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"S47 ~ Ep 12 ~ East Coast Update Thread"
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Flowerpower1 4594 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 07:53 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"S47 ~ Ep 12 ~ East Coast Update Thread"
You know the drill! All or ANY commentary on the episode that airs tonight belongs in this thread until the show has aired in its entirety on the Left Coast. And, don't forget to have PHUN!

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  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Survivor vs Traitors Canada michel2 12-04-24 1
 I love that show! Flowerpower1 12-04-24 2
   RE: I love that show! michel2 12-04-24 8
       RE: I love that show! Sheldor 12-04-24 12
 Here we go.... Flowerpower1 12-04-24 3
 Post Intro Flowerpower1 12-04-24 4
 First segment michel2 12-04-24 5
 Underdogs vs Sam/Genevieve Flowerpower1 12-04-24 6
 Reward = Italian food, a bed + Lett... michel2 12-04-24 7
 Post RC Flowerpower1 12-04-24 9
 Teeny with an ax to grind... Flowerpower1 12-04-24 10
 Operation Italy michel2 12-04-24 11
   RE: Operation Italy Sheldor 12-04-24 23
 Pre IC Flowerpower1 12-04-24 13
 Operation Italy Part DUE michel2 12-04-24 14
 Post IC ~ Rachel Wins Flowerpower1 12-04-24 15
 Genevieve is right! michel2 12-04-24 16
 Tribal Council Flowerpower1 12-04-24 17
 &?&**&?# michel2 12-04-24 18
   RE: &?&**&?# Sheldor 12-04-24 19
       Hi Sheldor! Flowerpower1 12-04-24 21
           RE: Hi Sheldor! Sheldor 12-04-24 22
 NTOS Flowerpower1 12-04-24 20

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michel2 4669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 08:42 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "Survivor vs Traitors Canada"
LAST EDITED ON 12-04-24 AT 08:47 PM (EST)

I know this belongs in Bashers but it's been deserted for quite a while. I just finished watching Traitors Canada and I noted the main differences with that reality game and Survivor: The Hostess, Karine Vanasse has quite a style. She changes one colorful outfit to another on each show while Jiffy, it seems, has been wearing the same thing for 23 years !!

Also, the challenges are much more inventive. Take this one for example. The players, in 2 groups of three, had to untie themselves from a post. Then, using the rope that had tied them up and a compass, they had to follow clues to find pieces of gold scattered in the woods to add them to the game's pot. Since they were timed, they had to decide when to stop looking for the gold because they had to run to a lake. There, two of them had to swim to a raft in the middle of the lake and put their bag of gold on the raft. When Karine's helicopter flew overhead, they had to tie the bag to a rope hanging down so the gold could be brought back to the manor. The Helicopter was making only one pass over the raft so if they were too late they'd have no gold.

The strategy of the game is also very enjoyable.

If you are curious these are some examples of Karine's outfits:

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Flowerpower1 4594 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 09:00 PM (EST)
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2. "I love that show!"
Boston Rob and Tony Valachos will be on the next one due out in January I think! Cirie won the very first one! She was ruthless, . Parvati played in season two and did very well except the damn housewives all stuck together and got her out, among others. Fun show! Boston Rob won't stand a chance!
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michel2 4669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 09:27 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
8. "RE: I love that show!"
I was about to watch season 1 of the US version but I guess I'm spoiled. That's fine, we are in spoilers after all, so it's on me for bringing it up.
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Sheldor 4747 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 09:52 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Sheldor Click to send private message to Sheldor Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
12. "RE: I love that show!"
The end of USA Traitors Season 1 is amazing! Worth watching!

USA Traitors Season 3 has Four Survivors, Boston Rob, Tony, Jeremy Collins and Carolyn Wiger

Also Two legends from Big Brother: Danielle Reyes and Britney Haynes

Premiere is January 9, 2025

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Flowerpower1 4594 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 09:04 PM (EST)
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3. "Here we go...."
OMG, then see Rachel win her advantage with the block a vote.

Rachel feels good about the 5 underdogs

Gen notes people are being shepherded to F#. Andy is sick of being underestimated in the game.
Sue is drooling to get Kyle out.

Kyle leaves with class

returning to camp

Sue. fixing the fire.
Teeny notes Kyle was a big part of the fabric of S47

Sue's elated. longer he was here the more annoying he became. he called them tweedle dee and tweedle dum.

Sam: Kyle was a useful shield. I was powerless tonight, a posse of 5 players, he names the underdogs. picking us off one at a time. Gen and I in tight spot but this game is not over yet, as long as I am on this island I will fight, says Sam.

Hmmmm, that intro makes me think it could be him tonight.

Cut to intro

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Flowerpower1 4594 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 09:10 PM (EST)
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4. "Post Intro"
Beta day 21

Caroline and Sue making rice. Caroline: no one is as close as sue and I, imagine if she sees me as her daughter. As a duo we have all the tools to make it to the end, I'm strategist, she is the planner, goer, crawls on hands and knees getting dirtier and dirtier....

Genevieve and Andy talk. she apologizes for discounting his game. apologizes. we are playing a game, it's all fair. She is sorry for making it uncomfortable.

Gen notes she's cold and doesn't care about people so best for her game is to shrink. I would love to be the big bad wolf but I will play possum etc to stay in this game longer. Now she's just a house cat

see Teeny and Gen. she tells teeny if Rachel goes out everyone's chances are better. She has been tactical about everything. she tells teeny that it's not a slam dunk for you, teeny if Rachel is there.

Teeny says Gen is desperate, I'm not falling for that, sam and gen are desperate. we are sick of gen and sam, one of them is going home and there is nothing they can do about it.

Teeny says it will be you Rachel, they are targeting you.
Rachel in conf: found out this am they are targeting me, scary but I feel secure in the people that I have put my trust in. I have an idol that no one knows about and the block a vote, I'm locked and loaded, so I d o feel good about it!

See Teeny, Rachel and Andy in the shelter talking about it.

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michel2 4669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 09:13 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
5. "First segment"
Sam wants to fight to the end.

Caroline is very confident that she and Sue are running the game.

Sue gets dirtier and dirtier every day. She also said that Kyle called her and Caroline Tweedlededee and Twedlededum which I don't remember Kyle doing.

Genevieve tries to reduce her target by apologizing to Andy and then telling Teeny that Rachel is the biggest threat.

Andy relishes in being seen as important by Genevieve while Teeny interprets their talk as a threat: Genevieve would vote for Rachel over poor little Teeny.

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Flowerpower1 4594 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 09:24 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
6. "Underdogs vs Sam/Genevieve"
Come on in, challenge ~ reward
Race thru series of obstacles, get balls, land balls on 2 level perch.

sanctuary, afternoon filled with Italian food, pizza, cheese, pepperoni, Margherita, bolognese, caesar Sala, red wine, terra missou

Ready, GO

get rid of sandbags, untie them, then go over the bar, then jump over bar, Rachel first, then sam. move the ball through the net tunnel. Sue in last

move the ball through the net tunnell with lots of obstacles in it.
Rachel out first, untie second ball. Gen is out next, then Andy, then sam

Rachel getting balls under the net crawling. then Gen, then Sam, sam ripping through making up time, catching Rachel. now have to throw the balls up on the uneven bars.

land both balls one on each level of the perch,
Sam lands first ball

Rachel lands her first ball.

Sam almost wins
Sam wins. Pizza and pasta. Motivated by Italian

Pillow and blanket, will spend the night, get good night sleep, fuel you need to make it to the end, also have your letters from home. Big decision.

Nobody wants to miss out on the letters. More important than the food. Gen cannot even talk. He says there is one person that I promised I would take, that's Andy.

Andy says he is the last person he expected to be picked I don't think wee are on the best terms game wise. Sam says he does what he says he is going to do.

last person he picks is Genevieve.

Apologizes to the others as he goes . See the four girls. Jiffy asks what impact does this have. He talks about Sam and Gen, trying to get me to turn on us, this will have a horrible outcome for their game says Teeny.

