2||0|0 0|0|Picture problems|Joyful||15:11:06|09/16/2003|I%27m trying to put a picture in my post but it%27s not working. I clicked the upload your file%2C clicked on the browse%2C found the picture and got a reply that my file was uploaded successfully and it gave me an address%2C or url or whatever they are called. But I%27m lost on the next step. How do I get the picture on my actual post%2C nothing is happening. I%27m kinda a computer dunce %28well not kinda%2C totally%21%29 Could some one take me thru this step by step%3F Please%3A%29 %28I just learned how to put that happy face there a couple weeks ago%29%0D%0AI read the other post on putting up pictures but I%27m not getting it%2C what is the difference between HTML and JPEG and how can you tell which is which%3F I tried the old cut and paste but it didn%27t work either.%0D%0ASorry about this I%27m so confused...I%27m a 30 year old stupid person%21 1|1|RE%3A Picture problems|sleeeve||15:24:28|09/16/2003|[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 09-16-03 AT 03:26 PM (EST)[/font][p]First of all%2C before you upload the image%2C you need to know what type of file it is. There are six types of files supported by this site that you can upload%3A%0D%0A%0D%0Ahtml -- a webpage%0D%0Atext -- a written document%0D%0Agif and jpeg -- two different types of image files%0D%0Azip and tar -- two different types of compressed files%0D%0A%0D%0AIn the case of uploading a picture%2C you will need to either save your picture as a gif or a jpeg. If you have a PC%2C simply check out the name of your picture. If it%27s something like MyPictureName.gif%2C then it%27s already saved as a gif file. If it%27s MyPictureName.jpg%2C then it%27s already saved as a jpg file. If you have a Mac%2C I do not know how to check the file type of an image%2C so you will need to follow these instructions%3A%0D%0A%0D%0AIf your image is not saved as a gif or jpg %28or you do not know what type of file it is%29%2C then you will need to convert it. Open a grapics program%2C such as photoshop%2C microsoft paint%2C etc%2C and select %22Save As%22 and then choose the correct image format from the drop-down menu.%0D%0A%0D%0AOnce you have a .gif or .jpg image%2C then you are ready to upload it. When you are uploading your image%2C it is imperative that you select the correct option %28GIF picture or JPEG picture%29 or it will not work. After you have uploaded your image%2C you will get an address such as%3A%0D%0Aht%5B%5Dtp%3A%2F%2Fcommunity.realitytvworld.com%2Fboards%2FUser_files%2F3e18e14b1fcbc147.gif%0D%0A%0D%0ASimply copy this address into your message%2C and the picture will automatically appear.%0D%0A%0D%0AGood luck%21 2|2|RE%3A Picture problems|Joyful||17:56:29|09/16/2003|THANK-YOU Sleeeve%21%21%21 You are my new favorite person %3AD%0D%0AI worked it all out with your great and easy to follow advice and my picture appeared%21%21 %3A%2A %0D%0AMy problem was that I copied the picture into the only program I knew how to work%2C my word processor. %28DUH%21%21%29 Anyway I figured out how to get it into gif format and it worked%21%21%21%0D%0AThank you again for taking the time to help a computer dunce like myself%3A%29%3A%29%3A%29%0D%0A