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"TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4"
ARnutz 13792 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-08-10, 08:47 AM (EST)
"TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
Geh Raus On this episode, teams flew from Argentina to Hamburg, Germany. The cowboys had to leave the pit stop late at night only to find the earliest flight was 11 am the next morning, thus negating their lead. The teams wound up on three different flights, but still it was quite a bunch point. Once in Hamburg, teams had to take a train then find their next clue, which was an intersected roadblock. The paired up teams had to do a bungee jump together over Hamburg Harbor. The pairs were: Jet/Cord and Michael/Louie, Joe/Heidi and Steve/Allie, Brandy/Carol and Dan/Jordan, and Brent/Caite and Jeff/Jordan. After the intersected roadblock, teams were faced with the detour: soccer - kick the ball through 5 targets - or - sauerkraut - eat a plateful of kraut before the band finished playing the sauerkraut polka. The next task was to share a boot of beer and then it was off to the seedy part of town to find the Beatles-Platz and then the Indra club for the pit stop, where the Beatles first performed many years ago. Don't forget to check out how your favorite team did last week, with our results from my super sidekick, kidflash.
On to the list!!! Rank. Names (last week's rank) - 1. Jet and Cord (1) - They got a bit screwed by the massive bunch point, but then they got a little screwed up on their own by taking the train instead of the quicker taxi after the intersection. ...and who knew you could bungee jump and not lose your cowboy hat? They crack me up with their quotes all the time, so they stay in first. 2. Steve and Allie (2) - Big props to big poppa with both the soccer task and the beer guzzling. Second place for two weeks in a row is not bad at all. 3. Louie and Michael (5) - They move up this week because they rocked every task they had. They seemed to have a wake up call and got it all together to com in first this time. How long can they keep it up? 4. Carol and Brandy (3) - Slide a bit on my list for the semi-meltdowns by the dark haired one due to missing the train and the bungee jump, but they did do well with the sauerkraut and beer tasks. 5. Caite and Brent (4) - Caite was supposed to be awesome at navigating the subway, but messed up. I do have to give her props for sucking it up at the soccer task. 6. Joe and Heidi (6) - I just don't like Joe very much at all. 7. Dan and Jordan (7) - Still like nails on a chalkboard. 8. Jordan and Jeff (8) - I wished they were gone, but they were saved by the non-elimination. I would not have missed them. Their stupidity makes them deserving of the next boot. OK, now it's your turn.
I've been 2 Patched! Like NCAA basketball? Then go sign up for SBOT March Madness Tourney.
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altpeach 137 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
03-08-10, 09:02 AM (EST)
1. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
1. Jet & Cord - I don't think any of the other teams left can replace them here. Although...2. Steve & Allie - Really like dad. He kicked butt on the soccer and beer. If Allie (not saying she's bad) would kinda step up to his level, they may have a chance at replacing my favorite team of the season. 3. Louie & Michael - The shorter one was all too happy to drink all of that beer. 4. Caite & Brent - I find that I am really liking her. To me, she is redeeming herself. Brent, not feeling too much. 5. Jeff & Jordan - They just don't have the determination or desire needed to win TAR. They are this high because of who is left. 6. Carol & Brandi - annoying. 7. Dan & Jordan - annoying. 8. Joe & Heidi - for some reason he reminds me of Jon Gosselin. UGH!! No matter who is eliminated, they will forever be on the bottom of my list for that reason alone.
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MaryKat 221 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"
03-08-10, 09:52 AM (EST)
2. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
1. Jet and Cord 2. Steve and Allie 3. Michael and Louie 4. Dan and Jordan I don't find them to be as anoying as some others do. 5. Caite and Brent 6. Joe and Heidi 7. Jordan and Jeff I was hoping they were gone 8. Carol and Brandy
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Max Headroom 10028 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-08-10, 09:54 AM (EST)
3. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
Like: 1. Jet and Cord (1) - The big bunch point equaled a lost lead, and they ran a somewhat ragged leg, but they're still fun to watch and easy to like. 2. Steve and Allie (2) - A strong effort on the leg, and they've done nothing to make me like them less. 3. Caite and Brent (3) - If Dandrew made it to the final 3 despite a complete lack of racing skills, these two might also, and I like them a whole lot more. Caite is proving to be tougher than I expected.Meh: 4. Louie and Michael (6) - As I said last week, I thought there was a glimmer of hope for these two. And we saw it this week. 5. Joe and Heidi (4) - Haven't done anything to make me dislike them, haven't done anything to make me like them. 6. Carol and Brandy (5) - I like these two less and less each week, but they're still (barely) tolerable. They shouldn't be around much longer in any case. Don't like: 7. Jordan and Jeff (7) - Week after week, I'm amazed at how clueless Jordan is. Can this girl remember which shoe goes on which foot? 8. Dan and Jordan (8) - The edit was a little kinder to them this week, but I still don't like them. At all. Philiminated: Nobody - And all of the TAR viewing audience groaned in unison.
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Estee 55194 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-08-10, 04:15 PM (EST)
14. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
I was waiting for her to try on the beer boot. Emptying it first was optional.
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samboohoo 17075 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-08-10, 10:13 AM (EST)
4. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
1. Jet & Cord: They are still my favorites. It sucks that they had to deal with a major bunching point. Loved the bungee jumping in the hat. None of these tasks was "suited" to them, and they still did well. They likely would have finished higher had they not taken the subway from the road block.2. Louie & Michael: Wow. Great week. I guess the bunching did help them, but they still did well. 3. Steve & Allie: No real excitement. 4. Carol & Brandy: Still not their biggest fans, but they are again impressing me being so out of their element. And I can't fault anyone for freaking out on a bungee jump - I likely would too. 5. Jordan & Jeff: You're not stupid because your taxi driver took you way off course. I thought you could have tried a little harder with the kraut, especially knowing you were so far behind. 6. Brent & Caite: Surprisingly, she is keeping them in the race. 7. Dan & Jordan: Nails on a chalkboard is a good comparison. 8. Joe & Heidi: Blah. Samboobree, brought to life by Arkie
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Starshine 4934 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
03-08-10, 10:26 AM (EST)
5. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
1. Jet and Cord - Still like them, taking the U-Bahn wasn't necessarily the quickest move, however if TAR makes the money tight later on it may turn out to be sensible. Lvoed the bungee jumping whilst wearing an hat!2. Carol and Brandy - I can forgive the bungee drama, and again I thought they raced sensibly, thought they would have trouble with the beer but they stormed through it. 3. Caite and Brent - Caite will be visiting the hospital again, I'm guessing that she is trying to go to the emergency room in every continent! Pushed through well, Brent I could do without, use the bathroom not the street. 4. Louie and Michael - When they were first off the plane the leg was set up for them, eating and drinking, nothing athletic! 5. Dan and Jordan - They raced well, Dans support of Brandy bought them up on my list and no drama this week. 6. Jordan and Jeff - Think maybe Hamburg has more than one football stadium? Idiots. But loveable idiots. 7. Steve and Allie - Crude and socially unattractive, Allie seems OK, although I am very glad that we were not subjected to more of them in the previous episodes. 8. Joe and Heidi - Not sure why, I just don't care for them. J Slice what a cool lady Just another Sleeperbloke
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Estee 55194 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-08-10, 10:27 AM (EST)
6. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
LAST EDITED ON 03-08-10 AT 11:13 AM (EST)1. Jet & Cord. Now that's a fitted hat. They lose something for going train instead of taxi at a crucial speed moment (and I'd like to know what their funds looked like at that point), but gain it back for not going the full Weaver in the red-light district, which happens when you not only take the time to note that you're not in the Bible Belt, but also immediately start setting everything around you on fire. Also, speaking as a non-drinker: that clue task might have taken me out of the Race on the spot, or at least sent me reeling around the remainder of the course. (Notice the placement -- near the end, and no driving yourself after.) For them to push through as well as they did was a sign of willpower. 2. Carol & Brandy. Improving slowly, but the best thing they could do to go all the way in the Race would be getting the bloody hell away from the human drag lines that are Dan & Jordan. Bonus points for powering through the sauerkraut, cutting down on the bickering, and not completely losing it at the bungee jump -- minus a few for continued overreaction to minor crisis points. The next train wasn't that far behind, and it's better to be in the middle of a pack than the back of one. 3. Joe & Heidi. Slight injury bump in the rankings. I can see where and how Joe is rubbing everyone else the wrong way, but so far, his personality hasn't been that directly abrasive for me. He's also not taking out his frustrations on Heidi, which sets him apart from the dozens of other jerks to run the course: major boost right there. 4. Caite & Brent. Pure injury bump for Caite forcing herself to complete the soccer Detour on a bad leg. Brent? Is turning into a boyfriend-shaped backpack, and he'd better figure that out if he wants to save his camera time. She's still irredeemably dense -- oh, come on: what kind of NYC resident can't read a subway map? -- and has no interest in becoming anything else, but at least she's trying to run the course as best she can. Him? He's... carrying stuff. And not much of it. 5. Steve & Allie. Competent. Mobile. Steady. Invisible. 6. Louie & Michael. Oh, sure -- give the lugs a leg that revolves around eating too much, drinking too much, and doing something too stupid for most people to even remotely consider tackling, then give them a little bit of flight luck and watch them come in first. Sorry, but some legs are just coincidentally matched to a given team, and the Defective Detectives hit their stride on their perfect link. Unless the next leg involves fumbling words written on the back of a card (instead of inside an envelope), they're dropping back -- and I can't rank them any higher than this. 7. Dan & Jordan. 'I hate traveling. I hate being on the course. I hate being a contestant.' Feel free to stop at any time. Not only do you not want to be here, but you're incredibly bad at the actual act. Any act. A total waste of viewer time and a team slot -- but at least there's no chance he'll wind up hating his half-million. 8. Jeff & Jordan. I knew it was an NEL the instant Phil started talking: too much stall, too long to reach the crucial words -- our chances of getting rid of them died five seconds after they hit the mat. Sure, they got the first ramming-speed cabbie screwing of the course, aided and abetted by their own inability to figure out what was going on until it was too late. (Plus the Intersection team of Dumb & Dumber really should have held together longer than it did.) But they finished last on the Big Brother Memorial Leg. Think about it. Here's a list of their challenges: grab something disgusting and eat too much! Take something alcoholic and drink too much! We put a small crane and bungee in the backyard: use it, then kick things at paper targets we set up at the other end of the backyard! And just to close out the honors, spend your time working with morons! The Chenbot could have hosted that without dropping a single line of code: JeJo should have blown through their tribute leg without a second glance. And they finished last. Kudos. Get off my screen. Production almost deserves its own ranking, and is about to get its own thread.
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PsychoKitty 678 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
03-08-10, 04:32 PM (EST)
16. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
Well said Estee!!! You covered everything I was thinking so I will ride on your coattails and just add a few comments:1. Jet and Cord - Amazing job! And too bad about the lost lead(S) - flight AND metro! 2. Steve and Allie - Steve rocked the soccer - I was so surprised! And Allie needed to help with the beer. QUESTION - A poster called him "Crude and socially unattractive." Did he do something offensive and I missed it? What did he do? 3. Louie and Michael - Tailor made challenge, but likeable guys. Maybe a little confidence will improve their Race. 4. Carol and Brandy - Needed to share in the tasks more instead of sticking each other with more than their share, re the beer and kraut. 5. Joe and Heidi - Oh Gawd - someone said Jon Gosselin, now that's going to stick in my head. But HOW STUPID to do the athletic task when your knee is already hurting?! 6. Dan and Jordan - Dan hates to travel? Then don't apply for the Amazing Race! That agenda alone could tank this team. Good job with the soccer though! And I'm sure they drink alot of beer in college. 7. Caite and Brent - People are right - He is just invisible and a burden. She is an idiot. Maybe they are a match made in heaven?! Too bad about the pulled muscle, but did it hurt THAT much? And MILLIONS OF PEOPLE throughout the world of all education levels can read a metro map!!! Good GAWD! 8. Jordan and Jeff - yes, a bad taxi driver; but she didn't even try at the challenges and stuck him with it. (Just picking at her food and making faces . . .) Please GO AWAY! Not that I have an opinion one way or another ;) Signature by tribephyl
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Estee 55194 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-09-10, 02:10 PM (EST)
23. "Cleveland Indians." |
I'm guessing he comes from the 'It don't mean a thing if I ain't got that ring' school of allegiance.
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shimane22 142 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
03-08-10, 12:33 PM (EST)
9. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
1. Joe/Heidi (3,2,3) - Did nothing objectionable this week, still boring.2. Steve/Allie (4,5,2) - Boring, she looks like Shenae Grimes (which almost earned them a lower ranking). 3. Jet/Cord (7,1,1) - Worried that their smugness level will rise 4. Jordan/Jeff (5,6,4) - Hit some unfortunate taxi luck, we'll see how they do with the speed bump. 5. Brent/Caite (6,7,5) - Too much drama. 6. Louie/Michael (9,9,8) - Boring, and unsurprisingly capable of shoveling down food... 7. Carole/Brandy (8,3,6) - Bad attitudes. 8. Dan/Jordan (10,8,7) - Incredibly annoying. Elimination Station: X 9. Monique/Shawne (2,4... -5) This show needs to cast better all-female teams. Boring and weak. Didn't know them well enough to miss them. X 10. Jody/Shannon (1) Seemed like nice people but it bothered me how slow and relaxed they were... where's the competitive fire? This is a RACE. X 11. Dana/Adrian I'd rather have them in it than the lesbians or either of the Rhode Island teams... too bad.