Hope they enjoy the last supper.

Rachel in conf: people get pissed....pissing off so many people is a good thing for my game and my alliance it's going to make us tighter.

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michel2 4669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 09:25 PM (EST)
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7. "Reward = Italian food, a bed + Letters from Home"
Sam wins and picks Andy and Genevieve.

Teeny was so pissed she raised her hand after they had left to tell Jeff just how much!

I guess we know why «Girl Power» is formed. Do we have pour F4? I would say so!

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Flowerpower1 4594 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 09:37 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
9. "Post RC"
The sanctuary

Lady and gentlemen welcome to the sanctuary....cannot win immunity but boy can I win reward. not just Italian food over night reward with a cherry on top...and letters from home. Thank you sam!

I hope the people at camp aren't mad at me.

Butters up Andy, through all the highs and lows you kept your chin up blah blah

knew he would choose Andy, feels like he owes him a little Gbit and Gen and I are on the bottom, easy, no brainer for her.

Sam says he wonders about her non emotional approach. She talks about rishon voted out, and he looked at me and said I trusted you, so now she doesn't want to get too close. This girl has learned keeping everyone at arms length, I need to let people in a little bit, I hate it but she reads the letter. we love you and I'm sure you have so many friends, and she hsays she has no friends out here, who does that? but my husband says if you have a bad day, try to slow down mistakes can be matter what happen s out there you are coming home to the amazing life you left

Sams brother, gives him confidence, his loyalty is to the people writing these letters.

Andy: My mom is a super fan of this game she is so proud...this game. has not been easy, these letters are just what I needed, all I have to do is to go all freaking out to the bitter end.

back at camp beta.

Teeny says she is going to say things she is going to regret. Sam just quit the game she says. it's so idiotic to me, you would think to try a Hail Mary, pick me. sam wants to be the hero, he is just this honorable, picks the only other guy out here. they will try to convince Andy to flip. Teeny is out for Sam, checking every box on why he needs to go home. Now teeny talks about she's a man hater. now talking about him being the all American quarterback....she's jealous, but sam left the four of us here, to plan his demise. Teeny is obsessed with all women. Caroline says they would have a good chance against all of them. they make a F4. Caroline, Rachel, Teeny, Sue. Solidifying how to get rid of Sam, Gen, then Andy. This is the four that will run this show to the end.
Sue screams Girl power
Caroline can see her self winning this game, it's intoxicating!

Who needs men!

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Flowerpower1 4594 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 09:47 PM (EST)
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10. "Teeny with an ax to grind..."
....On Sam. Girl Power!


Andy talks game to them. he woke up with a plan. an opportunity we cannot pass up.

Gen says Andy calls a meeting. last couple of days she's been close to death

Andy spills on the underdog alliance. 5 people. goal is to build suspicion that one of you have na idol, split the vote, and then I will swing over to vote with you guys. I'm going all out and I have no fear. He says it's their only chance of winning.

Andy started the game as a goat, and this is the way he can finish the game off and win. we have to put together a very difficult mission, a lot of stealth and pure execution. They call it operation Italy.

See Andy, Sam, Gen return.

Step one narrates Andy: cahnnel all of his feeder experience, apologizing....goes right back, Sam will do anything. He would rather do Rachel, but will do anything. see him talking to them all....he's feeling confidant!

Gen. It depends on having an idol. Sam gave me his expired idol, and I have some extra beads. we all have to paint the broader view,

see Andy and Rachel role is to re ingratiate myself with my underdog alliance of 5. I need them to feel that I am still trustworthy and still 100% with them. They picked me to wine and dine me, strong armed me, not the right approach for me.

step 2. Foster suspicion that Gen has the idol. This fake info will cause paranoia and insecurity and that will help me encourage them to split the vote.

see them talking about the idol. Operation Italy is underway, they have no idea what I am planning. Now time to pull the trigger on the juiciest target in the game: Rachel.

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michel2 4669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 09:51 PM (EST)
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11. "Operation Italy"
Andy, Sam & Genevieve hatched a strong plan during the reward. They called it Operation Italy. First part, give a fake idol to Genevieve then get the 4 women to split their votes so the three «Italians» can vote out Rachel.

Andy even revealed Rachel's advantage.

Will it work?

There is such an easy way around it: VOTE OUT ANDY. They don't want him anyway so why not? He won't have an idol and a survivor rule is NEVER SPLIT the votes unless you have a sure super majority. 10 players could split against 2 but five against 2 puts WAY too much power in one of the five to simply flip.

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Sheldor 4747 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 11:30 PM (EST)
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23. "RE: Operation Italy"
By the way Sam, Genevieve is a French name not Italian! LOL
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Flowerpower1 4594 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 09:59 PM (EST)
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13. "Pre IC"
Operation Italy is underway.

Come on in guys.

Day 22

requires balance dexterity and touch. navigate balance beam holding ball, maneuver two skulls through maze, then roll balls somewhere.

Saw sam when he said someone becomes the fifth member of our journey.


balance, ball on a pole. balance the ball on the pole while walking across the balance beam. Teeny first over. Teeny sam Rachel now have staff maneuvering skulls through maze.

Sam and Rachel pulling ahead. Sam out first. navigate the ball into a tiny dimple.

Rachel now at last stage. Teeny is through. need 3 balls in 3 of the 5 spots. learning curve. Rachel has first one in dimple hole

Andy now at last stage, and gen

Sue is there and Gen. Rachel has her second ball on. They all SUCK. Rachel will win this hands down, no one else even has a ball in a dimple. She wins.

Rachel. See Sam's face.

Rachel says she had a rough entry into the merge, this is wild. See Andy then Sam when he notes somebody's dream comes to an end.

Andy confessional of doom: now that Rachel is off the table the real issue is who is the new target?

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michel2 4669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 10:00 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
14. "Operation Italy Part DUE"
Operation Italy had a hole the size of the Mediterranean sea: It neglected to consider the possibility that Rachel could win immunity which she promptly did!!
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Flowerpower1 4594 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 10:11 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
15. "Post IC ~ Rachel Wins"
Sam says if I go, it was an absolute pleasure playing with you, I will vote for you if you make it says Sam to Gen. They pick between Caroline and teeny. She shows him the fake idol. plan is to ensure a vote split....

Sam is worried they won't buy you have an idol.

See Caroline and Teeny talking all the five. Andy says he still thinks she has the idol. we should split the vote. Teeny has her own agenda....Teeny wants to vote out Sam. She's very stubborn.

Teeny comes up to Sam and Gen....Gen tells her to put the votes on me, she says why? Then Gen shows the idol. Tonights vote will go exactly how we think it will.

Andy Sam Gen choose Caroline. Caroline is the brains of the Caroline/Sue pair.

Sam has optimistic feeling in his gut that they will survive.

Caroline: I know that Gen is voting for me. Giving validation that I am a threat, but it is nerve racking. does she has an idol. See her go through the bag. I trust my alliance, but unsettling feeling there is a bit of a

Sue wants Rachel to block a vote. Sue tells she may play her idol on Caroline. but as long as my group all stay strong we can't go wrong.

Now Rachel says that she wants to load the votes up on Sam, she could also use her block a vote. Andy is telling her let's just split the votes

Gen talks about all the ways this can go wrong. we need to stars to align. Rachel shows Andy her block a vote. Sue wants to save Caroline if it comes to it. Gen says there are more ways this can go wrong then go right.

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michel2 4669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 10:13 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
16. "Genevieve is right!"
She brilliantly summarized how Operation Italy could be a bust and I hope one of those options happen. Too bad it won't be Andy because it's down to Sam vs Caroline. With Sue promising to protect Caroline with her idol. it sure looks like it was indeed Sam's last supper.
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Flowerpower1 4594 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 10:27 PM (EST)
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17. "Tribal Council"
Start with the reward challenge. Sam winning the reward comes with strategic power and risk. how did it go at the sanctuary. As good as it feels for yourself you are also the one taking it away from 4 other people.

Gen. When she came in she was gen the player and gen the person. The letters from home gave me the perspective I needed. you are better off if you connect with pope. a meaningful experience for me.

Andy. I resonate with what she is saying. we have games and journey's we see beyond the game when we let people in to our lives at home.

teeny. you weren't chosen. I didn't have an emotional wall up, I was emotional, not being chosen was an opportunity for me to strategically think, it reversed me out of this emotional rut that I have been in in this game.

Caroline. the people that were left behind are in the majority. gave us a lot of time to think and plot.

Sue says you are not wrong. I pictured gettin those letters so it's painful, it didn't kill me it made me stronger. We are hitting low notes but feeling more empowered. keep going forward and that is what it did for me.

teeny. can we assume that the four of you will take out one of them. She basically says yes. Who can I beat sitting at final tribal, who is in my way, and who is our perception of who is the biggest threat to win.

Rachel says the only thing uyoui have to do is to think about who you want to be with at the end of the game.

Sue says today was a relaxed vibe.
Andy says it's the classic Survivor thing.

Teeny says a lot of us have earned trust and a pecking order has already been decided. and that's that.

Sam: are you expecting that it might be you tonight? Yes. pVoting. Gen says let's see if operation Italy really is a thing, let's see if one of us will be swimming with the fishes!


OMG!!!! It totally worked!

Caroline says well done! IT's an honor playing with all of you!

see sue. See Teeny.

Gen is laughing.

That was PHUN!

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michel2 4669 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 10:28 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
18. "&?&**&?#"
Operation Italy worked like a charm. Stupidly they split their votes so Andy's flip worked. However with 2 idols and a block-a-vote, the 3 women are golden and should take out their revenge on Andy NTOS.
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Sheldor 4747 desperate attention whore postings
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12-04-24, 10:35 PM (EST)
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19. "RE: &?&**&?#"
Yup. And Andy KNOWS Rachel has a Block A Vote. And it expires at Final 6 so for sure she is going to play it.

The Four women are going to Block Andy's Vote and take revenge voting out my Winner pick!

Then at Final 5 both Sue and Rachel are going to play their Idols and take out Genevieve or Sam.

All comes down to who wins Final 4 Immunity Challenge and who wins Final 4 Fire Making Challenge.

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Flowerpower1 4594 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 10:40 PM (EST)
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21. "Hi Sheldor!"
I mostly agree with your thoughts Sheldor! They will block Andy's vote and he'll most likely be toast. BUT, there was a lot of Teeny double crossing, or was she a double agent?
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Sheldor 4747 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

12-04-24, 11:25 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Sheldor Click to send private message to Sheldor Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
22. "RE: Hi Sheldor!"
Hi FlowerPower

I don't think Teeny was a double agent.

Teeny just never gets her way and either votes wrong or ends up voting with everyone else.

She was furious with Sam but I think that anger is going to turn towards Andy for flipping and deceiving them.

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Flowerpower1 4594 desperate attention whore postings
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12-04-24, 10:37 PM (EST)
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20. "NTOS"
At night.
Teeny talking to Sam and Gen: This is who is fighting for the >>>>>>>>> title.
See Teeny at night.

Teeny in conf: with 6 people left I don't trust anybody

NTOS. In a two part season finale....see them all walking on the beach.

Andy in conf: I am in a grand conspiracy to take over the game...
See Teeny tell someone, the idol's fake.
Sue: Is this F'g crazy
Rachel: I am so mad
Sam: I see betrayal, I see fear
See a shot of Rachel's eyes.
See Gen walking, with Rachel. Gen: This island isn't big enough for the both of us...

See Andy, Teeny, Gen, Sam sitting on the beach together, Teeny telling them: She has a block a vote, as Rachel is listening to them on the other side of the bush.

Rachel in conf: We are going to clash and we are going to see who comes out alive.

Operation Italy went as planned! Caroline says she didn't win the prize but she was able to win her dream!

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