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GrahamFan 2 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
06-23-08, 09:26 PM (EST)
OMG! I just got done watching the Bachelorette and I am so BUMMED that she let Graham go! She obviously cares for him and I can't believe she let him go! OMG!!
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Luv4Jason 6 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
06-23-08, 09:47 PM (EST)
1. "RE: BUMMED!" |
OMG i cant believe it either! I knew from the start she definitely had feelings for him- he's sooo good looking... but he seems kind of player-playerish to me. He treats her like crap. It seems like he doesn't care at all when she's mad at him. It seems like it's one of those you love those you can't have. I have a weird feeling that he's going to come back into the show somehow!
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shannon305 1 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
06-23-08, 10:16 PM (EST)
2. "RE: BUMMED!" |
OMG me too! for some reason i absolutely loved her and greham together and i thought they would get through there differences, i feel like the show will be soo weird without him, i was truly rooting for him and i think he truly loved her but wasnt showing it, and that note... its just sooo sad. my fav is jason, if he leaves man...
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filipinachick01 1 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
06-23-08, 10:36 PM (EST)
3. "RE: BUMMED!" |
Me too!!! I was so upset, but I couldn't really blame her, though. It seemed that she was always the one working to get his attention. He did have a no care attitude. I was so rooting for him the whole entire time. I may be making excuses for him (I can't help it, he was my favorite!!), but I think he truly cared. There was something that was preventing him from opening up and telling DeAnna exactly how he felt. When he pulled out that letter, I lost it!! He said, "this is just for you. it's not for the tv show, but you!" So, I think he was genuine, but didn't want to seem like he's doing it for the show. I really don't know. I want him to come back!
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mrsvirarock 3 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
06-24-08, 00:44 AM (EST)
4. "RE: BUMMED!" |
My Tevo cut off right as the rose ceremony started so I didn't see the drama. I think Deanna and Graham had some serious physical chemistry but the guy is a pretty weak communicator. He did sort of treat her bad but for some reason girl's usually fall a little harder for those kind of guy (speaking from a past experience). I believe he did have feelings for her but it would have gotten old trying to read his mind all the time. Now I wish fireworks would go off between her and Jesse.
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ebraxton30 2 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
06-24-08, 00:46 AM (EST)
5. "RE: BUMMED!" |
OMG is right! This show probably had to be the best in Bachelor(ette) history! I totally was teared up about that little kid. But I can not believe Graham is gone. He is too cute and he did totally seem smug and like a total player. And that personality coupled with his profession would have made me skeptical, too. But then he totally flipped the script on her and gave her that letter. I mean, I waould have been running after that limo trying to get him back. But then when his mom basically told her he couldn't commit, who knows. She probably did the right thing. But was he teared up? OMG!!!! That was totally a good episode.
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