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"Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion"
samboohoo 17076 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
10-03-05, 08:50 AM (EST)
"Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion" |
Not sure if it's me or not, but to me, there is something missing this season. Something is lacking. I've said before that I keep feeling like someone is missing.Anyway, on to the discussion: So, Betty made the comment about listening to all of that banging and rattling being "her" punishment. When she went to the doctor and told him about not sleeping and how her husband was abusive, she told him her younger son died. So I thought that she was referring to this as being the reason she is being punished -- that she didn't protect her son. However, I am left with the impression that she is lying. It appears that she just wanted the sleeping pills for whoever is down in the basement. I didn't think I was going to like the direction the Lynette story is taking, but that rat incident was just too darn funny. Gabby is going to wind up broke, again. And blah to Susan. It was funny when she caused the paperboy to wreck and when she ran over Edie, but I really don't care about her relationship with Mike right now. Nutzy skeered me
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
simi1001 |
10-03-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
KScott |
10-03-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
samboohoo |
10-03-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
shabalaba |
10-03-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
sisyphus |
10-03-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
shabalaba |
10-03-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
samboohoo |
10-03-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
Bucky Katt |
10-03-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
bdemoney |
10-03-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
bystander |
10-03-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
buckeyegirl |
10-03-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
bdemoney |
10-03-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
shabalaba |
10-03-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
bystander |
10-03-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
Rhyn |
10-05-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
DontGetMeStarted |
10-03-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
GeorjiB |
10-03-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
skeetergirl87 |
10-04-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
frisky |
10-04-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
shabalaba |
10-04-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
samboohoo |
10-05-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
KScott |
10-05-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
simi1001 |
10-07-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
KScott |
10-08-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
Rhyn |
10-05-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
Sahara |
10-08-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
KScott |
10-09-05 |
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RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion |
Sahara |
10-09-05 |
28 |
simi1001 5 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
10-03-05, 09:40 AM (EST)
1. "RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion" |
I agree that something is missing. Maybe because there are hardly any men involved this time? I was actually glad when George turned up. I think Bree's story is the most interesting one. I don't care much for Susan at all, and that thing w/ Gabby...how much can you really do w/ the hubby being in prison. I never cared much for Lynette, but it's getting better!
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shabalaba 369 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"
10-03-05, 01:03 PM (EST)
6. "RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion" |
I wholeheartedly believe she was making it up. He sole motive was to get that perscription for some strong sleeping pills. I found it very curious when she scolded her "son" (who by the way, we still don't know if in fact this is her son) for yelling down at the person in the basement. She said not to talk to him directly. Psychological games....what oh what is going on here?
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bdemoney 745 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
10-03-05, 01:20 PM (EST)
8. "RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion" |
I agree 100% Bucky! We used to see the girls all together playing cards, chatting, etc. This season they all just have their own separate storylines with none of them getting together anymore. I mean Bree just lost her husband yet when Lynette ran into her it was like they were strangers. Granted Bree slapping her MIL across the face gave the scene some comic relief, but there is still that feeling that there should be something more... I guess I feel as if all the characters have become a bit too one-dimensional for my taste. Perhaps we will get to see more depth to their characters eventually. Like maybe Bree allowing herself to cry for a change or Susan being a bit down-to-earth for once (instead of so flighty all the time), or, who knows, maybe even Gabby could care about something besides money and men for a change. Speaking of which, does anyone think that the writers are actually going to let her go through with carrying the baby to full term? I don't think that would fit with her character's storyline at all. How could she continue to be so consumed with money and men while pregnant or a single mom? Lastly, I am intriqued by the new storyline of the man in the basement. I am curious to see if he does turn out to be her estranged husband/Matthew's father or not. Also would like to find out if her story to the shrink had any truth to it at all. Obviously she just wanted the meds, but sometimes telling a story that's close to the truth is easier than making one up. Who knows?!
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shabalaba 369 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"
10-03-05, 02:03 PM (EST)
12. "RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion" |
Ooooh! That sounds JUICY!!!! What could the son possibly say or do that could be that hideous???? Let the speculation begin!
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DontGetMeStarted 880 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"
10-03-05, 03:10 PM (EST)
15. "RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion" |
I think they jumped the shark when they went on that 5 week 'break' of showing new episodes when the frezny hit last season. I personally lost alot of interest in the show because I felt so jipped.... maybe they are just having a slow start but I kept predicting what was going to happen last night... and that's no fun when you 'do' want a surprize~!
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GeorjiB 25 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
10-03-05, 05:49 PM (EST)
16. "RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion" |
Isn't this how they build suspense? I know they're not "showing" all their cards but that's how they get us all going! I'm really happy with the show so far!I almost peed my pants at the first part with the paperboy! The old lady was so cute when she gave Susan the thumbs up! HAA HAA HAA!! I was sure that Lynette was going to be caught. It was so funny! And when Bree slapped her mil I was shocked, but cheering! I just can't get over how much I enjoy this show! I'm a reality freak but Sunday is almost my favorite night now with Housewives and Grey's Anatomy!
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frisky 11684 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
10-04-05, 00:58 AM (EST)
17. "RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion" |
1. I don't think Gabrielle is pregnant. I think she did a home test and either did it wrong or got a false positive. It happens! This is going to get her in trouble with Carlos since she has presented him with a fake paternity test. She won't be able to tell him she was never pregnant, so she'll have to cook something up.2. Susan's character sucks. It's like she's trying to be Lucille Ball or something. Slapstick + stoopid silly music + overacting by Teri Hatcher is not funny. I haven't found any of her scenes as funny as they want me to. I think they're stupid and I cringed through them. 3. I also cringed when Lynette was talking to the garbage can. That was dumb. 4. I know what I'M missing this season -- Rex. I miss the tension between him and Bree. His mother doesn't fill his shoes. I do love Bree, though. She's my favourite character. 5. Like Teri Hatcher, Nicolette Sheridan is overplaying her role. 6. We haven't seen much of the extended cast yet (Paul, Rex, Zach, the twins, Bree's kids, even Carlos, etc.) and not NEARLY enough of Mike, except when Susan is drooling and crying and whining. 7. The Bree storyline is moving WAY too slowly. It seems like they're going to drag this out. 8. I really like the character of Betty. I think that Alfre Woodard has that creepy neighbour look down pat, without overacting like some of the others do. I was a big fan last season, but this show has to be really careful about getting too silly for it's own good. Poking a little fun at itself is fine, but downright silly and quirky is just silly and quirky. The world is my litterbox.
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Rhyn 524 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
10-05-05, 09:22 AM (EST)
21. "RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion" |
After watching some of the commentaries on the DVD, I have a new appreciation for Susan (well, for Teri Hatcher's ability as an actress, actually). It's made watching her, particularly in the second episode, far more bearable for me.I love, love, love that Carl seems like he will be around more. I don't remember the actor's name, but listening to them explain how he (maybe Richard something? Bergi? Something like that) gets all fidgety and twitchy when he starts playing Carl is funny, and I like all the quirkiness of him. He's a fine actor, and I think he will add a lot to the cast. I don't miss Rex. He and Bree were evil to one another and I cannot sit through another season of them at each other's throats. Once was enough. I know some of what's in store for her (I posted it in the DVD thread) and I think there is some great storylines on the books for her that will be super interesting. I am not as interested in Lynette's story (I really dislike the workplace set they use for her) but I haven't seen much of it, so we'll see. I am more interested in Tom's story, and how he assimilates into the women's group. Also, didn't Tom worry over Lynette finding out some "secret" that would make her so mad, she would leave him in season one? That was never resolved, so I think we might see some of that this season, too. The Applewhites teases aren't enough to fully interest me in their story yet, but I am enjoying them. I think they didn't a better job creating mystery and interest with the Paul and Zach Young story line in the first episode of the first season.
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Sahara 759 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"
10-08-05, 11:03 PM (EST)
26. "RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion" |
I have a question, because I can't remember. I thought that at the end of last season, when Betty moved in, that she had a man with her that I thought was her husband. I can even picture him in my head. Am I nuts? (Well, yes I am, but about this...)
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Sahara 759 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"
10-09-05, 10:55 AM (EST)
28. "RE: Season 2, Episode 2 Discussion" |
That's so odd, I think my mind made up an older man, definitely not her son. They were moving in. Unless it was on the fake Desperate Housewives episode that was on Oprah...maybe that was it. I am sure you are right, because storywise, that would not make sense.If you find my mind anywhere, since I seem to have lost it, please email it to me. It will be hard to spot, as it is very, very tiny. I would so appreciate it.
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
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