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"Bachelorette Kaitlyn Round Six"
Round Robin 2914 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"
06-29-15, 04:32 PM (EST)
"Bachelorette Kaitlyn Round Six" |
Picking up where they left off last week, with Shawn pi$$ed off and confused, all the other guys pi$$ed off as well, and supposedly another date still to show before the next rose ceremony.
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Round Robin 2914 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"
06-29-15, 08:14 PM (EST)
1. "2 on 1 date-Joe & JJ" |
If they don't get the rose, they go home. Starts with a boat ride.
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Agman2 2022 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"
02-23-16, 04:35 PM (EST)
19. "RE: Cocktail party" |
Actually, I found it to be a bit calm and pedestrian.
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Round Robin 2914 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"
06-29-15, 09:32 PM (EST)
7. "1 on 1 date" |
Since Jared is with Kaitlyn, they're making it a 1 on 1 date on the trip to Killarney. They kissed the Blarney Stone together.
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Agman2 2022 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"
02-23-16, 04:33 PM (EST)
16. "RE: 1 on 1 date" |
I heard she slipped the stone a little tongue action too!
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Round Robin 2914 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"
06-29-15, 09:47 PM (EST)
8. "RE: Bachelorette Kaitlyn Round Six" |
No hometowns at Final 4, they are staying in Ireland, where she will cut to 3 guys. Chris H. explained the changes to Kaitlyn, then the next morning explained them to the guys.
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Agman2 2022 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"
02-23-16, 04:34 PM (EST)
17. "RE: Official 1 on 1 date" |
HAHAHAHAH what a burn on Chris
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thekid36 1 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
06-29-15, 10:16 PM (EST)
12. "Irritated" |
Never dreamed I would be as irritated with someone about as much as Jake from seasons ago. Granted, this is the first time I have watched this one. Yet, this woman seems about as selfish as they come. All seems to be about her. Her fault for leading that nice man from Connecticut on way too far and then having the nerve to say that they should take a step back. Yet, the only place she seems to be going with Nick is forward. Interesting, to say the least. Would not be surprised if she ends up with him for shallow reasons. That dentist dude should really be thanking his four leaf clovers that she sent him home. Maybe, the others should run just as fast.
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Round Robin 2914 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"
06-29-15, 11:35 PM (EST)
13. "RE: Irritated" |
I think both she and Nick are too shallow to get married, and if they were to wind up together, it will only last till one of them screws somebody other than the other, and it will all be over. And if she has chosen somebody other than Nick, it's a near lead pipe cinch that she will be the one to cheat, and it won't be long till it's over. But she will not marry anyone from this season, I'll bet you 5 bucks to a donut on that.
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -