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"LCS #6 Episode #2 Torture Thread."
Estee 55195 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-30-08, 08:09 AM (EST)
4. "Jackie Kashian (and other issues)." |
Looks like the Doug Benson rule was just invoked again: 'We're going to presume she's new to someone.' (If you've already had your own Comedy Central special, you're not exactly a full rookie at this.) You could just about bet she's applied in previous seasons and this is just the first time they've put her through to the next round. Maybe she finally found the right judges. We are seeing a lot of the same people we saw last season, and a few from seasons before that... comedy is subjective, and all some of the applicants is to get someone other than the person who didn't think they were funny the first time.Which could be a problem in itself, depending on just who's issuing those passes at each stop. You could easily argue that Judge X in Chicago would have passed that comic, but Judge Y in Seattle wouldn't -- too bad that comedian performed in Seattle. With so many people sorting wheat from chaff, we don't have anything approaching consistent judging standards: dark humor flies in one city, gets swatted to the ground in another. Lack of consistency is bad, too much consistency can kill... On the other hand, they're just casting for quotas and drama anyway. It'll just be a really inconsistent kind of drama. (The holy quotas were presumably carved in stone before we got started.)
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