3||0|0 0|0|email webmaster|Ivanka||10:15:07|10/13/2004|Hey%2CI%27m a newbie. Canya tell%3F I set up username and want to change password they gave me. It says %22user %28something%29 disabled%2Cemail webmaster%22. Where%3F What%3F Huh%3F Can someone come over and help%3F Thanks.%0D%0A 1|1|RE%3A email webmaster|dabo||00:30:01|10/14/2004|bumped some threads for you%0D%0A 2|2|RE%3A email webmaster|Ivanka||08:39:26|10/14/2004|Thanks%2CI hate being the %27tard on the block. Oh%2Cwell. Back to square one%2Clearning someplace new. 3|3|RE%3A email webmaster|dabo||20:36:46|10/14/2004|You%27re welcome.%0D%0A