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"East Coast Spoiler Thread; 02/08/06"
volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-08-06, 09:26 PM (EST)
2. "RE: Sun's attempted kidnap" |
Very interesting...Has Kate figured it out?
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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-08-06, 10:06 PM (EST)
6. "RE: I don't think Sawyer" |
Charlie followed John and told Sawyer where the guns were.
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moonbaby 17013 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-08-06, 10:26 PM (EST)
11. "Thank you!" |
I knew I missed something! No more posting and Losting for me!
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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-08-06, 10:07 PM (EST)
7. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread; 02/08/06" |
Actually, I think I like Sawyer more now...his type of character would not sit by and let others tell him what to do. I like the way it switches things up!
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Fishercat 4168 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
02-08-06, 10:17 PM (EST)
9. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread; 02/08/06" |
Certainly agreed. I never was a huge Sawyer person, but I like how the writers are letting the characters play out as you think they would. Especially with Sawyer, he never was on with the authority to begin with, and he's not a man of talk, rather action.And I'm a fan what they are doing with Charlie. I'm glad they didn't just have him sulking like last season, I'm glad he's on a revenge path. I didn't like the Sun thing, but what better way to make Locke look like a complete fool? First of all, he gets a sentiment towards the army (which I doubt Locke likes) by his kidnapping of Sun. Strike 1. Second of all, he teams with Sawyer again to make Locke fall right into their trap. Sawyer gets what he wants, Charlie gets what he wants. And I'm REALLY glad he didn't take the drugs, since that just adds another level of depth in there that simply shows what Charlie is, and perhaps he wasn't on the drugs in the first place. Bob Factoid: The fishercat is the only creature known to have gone completely insane chasing its own tail.
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CattyChat 3379 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
02-09-06, 08:29 AM (EST)
18. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread; 02/08/06" |
WOW, what a great twist. I love Sawyer's character more and more. I'm with Kate that Sawyer is "trying" to make everyone hate him. I think, deep down, he knows the guns need to be kept from the masses who can go postal & shoot each other accidentally. But Sawyer is not a "good guy" so he goes about taking control in a devious way. Good intentions, but doesn't want anyone else to see through his tough exterior. Not to mention, he's obviously someone who wants to be in control and will do anything to piss off Jack.My fave twist was the fact that Charlie is being proactive now. I'm a little bummed he was the one who attempted to "kidnap" Sun, but I really love the fact that Charlie is bent on a little revenge against Locke. Charlie has every right to be against Locke for not believing that Charlie was still clean & for not listening to Charlie about his visions. I was relieved that he turned down the statue & confirmed my beliefs that he was still clean. I'm going to enjoy the whole Charlie-as-Locke's-nemesis storyline. So, it looks like a three-way division among the survivors instead of just a Locke v Jack. Locke - He's losing face fast & I'm not sure who would go with him right now other than Claire, maybe. Jack - Ana Lucia, Sun, Jin, Hurley Sawyer - Charlie, Kate Then there's Sayid & Eko. I'm not sure which way they would fall. Maybe more in Locke's camp, because I don't think either of them are on the revenge against the other's path. I really loved last night's episode, because I never saw it coming until the end and never would have thought meek Charlie would have had a hand in it. It just gets better and better.  Kind Creation of ARNutz
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Elaine0 1507 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"
02-08-06, 11:33 PM (EST)
15. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread; 02/08/06" |
I've always been a fan of Sawyer's and I wasn't surprised by what he did tonight. In addition to not wanting to be bossed around, he's in competition with Jack over Kate.I still think Charlie is pathetic. The big difference between him and Sawyer is that Sawyer wants to be an outcast and Charlie wants to be one of the cool kids. Nice way to go about it. Also I feel Sawyer is more likely to push Kate or anyone else away before\ they leave him, where Charlie wants to be back with Claire. Making Locke look like an idiot and having the island outcast hold a huge secret over his head isn't going to help him there. It was pretty low what he did to poor Sun. Nobody is going to forgive him for that if it gets out. I guess he'll go back to moping and whining next week. I am surprised that Charlie was able to take on Sun. I'm sure it was the surprise attack that did it. In a fair fight, she'd kick his butt. Another thing that surprised me was a couple of comments, I think both from Sawyer, about Locke being peaceful. I never felt that way about him. I thought it was cute that Sun spoke English and Korean to Vincent. Ana Lucia is annoying me again. That didn't last long. Someone please knock that chip off her shoulder. I guess next week we get to see what happens when they don't push the button. Wow, who's that crazy guy in the woods?
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Estee 55195 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-08-06, 10:14 PM (EST)
8. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread; 02/08/06" |
Given the 'everything is a clue' theory -- did anyone hear the name of the radio station? I got a 'W' at the start of the call letters, so they were getting something from east of the Mississippi.
