6||0|0 0|0|The list on the side is gone....|Snidget||20:07:18|06/09/2011|Is it just me%3F Is there a reason%3F Will it come back%3F%0D%0A%0D%0AI kind of miss it. 1|1|RE%3A The list on the side is gone....|dabo||20:42:50|06/09/2011|There%27s a list%3F On the side%3F Since when%3F http%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.realitytvworld.com%2Fboards%2FUser_files%2F4dd30c2c68848c07.gif%0D%0A%0D%0ASeems to be back now. Someone may have been working on the news site%2C or maybe it was one of those strange glitches that happen from time to time.%0D%0A 2|1|RE%3A The list on the side is gone....|PepeLePew13||07:54:31|06/18/2011|I haven%27t had a list on the left side for quite some time now %28a few months%29%2C and I don%27t miss it%2C I like having the extra space to read threads and move around more easily.%0D%0A%0D%0ABeats me what has happened to it. 3|2|RE%3A The list on the side is gone....|jbug||21:48:08|06/19/2011| I still have a list on the left side %3A-%29 4|3|RE%3A The list on the side is gone....|tribephyl||00:00:05|06/20/2011|me too.%0D%0AI never use it so I couldn%27t care less if it disappeared. Can I trade with someone%3F 5|4|RE%3A The list on the side is gone....|foonermints||23:23:58|06/24/2011|For what%3F %3AP 6|1|RE%3A The list on the side is gone....|vince3||03:06:46|07/16/2011|Well%2C since I just installed AdBlocker%2C the list on the side just disappeared for me%2C so I guess that was why...