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"*Spoiler Thread Ep. 6.16: "What They Died For""
mrc 10020 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-13-10, 05:02 PM (EST)
"*Spoiler Thread Ep. 6.16: "What They Died For"" |
Please keep spoiler discussion in this thread prior to the episode's airing. I will post a separate thread for post-episode discussion.Episode 6.16 "What They Died For" While Locke devises a new strategy, Jacks' group searches for Desmond. Guest starring: Michelle Rodriguez as Ana Lucia, Mira Furlan as Danielle Rousseau, Alan Dale as Charles Widmore, Tania Raymonde as Alex, Mark Pelligrino as Jacob, Dylan Minnette as David, Sheila Kelley as Zoe, Kenton Duty as teenage boy, Wendy Pearson as Nurse Kondracki, Ashlee Kyker as student and Ernesto Lopez as LAPD cop. Written by Edward Kitsis, Adam Horowitz and Elizabeth Sarnoff. Directed by Paul Edwards.
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Flowerpower 7012 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-14-10, 09:03 PM (EST)
2. "RE: *Spoiler Thread Ep. 6.16: "What They Died For"" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-14-10 AT 09:07 PM (EST)From www.tvovermind.com, here are the promos: Here is the link for the promo after the episode along with the first sneak peak from ABC. Looks like we haven't seen the last of young Jacob...and he appears quite hostile, imo. Kate seems to be up and running. Ana Lucia is back! Most likely in Sideways, but she could appear as a ghost to Hurley, I suppose. Here is the link for the second sneak peek from ABC. Sawyer knows that Jack was right. Jack assures Sawyer...great little clip! I'll post the press images if there are any later...
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Flowerpower 7012 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-17-10, 07:15 AM (EST)
5. "RE: *Spoiler Thread Ep. 6.16: "What They Died For"" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-17-10 AT 07:17 AM (EST)Whatever comes out of this series, Josh Holloway has grown into a fine actor, and I look forward to whatever he does in the future. Amen to that, OFG! Josh really is a great actor, imo. He has totally rocked the pivotal scenes for his character. ETA: With the title of the next episode, "what they died for", I'm hoping that perhaps when they find Desmond, he can shed some light on this. Will Desmond inform them as to Sideways world? As I have noted in the previous episode, it seems that Jack is putting it all together in Sideways world and on the Island.
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Flowerpower 7012 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-18-10, 07:35 AM (EST)
7. "RE: *Spoiler Thread Ep. 6.16: "What They Died For"" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-18-10 AT 07:46 AM (EST)Ah yes, you are right! The death toll is most likely not going to end now. There is an awful lot that should be exposed this week. Alot going on in Sideways world. Will Sun enlighten Jin on her insight from the Island world? Will John Locke become the candidate or shun it? Rousseau and Alex will be in this episode, will they have something to do with Ben? And, what about Sawyer, Miles, Sayid, and Kate...I suppose Sayid will be taken to the LA jail, will they all encounter Kate? Will Kate and Sayid somehow run? What about Ana Lucia? She is on the guest starring list. Will she be a cop in Sideways world? And what will she bring to the table at this late point? And, where is Jack now? Everyone he's encountering was on the Oceanic Flight #815. Will he run into Ana Lucia? Who will he encounter next? Where's Desmond now? And on the Island...Jack is figuring out the rules. He seems like he's now back in the leader position. He's off to find Desmond. But, Hurley runs into young Jacob who runs off with his ashes. Is Hurley the only one that can see him? What does he want with the Losties? Where is Flocke, we know that he is setting out to finish what he started. He's out to kill them all, but Jack now realizes that he can not directly kill them. I think you are right in that we will most likely see Richard, Ben, and Miles reappear this episode, toting their explosives that were retrieved from Otherton. How much time has elapsed since Richard's group splintered off of Jack's group? They left in day time, and Jack's group found Flocke's camp by nightfall...the next day, Sawyer got the sailboat and they sailed to Hydra Island, but Jack jumped overboard and went back to shore, where he was saved by Flocke from the incoming bombs. That night, he, Flocke and Sayid went back to Hydra Island, and broke the Losties out of the Polar bear cages. Then the next day, they went to the subs and the bomb went off. They washed ashore at night. So, three nights have passed since the Losties separated from Richard, Ben, and Miles. We should definitely be seeing them. If Locke is changing tactics, will he go after Richard, Miles, and Ben? Supposedly they are not candidates, or at least one of the six, so Locke can kill them. Will he use them as bait? He can't go after the Losties directly. I do believe they will retrieve Desmond tonight. I am really hoping Desmond is able to be direct with them....at this point in time. Eta: Here's an Interview with Michael Emerson after the last episode...He sounds as though he's as much in the dark most of the time, as we are! See the article here
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Flowerpower 7012 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-19-10, 09:07 AM (EST)
8. "Post episosde thoughts...." |
LAST EDITED ON 05-19-10 AT 09:22 AM (EST)Okay: Things are falling into place. The stage is set for the finale.....the two sides are in place and the line is drawn. The Losties must figure out a way to kill MiB/Smokey, before he can kill them. GREAT set up, imo. It is very clear what has to happen, and one way or the other it will be resolved. But, here are the few areas of suspense: Number one:  Okay, this is SIGNIFICANT. Just as it was in the first episode in LA X. Why is Jack's neck bleeding, and he always notices it on REFLECTION. Will most of the Losties die on the island so that they can live on in Sideways? All except Jack and Locke? Will Jack die in Sideways so that he can live on, on the island? How does he get the wound....does Smokey do it to him with his knife? Is it a "bleed" over from the Island time? Still have not figured out the significance of this wound.... Number 2: Desmond. In sideways and on the island....Let's start with Sideways: First of all, he calls Jack and tells him that he's Oceanic Airways and his cargo will arrive by this evening....then, he hangs up and he's in the school parking lot, where we see Locke returning, and then Ben....He beats up Ben, who did have flashes of the Island time, (specifically he had flashes of when Desmond beat him up when he came to the dock to kill Penny),  and told him that he didn't try to kill Locke, he tried to help him "Let go". I think, to let go? To let go of the sideways world, so he can return to the Island time? To let go of his past? To let go of the guilt? To embrace the fate? To have faith in his "destiny"? To have the operation or what? Then, while sitting in the nurses office, he looks in the mirror, and then Locke wheels in. They converse regarding calling the police and Ben informs Locke of what Desmond had to say. Ben tells him that for some reason, he believed him. Later, Desmond has an obvious plan, and he goes to the LAPD police station, where he asks to speak to a detective, and he gets James. Meanwhile, James and Miles are talking about the benefit concert that will be at his fathers museum. I am reminded that this is the second time in the episode that a concert has been mentioned. First time was at the breakfast table with Jack and his son. His son reminded him and asked if Jack would be at the concert tonight? He replied, yes, and David also told him that his mother would be there, and he didn't want Jack to act all weird. Is David performing at the museum for the benefit? I think most likely he is. So, most likely Jack, Miles, Miles father - Pierre Chang, Sawyer(although Sawyer specifically asks if the red head is going to be there, and if she is, he most likely will not go), David, David's mother - ?Juliet?, Charlotte, maybe Daniel? will ALL be at the concert tonight. Then, Sawyer leads Desmond to the holding cells where he's placed with Sayid and Kate. Later they will be transferred to the county jail. Kate appeals to Sawyer one more time, because she knows that he believes she's innocent...he can't though as he's a cop. She replies that he doesn't seem like one to her. They go off with Desmond in the paddy wagon, and later he tells them that they will be set free, but they need to make him a promise first. They have to do what he tells them to do. They promise, and then they arrive. Ana Lucia opens the doors, and then Hurley pulls up with the money. He recognizes Ana, 
and asks if she's coming too, but Desmond says that she's not ready yet...(just as Eloise told Desmond, just as CJ, fake mother, told the boys, and I know I've heard it before this as well). Then Sayid will go with Hurley, who obviously is clued in now, and whole-heartedly on board. Kate will go with Desmond. 
And, he takes out a "package", and it's a cocktail dress. He gives it to her to put on, and informs them that they are going to a concert! So now, I believe that possibly all of these folks will indeed be at the concert: Desmond, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, David, Jack, ?Juliet?(who I think is David's mother), Claire, Miles, Sawyer, Pierre Chang, Charlotte, Daniel? So, what will happen at the concert? What is Desmond's plan. How will they all be "enlightened". What can they do, if they do get enlightened? What is Desmond going to do to save them all? Will he somehow enlist them to help contain, kill the MiB? Now, for Desmond on the Island. He is the fail-safe. Is he the only one that when exposed to the "light", he will not die? He was to be Jacob's fail-safe, so if all of the candidates were dead, Desmond could still contain him. But, Desmond on the Island seemed clueless how to do it.... For now, how did Desmond get out of the well. Most likely Jacob let him out, imo. Or, I suppose it could have been Miles, but why would Miles stop at a well when he's running for his life. It had to be Jacob...? Number 3: LOCKE What is going on with Locke in Sideways? Destiny has run him over in the car...he is surrendering to his fate. He tells Jack that it is time for him to get out of this wheelchair. He has become "the candidate"....Just as Jack has become "the candidate" on the Island. Jack is the new Jacob. These two are clearly "mirror images". Clearly, when Jack and Locke had that conversation in Jack's office, and when Locke spoke to him, it was real deja-vu for me.
 They are having the same debate they've always had. For me the Island is NOT done with the real John Locke yet. Even though we now know that Jack is the new Jacob, I still have hope that Locke is still integral to the resolution of this story. Somehow, John Locke in sideways will be used to contain, kill the MiB. He'll reclaim his body somehow, I don't know....any thoughts out there regarding this? Where is John Locke in sideways going? He's going to get the operation and he's going to walk again. He went first, he "let go" of his past. And, clearly this is what Jack's going to do as well, and has done, on the Island. Other interesting thoughts, observations from this episode. Jack stitched up Kate in the beginning.....talk about full circle. Kate stitched up Jack in the pilot. 
Kate told Jack that they had to kill Locke, and Jack said, "I know". He's enlightened. Jacob told the candidates that they had a choice. Jack chose to be the protector. Kate's name was crossed off because she became a mother! Will she stay a mother now? What will become of Aaron? Where is Claire? Where is Miles? Did anyone feel sad when Ben killed Widmore? Not me. Will Penny be ok? Anyone feel sad when Zoe got her neck slashed? What about Ben in Sideways....Ben and Danielle! Wow! Ben is so great in sideways! He is the "dream" Ben. 
Is Ben on the dark side again? Or, is he just bluffing. I think he's bluffing. He won't kill the Losties, regardless. Jacob told them that they had to kill MiB, and do what he could not do. But, they don't know if he can even be killed....Jacob said, he hopes so, because he's certainly going to be trying to kill you. They will find Desmond, imo, and they will kill MiB. And in so doing, will both their worlds be spared, or will they all go back to where they belong? They will most likely go back with their memories? I have GREAT hope that they will defeat the MiB and resolve their lives, their worlds. All images were from here.
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Flowerpower 7012 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-19-10, 05:31 PM (EST)
11. "RE: Post episosde thoughts...." |
I just realized in reading your post, that sideways Jack could easily kill sideways Locke in surgery. I hope that's not where this is going.Wow, I hadn't thought of that yet either, Weltek. But, unlike you, I like it! If Locke were to die on the table, would that force the real John Locke back into his currently occupied body on the Island time line? If the writers wanted to write him out dying under anesthesia, then they could have done that with his initial operation s/p trauma. And, I must say, WOW, Locke sure did get back to work in record time. IRL, that would never have happened so quickly following a trauma like that. I don't think he will die under the knife, but with this show, you never know. I like to think about that option though. It would be a good turn of events....to get John Locke back to the Island. Somehow, in some way, I really don't think "the Island is done with him yet"...
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Flowerpower 7012 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-21-10, 09:16 AM (EST)
12. "RE: Post episosde thoughts...." |
Hey Weltek: I think you are on to something....here's a theory I am working on...I went back to review season one, and I found this quote, that gives me hope. And let's face it, hope is a very bad thing to lose and has been a common theme throughout the entire series... From season one, Charlie responding to Jack when he asks him what he thinks of Locke, the freak of nature: No offense, mate, but if there is one person to put our absolute faith in to save us all, it'll be John Locke." And, this is what I believe will happen somehow. Maybe Locke will die on the operating room table...I don't know. But, like Charlie, I think John Locke will save them all....at least I hope so! ETA: Taking this, my theory, a step further. Since Jack is the new Jacob, he now possesses special abilities. Especially with getting off of the Island....as Jacob used to do. I think Jack will figure out the way to kill the smoke monster lies with the real John Locke. He will time travel to the sideways and do the operation on Locke. After all, Locke came to the conclusion that it was his FATE to indeed get the operation afterall and that he was ready to get out of that wheelchair. Well, Jack WILL get him out of that chair by manipulating the events on the operating room table....he will kill him in sideways, so he returns with him to the Island. And, then, Locke will know what to do. This would be a fitting ending for me!
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -