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"S47 ~ Ep 10 ~ East Coast Update Thread"
michel2 4646 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-20-24, 09:23 PM (EST)
9. "RE: A Question :" |
Thank you for letting us know that it isn't just me and FP but now I want to be in Spain...
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coldbrewer 375 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"
11-21-24, 10:56 PM (EST)
29. "RE: A Question :" |
Rome had it as Sierra, Sol, Caroline, Gabe, Kyle, Andy, Genevieve, Teeny, Sue, Sam, then Rachel.
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Flowerpower1 4575 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-20-24, 09:06 PM (EST)
4. "Previously on Survivor..." |
Gabe dancing at impunitygen: in this game I am a planner, the sol plan has Gen ivies written all over it. Sam tells Sol Teeny tells Gen she needs to save sol at TC, Andy whispers, Sol. Teeny had to vote him, she cries. Back at camp night 16, a snake see Teeny arrive before them all...see Genivieve. Teeny, I'm sorry,it's all on me. I am sorry she says, making me look stupid for no reason, devastated that Sol went home, only found this out cause Andy told me at TC Im pissed off don't want to be treated like an idiot, just like when Kishawn went home, so in the dark worst feeling that you don't know what is going on in the game she talks to gen, she's hurt. Gen says she has wanted Sol out for so long, the only reason she didn't do it earlier is that he was so close to you, he was not good for my game in conf: Gen says fallout was teeny, it was done to humiliate her, tried not to have emotional connections with people in this game too hard to play, but when you hurt someone and it 's all your fault it doesn't feel like a fun game anymore. Gen says my closest person is lying to me but at some point you will have to lie to me, there is an end coming for us ...it's for a million dollars. teeny notes after this tc she does't know how to pivot in this game
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Flowerpower1 4575 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-20-24, 09:12 PM (EST)
6. "Day 17" |
Early AM...Teeny apologizes for getting freaked out, she did snap at Gen, they said she thinks she knew she would be mad. Conf: everyone knows I was behind the sol vote, need to be careful, the tallest blade of grass needs to be cut, and I grew a lot yesterday, now there is 4 strong tutu left, so eyes on the 4. Andy and Sam talk, gen notes that she is down for getting a tuku. Sam says but Gen scares me, she's good. Andy in conf> Now there is a different dynamic, I'm like a slithering snake right now. See Andy telling Kyle that he wants to work with him, loyal to the soil what he really likes to do is to play people off each other. See Andy with Rachel...he tells her that he thinks Gen is a a silent assassin. See Rachel say Andy is my guy right now. Andy planted the Gen seed with Rachel Andy in conf: I built a web off alliances, no one sees , all I have to do is to decide who my next victim is, I am a lethal player in this game. When he was thinking of who to get next we saw Geneivieve, Gabe, and Kyle. Hmmm? I would sooooo love it if Gen, Gabe, and Kyle got together compared notes and voted his a$$ out, lol!
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michel2 4646 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-20-24, 09:13 PM (EST)
7. "Andy?" |
No, No, please Probst, NO. Someone has to see that he has to be taken out. On the other hand, I don't think the jury would be dumb enough to reward that oaf.
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Flowerpower1 4575 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-20-24, 09:23 PM (EST)
8. "Post Day 17 AM" |
Day 17, challenge arena on the beach....Final 9, 47 Seasons... Reward challenge randomly divided 3 teams of 3, each player feet and arms tied, slither thru sand and move ball with head. each player rolls one ball onto their target. Winning three will go to sancturary, food, wraps, salad, veggies, chicken, cake for dessert. Cookies and cream cake. draw for teams yellow: Gen, sue, teeny red: Andy Caroline and gabe blue: Rachel, Kyle, Sam Kyle in blue is at quick start...Kyle over the second mound. Gen is second. Andy in last, per usual. now he's bitting the ball. ugh. Kyle is at the mat, so Rachel is next Rachel is gaining on both Gen and Andy Andy is at the mat, so Caroline is going next Rachel has lapped Genivieve Sam goes last for blueEn is finally done, and sue begins Sam is in big league. Rachel says He!! yeah, Now blue is done and they are working on the throwing the balls to roll into a depressed hole. Now Gabe is going, Sue is done and now Teeny goes. Rachel sticks the first ball, now Kyle goes. Gabe whipping through the course. Kyle cannot land the ball yet. Gabe has been the fastest. Now they work the balls. Kyle lands the second ball, and Sam goes next, and he nails it with the first toss. Sam, Rachel, Kyle will go to the sanctuary. Gabe pissed. food is fuel, for body soul and chance to bond. everyone else Igoes Sam in conf: I feel like I've been on a losing streak, this is a nice confidence booster, hey, you can still do this! And a chance to bond and talk strategy as well.
