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cmlee 10 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Got Milk? Spokesperson"
08-29-03, 02:22 AM (EST)
All I want to add to the speculation about WHOM gay James will pick from among the three finalists-albeit one str8 boy masquerading as gay in the trio- check out the hometown newspaper where Wes grew up!Monterey Herald for last Sat. Aug. 23 reports: "A grad of Spreckels School and Salinas High, Wes 'was considered QUITE the ladies man in junior high, according to one former schoolmate intereviewed."Even the "8th grade prophecy reads - 'Wes Culwell was last seen cheering on the GIRL'S basketball team'. And next: "He was also voted BIGGEST FLIRT, nicest guy, and best looking that year." --------------------------- Now, I know - it's only one bit of info. BUT - how many thought blonde Dan with "NY friend" meant a gay man friend, and those two gay guys who eyed Dan prancing naked in the shower stall - only to discover his www.site and that HE CONSIDERS HIMSELF hetero. This is the fatal aspect of the Boy Meets Boy. That one or more "closet cases" can masquerade to be Play Gay for their acting career and valuable TV exposure, while all the time adhering to the old Hollywood tenet that no man gets very far in film stardom if exposed as privately homosexual in orientation. That several on this show ARE in fact aspiring young male actors and models, you have to consider their belief in what THEY HAVE TO SAY PUBLICLY to get ahead in their CHOSEN career. cmlee@neteze.com
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CantStandToLook 6254 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
08-30-03, 05:51 PM (EST)
1. "RE: BEWARE ? "Gay" Wes - BOYS MEETS BOY FINAL THREE......" |
All I can say is this guys Gaydar must be a supermarket brand. I cant talk because we have no such thing as StraightDar...but from all that I've heard from Gay friends about Gaydar they're supposed to just know. This guy seems clueless...maybe he's the one who's straight..lol.
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