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"Unanswered Questions: Orson, Mike & Monique"
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samboohoo 17076 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-20-07, 09:40 AM (EST)
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"Unanswered Questions: Orson, Mike & Monique"
It appears:

1. Mike doesn't know that Orson is the one who ran him down.

2. Mike only knew Monique for one night when he came over to fix her sink.

3. No one knew Monique was missing at all except for Orson and Gloria (and possibly Alma).

4. Where does the grocery store manager come in? Didn't he also have an affair with Monique? Or was that over when she started up with Orson?

I guess the biggest question of all for me. Orson ran Mike down prior to Monique's body being discovered and identified. So why did he run him down in the first place?

Thanks Tribe!

Don't blame the coutour.

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 RE: Unanswered Questions: Orson, M... KScott 02-20-07 1
 RE: Unanswered Questions: Orson, M... Puffy 02-20-07 2

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KScott 3265 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

02-20-07, 09:48 AM (EST)
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1. "RE: Unanswered Questions: Orson, Mike & Monique"
I don't know why he ran him down, the only reason I can think of is because he didn't want him to remember meeting him at Monique's house just in case. I really don't know though, I started thinking about that Sunday evening also.

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Puffy 6571 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-20-07, 05:48 PM (EST)
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2. "RE: Unanswered Questions: Orson, Mike & Monique"
I think the producers changed what they wanted to do with Orson after the viewers ended up liking him. Maybe he originally was supposed to have been the one to kill Monique. I can't see him covering up for his mother and trying to kill Mike in order to protect her.

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