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michel2 4646 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-20-24, 09:25 PM (EST)
11. "Another win for Kyle" |
The 6 back at camp have to see that Kyle is taking most of the rewards and immunities. Even Gabe's look was one of envy so maybe it won't be 5 against Blue but everyone against Kyle.
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Flowerpower1 4575 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-20-24, 09:39 PM (EST)
12. "Post Reward challenge" |
I loved it when they used to have reward challenges every episode. Slackers.Sanctuary: LOTS of food, cheers to then sandwiches....rewarded with the sanctuary says Kyle, they stuff face. Rachel: I am in heaven...she's eating rice, amazing to just feel nourished. they toast with kiwi. Sam has never had it. there is a cake...Sam says he feels it's forever since things has gone his way. Kyle says He thinks that the script will get flipped. He talks about Gabe....Kyle in conf. as his game turning out more physical... Sam is looking for people Kyle wants to make a move before he makes a move on me. Sam said people are sketched out now by Tuku. Kyle says maybe it's time to separate myself now. If we cannot take Gabe out we take Genevieve. Sam says if we don't get Gabe he will get us. Rachel, if I could vote out anyone next, I would vote out Gen, she is on to me. Rachel and Sam talk. Sam says he wants to play the game with Rachel. To me you are the only person I owe loyalty to in the game, get a tuku out then get Gen out. Rachel says sam and I had it out, every opportunity I give him to not like to me, he still does, not sure if she wants to go with him or not. Andy in conf: looking to build bonds on all sides of the fence, now he wants to build a good relationship with someone on Tuku. Andy tells sue that he wants to work with her, wants to sit at the end with her, she plays this game with her emotions and when it comes to Kyle she wants to kill him. see Sue complaining about Kyle. the sooner he is cut the happier I will be. he wrote my name down...see her chopping the coco nut Andy tells her that Kyle calls her and Caroline tweedle dee and tweedle dum. Agiain she can't wait to write his name down see Caroline, teeny and Gabe. Gabe tells them that he worries about Kyle when it comes to me. he is in the position to pull it over my eyes. No one is beating Kyle. Gabe says he is getting used to the fact that Kyle may have to leave the game before I need him too. 4tukus intimidate everyone. and of all the tukus, Kyle is the easiest sell. Sam has to find whoever else is feeling the bottom and work with them. he's talking to Teenny and Andy about voting Gabe. why don't we find footing in the game together. teeny in conf: I am going to work with sam, he's been blindsided too, let's do it she says, she doesn't want to be too trusting as her attachments in this game have bee kryptonite for me, see a shot of Genevieve. Teeny: I am having a S low, in morning my relationship with geneiveive, it's like a break up, hated to play in lockstep with her and she's not. thrown me for a loop, playing with my identity, in my life I'm well liked, and throughout her life she's worked out her issues, discovered her sexual identity, doesn't know how she fits in with inner world issues, she's losing people she cares about, feels alone, mourns her place in the world and who she is. then all of a sudden the entire side of her bag is burning from the fire..Teeny in conf: .just another cherry on top of my game, does light a fire under my ##### , a sign of a new life in this game! Hmmmm? is that a winner quote? Could be.
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Flowerpower1 4575 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-20-24, 09:47 PM (EST)
13. "Teeny with a Phoenix type confessional" |
....rising from the ashes. Could be a winner quote, indeed! IC Come on in! Day 18, 9 players left. Gabe give back the necklace Today balance ball on wooden disc, add balls to make it more difficult, while balancing on little piece of wood, if fall, out. when he said 10th person voted out, saw Sam then Teeny. Jiffy says now needs 4 people to sit out in exchange for rice. Easy deal is if you sit out we won't vote you out....Sam says everyone is on edge and wants the n necklace fmore then the rice. Jiffy says 4. Caroline asks if they could get rice if 2 people give up their shot in the dark. They say what about all our shots in the dark. Jiffy says that is your one last chance. Sam is thinking, everyone else thinks they would do it. Sam says he's on the bottom, but sam says he can eat rice after the game. Gabe is arguing with him. He won't keep rice from the group. So, Gabe persuaded you? Sure. Jiffy makes the deal, they all give him their shot in the dark for rice. All the shots in the darks for one bag of rice. Gabe in conf: I got sam to give up his shot in the dark so I could eat rice. Gave up the last Hail Mary.
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Flowerpower1 4575 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-20-24, 10:02 PM (EST)
16. "Who are you thinking for boot at this point? " |
I'm perplexed. They should get Gabe or Sam perhaps, but Genevieve would be smart too?
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Flowerpower1 4575 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-20-24, 10:00 PM (EST)
15. "IC" |
Balancing the balls on the tray/disc.start with one ball on the disc, step up on the perch, starts. Here comes the wind. very gusty. everyone makes it through the first stage. Next 2 balls Caroline first out Andy is next. big gust of wind, Rachel teetering, she's out. Genevieve is out. down to 5. Gabe is out. down to 4. see Kyle, rock steady. . Sam, Sue, Kyle, Teeny make it to the last round. three balls. Go. teeny is out. Wind gust. Sam is out. Sue or Kyle. Wind. Sue dorops, Kyle wins, his fourth II. Safe tonight. What a show down. Sue's got to be seething. LOL Kyle says growing up he never took first place but proud of the people back home that give him the drive. See Sam Andy Rachel when he says the 10th person voted out. Hmmm....will it be one of Andy, Rachel, or Sam? Sue has the conf: Now that Kyle is out, need to figure out the next target.
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Flowerpower1 4575 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-20-24, 10:12 PM (EST)
17. "Post IC..." |
Beta Day 18Kyle smiling! Let's get some food in them belies Sam didn't want to give his shot in the dark for rice. He knows his name is frequently talked about. But he's feeling cautiously optimistic, see him with Andy, Teeny. They talk Gabe, the leader of Tuku. Gabe would throw Genevieve out there. Sam says he wants Gen out too. But Sam says we can't let her do her poison again. But Teeny says we need to get Gabe out first. Gabe wants Geneiveive out of the game, put huge target on her back with the sol move. He feels the best he's ever felt. with 4 Tuku's. We need 5 votes for a majority...he's making it to 8 with 3 other tucks. see him and Caroline. you me and sue as the final three, says Gabe to Caroline. Caroline loves their relationship but he's played a better game than me, starting toffee like if I voted out Gabe, it would be better for my game. Rachel talks to Andy about getting Gabe out. Andy thinks there are numbers. Things are opening up now, when is the best time to get out Gabe, as getting out Gabe would betray our trust. my alliance with sue is so important to me so still trying to figure it out. Rachel says one Gabe is gone, who will be next. Rachel says Gen going before Gabe is better form game, everyone will still be looking at Gabe. wants to convince Kyle to go after Gen, as if Gabe goes home he will be next on the chopping block. Rachel is in a position right now, a position that she wanted to be in. she wants to turn the ship in the direction she wants, she prefers Gen goes home next. see them eating rice. Gen says as soon as she ate rice now she's worried. She's thinking last meal on the Bach, tonight I have the least confidence in the game tonight. she is talking to teeny, they are telling her that it will be Gabe. Gabe asks Kyle who will go tonight, and Kyle tells him you or Gen....wtf Gen notes no one is dying to talk to me tonight, maybe because I won't be here tomorrow. Gabe in conf: Tuku four and then everybody is just a random group... Gabe says if he can make it through tonight, he thinks he's got it. Genivieve is worried, if she can just make it through....
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michel2 4646 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-20-24, 10:13 PM (EST)
18. "Gabe or Genevieve" |
They both know they are in grave danger, they both think the game will open up for them if they make F8. Is one going to be proven right? I think they are forgetting Rachel. She will survive tonight and she has a lot of pull in the game even if know one realizes it.
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Flowerpower1 4575 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-20-24, 10:28 PM (EST)
20. "Gabe or Genevieve?" |
TC:It's raining, thundering. See Sierra and Sol. Idea of community. what is the criteria of one of the people that gets asked to be in the community. Teeny said just don't do that...now it's after this we will do this, etc. she's confused as to what the idea of community is Sam: we are getting to the point in the game, the criteria is shifting depending on who you ask Gabe: S is a game that can build a community, work to put in then have to tear it apart talking about giving up their shots in the dark. Andy says it's used to disrupt a so called easy vote.Sam says it. is no secret I wasn't on board with giving up my shot in the dark, it's still a community and it wasn't worth depriving them all of the rice. Teeny says it goes back to adaptability. Gabe says people are starting to think about who they want to sit at the end with Sam says there is no clear line for me, Rachel: obviously people are looking to vote out people who. they are scared of. Andy says the mentality is we are going threat hunting...they want to defeat the big threats before the last TC. Gen: can you tell when something is a little off. People started talking to me less, she's second guessing and she' paranoid. Sam says today was the first day I started feeling part of the community again, but the last time I felt this way it bombed. Gabe laughs. we are getting to the point where the emotional swings are tough to deal with. Sue is first voter. See Gabe, Gen Genevieve votes Gabe. If you play an idol, I might be toast, it's been a crappy day Gabe votes Genevieve Rachel says you are the biggest threat out here and we would be fools to not do this....don't see her vote Gen: this sucks Kyle is talking a long time to vote, then votes G Vote tally: Gabe Genevieve Genevieve Gabe Gabe Gabe Gabe! And why wouldn't they vote Gabe out? Clearly he's more physically threaten ing than Gen... He hugged Caroline and she said it's been an honor playing with you. Sue told him she was so sorry Kyle said I love eyou brother He said good game everybody. Gabe said to Caroline: got a little snake in you! He said to Jiffy, I'll be back. Sue is pissed. Gen is giggling.
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Flowerpower1 4575 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-20-24, 10:37 PM (EST)
24. "NTOS" |
Kyle in conf: I don't trust anybody. A family man is a dangerous man to have at the end game...Jiffy: NTOS See the challenge arena: Jiffy at the challenge: Any thing can and does happen See the yellow platform with blocks on it tip and fall off...whoever is in the yellow lane? Hear a girl say "NO WAY!" (maybe sounded like teeny? See Gen look over to her See Rachel looking at someone, Genevieve Sam in conf: I think Rachel's got something up her sleeve.... See Andy, Teeny, Sue, Rachel, Caroline put their hands together at the water well and go UNDERDOGS! Andy in conf: Now I have the power! I'm in a crushing position in this game See Andy laughing Well, my gut is telling me that Andy is just wayyyy too confident. But, he's a goat. Will the next vote be Genevieve per Rachel's wishes?
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michel2 4646 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-20-24, 10:44 PM (EST)
26. "RE: NTOS" |
I do believe the winner is in that alliance of Underdogs. In fact, it should be the final 5 unless someone wins immunity at F6 to force the way inside the F5. Of those 5, Rachel is now my pick for winner.
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Flowerpower1 4575 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-20-24, 10:40 PM (EST)
25. "Votes: " |
Sue: Genevieve Gabe: Genevieve Kyle: Gabe Genevieve: Gabe Andy: Gabe Rachel: Gabe Sam: Gabe Teeny: Gabe Caroline: Gabe
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -