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"Summary writer sign-up thread for UPN's Top Model 6"
SurvivorBlows 15230 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
02-21-06, 07:35 PM (EST)
"Summary writer sign-up thread for UPN's Top Model 6" |
After four seasons, longtime Top Model summary Isabelle Murray has decided that she's all catwalked out -- meaning that for the first time since Top Model's initial season, we are posting an open summary sign-up thread for UPN's upcoming Top Model 6!To sign up, please post your interest in this thread, as well as any applicable date restrictions that you may have. Top Model 6 will premiere Wednesday, March 8 with a special two-hour episode. Any questions, please let me know. Thanks, SB
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SurvivorBlows 15230 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-08-06, 03:47 PM (EST)
6. "Proposed schedule " |
OK, Das Mole hasn't had a chance to confirm yet whether Episode 2 is OK, but after taking everyone's preferences into account, I think the below schedule for the first half of the season should work for everyone:3/8 - Episode 1: Belinda (non-board member) 3/15 - Episode 2: Das Mole 3/22 - Episode 3: Belinda 3/29 - Episode 4: Snidget 4/5 - Episode 5: Belinda 4/12 - Episode 6: trigirl After that, given Das' interest in doing 3-4 episodes and Belinda's interest in picking up any other available episodes, we can tagteam the rest of the show's run (starting with Belinda on Episode 7 and Das on Episode 8.) Does that work for everybody? Thanks, SB
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