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"TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.11/12 (Finale)"
ARnutz 13792 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-09-11, 07:45 AM (EST)
"TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.11/12 (Finale)" |
Wax On, Wax OFF!!!Ouch, man! This week, teams flew from Zermatt, Switzerland to Rio de Janiero, Brazil. Once in Brazil, they had to get to a bunch of places in this Snoop Dogg video. First, it was to the steps to find a tile on the wall with the next clue, which sent them to the roadblock dress up in costume and dance a samba until the judge gives you the nod. After that, teams went to get their Brazilian waxes, which were way easier for the ladies. Mallory even seemed to enjoy it. *shakes head* Once the waxing was over, teams had to choose a detour: on the rocks make 100 Caipirinhas or on the beach sell bikinis and have the purchasers change in a portable changing room. Once the detour was completed, teams went to the pit stop, where Zev and Justin were Philiminated. Boooooooooooo!!! After the break, teams flew to Miami. Once they landed, they had to make their way to a marina to do a roadblock drive a special forklift, get a boat, then move it to another area. Next, teams went to Jules Underwater Lodge and how cool it was! For another roadblock they used a personal submarine, saw an underwater performance and looked for the next clue in floating treasure chests. Next, teams walked on water, uh, through water to an island, then back again, then took a speedboat to a trailer park, where they had to set up a mobile home to match a picture postcard. Finally, it was off to the ultimate pit stop, ride a trike across the seven mile bridge, where the giant mat awaited! Check out the week 10 rankings by the awesome kidflash! On to the list! (I am ranking them all tied for first because they rock! ...and I think this is my favorite final 4 ever!) rank. Names (last week) 1. Zev/Justin (1) Aww, man! That Brazil leg sucked for them. Poor Zev with his white-boy rhythm, and then the waxing? Ooouuuch! The pain! Did you see Zev at the finish line in his pajamas? This is why I love them! 1. Herb/Nate (2) I love them! Of course I know most people dont, but I think it may be because Im a sports freak and understand the trash-talking is a big part of any game. They made me laugh all the time this season. 1. Kisha/Jen (3) I am happy with them winning! They made me tear up a little talking about their mom. They really had two great legs here and they were right, the only 1st place that matters is the last one! 1. Gary/Mallory (4) Very sweet those two. I liked them more this season than last. They had no chance with that crappy cab driver. rank. Names for the whole season
01. Zev/Justin 02. Flight Time/Big Easy 03. Gary/Mallory 04. Mel/Mike 05. Jet/Cord 06. LaKisha/Jennifer 07. Amanda/Kris BIG GAP 08. Kent/Vyxsin 09. Ron/Christina 10. Margie/Luke 11. Jaime/Cara And after all that, I have to give a very special shout-out to our awesome stat guy, kidflash! ...and big thanks to all of you who make this list what it is! See ya next time!
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Max Headroom 10028 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-09-11, 08:26 AM (EST)
1. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.11/12 (Finale)" |
Finale:1. Zev/Justin (1) - Not a good result, but they had a good time to the end. 2. Gary/Mallory (3) - Their race was lost at the airport taxi stand. Bummer. 3. Flight Time/Big Easy (2) - A decent effort but not good enough. 4. LaKisha/Jen (4) - Among the least-deserving winners ever- no leg wins, rarely in contention until the last leg. Overall: 1. Zev/Justin 2. Mel/Mike 3. Flight Time/Big Easy 4. Gary/Mallory 5. Jet/Cord 6. Amanda/Kris 7. LaKisha/Jennifer 8. Kent/Vyxsin 9. Jaime/Cara 10. Ron/Christina 11. Margie/Luke
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Starshine 4934 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
05-09-11, 09:13 AM (EST)
2. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.11/12 (Finale)" |
This week:1. LaKisha and Jennifer - Sisterly lvoe this week, as we have said before the only rule is don't finish last in any leg, and the only leg you need to finish first in is the last one. In a leg designed to help the Trotters they prodded posterior. 2. Gallory and Mallory - Teared up a lot more in their interview than in LaKisha and Jens, A great team, loads of support, no side. I would be OK with seeing them a third time, but let Gary have a bit of a rest first! 3. Zev and Justin - Threatening to punch some poor Brazilian girl for doing her job? Classy! Very lucky with the dancing. 4. Flight Time/Big Easy - Fortunately there is team ultimate classy to save Zev and Justin. Trash talk may be a part of sports, but not of a TV game show. Overall:
1. Gallory and Mallory - A great Father Daughter team, really seemed to enjoy the race and each others company
2. LaKisha and Jennifer - Won by coming first in a leg that was designed for them to lose. We didn't see a lot of them in the early legs, but we saw a lot of sisterly support after that. 3. Kent and Vyxsin - If Kynt really had cracked an ankle then kudos to him for carrying on, and Vyxsin for supporting him. Early on they were racing well and supporting each other. 4. Mel and Mike - Shame on the producers for casting this team in a really physical race. The team themselves were OK. 5. Amanda and Kris - I really like this couple, but I think they proved that whilst their elimination in their season was muy unfair they just aren't great racers. 6. Jet and Cord - Raced well, but were coming from behind too often. 7. Ron and Christina - He is still a little demanding, and she does nothing to control him, however if he hadn't ambled off aimlessly looking for sadhu then who knows... 8. Margie and Luke - Solely this high up for Lukes T-shirt at the finish line. Started off with the idea that they could get all the TAR 14 teams together to eliminate the others, glad it didn't get too bad. 9. Jaime and Cara - Raced well with support, once they had to do something for themselves they fell apart. 10. Zev and Justin - Seemed to feel they should win because "they deserved to" what lvoe I did feel for them evaporated early. Zev looking for animals in China remains as one of my least favourite moments. 11. Flight Time and Big Easy - I have no time for homophobic bullies
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cahaya 18904 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-09-11, 09:41 AM (EST)
3. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.11/12 (Finale)" |
This week:1. LaKisha/Jennifer - They won it! And in style. 2. Gary/Mallory - Got the bad luck of the draw on the airport taxi drivers. 3. Zev/Justin - Lost time trying to sell bikinis on a beach where every bikini had to be blurred out in violation of Max's Beach Rules. 4. FT/BE - The incessant smack talk lands them on the Most Wanted to Lose list. Season:
1. Gary/Mallory - Excellent racing by a father/daughter team and enjoyable to watch and listen to. 2. LaKisha/Jennifer - Classy winners. 3. Mel/Mike - Realized how much I missed watching them when seeing them at the finish mat. 4. Zev/Justin - The most humorous team of this (and many past) seasons. 5. FT/BE - A little too much smack talk for my liking, almost to the point of meanness. 6. Jet/Cord - Too many legs running in last having to catch up caught up with them. 7. Ron/Christina - More for Christina than Ron, she was a sweetheart, he was often a boor. 8. Amanda/Kris - Umm... I kind of forgot about them, whether it was good or bad. That puts them in the middle here. 9. Kent/Vyxsin - Post-race news of Kent's linging injuries gives them some slack here. At least they were sometimes entertaining. 10. Margie/Luke - About time Luke flew the nest and out of Mom's shadow. Some good moments, but a lot of not so good ones. 11. Jaime/Cara - Snooze. 12. The Lost Taxi Driver - You're fired!
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dabo 25344 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-09-11, 11:37 AM (EST)
5. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.11/12 (Finale)" |
01. Gary/Mallory. Got a lot of respect for this team, good balance of hyper and laid back. Mallory is just fun to watch, really into the whole TAR experience. Just don't load her up with caffiene.02. Zev/Justin. Good racers but prone to horrible decisions, but I love how they get along with each other and how well Justin keeps Zev in check when he starts to go off. 03. Ron/Christina. She's a saint, he's in his second or third childhood, barrel of laughs. 04. LaKisha/Jennifer. Learned from their past mistakes, stayed drama-free as much as possible this time, enjoyed themselves, steady racers. 05. Mel/Mike. Likeable guys, had fun, shouldn't have even bothered showing up for this one. 06. Amanda/Kris. Here by default. 07. Margie/Luke. Couldn't put together the rivalries this time, annoying, but I hated seeing Luke lose that way. 08. Kent/Vyxsin. Team disaster this season, but I do like that Vyxsin is a plucky forge ahead racer. bottomfeeder tie. Flight Time/Big Easy, Jaime/Cara, Jet/Cord. First of all, Globetrotters are entertainers not sports heroes, they just weren't very fun this time; the Cowboys also weren't that good or fun in a race not tailored to cowboy tricks; the bunnies were good eye-candy but got very annoying when they opened their mouths.
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emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-09-11, 12:08 PM (EST)
6. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.11/12 (Finale)" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-09-11 AT 12:12 PM (EST)1. Flight Time/Big Easy (4)(4)(2)(2)(1)(1)(1)(3)(4)(2) - I was rooting for them to win yesterday. Almost. They had fun and they probably make the most of anyone on the race except Mike the screenwriter/actor, so not too sorry for them. 2. Gary/Mallory (5)(6)(5)(1)(5)(3)(3)(2)(3)(3)-one bad cab driver again messed it up. I think in finale they should give them cars of their own. Great attitude throughout race. 3. LaKisha/Jennifer (7)(5)(4)(3)(2)(5)(4)(4)(2)(4) - meh I was ok with them winning they were the most consistent...and helping their mom is nice. Philiminated Zev/Justin (2)(2)(1)(4)(3)(2)(2)(1)(1) AH Kelly Clarkson...I said that every time one of them got the wax taken off OUCH (at least they spared us one area!!!) Bad leg when they didn't need it. They ran a great race and had a great attitude esp at end. If you are doing stats Kid, Zev/Justin would have been 1 and move everyone else down. But they were philiminated before end. ETA:
Overall 1. Zev/Justin 2. Mel/Mike 3. Flight Time/Big Easy 4. Gary/Mallory 5. Amanda/Kris 6. LaKisha/Jennifer 7. Kent/Vyxsin 8. Jet/Cord 9. Margie/Luke 10. Ron/Christina 11. Jaime/Cara
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Belle Book 3556 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
05-09-11, 10:14 PM (EST)
7. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.11/12 (Finale)" |
Here are my rankings for the final two legs:1. Gary & Mallory -- they just got screwed. What rotten luck! 2. Kisha & Jen -- this team won it when it counted! Great job! 3. Flight Time & Big Easy -- I have to hand it to you guys -- you handled your defeat with grace and dignity. Gonzo: Zev & Justin. I don't think I'll be seeing Dancing with the Stars in Zev's future. And here are my overall rankings: 1. Zev & Justin -- Zev and I both have Asperger's Syndrome, so I had to root for him and Justin. 2. Gary & Mallory -- they were really enjoyable this season. Too bad the Curse of the Bad Taxi Driver got them. 3. LaKisha & Jen -- not my favorite winners of all time but they deserved it. Congratulations to them. 4. Jet & Cord -- they were a nice team but they weren't quite good enough to get to the finals. 5. Ron & Christina -- I still love Christina. I'm not as fond of Ron, but I like him okay. 6. Amanda & Kris -- wish I could've gotten to know them better this time around. 7. Flight Time & Big Easy -- I put them here thanks to their attitude once they realized they lost. 8. Mel & Mike -- they weren't strong enough to keep up. A real pity. 9. Margie & Luke -- I felt sorry for Luke when he had to do the tea task. 10. Jaime & Cara -- didn't like them so much this time around, but they weren't awful. 11. Kent & Vyksin -- my least favorite team this season. But I've seen worse than them. Remember Jonathan, anyone?
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altpeach 137 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
05-10-11, 09:24 AM (EST)
9. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.11/12 (Finale)" |
Final Leg:1. Kisha/Jen- so glad to hear she took swimming lessons. Way to go ladies!! Who cares if you didn't win any other legs, you also didn't come in last. 2. FT/BE- They have so much fun. The dancing and singing with the locals made me smile. Sorry, but don't remember any homophobic actions/words from them. 3. Gary/Mallory- She is simply adorable. She had fun dancing and her smile is infectious. She has a cool dad also. 4. Justin/Zev- The punching in the face comments were too much. Overall: 1. Gary/Mallory 2. FT/BE 3. Kisha/Jen 4. Justin/Zev 5. Cowboys 6. Amanda/Kris 7. Mel/Mike
Gap the size of the Grand Canyon 8. Jaime/Cara 9. Ron/Christina 10. Margie/Luke 11. Kynt/Vyxin (I never imagined there would be a team below Margie and Luke)
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samboohoo 17075 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-10-11, 09:56 AM (EST)
10. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 18.11/12 (Finale)" |
Final Four:1. Gary & Mallory: Bad luck of the cab driver. 2. Flight Time & Big Easy: I respect the decision of sending the cabbie to get gas while you were doing the task instead of needing it later. Too bad it didn't work out. I thought they actually had a really good leg where they didn't use anyone else for help. 3. Keisha & Jen: More likeable, but not my faves. Philiminated: Zev & Justin. Great effort by Zev. He had to do it. At this moment, I bet they were somewhat regretting helping Flight & Big E earlier. Season: 1. Zev & Justin 2. Gary & Mallory 3. Mike & Mel 4. Jet & Cord 5. Flight Time & Big Easy 6. Amanda & Kris 7. Margie & Luke 8. Keisha & Jen 9. Jaime & Cara 10. Kent & Vyxsin 11. Ron & Christina 5. Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -