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Wacko Jacko 2434 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

06-19-07, 08:45 AM (EST)
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LAST EDITED ON 06-20-07 AT 09:38 AM (EST)

What a friggin joke. Vince Neil appeared on just as many freakin reality shows. One time even on Queer Eye for the Straight guy! No one put a gun to Tommy or Vinces head. They did it on their own.

Industry Gossip site TMZ posted the following article late yesterday:
Legendary hard rockers Motley Crue have filed a $20 million lawsuit against one of their managers, claiming "greed," "extortionist tactics" and terrible career advice caused the band to lose millions of dollars in profits and tarnished the band's stellar reputation.
In the lawsuit, filed today in Los Angeles County Superior Court, the four founding members of the band (Nikki Sixx, Vince Neil, Mick Mars & Tommy Lee) through Motley Crue Inc., claim manager Carl Stubner and Sanctuary Management Group gave them bad business advice and attempted to "divert revenue from and redirect it to themselves. Furthermore, the suit claims, Stubner forced Tommy Lee to "to become engaged in 'reality' projects that were bad career moves for Lee, harming , the Motley Crue brand and Lee's own image." The suit calls the low-rated NBC show "Tommy Lee Goes to College" a "critical disappointment and a ratings disaster," adding it painted Lee as "incoherent, lazy and incompetent" and made him "look like a laughing stock who could not carry a drum beat." The suit also claims Lee's participation on "Rock Star: Supernova" "diminished the public's interest in Lee and their overall perception of his musical talents."
Because Lee was so busy doing reality TV, the band says he was unavailable to tour with the Crue, thus causing the cancellation of several key concert dates. The band claims that they lost $8 million in ticket and merchandise revenue because of Lee's scheduling conflicts. The band claims these conflicts were "both real and concocted" by Stubner to "leverage his control over Lee to his financial advantage and to Motley Crue and Lee's detriment."
A call to Sanctuary was not immediately returned.

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 RE: Lawsuit geg6 06-20-07 1
   RE: Lawsuit Magnolia_Rocker 06-21-07 2

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geg6 14941 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

06-20-07, 04:34 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Lawsuit"
Hell, the only reason I arrived early enough to see the Crue last year (they opened for Aerosmith, who I really wanted to see) was in the hopes I'd get some inside info on RockStar. Otherwise, I have no interest and never did in the Crue.

Oh, and by the way, the Crue totally sucked. I mean, really ,really, really sucked.

Especially Vince Neill, who couldn't sing his way out of a wet paper bag.

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." Albert Einstein

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Magnolia_Rocker 2139 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

06-21-07, 08:38 AM (EST)
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2. "RE: Lawsuit"
LAST EDITED ON 06-21-07 AT 08:39 AM (EST)

"Especially Vince Neill, who couldn't sing his way out of a wet paper bag."

Color me surprised. Perhaps he can have an operation to give him a decent voice and he'll air it for the masses again on VH1. /sarcasm

Tribey made me Rock!

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