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Fishercat 4168 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
02-08-06, 10:21 PM (EST)
10. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread; 02/08/06" |
LAST EDITED ON 02-08-06 AT 10:42 PM (EST) I'm certain of: Wx Not sure on: Wxo
The fourth one wasn't said. But I am almost 100% sure on "wx" and I think there was an "o" before it staticed off. Edit: If my "Wxo?" is correct, here are all the current U.S. Stations with a WXO_ WXOF: Best Country Fox 96.3 (FL) WXOK: Heaven AM 1460 (LA) WXOL: Radio Sol 1550 (OH) WXOQ: The Worm Q105 (TN) WXOR: (SC, off the air currently) WXOT: WXOT FM (PA) WXOU: 88.3 FM, Oakland University (MI) With no research, the last one makes the most sense. You don't get many 40's music stations any more, and a college station would be the right place to find something like that Bob Factoid: The fishercat is the only creature known to have gone completely insane chasing its own tail.
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Fishercat 4168 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
02-08-06, 10:29 PM (EST)
12. "Glenn Miller" |
LAST EDITED ON 02-08-06 AT 10:33 PM (EST)Man, they make everything intertwine. The song was by Glenn Miller and his Orchestra, care to guess what happened to Glenn? "On December 15, 1944, he was scheduled to fly from England to Paris to play for the soldiers who had recently liberated the city. His plane departed from Twinwoods Airfield, Clapham, a village near Bedford, but disappeared over the English Channel and was never found. Miller's disappearence remains a mystery; the fact that neither Miller's remains nor the wreckage of his plane (a single-engined Noorduyn Norseman UC-64, USAAF Tail Number 44-70285) were ever recovered from the Channel have led to many conspiracy theories over the years. A popular theory holds that, in the foggy weather that bedeviled the Channel on that day, Glenn Miller's plane strayed into a "safe drop" zone and was bombed out of the air by Canadian Air Force bombers disposing of bombs that went unused during an aborted bombing run on German positions. Despite Miller's disappearence, his band continued to play for troops until August 1945, when the members were discharged and returned to New York." Creepy Question: I believe the song on the radio was "La Mer"...is that the same song Shannon sang to Sayid at some point in this series...I seem to remember it from the show... Bob Factoid: The fishercat is the only creature known to have gone completely insane chasing its own tail.
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Elaine0 1507 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Peanut Festival Grand Marshall"
02-10-06, 00:12 AM (EST)
32. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread; 02/08/06" |
Charlie followed Locke to see where he was hiding the guns. Sawyer probably hide them in a different place after he left the hatch.
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Das Mole 2364 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"
02-09-06, 08:31 AM (EST)
19. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread; 02/08/06" |
LAST EDITED ON 02-09-06 AT 08:31 AM (EST)Did anybody see that the book Locke was holding during his "alphabetizing" was An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge? I recently read the short story in English, and when I saw it I was like "OMG". For those of you that don't know, it's about this guy getting hung off of (you guessed it) Owl Creek Bridge, and as he falls he ends up having this big hallucination that the rope snapped and that he's escaping and all this, and then at the end it just says "And there he hung, swinging from the bridge". Kind of abrupt...and I don't exactly see the connection to the show, but I know there must be one Then again, I didn't really read in detail, but skimmed over it enough to attempt passing the quiz, lol. I forgot the main character's name, but perhaps that has something to do w/it? I dunno. As for this last episode, I liked it a lot. My fave moment: Kate and Ana-Lucia staring at each other...it was awesome b/c they've never actually interacted with one another before and to see that intense moment, I was like..."this show is awesome"  I liked the episode, but the storyline, I do have some complaints about: - Vincent coming out of the brush was a bit predictable, lol. - Sawyer being the one to do the Long Con became a bit like "duh" about halfway through the episode for me...after all, it was his flashbacks and the episode was indeed called "The Long Con". - The ending - I wish it hadn't been Sawyer b/c it definitely would've made for some interesting plot development. Although, I must admit, it was interesting to see that he "hired" Charlie to do it. - Still...we aren't getting anywhere, lol. There's still no goal. As for next week's previews? I think this show is getting a bit too predictable for it's own good. I can probably guarantee you that when the timer runs out, that'll be the end of the episode, and Locke staring off like he's wondering if something happened was edited in there. Then we'll have to wait for the week after that to see what actually happened. OR They let the timer run to zero but someone ends up pushing the button just as it hits zero or something...urgh.
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volsfan 19846 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-09-06, 10:00 AM (EST)
22. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread; 02/08/06" |
I thought the ending was the best part of the entire season and so not predictable! I never thought about Charlie...maybe it was just me though.
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winter999 15 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
02-09-06, 08:59 AM (EST)
20. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread; 02/08/06" |
So the waitress that served Sawyer in the diner. That was Kate's mom, right? If so, that would mean this all went down in Kate's home town. If not, blah.
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zombiebaby 7355 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-09-06, 09:28 AM (EST)
21. "RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread; 02/08/06" |
LAST EDITED ON 02-09-06 AT 09:28 AM (EST)I loved this episode. I love Sawyer and acutally I hope he remains bad instead of the predictable good intentions-wrong path to get there. One thing that stood out to me was a conversation between Jack and Locke. It was something about cliffs and how many cliffs on the island there are and that one of them could fall off at any time. I thought that might be important or even foreshadowing. A PhoenixMons Creation
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iwannabearealitystar 592 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
02-10-06, 01:40 AM (EST)
34. "RE: Sayid and Hurley" |
When you rearrange the letters in the authors name....it spells "purgatory". That's what the island, according to theory, is going to be. Therefore they are all dead! I like that better than the nanobot theory!
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -