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"Completely Scripted"
Speedracer33 4 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
01-27-05, 11:59 AM (EST)
"Completely Scripted" |
So I started watching the new Simple Life last night, like the rest of the reality TV loving world, to see what stupid things they would do next. Stealing the police car seemed like a pretty funny, off the wall, kind of prank to pull. And then I noticed something very interesting...When they pulled into the parking lot of the shopping center that they "spontaneously" decided to visit.... there was already a video camera there to film them pulling into the parking lot. I don't know what that says to you, but to me, it is proof beyond a shadow of a doubt that their antics are complete scripted. They were TOLD to steal that police car, and where to take it. That is the only possible explanation for the fact that a camera crew was waiting for them there. I don't know what happened after that, I turned off the TV. I have no intention of watching another episode, since there are tons of other TV shows out there that are equally scripted, and much more entertaining.
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Smooth23 1244 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"
01-27-05, 03:24 PM (EST)
2. "RE: Completely Scripted" |
Didn't the two of them admit that the producers told them what to do during an interview sometime during simple life 2?
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