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"The Bachelor"
woiwod 174 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
09-26-09, 07:23 PM (EST)
"The Bachelor" |
Does anyone know when and if the next Bachelor will take place. Who is he?
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Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
10-10-09, 00:52 AM (EST)
3. "RE: The Bachelor" |
They are suppose to announce the new Bachelor on the result show of DWTS next week. I have heard it is either Kiptyn or Jake from the last Bachelorette show. Kiptyn's local newspaper has stated he is the next Bachelor. But a female from Tennessee stated in another newspaper article that she is on the next season and Jake is the Bachelor. So there are conflicting reports.
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KoalaChick 506 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
10-13-09, 02:34 PM (EST)
5. "RE: The Bachelor" |
Reality Steve says it's Jake, and he's pretty reliable. I'm disappointed, Jake is hot but he has a lot of baggage and is too emotional. I'd rather see Kiptyn or Reid...or an unknown. I'm kind of over recycling people on the show. Someone new wouls be nice.
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Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
10-13-09, 03:26 PM (EST)
6. "RE: The Bachelor" |
Jake is just too goodytwoshoes nice. I think he will be worried about how he is perceived. I never believe we are seeing the real Jake. He could be very boring. I am not happy at all if Jake is the Bachelor.
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CSHS79 862 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"
10-14-09, 12:14 PM (EST)
7. "Jake is the next Bachelor" |
For anyone who missed the quick announcement made during DWTS, Jake is indeed the next Bachelor.To me he is the perfect choice because he's sincerely looking for his soulmate, unlike a lot of contestants who seem more into an exciting vacation and making out with someone sexy. As for those who consider Jake boring, I want you to look at your own husband. Is he a laugh riot, is life a never ending thrill ride of excitement? If you were smart, you married someone hard working and stable, someone you could trust would never cheat on you. A guy like that might not make for exciting television, but they make great husbands. So for all those who called me Jake obsessed when he was pursuing Jillian, I will concede he may not have been right for her.However, I will never change my mind that he is the kind of guy every woman serious about marriage should look for.
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vince3 17341 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
10-14-09, 01:55 PM (EST)
10. "RE: Jake is the next Bachelor" |
Considering that the next one is called The Bachelor: On The Wings Of Love? I think that can safely be answered yes.....
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MKitty 2975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Howard Stern Show Guest"
10-15-09, 01:32 PM (EST)
14. "RE: Jake is the next Bachelor" |
I totally loved Jake and am very happy that he gets to be the next bachelor. I hate watching all the usual slimeballs, so glad they went with a good guy this time!I am seriously surprised at all the Jake-hate here!! Spooked by Agman
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thndrkttn 3216 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
10-14-09, 01:42 PM (EST)
9. "RE: The Bachelor" |
LAST EDITED ON 10-14-09 AT 02:16 PM (EST)Jake as the new Bachelor makes me want to gag. Booooring! *GAG* ETA: link. http://popwatch.ew.com/2009/10/13/jake-is-the-new-bachelor/ And I agree with the person who wrote the comment: "As someone who has watched every season thus far, I can say H to the N way will I be watching this season. Ah, an hour of my life each week back–thanks, ABC!" And bonus, it's TWO hours of my life back every Monday. *thumbs up*
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true 9689 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
10-14-09, 04:06 PM (EST)
11. "RE: The Bachelor" |
I threw up a little when I saw his goofy grin on DWTS last night. What are they thinking? I simply can not imagine how I could watch his season without falling asleep. IDK, maybe it will prove so bad that it's good, you know kindof like a train wreck that you can't stop watching. If history repeats itself, saintly Jake will end up being despised just like all the other re-tread bachelor/etts. I can only hope. I haven't missed a season either, but I have no interest in seeing Mr. Goodytwoshoes doing his Golly Gosh act every week. He may make someone a good husband, but he makes HORRIBLE TV. Blah. I think I'd rather watch Wes as the bachelor. At least he made the show interesting. Honestly, I wish this program would quit re-using people. *yawn*
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thndrkttn 3216 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
10-15-09, 01:01 PM (EST)
13. "RE: The Bachelor" |
If history repeats itself, saintly Jake will end up being despised just like all the other re-tread bachelor/etts. I can only hope.Ooooh! Now THAT I would tune in to watch. I think Jillian is the only one who didn't suffer as much as the others. Maybe they thought suffering through Wes and Ed's bs was enough. I never in a billion years thought they could villify Jason the way they did, but boy oh boy, did they do a number on him! Of course, his participation in his downfall didn't help his cause much. I just don't know if I can stand a whole two hours of Jake's 'bumpkin schtick'. My gosh, I could barely stand the snippets of him in the Bachelorette. Was there a poll somewhere voting him in as the next bachelor? I demand a recount!
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Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
10-15-09, 04:42 PM (EST)
16. "RE: The Bachelor" |
Maybe they recruited some extra nasty females for Jake's season. They need something to add excitement. Or they will reveal Jake has a dirty dark secret life. Otherwise I fear the audience will be put to sleep.
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woiwod 174 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
10-16-09, 11:11 AM (EST)
18. "RE: The Bachelor" |
I am with you 100 percent. I am glad he is the next bachelor, finally it seems the producers have gotten a nice guy. Nice guys can be very exciting also, just look at my hubby. I don't understand why anyone would not like him unless of course people are thrill seekers and like things like sky diving etc....
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fullofgrace2470 168 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
10-31-09, 07:19 PM (EST)
19. "RE: The Bachelor" |
I always like the more sincere bach/ettes. Even after all these seasons, I'm always hoping for the love story. I don't expect one lol, but a girl can hope, right?
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Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
12-29-09, 11:22 PM (EST)
21. "RE: The Bachelor" |
I saw on a preview that Jillian and Ed show up on the first ep to help Jake with his decision on who to boot.
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Kyree 25 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beauty Pageant Celebrity Judge"
01-04-10, 08:29 PM (EST)
22. "RE: The Bachelor" |
Hi everyone. I suspect that Jake will be a totally different person without all the other males and competition present. Let's just assume we'll see more of his personality this time around. Afterall, he'll be in the drivers seat.
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