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"Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?"
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RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
FlowerChild |
08-27-04 |
1 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
okdog9 |
11-30-06 |
32 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
strid333 |
08-28-04 |
2 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
ilovethesimplelife3 |
01-01-05 |
5 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
babigurl_05 |
05-16-05 |
16 |
Bebo |
05-16-05 |
17 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
sandrawilkes |
11-15-05 |
22 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
seahorse |
08-31-04 |
3 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
nursemelanie |
10-23-04 |
4 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
CrazyDaze |
01-23-05 |
6 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
Smooth23 |
01-27-05 |
7 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
mmm_link |
01-28-05 |
9 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
cynthiarose |
02-02-05 |
10 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
chill4me |
03-28-05 |
11 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
mom2fivemonkees |
03-30-05 |
12 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
simplelife101 |
03-31-05 |
13 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
myhuskieiscute77 |
04-13-06 |
27 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
RichieFan01 |
04-02-05 |
14 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
shelby6n |
04-07-05 |
15 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
xoxjayyxox |
09-05-06 |
29 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
me144 |
05-18-05 |
18 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
Anja |
09-25-05 |
19 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
thedawgcatcher |
10-11-05 |
20 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
goldie1000 |
10-11-05 |
21 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
slocalgirl |
11-16-05 |
23 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
cappiece |
03-21-06 |
24 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
littlesis |
03-31-06 |
25 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
rachell |
04-02-06 |
26 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
myhuskieiscute77 |
04-13-06 |
28 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
uglier than sarah w |
09-13-06 |
30 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
livsforluv |
09-14-06 |
31 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
vanessaisalwaysright |
12-23-06 |
33 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
bugout |
12-29-08 |
34 |
RE: Guys and girls, do you find Par... |
Agman2 |
03-11-15 |
35 |
okdog9 1 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
11-30-06, 07:14 AM (EST)
32. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
Yes. Physically, I think she's hot. Apart from that, she's a complete moron and a disgrace to her family.
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ilovethesimplelife3 4 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
01-01-05, 07:51 PM (EST)
5. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
omg! Paris Hilton is beautiful. Im a girl and im straight dont worry but she has the perfect body she weighs like nuthing. Nicole Richie is pretty too. I wish i had paris's body.They both are gorgeous.
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babigurl_05 1 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
05-16-05, 08:39 PM (EST)
16. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
you really need to get a life! paris is the most beautiful thing i have ever seen. you're just jealous cause your probably butt ugly and can't get anyone if your life depended on it! get stuffed and a get a life. until you look beautiful ##### up about paris. go get some plastic surgery then we might talk this over! FUCKHEAD!
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Bebo 20897 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-16-05, 11:06 PM (EST)
17. "WARNING" |
Your behavior is completely unacceptable on these forums. Our community guidelines clearly state that bashing other posters is not permitted. Your account will be terminated if this behavior continues.
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sandrawilkes 6 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
11-15-05, 00:13 AM (EST)
22. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
I do agree!! Not only is Nicole prettier she is not a slut!! Not meaning to be mean but, how many boyfriends has Nicole had in the past year and how many has Paris stolen?
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nursemelanie 18 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
10-23-04, 11:47 PM (EST)
4. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
On looks alone, I think she is gorgeous. A little too thin, but for modeling it works. Funny how she still has so little self esteem that she let like 5 guys video tape her having sex with them!
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CrazyDaze 11 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
01-23-05, 08:31 PM (EST)
6. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
She has no butt and needs a breast enhancement desperately!! Other than that I think she is pretty in her own way. I definitely think she seems to be alot more considerate than Nicole. Nicole is a ##### stirrer from hell and seems to be fairly malicious at times.
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Smooth23 1244 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"
01-27-05, 03:20 PM (EST)
7. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
I Think both are completely unattractive. Too skinny, and too slutty. I much prefer girls with just enough meat on their bones where you don't need to be worried about breaking them, and ones that leave a little to the imagination(actually I like more left to the imagination than most)
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chill4me 9 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
03-28-05, 04:33 PM (EST)
11. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
In the black community for the most part, skinny is not cute at all. My hubby gags at the site of her flat back side. My grandma would say that she needs to eat and would probably try to fatten her up. However, I do think she has a pretty face.
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mom2fivemonkees 9 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
03-30-05, 11:33 AM (EST)
12. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
I think Paris is average and Nicole is really as they say "hot" - My 18 year old son thinks Paris is way too skinny and not cute at all. He loves Nicole's look - my husband could care less - LOL! Just give him a beer and the newspaper!
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myhuskieiscute77 25 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
04-13-06, 06:18 PM (EST)
27. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
i weigh 96! lol ya there both very pretty how old is she though cuz im only 14 lol
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RichieFan01 5 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
04-02-05, 11:32 PM (EST)
14. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
IMO, I think Nicole is prettier than Paris. I don't care if they sometimes look slutty; they look good in pretty much anything! Paris is just...too thin. She's DOWN to 97 pounds? That's, um, kinda unhealthy? I don't really care about looks, though. I look for personality, or what's inside. I think that the girls are really sweet and down to earth people. If one of them ever were to get into serious trouble, the other one would be right there. Same if they met someone on the street who needed help. I'm sure they would do anything they could to help that stranger. As for Nicole being sometimes malicious? Haha, I think that's just her sticking up for herself and her best friend. Like in that episode where that kid, James, kept calling them stupid, dumb blondes, etc.? Nicole put an end to that very quickly! I guess I can relate to Nicole because we're a lot like each other (and both of our names are Nicole!). Or, maybe I just think too much... As for the girls themselves, "Loves them!" I couldn't live without you or your hilarious show, ladies!
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shelby6n 8 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
04-07-05, 04:13 PM (EST)
15. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
Paris is a goddess. I hate her darn extensions tho. She would look much better with her natural hair. I have seen pictures of her. She is a really sweet girl, when you really read and see a lot about her. She's just a little wild child. I don't think she is too skinny. She's gorgeous!
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xoxjayyxox 3 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
09-05-06, 10:44 AM (EST)
29. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
ughhh i hate paris!!! i love nicole...shes soooo pretty. ok...maybe she did lose alot of weight and yes...i know its not healthy but soo what?? shes still gorgeous and hott. but im not saying paris is ugly. she's really pretty also, but when i think of paris's personality and the fact that shes not talking 2 nicole....it makes me hate her and her looks.
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Anja 28 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
09-25-05, 11:38 PM (EST)
19. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
; > you can tell it's >her natural build/genetics, like Cameron >Diaz, so she doesn't look >starved or unnatural. It isnt Paris' natural build. There are some pictures of her on the web before her plastic surgeries and her "makeover" and she was a normal sized girl. She had dirty blonde hair, a full nose, and brown eyes. It looks like she lost a good 25 pounds, got blue contact lenses, dyed her hair an extreme blonde, added hair extensions, and had multiple facial plastic surgeries including a rhinoplasty, cheek implants, and maybe something done to her eyes. go to awfulplasticsurgery.com to see her presurgery pictures. I think she looked a lot better before surgery.
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thedawgcatcher 9 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
10-11-05, 05:54 AM (EST)
20. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
Wow! Are you sure Paris had plastic surgery? It's just my opinion, which should mean nothing to her, or anyone else for that matter, because we all have different tastes, but I find Paris to be seriously unattractive. Her features are way too pointy and hard-looking. I always wondered why she didn't have a nose job with all the money she has. To hear that she's already had one.........well, I'd love to know the name of the doctor so that I never use him for future plastic surgeries I may need.That being said, I'm only voicing an opinion on the outside. I don't know her, so for what it's worth, she could be one of the nicest people on Earth. If that's the case, once you get to know her, it would certainly shine through making the outside of the package more attractive.
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goldie1000 1087 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"
10-11-05, 09:17 PM (EST)
21. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
I think both girls are goodlooking ! But if I were a guy I would be attracted to Nicole more than Paris.
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slocalgirl 7 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
11-16-05, 02:58 PM (EST)
23. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
No way.. She needs to loose those fake blue contacts, and gain some weight, and get some boobs girl.. Stop buying tinkerbell Louis Vuitton, and invest in a $5000.00 boob job..I did, there way funner than my Louis Vuitton handbag.
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cappiece 3 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
03-21-06, 04:28 PM (EST)
24. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
A yeah! If anyone was born a model its her! I can't believe those dummys let her get bucked off a horse! They're both welcome at my lube shop anytime. We give the best lube jobs in town!
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littlesis 17 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
03-31-06, 08:20 AM (EST)
25. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
Not at all. I honestly dont see what is so attractive about her.
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rachell 0 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "New Member"
04-02-06, 09:59 PM (EST)
26. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
i love paris hilton i dont think shes too 'skinny' at all i mean if you comparre her to other celebs shes problly counted as normal. and i read that someone said paris is 85 pounds but its really NICOLE that is you got that mixed up...ive seen many of paris's pix and how she poses paris hilton may be thin but she eats....seriously paris exercises and she DOES have a butt and she does have boobs, those two parts of her body are a decent size for her gorgeous bod. i dont get why people dont like paris, everytime i read something about her they always make rude jokes, but you knoe what everyone makes mistakes and that sex tape that her and rick soloman were in....you knoe what that bastard tricked her into signing that she never thought her bf would do something so DIRTy before the sex tape incident everyone didnt really mind her and say all that bs but now people are jealous, paris has about 4 rivals in the celb industry which means shes got a lot more friends than erryone else in this celeb indusrty, i think paris and nicole should become friends again too...i like em' both
just wanted to help an heriess out,,
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myhuskieiscute77 25 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
04-13-06, 08:49 PM (EST)
28. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
ya....i think like she would say "thats hot" lol ya shez pretty
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uglier than sarah w 303 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"
09-13-06, 10:45 AM (EST)
30. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
I think she's pretty hot, just a little ridiculous at times, ya knwo?
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livsforluv 113 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
09-14-06, 06:02 PM (EST)
31. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
She is strangely Ostrich like. LOL.
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bugout 9 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
12-29-08, 04:42 PM (EST)
34. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
paris is great
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Agman2 830 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"
03-11-15, 12:23 PM (EST)
35. "RE: Guys and girls, do you find Paris attractive?" |
By today's standards, she's kinda homely!
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -