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"January 6 Episode"
samboohoo 17076 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
01-07-08, 06:28 PM (EST)
"January 6 Episode" |
How much you wanna bet Bree could fix her own roof. She could probably use that little piece of paper to do the trick. I mean, c'mon, it's survived a packing of personal belongings, a tornado and now a fire.So now Adam and Dylan know the secret, but we don't. LOL at Lynette and Karen on the baseball field. And how about Carlos as a blind man. That should be an interesting story. Boo and Captain Chaos sitting in a tree . . .
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Ahtumbreez 10456 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
01-09-08, 02:23 PM (EST)
5. "RE: January 6 Episode" |
Loved Susan sabotaging Bree's fix up "because she loves the ironed pillowcases". Gaby, Lynnette and Bree - vintage. I think they should have saved this one until the strike is over though. The ending with the tornadoe and Lynette's response was a classic finale. winterized by agman I AM the Abbott of Vermont!
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Bebo 20880 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
01-10-08, 12:31 PM (EST)
7. "RE: January 6 Episode" |
Sometimes Susan's antics are just too out there for me, but the sabotage totally worked for me. I could sympathize with her desire to have someone taking care of her amidst everything going on in her life.The whole episode worked for me, because the main characters were kept true. The main four reacted in completely appropriate ways for their character, while Edie's reactions during the rescue were classic Edie (and she even got her moment of redemption when she held Karen's hand). And the fountain's gone! Glad we learned its fate. My only concerns: - I'm wondering whether Katherine is another one-season character - hard to see how they could redeem her enough to keep her on the canvas. - Orson is too much of a lapdog for me. While I appreciate the desire to keep Kyle M. around, he deserves better. Lvoe me some Carlos and Tom, though.
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