1. Who are Adam and Eve, the two skeletons found in the cave in Season 1?2. What the heck is up with the Temple and the four-toed statue? Answered. Sort of.
3. Why did/do the Others need children? Was it simply to replenish their population, or were they looking for someone special?
4. What was the background to Danielle's life and mission? Answered.
5. What is the "box" that gives you whatever you want?
6. Who is Dr. Candle. Is he still on the island? What happened to him? Partially answered.
7. Are there really ghosts floating around?
8. What was Dharma?
9. Who/what is Richard Alpert?
10. How did the Black Rock get there?
11. How do Ben and others get off island? Answered.
12. What is the black smoke monster?
13. What is the island?
14. How did Danielle's party die? Answered.
15. Why did the Others want Walt and then let him go?
16. What was up with the guy with Desmond in the hatch?
17. How did Libby wind up in the asylum with Hurley and why was she on O815?
18. In Season 1 when Sawyer kissed Kate the first time he said he has been waiting 4 years to do that? What was that about? I wonder if the answer to this is coming next season?
19. That toy plane is important dammit!!!!! Right? Answered.
20. Sayid removing the bracelet from the two dead women...what gives?
21. Why do we keep having a scene where either Jack or Ben is playing the piano!
22. What's with all the eye color changes?
23. Have we been seeing time travel, or is there something else afoot? Answered.
24. The Others that have played an active role in the last couple of seasons have not resembled at all. What's the explanation?
25. When Kate, Sawyer, and Jack were in the cages in Others Village, the stewardess (Cyndy, I believe) and children from Oceanic 815 showed up. Cyndy told the prisoners, "We're here to watch." What was that all about?
26. I wonder if Thomas, Claire's boyfriend and Aaron's dad, has a greater significance?
27. If the orginal "Others" gassed the Dharma Initiative members decades ago, why was the Dharma Initiative still air dropping supplies to the island?
28. I still want to know when we first in the first episode I believe when we saw the trees moving Rose said that sound is familiar, what was familiar about it? See question 18.