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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-21-04, 09:56 PM (EST)
Click to EMail volsfan Click to send private message to volsfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
Which desperate housewife dies next week? Is it too obvious or will we be surprised?

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Another Question djandy 11-21-04 1
   RE: Another Question tinybubs 11-22-04 26
       RE: Another Question djandy 11-27-04 37
 RE: Speculation... motormouth 11-22-04 2
   RE: Speculation... volsfan 11-22-04 3
       RE: Speculation... SilverStar 11-22-04 17
 Seems obvious to me realitybites 11-22-04 4
   RE: Seems obvious to me volsfan 11-22-04 5
 Maybe KScott 11-22-04 6
 RE: Speculation... Bebo 11-22-04 7
   RE: Speculation... CantStandToLook 11-22-04 8
   RE: Speculation... KScott 11-22-04 9
       RE: Speculation... volsfan 11-22-04 10
           RE: Speculation... RangeRover 11-22-04 12
   RE: Speculation... SurvivorBlows 11-22-04 20
       RE: Speculation... Captain_Savem 11-22-04 24
   RE: Speculation... samboohoo 11-22-04 25
   RE: Speculation... StarryLuna 11-23-04 27
   RE: Speculation... jenlee012976 11-23-04 28
       RE: Speculation... jenlee012976 11-23-04 29
           RE: Speculation... Swami 11-24-04 35
               Thanks Swami... Jep1974 11-26-04 36
 RE: Speculation... sisyphus 11-22-04 11
   RE: Speculation... volsfan 11-22-04 13
       RE: Speculation... smiley 11-22-04 14
           RE: Speculation... Bebo 11-22-04 16
       RE: Speculation... PagongRatEater 11-22-04 15
 did they say which one dies? moonbaby 11-22-04 18
   RE: did they say which one dies? volsfan 11-22-04 19
       RE: did they say which one dies? motormouth 11-22-04 22
           Thanks! moonbaby 11-22-04 23
 RE: Speculation... Shannon022 11-22-04 21
   RE: Speculation... jenlee012976 11-23-04 30
       RE: Speculation... volsfan 11-24-04 33
 RE: Speculation... Surveysez 11-24-04 31
   RE: Speculation... motormouth 11-24-04 32
   RE: Speculation... volsfan 11-24-04 34
   RE: Speculation... photokitty 12-01-04 41
 On ET... Loree 11-27-04 38
   RE: On ET... Bebo 11-27-04 39
       RE: On ET... volsfan 11-27-04 40
       RE: On ET... miss Lou 12-01-06 42
           RE: On ET... CantStandToLook 12-01-06 43

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djandy 1711 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

11-21-04, 10:29 PM (EST)
Click to EMail djandy Click to send private message to djandy Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "Another Question"
Is Wisteria Lane the same set that was Leave it to Beaver's street at Universal Studios - Hollywood? It looks really familiar.

S8 ABC Red Ink Champ, S7 ABPABC Red Ink Champ, CMY FOMO Red Ink Champ

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tinybubs 547 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

11-22-04, 08:15 PM (EST)
Click to EMail tinybubs Click to send private message to tinybubs Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
26. "RE: Another Question"
You appear to be right, the linked article on contains the following:

" set on picture-perfect Wisteria Lane—one of the houses on the set was the home of Ward and June Cleaver"

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djandy 1711 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"

11-27-04, 06:09 PM (EST)
Click to EMail djandy Click to send private message to djandy Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
37. "RE: Another Question"
Thanks tinybubs!

S8 ABC Red Ink Champ, S7 ABPABC Red Ink Champ, CMY FOMO Red Ink Champ

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motormouth 4507 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

11-22-04, 01:31 AM (EST)
Click to EMail motormouth Click to send private message to motormouth Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: Speculation..."
Well, I really hope it's Edie. I don't think the show would be the same without the others. Also, did you notice that Doug Savant is listed as a guest star? I wonder why?

*Courtesy of IceCat*

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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-22-04, 07:37 AM (EST)
Click to EMail volsfan Click to send private message to volsfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "RE: Speculation..."
I noticed that a couple of weeks ago! I hope this doesn't mean that he is a short timer and I hope he sticks around!

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SilverStar 6205 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-22-04, 01:12 PM (EST)
Click to EMail SilverStar Click to send private message to SilverStar Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
17. "RE: Speculation..."
I think it's just because he's not in every episode. They may call him a guest star or whatever because he only pops up now and then. JMO.

A winter creation by the loverly and talented Mon Cherie!

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realitybites 1174 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

11-22-04, 08:05 AM (EST)
Click to EMail realitybites Click to send private message to realitybites Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
4. "Seems obvious to me"
Edie's going up against Shaft, and one way or another (or perhaps both), she's gonna get screwed.
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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-22-04, 08:23 AM (EST)
Click to EMail volsfan Click to send private message to volsfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
5. "RE: Seems obvious to me"
That is why I said is it the obvious! I would not like to see any of the other ladies go because I like them all...It just seems like Edie's character has not had as much development and is the most logical candidate!

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KScott 3265 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-22-04, 09:01 AM (EST)
Click to EMail KScott Click to send private message to KScott Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
6. "Maybe"
it is the Mother-in-Law, she dies from the car accident. Just a thought....

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"
*BB5 PTTE Champ*

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Bebo 20880 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-22-04, 09:04 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Bebo Click to send private message to Bebo Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
7. "RE: Speculation..."
Don't read the hidden text if you don't want to know.

I've read that it's the real blackmailer who gets it...and that isn't Edie. The nosy neighbor who blackmailed Susan and moved her neighbor into Bree's yard bites the dust.

You know the difference between you and me? I make this look good.

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CantStandToLook 6254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-22-04, 09:20 AM (EST)
Click to EMail CantStandToLook Click to send private message to CantStandToLook Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
8. "RE: Speculation..."
cool...I'd thought about that myself. Nothing is ever as they would make it seem on most shows, except Survivor and the Apprentice of course. Those have both been total snoozefests this season.

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KScott 3265 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-22-04, 09:31 AM (EST)
Click to EMail KScott Click to send private message to KScott Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
9. "RE: Speculation..."
That would be good, I was never a big fan of hers!!!

A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"
*BB5 PTTE Champ*

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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-22-04, 10:04 AM (EST)
Click to EMail volsfan Click to send private message to volsfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
10. "RE: Speculation..."
I agree...that would be a great plot twist and not the obvious that we are being led to believe! WOO and HOO!

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RangeRover 262 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

11-22-04, 10:12 AM (EST)
Click to EMail RangeRover Click to send private message to RangeRover Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
12. "RE: Speculation..."
Well I read in I think EW that Nicolette Sheridan's part was supposed to be only in episode one but they kept her in as a featured player. She is amusing and great comic foil for Teri Hatcher's character but I doubt we would miss her. So I vote for her - purely speculation on my part.

But honestly I wouldn't mind that girl should sue her plastic surgeon. I am dating myself here but I remember her in the Sure Thing and on Knots Landing and that gal was hot. Now she reminds me of a "gender illusionist" at ASIA SF. Only they actually are hotter.

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SurvivorBlows 15230 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-22-04, 02:37 PM (EST)
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20. "RE: Speculation..."
That's exactly who I figured it was going to be from the minute they showed the promo. There's no way it's going to be a full-fledged cast member -- we've been shown several other housewives beyond the five central characters, this is simply one step above Star Trek's red shirt guys.
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Captain_Savem 3731 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-22-04, 05:22 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Captain_Savem Click to send private message to Captain_Savem Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
24. "RE: Speculation..."
You always knew the redshirt guys weren't coming back. You'd think they would've figured that out.

The Evolution Continues...

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samboohoo 17076 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-22-04, 07:34 PM (EST)
Click to EMail samboohoo Click to send private message to samboohoo Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
25. "RE: Speculation..."
I say Edie is the intended target.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

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StarryLuna 4771 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

11-23-04, 10:32 PM (EST)
Click to EMail StarryLuna Click to send private message to StarryLuna Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
27. "RE: Speculation..."
That's exactly who I guessed it would be, Bebo! When they showed Paul finding the paper in Edie's planner, I pointed out to DH the fact that Edie is staying with her and could have gotten the paper from her.

Bounciness provided by IceCat!

