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"S47 ~ Ep 9 ~ East Coast Update Thread"
Flowerpower1 4555 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-13-24, 08:16 PM (EST)
"S47 ~ Ep 9 ~ East Coast Update Thread" |
You know the drill! All or ANY commentary on the episode that airs tonight belongs in this thread until the show has aired in its entirety on the Left Coast. And, don't forget to have PHUN!
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Flowerpower1 4555 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-13-24, 09:06 PM (EST)
1. "Here we go!" |
Rachel...mu heart is racing. sirvovpr billet ;most. see Race; wot am JOOformer gata wants to work with us says Genivieve, but they want to get one of the gata, see Andy, Sierra and Sam, they won't see it coming, see Sierra go Sam back at camp, thank you for keeping me, see him rub Rachel's back, Sierra got sent home, we lost Andy in the process, Gata is no more, gata got got, each man for himself. Sam and Rachel talk, they still want to play together. Andy and lava flipped on gata, these people had me fooled, their only mistake was keeping me in then game, they talk about Andy, cannot trust him Rachel says she played her shot in the dark at tribel, based on their reaction she didn't feel like she was the vote so didn't play her idol, she doesn't have a lot f options, her door is open, we will see who comes knocking then at camp, they thank Andy voting with them, the only thing he has to do is damage control with the former gata. since the start of the game he thought he was the outcast, for me to get one over on my former members, not everyone gets to feel that he flipped the script. after the IC, he fell on the bottom of the tribe and felt he was at the bottom. Sam seems forgiving of Andy...Andy has gratitude that this is his story he's continuing and he still gets to write it...
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Flowerpower1 4555 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-13-24, 09:10 PM (EST)
2. "Post Intro" |
LAST EDITED ON 11-13-24 AT 09:11 PM (EST)Beta day 16. Andy and Rachel talk. Rachel and I have both been on the bottom, so if I had a future with the gatas it would be Rachel. Andy tells her he lost faith in gata, Rachel says they didn't connect...Andy tells her he wants her in this game, we should be working together from day one. Rachel said she kind of wanted to work with him but he's frustrating. Rachel didn't feel the same way about me...Andy blindsided Rachel with the Anika vote and again last night. Andy says despite all of this he still wants to work together...Andy in conf: we definitely. have game chemistry...is there anyone you are really weary of...Kyle, they say Sue and Caroline don't like Kyle Rachel and Andy starting over reforming somethingg and work together in this game...she believes she still has life left in the game. (with Andy)
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michel2 4632 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-13-24, 09:11 PM (EST)
3. "What's Up with the Recrap?" |
Remember how we used to hate Recrap episodes? Well, the Andy - Rachel segment looked like a recrap from past episodes... Did I tell you how pathetic Andy looks to me?
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Flowerpower1 4555 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-13-24, 09:25 PM (EST)
5. "RE: What's Up with the Recrap?" |
Definitely NOT an Andy fan. I will not cry when his time comes! He thinks he's so smart, ugh!
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Flowerpower1 4555 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-13-24, 09:24 PM (EST)
4. "Next day after Tribal." |
see a bat flying. Teeny talking with Sam and Sol. Teeny tells him that people viewed them as a power couple, is there a way we can still play together. Sam wants a vendetta against Laavo. he has to play along at least for now and come for them later. Gen is there now. Sol was the part of that blindside against Sam, I like the way he is, he's not emotional, Sol thinks he can work with him. they talk about Gabe and Caroline. Sol says that Gabe is a player. Denny is unsure of their dynamics. Sol in conf: at some point we need to get out Gabe, and that's what I am trying to do. Divide into 5 pairs before you head into the challenge. Caroline: need to pair up but have to win to get to the last stage of the challenge. Sam says I will go with Andy. Andy notes in confessional that he is happy maybe he can work with him Sam says he can make it to the end and compete in the last round Gabe wants to work with Gabe. Kyle says he thinks he can beat Gabe when they go head to head. See the challenge arena. lots of structures. Come on in... Sue gives back the necklace and then Kyle divide into pairs, get into those pairs. Sam/Andy Kyle/Gabe Gen/Sue Caroline/Rachel Teeny/Sol stages. first stage crawl narrow tunnel, retrieve one puzzle bag. then to sand to dig up puzzle pieces, last two are out sue the bags to build steps build a three level balance beam. compete as 4 individuals, narrow footholds must balance on those narrow footholds when Jiffy said loser we saw Gabe, Teeny Sol after noon picnic for the winners. First 2 pairs out lose their vote at tonights tc. Take a journey with a chance to earn it back. Wowsa first 3 pairs to finish move on the next stage
one at a time get through puzzle and retrieve one puzzle steps. untie puzzle step and get through the rest of the tunnell. Kyle out first, then Sam. Andy and Sam first out to dig, then Gabe and Kyle. Kyle and Gabe moving past second section. then Andy and Sam, they lost their piece, it's out of the bag......cannot get it out....Teeny and Sol are second....one more pair to move on......Sue and Genevieve move on, so sam/Andy, Rachel Caroline out no shot at immunity, lost their votes, will have a chance to earn them back later on the journey. Sam and Andy pulled the puzzle step in the bag by the bag and the bag broke leaving the step buried deeply....they couldn't get it out in time.
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michel2 4632 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-13-24, 09:25 PM (EST)
6. "Surprise ! Surprise!" |
I didn't think Sue and Genevieve would make it through but it shows once again that Andy is...wait for it : Pathetic.
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Flowerpower1 4555 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-13-24, 09:39 PM (EST)
8. "Second phase of the challenge" |
Gabe/Kyle, Teeny/Sol, Genivieve/Sue get to compete in the second half of the challenge.build puzzle steps this is a puzzle staircase, a lot of memory and trial and error Genivieve and sue in early lead sue and gen in first place, now they must cross the balance beam, sue first. Now red, teeny and sol finish. they do the balance beam, teeny whips across, Sue is done. Sol falls from the balance beam. Kyle and Gabe now finished the steps and doing the beam, Kyle is done, now Gabe going, sol is across and so is Gabe.. Sol/Teeny, Gabe/Kyle move on to the last leg of the challenge. Sue and Genivieve lose. final round. start on highest foothold, at regular intervals, move down to a narrower wedge to stand on. Day 16. Sol/Teeny/Kyle/Gabe. Jiffy says this is about willpower and pain. Moving down to next foothold, a live trnsition, if fall during this process you are out. be up there for 5 minutes. Kyle has won all three IC's this season, has not lost. Now the next live transition Be at that level for 10 minutes. Gabe looks miserable. cannot give in. teeny looking bad at this point. one minute left in this round and then to the most narrow foothold Teeny and Sol both drop out. Now it's Kyle vs Gabe for Indiv'l immunity Now to the final level. Kyle vs Gabe. Here till somebody drops. They are both miserable. Kyle drops. Gabe wins IC. what a huge effort says Jiffy. they all hug him. See Sam giving Gabe the eye. He does a dance for the people back home. Andy, Rachel, Caroline, sam, have lost their vote, go on journey where they will have chance to earn it back. Return back to camp this afternoon before TC. Sol Kyle teeny Gabe, picnic back at camp. Kyle: I am a little disappointed that I didn't win, I can be picked off, I'm just as nervous as at the next guy tonght says Kyle in conf.
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michel2 4632 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-13-24, 09:41 PM (EST)
10. "Perfect? Really?" |
Jiffy kept saying that Kyle was perfect up to now but one of his immunity was won against only half the tribe and he actually lost the challenge to two women.
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Flowerpower1 4555 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-13-24, 09:48 PM (EST)
11. "Post IC" |
LAST EDITED ON 11-13-24 AT 09:49 PM (EST)Gabe wins the IC. Sam gives him the evil eye. Losers go off on the journey, where the four winners go to the picnic back at camp. Gabe: we are all split up, the no vote journey people, then gen and sue who didn't lose their vote, but still got no reward. me Kyle teeny sol, the reward group. one of the best days of my life, first proper meal he's had in 16 days, dizzy from just how good this is. Teeny says all we hear is moaning and groaning from Gabe, and sol is burping like crazy, he's disgusting. Gabe in conf notes how huge Sol's burps are.... then they talk strategy. Kyle talks, They want Sam. Sol says he doesn't want to get Sam out, but the most important thing is that He wants to be with the majority Kyle wants to be with them. He says that he don'ts see Genivieve as a thinker. Sue still carry9ing the vendetta against Kyle. He wrote my name down. Genevieve tells Sue the Sol wants Gabe. Gabe is Sue's number one ally, so they suggest Sol. Gen has been waiting, when can I get Sol? Hmmmm? Sam has no vote, vulnerable completely powerless needs to get his vote back. I went into the challenge with such heart that this would be the one that I won, he's crying. I want to be the guy that scratches that hangs on, doesn't know what is in store but still has a shot at getting back in this game. 3 will get their votes back, one will not Andy conf: this is night mare fuel for me. S put me on this journey let's see how it shakes out. I say to myself. Andy, you are doomed. LOL!
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Flowerpower1 4555 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-13-24, 10:00 PM (EST)
13. "Three on the journey will win their votes back, one will lose their vote" |
Sure looks like Genivieve is planting the Sol seed. But the winners, Gabe/Kyle/Sol/Teeny were talking Sam. Gen and Sue at shelter and the picnickers come back. Coming back to camp they have plan to tell the others about Sam. Sol shouts out Sam. Gen says that she is just happy to be there. we all have numbers lets work together tonight. Gen says she had a lot of downtime with Sue, but they want to talk o Gabe. Gen and Gabe go off to talk, Gabe has the numbers behind him, all of the tutus will listen to him. will use the conversation from this am...the name that was said this am, was you. Sol and teeny were throwing your name out. gen proposes to take out Sol. he's good with everybody and they want to play between gata and you. it will burn my bridge with teeny, Gabe wants to do it but there are people that I need on board. Kyle is the next one they talk to. He will do whatever you guys say...to stay around. Gen notes that she is a planner and this has gen written all over it. hard to pitch the plan when 4 people are on a houirney, will they all come back with a vote, it all depends on what they come back with. they place cards on each other to create a tower. if the tower falls on your turn, then you lose. they all must stack one card at a time and build a tower of cards. When it falls that person loses Sam narrates. stack up the cards and not knock down the tower. Rachel says they build triangles, and it's high stakes ot s gettomg very highAnd Rachel loses her vote. I like having some control and she is opinionated on who she wants to go home tonight, Kyle. they all talk about Kyle being such a threat. Rachel says she doens' have agency regarding the vote tonight so she is worried.
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Flowerpower1 4555 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-13-24, 10:11 PM (EST)
15. "Caroline loses her vote. The others have thier votes" |
Gen will try and talk them into voting out Sol. But, at this point Sam/Andy/Rachel all want Kyle out. Let's see Gen go to work. I have to say, if it were me, I think I'd be leaning toward getting Kyle out. He's the threat so far. see bats and flying bats. they journey people return. Caroline tells them right away that she lost her vote. Gabe in conf is bummed as he was counting on Caroline's vote. Me Kyle gen and sue will go Sol. 5 is the majority. Who else gets to know this is happening. Gen says that voting out sol will burn her bridge with Teeny, but this is still the right move for me. Gen talks to Andy. Andy in conf: notes use Sol for a couple more votes and then get rid of him. OTOH, when ever there is a big blindside in the works, y ou don't want to miss out on that. Gen says that Andy is also in on this plan. Let's bring in Rachel and let Rachel decide if she wants Sam in or out. Rachel says she owed sol for sending me this advantage, I don't know if I should share it with Sam. Rachel and Sam talk, she says I cannot tell you who it is, but it is not you. Sam says Rachel is the only one that I feel I can trust. you are working with Tuku and you are going to blindside one of the lava, is it Sol? Yes she tells him. Don't let them know. Sam notes that he has to look out for himself, it's time to cause chaos....so he goes right to Sol and tells him immediately. Sol says my first reaction is panic. Sam wants Sue out. she is the most insulated, she has Caroline, she has inroads with Rachel, Andy. So sol has to get gen and Rachel to vote out Sue. and teeny. Sol tells teeny that they are coming for me. Teeny has heard nothing about this, so teeny goes to Genivieve. SAm goes to Andy, want to blow the game up? Yes. if we take out sue, Tuku is no more. I need people to make quality moves in this game. Andy says can I work with sam and then get Sol later on. Teeny asks gen, that we have to save sol, so we need to vote Sue. Gen feels it slipping through her fingers. Sue is the best target, teeny says why not Kyle. Sol tells Rachel, now it's Kyle. I saved you, will you vote Kyle? Kyle and Gabe talk Kyle says it is a lot of running around, it's nuts. Gen in conf. we don't have any time left. they are suggesting Kyle? Sol? sun sets...off they go to TC. This should be good!
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michel2 4632 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-13-24, 10:13 PM (EST)
16. "Rachel needs to read Survivor 101" |
Survivor 101 : If you don't want Sam to know about the plan you don't tell him about the plan.
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Flowerpower1 4555 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-15-24, 10:00 AM (EST)
24. "Genivieve" |
Genivieve is turning into quite the master manipulator aka puppet master. She just orchestrated the Sol boot when all the while Sol thought she was in his inner circle...So, I have to wonder wwgd? We know that she and Sue are in cahoots, so we could cross her off the boot list, perhaps. She also doesn't seem too keen on booting Andy or Sam out, fwiw. Hmmmm, that could leave Gabe or Kyle. Two very threatening choices, imo.

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Flowerpower1 4555 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-13-24, 10:27 PM (EST)
18. "What a cluster F*ck!" |
I love it when one person say to another, please don't tell anyone, and then as soon as they leave that person they make a beeline to tell someone immediately! Sam left the shelter so fast and beelined to Sol. That was priceless! Sam is an island in this game. Poor Rachel. She can't catch a break. I would love for Sam and Rachel to make it to the end, lol! But, I am beginning to believe that Gen is going to be among the last standing! And, I would be good with that! Tribal council: Of course the sit sol right in front of Genivieve. 3 stage challenge, show down, Gabe pulled it out. this group camaraderie...the reminder that it is personal will take over. Kyle: Gabe and I were a perfect example. I was happy for him, but that necklace is no longer around my neck, now I am worried about safety. sol says something to gen, and she acts like she cannot hear him...what? Teeny asks who you are voting for to Sam. He says Sue. Teeny shakes her head and tells him something feels weird. Sam notes that Caroline will not vote tonight. Sam turns to Andy and asks who you are voting for. Andy tells him they said to vote for Kyle. sue can see conversations going on. .. Sol. is this what it was like at camp? Gabe tells Teeny that he is voting for Teeny and sam talk. Sam tells teeny we have to vote together. Gabe and Andy whisper...Gabe looks to Andy and says are we good, and he shakes his head, yes. Teeny said I am being told Sol....Gabe says who told you that? Sol gets up and goes Sol tells Andy that it's Sue. Kyle to sue. I looked at Gabe and he confirmed Sol. they are all talking and whispering. So many names. Sue, Kyle, Sol? Rachel and Sam talk. Sol returns to his seat. They all agree to vote. Sol first voter. Kyle and sue look at each other. Gen says what a sh!t show when she votes.
Vote tally. See a lot of Sue, Kyle...Teeny. no one plays an idol Sol Sue Sol Sol Sol Sol Good luck everybody. Teeny is crying. I love you Sol. They got me, they got me good. Gen: Holy Sh!t, that actually worked... .
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Flowerpower1 4555 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
11-13-24, 10:36 PM (EST)
20. "NTOS" |
Andy to someone. Your'e my number one See Andy with teeny, then with Rachel as she laughs Andy in conf: People see the charming Andy, but I am a charming assassinJiffy: Next time on Survivor Sam to someone: I don't care who I have to vote See the fire light up Then see a shot of Gabe Sam in conf: I'm going to get my revenge and twist the knife while I am at it See a shot of Kyle, and hear Sue say, "Kyle" (Sue has a flower in her hair. Sue to someone in blue: Kyle...I want to kill him Sue to Caroline: He's _______done. (blurring her mouth over) Sue: I want to kill you Kyle See Sue chop the coconut with a machete. 
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -