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"Episode 2"
samboohoo 17076 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
10-08-07, 10:18 AM (EST)
"Episode 2" |
I do NOT like Katherine. At all. How dare her switch pies. I still don't like her. And now I want some pie dammit.I will be curious to see how the Bree/Danielle baby delivery plays out. Interesting that Katherine's hubby is a gyno. I haven't minded Susan this year. Although I thought her boobs looked goofy. And I wonder if Bree is wearing some sort of push-up bra. Woo Hoo! I love me some Arkie!
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samboohoo 17076 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
10-16-07, 08:49 AM (EST)
5. "RE: Episode 2" |
I'm pretty certain it is Mike's baby. And also Edie's nephew.The Danielle situation might be a little easier because the Applewhite boy was Season 2, and Edie's nephew was Season 3. I'm fairly certain Susan's baby is Mike's. The timing is a little hard for me at the moment. At Gaby's wedding, Bree showed up and was what 4-6 months pregnant. Now she is 8+. I think I got very confused during the first episode because we left last season at Gaby's wedding. This season appeared to open the day after, but Lynette seemed to go bald very, very quickly. And Edie's hospital stay didn't seem long enough. I'm very confused on the time right now. Woo Hoo! I love me some Arkie!
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