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jenlee012976 42 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

11-23-04, 11:42 PM (EST)
Click to EMail jenlee012976 Click to send private message to jenlee012976 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
28. "RE: Speculation..."
I'm old and have to have these things pointed out for me, what text? Plus I've taken my sleeping pill and have to get to bed, so just tell me although I would like to know where the text is sp I can maybe figure it out or tell me what it means
Thanks, You'll be old one day too and I'll help you
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jenlee012976 42 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

11-23-04, 11:46 PM (EST)
Click to EMail jenlee012976 Click to send private message to jenlee012976 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
29. "RE: Speculation..."
I think I have it.....the baby blanket that says "Dana" could belong to the grown Dana that is there to look for her Mothers killer? Will this get in the spoiler collum? They don't call the new girl Dana but she could have been adopted and now handsome dude is there to find out. I know I can't wait to see how Mother is doing and will she get the chance to tell her son before she dies?
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Swami 5883 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-24-04, 12:20 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Swami Click to send private message to Swami Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
35. "RE: Speculation..."
You read hidden text in a posted message by using your mouse to highlight all the blank space in the post. Just start at the top of Bebo's post and highlight down to her signature. The "hidden" text will be revealed once it is highlighted.

Or you can hit "reply with quote" at the bottom to read it in the reply box.


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Jep1974 693 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"

11-26-04, 00:41 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Jep1974 Click to send private message to Jep1974 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
36. "Thanks Swami..."
I did not know that about hidden text.

Because of you, I will go to bed smarter tonight.

Sig pic thanks to the brilliance of ever-wonderful Survey!
Happy Turkey weekend ot the US OT

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sisyphus 321 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-22-04, 10:12 AM (EST)
Click to EMail sisyphus Click to send private message to sisyphus Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
11. "RE: Speculation..."
As far as who gets killed, I really don't think it will be edie, because just going on the paper alone is no proof that she wrote the I think that they may go after her but will get Mrs. Huber instead.....tI think Mrs. huber wrote the note and since edie lives with her, she could have gotten the paper....

Mike, the girl that visited seem to be related to the woman mike is trying to find or trying to findout what happened to....actually it is her feeling is that he is trying to find out how is wife died....but I am really not sold on that as would seem the girl and her dad has more of a stake in the issue and it has preoccupied the father to the exclusion of his daughter.....

Susan and lynette, they now knows for sure that Dana was a baby....will this tie into mike's investigation and will they tell each other what they know or suspect....

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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-22-04, 10:18 AM (EST)
Click to EMail volsfan Click to send private message to volsfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
13. "RE: Speculation..."
Susan and lynette, they now knows for sure that Dana was a baby....will this tie into mike's investigation and will they tell each other what they know or suspect....

I don't think we know for sure that Dana was/is a baby. We have speculated since the chest was small that it was a baby.

A great twist would be for Dana to be the person that Mike is looking for.

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smiley 2009 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

11-22-04, 10:35 AM (EST)
Click to EMail smiley Click to send private message to smiley Click to view user profile Click to send message via ICQ Click to check IP address of the poster
14. "RE: Speculation..."
Actually Dana probably is/was a baby as they found the baby blanket with Dana's name on it.

*Proud Member of the RR/RW Old Fart Club*

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Bebo 20880 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-22-04, 11:07 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Bebo Click to send private message to Bebo Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
16. "RE: Speculation..."
Just because Dana had a baby blanket doesn't mean that Dana was a baby when whatever happened happened. It could have been a keepsake of hers from her childhood.

You know the difference between you and me? I make this look good.

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PagongRatEater 12973 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-22-04, 10:36 AM (EST)
Click to EMail PagongRatEater Click to send private message to PagongRatEater Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
15. "RE: Speculation..."
This girl who showed up this week is about the right age to have a sister who was 'killed' by Mary Alice or her son. That was totally my first thought as to who Mike is looking for, too.

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moonbaby 17013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-22-04, 02:24 PM (EST)
Click to EMail moonbaby Click to send private message to moonbaby Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
18. "did they say which one dies?"
I thought the v/o said guess which one is which case someone could just be leaving town.

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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-22-04, 02:31 PM (EST)
Click to EMail volsfan Click to send private message to volsfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
19. "RE: did they say which one dies?"
I think the v/o said something along the lines of guess who is gone for good.

Didn't it?

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motormouth 4507 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

11-22-04, 03:57 PM (EST)
Click to EMail motormouth Click to send private message to motormouth Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
22. "RE: did they say which one dies?"
Yes vols, they did imply that the person would be gone for good after next week.

*Courtesy of IceCat*

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moonbaby 17013 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-22-04, 04:29 PM (EST)
Click to EMail moonbaby Click to send private message to moonbaby Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
23. "Thanks!"
Can't get anymore gone for good than dead

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Shannon022 93 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Hollywood Squares Square"

11-22-04, 03:26 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Shannon022 Click to send private message to Shannon022 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
21. "RE: Speculation..."
Well you know they are making it out to be Edie, but that probably wont happen. They like to leave everyone wondering!
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jenlee012976 42 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"

11-23-04, 11:51 PM (EST)
Click to EMail jenlee012976 Click to send private message to jenlee012976 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
30. "RE: Speculation..."
But remember the dude telling the girl they were going to the dance bacause it was the last place peole saw her Mother? I think the girl is Dana, adopted at an early age because the father only wanted a son and the Mother killed herself out of guilt, course, I'm just guessing!
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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-24-04, 09:10 AM (EST)
Click to EMail volsfan Click to send private message to volsfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
33. "RE: Speculation..."
Mike told the girl it was the last place people had seen her SISTER...not mother!

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Surveysez 2793 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"

11-24-04, 00:00 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Surveysez Click to send private message to Surveysez Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
31. "RE: Speculation..."
LAST EDITED ON 11-24-04 AT 00:04 AM (EST)

So Mike is looking for someone connected somehow to the disappearance of his employer's other daughter? He told his "old friend" the bar was the last place her sister had been seen.

More closed doors and secrets - Bree and her son and the hit and run. Even thought they are divorcing, her husband came running for the kid right away. Does she want him there enough, do you think, to use the kid's crime to make her husband come home so her life looks normal again? Appearances seem to matter so much to her.

That Mrs. Huber is a mean, petty, vicious thing. Now she moves the dead jogger (though it was funny). And wasn't she the one that kept Mary Alice's blender as soon as she realized she was dead? Opportunistic cud masticating cow. Her egregious nature makes me want something evil to happen to her.

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motormouth 4507 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

11-24-04, 02:39 AM (EST)
Click to EMail motormouth Click to send private message to motormouth Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
32. "RE: Speculation..."
" Opportunistic cud masticating cow. Her egregious nature makes me want something evil to happen to her."

Nicely done!

*Courtesy of IceCat*

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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-24-04, 09:12 AM (EST)
Click to EMail volsfan Click to send private message to volsfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
34. "RE: Speculation..."
Her egregious nature makes me want something evil to happen to her.

And it will!

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photokitty 298 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"

12-01-04, 02:15 AM (EST)
Click to EMail photokitty Click to send private message to photokitty Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
41. "RE: Speculation..."
>LAST EDITED ON 11-24-04
>AT 00:04 AM (EST)

>That Mrs. Huber is a mean,
>petty, vicious thing. Now
>she moves the dead jogger
>(though it was funny). And
>wasn't she the one that
>kept Mary Alice's blender as
>soon as she realized she
>was dead? Opportunistic cud
>masticating cow. Her egregious
>nature makes me want something
>evil to happen to her.

Now that we know Mrs. Huber was killed by Paul in the kitchen with the blender (a game of Clue, anyone?) I can appreciate the symmetry of this event: Mrs. H, who was the catalyst of Mary Alice's death, being killed with the blender that had belonged to Mary Alice, by Mary Alice's husband.

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Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-27-04, 07:06 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Loree Click to send private message to Loree Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
38. "On ET..."
They said that someone gets strangled in their kitchen.
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Bebo 20880 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-27-04, 10:17 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Bebo Click to send private message to Bebo Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
39. "RE: On ET..."
Hidden text again so as not to spoil it for those who don't want to be spoiled.

Well, that makes sense that Mrs. Huber bites it. After all, Edie's living with her. Shaft could end up getting the wrong person...who actually ends up being the right person, since Huber wrote the note.

You know the difference between you and me? I make this look good.

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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

11-27-04, 10:41 PM (EST)
Click to EMail volsfan Click to send private message to volsfan Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
40. "RE: On ET..."
WOW! The twists keep coming and I lvoe it! WOO and HOO! I.CAN'T.WAIT!

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miss Lou 4 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"

12-01-06, 02:07 PM (EST)
Click to EMail miss%20Lou Click to send private message to miss%20Lou Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
42. "RE: On ET..."
OK, OK, I WANT to be spoiled. miss Lou
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CantStandToLook 6254 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

12-01-06, 02:15 PM (EST)
Click to EMail CantStandToLook Click to send private message to CantStandToLook Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
43. "RE: On ET..."
when you arrive fashionably late you arrive REALLY late. That was all in the first season dear, we're onto season three now.

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