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"The auditions are over."
Estee 55195 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
07-04-08, 08:27 AM (EST)
"The auditions are over." |
And we have a house back. No ship. No 'we'll just stick them in a hotel between challenges'. A house.So. Thirteen people counted as twelve elimination slots: we can safely presume God's Pottery get one vote between them, perform, advance, and get removed together. Two females. So little interest in the audition stage after the endless drag-out and walk down NBC's history lane that I caught maybe twenty minutes altogether after the first two weeks. Fortunately, five of those were spent with Marcus, whose Willy Wonka routine (which felt like it was cut down from fifteen minutes) rocked the house. It sounds as if we might be doing double-eliminations again, though -- gee, that worked out so well last time. Take forever on the auditions, rush through the best part of the show, and then need a month-plus to declare a winner? Yeah, that always boosts the ratings. Feh. One step backwards, two off a cliff.
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Fishercat 4168 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
07-04-08, 02:41 PM (EST)
1. "RE: The auditions are over." |
I didn't see the first semifinals, but the second one was sort of bizarre.They chose four of the best, which is their ****ing job. Iliza was a strong comedienne as well, so choosing her was great. The porn song guy, eh, could be worst. And then... Fricking Esther Ku. Annoying personality, really annoying laugh, unfunny routine, insulting to all races (especially her own), and just generally a scourge. And she made. LCS finds a way to ruin it every year.
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Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
07-05-08, 09:11 PM (EST)
8. "RE: The auditions are over." |
Oh this means I can start watching this week. I have become so bored with the audition phase. It goes on for weeks. But why eliminate them in pairs once the final bunch is picked? Seems like they are more in love with their audition shows than the show they are auditioning for. Since I didn't pay attention to the auditions I can look at the final group with an open mind. All their material will be new to me.
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