhhh!!! I know!!!! That paper is running with the story that Olivia gave them!!! It's the midnight edition or something!!!! And the Prez will be alerted that the FBI have Jack and that he's actually a good guy and didn't kill anyone!!! But the paper with the story in it will hit the stands or be on TV and the only people that knew that part of it were Ethan, Prez Mom and big-mouth saboteur Olivia!!!! It'll be like being called into the Dean's office at school. "Olivia! Olivia, please report to the Oval Office immediately!" Is she too old to spank???
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AyaK 10083 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-25-09, 11:02 AM (EST)
35. "RE: 4:00 - 5:00" |
We know that Jack Bauer will be back in Season 8, which is set six weeks after the day of Season 7. So there is no suicide mission in Season 7 for Jack, but we also know that Jack gets sick (or, at least, that Renee tells Kim that Jack is sick in a later episode during this season).Jack didn't want to let the bioweapon keep releasing because he was in the middle of the Virginia suburbs of D.C. (around Alexandria), as they made a point of showing us. Little did he know that the bad guys were about to commandeer a helicopter. As far as evil Olivia, leaking the "Jack Bauer murdered Senator Meyer" story was a huge mistake, because not even the FBI believes it any longer. Since Larry Moss only told his staff and Ethan Kanin, and Ethan only told it Allison and Olivia, it pretty much fingers Olivia as the source of the leak, doesn't it?
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DrKegel 430 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"
03-27-09, 01:01 PM (EST)
36. "RE: 4:00 - 5:00" |
>We know that Jack Bauer will >be back in Season 8, >which is set six weeks >after the day of Season >7. So there is >no suicide mission in Season >7 for Jack, but we >also know that Jack gets >sick (or, at least, that >Renee tells Kim that Jack >is sick in a later >episode during this season). I'm not so sure. Does anyone believe that Jack will be in quarantine and looking like a passive puppy dog for the rest of the series? Only so long Jack can stay down - so to speak. He's gotta get involved in the action. > >Jack didn't want to let the >bioweapon keep releasing because he >was in the middle of >the Virginia suburbs of D.C. >(around Alexandria), as they made >a point of showing us. > Little did he know >that the bad guys were >about to commandeer a helicopter.
Well, I know that! But it was leaking slowly so he could have driven in the opposite direction ... or another direction ... and called the authorities to come stop the leak. If he had done that, the bad guys would have walked right into their own trap and taken the leaky weapon right to Mr. Big!!! > >As far as evil Olivia, leaking >the "Jack Bauer murdered Senator >Meyer" story was a huge >mistake, because not even the >FBI believes it any longer. > Since Larry Moss only >told his staff and Ethan >Kanin, and Ethan only told >it Allison and Olivia, it >pretty much fingers Olivia as >the source of the leak, >doesn't it?
Exactly! That was the point I was attempting to make! If she had just kept her stupid trap shut, but noooooo!!!! She had to make like a bunny and get on the phone to her friend and leak the erroneous story. Oh, Olivia!!!! Your momma is not gonna be happy!!! I think there goes her new government position!!! Back to consulting in the private sector!!!
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