WOWZA Chris won!
5 of us had Adam correct at 2 on the SHOULD GO LIST
Nobody had Chris winning it, many had him leaving at 12!! Talk about a dark horse!
Congrats to Tummy, Doodle, mindy, Smidge and TanNymph!!
Weekly scores
me 5 (I had Kris at 5, the closest!!)
Smidge 6
cat 7
Doodle 7
toddE 7
Dweeze 8
Addie 8
zazzy 9
TanNympn 9
glowie 10
CYGirl 10
tummy 10
grit 11
mindy 11
beggy 12
seahorse 12
taffnic 12
Corvis 12
mrc 13
Bob 14
soutpaw 15
mia 15
Belle 15
Col.Z. 15
EnglProf 16
Overall scores
toddE 24
Doodle 26
zazzy 30
taffnic 34
cat 34
Corvis 36
tummy 38
glowie 38
me 38
Dweeze 40
seahorse 42
mindy 42
CTGirl 42
Addie 42
mia 46
Col.Z. 46
southpaw 46
TanNympn 46
Bob 48
mrc 48
EnglProf 50
Smidge 50
Belle 52
grit 58
beggy 61
Congrats to toddE for winning AI8 SHOULD GO PTTE with an amazing score of 24
Thanks agman
2 of us had Adam leaving at 2 and 1 of us had Kris WINNING
Congrats to Grit and mrc and me--I switched to Kris after Week 5 when Megan left!!!
Weekly scores
me 1
grit 2
CTGirl 2
TanNymph 2
Doodle 2
Bob 3
Smidge 3
zazzy 3
beggy 3
mrc 6
toddE 7
Col.Z. 8
southpaw 10
cat 11
tummy 11
seahorse 12
Dweeze 12
glowie 12
Belle 12
Corvis 12
taffnic 12
EnglProf 13
mindy 13
Addie 14
mia 14
Overall scores
toddE 24
smidge 24(36)
me 24(34)
Doodle 25(38)
Bob 26(44)
zazzy 28(36)
CTGirl 28(40)
grit 34(50)
glowie 36
tummy 38
TanNymph 39(48)
taffnic 40
cat 40
mrc 40(48)
Addie 42
Dweeze 42
seahorse 42
mia 46
southpaw 46
Col.Z. 50
Belle 52
Beggy 52(52)
Corvis 54
Congrats again to toddE and Smidge winning AI8 WILL GO PTTE with a score of 24
Thanks again agman!
And don't forget, I do a SYTYCD PTTE also, coming soon over in that Forum!!
thanks agman!