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emydi 13669 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-08-10, 02:02 PM (EST)
10. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
1. Steve and Allie (3)(1)(2)- They did very well on all the tasks and I liked Steve at the bar, he and the one cop were the only non lightweights. Although they are almost invisible...will their edit change...if not can't be winners, imho2. Carol and Brandy -(6)(4)(4) they did well this week, except for missing the train but not all their fault. Brandy did well on bungee and sauerkraut and they were pretty good at the beer.. imagine if bungee jumping was after the sauerkraut an beer!! 3. Dan and Jordan (2)(6)(3)- they did well, I don't like to travel either so I'm with Dan. I do love TAR so I'm with Jordant 4. Louie and Michael (7)(7)(6)- they move up this week bc they did so well with sauerkraut and beer and got a 1st place finish finally 5. Jet and Cord (4)(2)(1)- they fell off for me this week, esp. because they said they weren't in the Bible Belt anymore and sounded serious to me...and they don't drink beer... 6. Joe and Heidi (8)(5)(5)- you complain all day about your knee and then when there's a choice, you take the athletic one not eat a plate of sauerkraut...how anyone picked the soccer is beyond me...it's just sauerkraut 7. Caite and Brent (9)(8)(7)- don't like them, she is a whiny little entitled girl that needs to grow up, he's an embarrassment...it's just beer (although German beer is pretty strong) but no one else puked at hte bar...I loved the German guys laughing at him. 8. Jordan and Jeff(10)(9)(8) -they are so stupid why would you wait so long ...and who can't eat sauerkraut? Does anyone else think that CBS had TAR change this to a NEL bc the BBs were going to have to leave? Usually we get a bunch of NELs at 6-4 not at 8
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warp_core breach 469 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Daytime Soap Guest Star"
03-08-10, 04:13 PM (EST)
13. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
1. Jet & Chord - Should have taken the taxi instead of the subway.2. Steve & Allie - Have been doing well. 3. Joe & Heidi - Yes, he does remind me of Jon Gosselin... yuck! 4. Carol & Brandy - Less annoying this week but I still don't like them. The blond one could have shovelled back more sauerkraut instead of being dainty about it. 5. Caite & Brent - There seems to be some sort of issue every leg. She is ok but he is useless. She kicks 3 soccer balls with a bum leg. He pukes up the beer... on the street! 6. Jeffoon & Jordumb - It was just sauerkraut. It's not like it was intestines or anything. You can eat BB slop but not share a plate of sauerkraut? 7. Dan & Jordan - So Dan doesn't like to travel... why are you here? 8. Louis & Michael - Did well this leg but they are still incompetent knuckle-head buffoons. Philiminated - Damn those NELs! A Gift from Agman
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kidflash212 3854 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
03-08-10, 07:29 PM (EST)
18. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
1)Jet & Cord - Not their best leg but I still like them.2)Dan & Jordan - This is sort of a sympathy vote and they were either less annoying than usual last night or I'm getting used to them. More points since I didn't have to watch them push a car this leg. 3)Carol & Brandy - They've been doing well and are not the high maintenance ladies I expected watching the first leg. 4)Louie & Michael - Not convinced this leg wasn't a fluke but they did well. Next leg will tell. 5)Caite & Brent - Calamity Caite and her absolutely useless wimp of a boyfriend. 6)Steve & Allie - Enough with being invisible. 7)Jordan & Jeff - No excuses, if I was in a race for a million dollars I'd be watching carefully what address my taxi driver was typing into his GPS. 8)Heidi & Joe - It's possible I interpreted it wrong but Heidi's comment about being glad to work with Steve & Allie because they come from a good family like themselves rubbed me the wrong way. It sounded to me like she was putting down some of the other teams, as if she considered some other racers beneath her. Philiminated - Capn2patch put me in motion!
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Belle Book 3556 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
03-08-10, 09:25 PM (EST)
19. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
1. Jet & Cord -- they're still perhaps the strongest team, even if they screwed up with the subway/taxi issue.2. Steve & Allie -- smart choices all around. They'll be around for awhile. 3. Louie & Michael -- what a difference a bunch-point (and teaming up with Jet & Cord) makes! Great job! 4. Joe & Heidi -- I like them okay, but it seems a lot of other teams don't. 5. Carol & Brandy -- you were better this week. Maybe among the best I've seen you. 6. Brent & Caitie -- why am I not surprised you got lost in the subway station? On the plus side, smart choice with the Detour! 7. Jeff & Jordan -- the only reason you're not at the bottom is because it wasn't your fault you got a bad taxi driver! 8. Dan & Jordan -- still not my favorite guys but you were better this time around.
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Joools 225 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Network TV Show Guest Star"
03-09-10, 01:08 AM (EST)
21. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
Late entry on my part means I have to spread the lvoe this week without providing much commentary.Lvoe a lot 1. Jet & Cord 2. Steve & Allie Like not lvoe 3. Louie & Michael 4. Carol & Brandy 5. Joe & Heidi Whatever 6. Brent & Caite 7. Dan & Jordan 8. Jordan & Jeff
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Tazluli 141 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
03-10-10, 09:17 AM (EST)
25. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
Not much change from last week1. Jet & Cord (1) 2. Steve & Allie (2) 3. Louie & Michael (4) 4. Joe & Heidi (3) 5. Caite & Brent (5) 6. Jordan & Jeff (6) 7. Carol & Brandy (8) 8. Dan & Jordan (7)
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featherfish81 391 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"
03-14-10, 02:47 PM (EST)
26. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
Almost forgot to post this week. Maybe if I did it earlier I'd remember enough to switch the order around.1. Jet and Cord (1,1,1)- The taxi was the faster choice, but maybe having the extra money from taking the train will come in handy later. Plus they make me laugh and they get along, so they stay in first. 2. Steve and Allie (7,3,2)- Still staying under the radar, but nothing to drop them this week. 3. Carol and Brandy (4,4,3)- Started getting along again, even when you were teasing each other about the food. 4. Dan and Jordan (6,6,4)- Less bickering equals more enjoyment for me 5. Caite and Brent (9,8,6)- I appreciated how she powered through the soccer even though she was cramping up. 6. Louie and Michael (8,7,7)- Did well through the challenges and are getting along, so slowing moving up. 7. Joe and Heidi (5,5,5)- Still staying under the radar. 8. Jordan and Jeff (10,9,8)- Tough luck with the taxi, but you also made some bad decisions choosing tasks. Philiminated: No one
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kidflash212 3854 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
03-14-10, 06:35 PM (EST)
28. "Week 4 Results!" |
Week Four Results! Happy St Patrick's Day! This week some cracks in the armour but Jet & Cord still take first place on the lvoe list grabbing 17 out of 20 votes. Steve & Allie are a solid second place with two first place votes and 13 second place votes.Louie & Michael rebound from last place last week to third place this week.
Jordan & Jeff may have gotten lucky with a NEL but get no lvoe this week - falling to last place. Dan & Jordan get second to last for the second week in a row. Rank | Team | First Place Votes | Last Place Votes | AverageRank | Direction | 1 | Jet& Cord | 17 | 01.350 | ↔ | | 2 | Steve & Allie | 2 | 02.600 | ↔ | | 3 | Louie & Michael | 0 | 13.900 | ↑ | | 4 | Carol & Brandy | 0 | 24.650 | ↔ | | 5 | Caite & Brent | 0 | 05.150 | ↓ | | 6 | Joe & Heidi | 1 | 45.400 | ↓ | | 7 | Dan & Jordan | 0 | 56.200 | ↔ | | 8 | Jordan & Jeff | 0 | 9 | 6.500 | ↓ | In honor of the holiday a round of green beers at Jim's Casino on me!
Capn2patch put me in motion!
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HistoryDetective 9516 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
03-14-10, 06:37 PM (EST)
29. "RE: TAR Lvoe List Volume 16.4" |
1. Invisible, Party of Two --- Once again, the least objectionable team in a cohort of people who are hard nearly impossible to like.2. Not-So-Ambiguously Gay Duo --- I didn't find them as annoying as usual this week. Maybe I just have a higher twink tolerance than most (but that does not mean I want them frequenting any of the places I hang out). 3. Police Academy: Mission to Moscow --- They set aside their usual bumbling to do an excellent job of eating food and drinking beer. If only one of the tasks had also involved eating donuts... 4. Same Haircut, Different Dyes --- They were competent enough this week. Maybe they will continue to improve with less fighting and overreacting to setbacks. Still, they were less "high maintenance" this week than expected. 5. Barbie and Bohunk --- She's dumb and whiny, but I have yet to discover that he has even that much of a personality. 6. Really Fast Plane and Small Flexible Cable --- Considering what your hair looks like on those rare occasions you remove those oversized hats, thank you for not subjecting us to an extended view during the bungee jump. 7. The Good Family --- Your husband is a real a$$, so I don't know what you have to be so smug about, you judgmental beyotch. 8. Poster Boy and Poster Girl for Birth Control --- You two already had a chance on another reality show. It's too bad you used up a slot for more deserving Racers. When was the last time that the fourth leg was a non-elimination leg? The first one usually comes one leg later. I'm suspicious.
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -