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"New Gimmick for Season 9 - Disney's Golden Ticket?"
BriarRosie 990 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"
01-14-10, 00:39 AM (EST)
"New Gimmick for Season 9 - Disney's Golden Ticket?" |
I'm not sure how many people are familiar with the American Idol attraction that opened at Walt Disney World in early 2009.In a nutshell, Disney re-created the AI set stage, cast some of their entertainment cast members to be the "judges", and put out auditions throughout the day at Disney's Hollywood Studios. If you make it past the first round of auditions, you're given a choice of songs to perform at one of the shows. The audience votes a winner of each show of the day, and all the winners compete in the final show of the day. The winner of the final show gets... A "Golden Ticket" that allows the bearer to go to the front of the line in any of the city tour audition sites. Of course they have to be eligible to audition to take advantage of that. But this is the first year we *might* see people who have this "golden ticket" pass. I'm thinking we'd probably see it the most at the Orlando audition. I'm looking forward to seeing if any of the Disney attraction "winners" make it to Hollywood. Anyone else have any thoughts about this?
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Agman2 2707 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"
03-18-16, 01:08 PM (EST)
4. "RE: New Gimmick for Season 9 - Disney's Golden Ticket?" |
It turned out to be bogus
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quee9899 1 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
03-14-21, 11:26 PM (EST)
5. "RE: New Gimmick for Season 9 - Disney's Golden Ticket?" |
Since childhood, Mr. Lu Xun in his desk now on a "morning", this style started to affect the students of history, several generations of renewal and transformation, we have become on the desks of the "culture" A. voip phone
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -