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"Lets hope Paris and Nicole Don't die and I Vacumn their Ashes"
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MarloCoyle 0 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "New Member"

04-09-06, 09:02 PM (EST)
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"Lets hope Paris and Nicole Don't die and I Vacumn their Ashes"
I Will never watch this sick show again. As I watched Paris and Nicole spend the day at a funeral home and Vacumn a dead body up I'am completly sick to my stomach to this that these two worthless individuals would disrespect someones family and vacumn their loved ones ashes up and not care about peoples feelings. Some people believe that ashes should be kept together and If I were the family I would sue both Paris and Nicole for their worthlessness as human beings. I hope that I never see Paris or Nicole because I will smack both of them across the face in fact I hope that a lawyer reads this and helps me to sue this whole network for not warning me of what disturbing behavior I was about to watch. I hope that Nicole and Paris read this and know that I think that both of them make me sick. To Paris and Nicole: You would be nothing without your rich daddy's and Nicole you should lay off the crack and Paris you should grow up. You both make me sick and I hope that you God strikes you dead for disturbing the dead you both deserve to go to hell. I can't believe you allow the devil to control you. I'm not a Jesus Freak by any means but I would never Vacumn up someones ashes after they are dead. You people are sick demented people and I can't believe anyone would support and produce this kind of in humane show. All of you should be punished for this. She ya on the outs Nicole and Paris don't ever come to Spokane Washington because your daddy's won't be able to protect you from getting beat up.
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 RE: Lets hope Paris and Nicole Don'... Prancer0210 04-10-06 1

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Prancer0210 0 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "New Member"

04-10-06, 01:25 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: Lets hope Paris and Nicole Don't die and I Vacumn their Ashes"
I saw this too, but there was a disclaimer on the show that did state something to the effect of "no real ashes or human remains were used in the filming" so whatever they used was not anyone's family member, thank God. I figured it wasn't but I felt better after I read the disclaimer.
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