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"S47 ~ Ep 5 ~ East Coast Update Thread"
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Flowerpower1 4492 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-16-24, 07:40 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"S47 ~ Ep 5 ~ East Coast Update Thread"
If anyone would like to hang in here and chat a bit, I'm here for you! Please place all the chit chat about tonights episode in this thread until the show has aired on the West Coast. And, don't forget to have some PHUN! xo

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 hello FP michel2 10-16-24 1
   Hello Michel.... Flowerpower1 10-16-24 2
 Previously on Survivor.... Flowerpower1 10-16-24 3
   Come on in at 8:05? michel2 10-16-24 5
       It was all just.... Flowerpower1 10-16-24 7
           RE: It was all just.... michel2 10-16-24 9
 Post Intro Flowerpower1 10-16-24 4
 Reward Challenge Flowerpower1 10-16-24 6
 That Twist can be decisive for Teen... michel2 10-16-24 8
 Rome is at it again michel2 10-16-24 10
 The Survivor hou... Flowerpower1 10-16-24 11
   RE: The Survivor michel2 10-16-24 12
 Gen is thinking Rome is being naugh... Flowerpower1 10-16-24 13
 Question michel2 10-16-24 14
 Gabe wants Tyanna out, Red wants Ro... Flowerpower1 10-16-24 15
 Andy or Anika? michel2 10-16-24 16
 Yellow....losers Flowerpower1 10-16-24 17
 The Chicken and the eggs michel2 10-16-24 18
 TC Flowerpower1 10-16-24 19
 Well.... Flowerpower1 10-16-24 20
 NTOS Flowerpower1 10-16-24 21

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michel2 4595 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

10-16-24, 07:57 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "hello FP"
I wanted to let you know you are not alone; I'm here but I'll let you do the play-by-ply. Last week showed you are the QUEEN!
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Flowerpower1 4492 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-16-24, 08:00 PM (EST)
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2. "Hello Michel...."
NOOOOO, you are the MASTER at this! So happy you are cut to the chase which I love!
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Flowerpower1 4492 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-16-24, 08:06 PM (EST)
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3. "Previously on Survivor...."
I was the murderer and Now I try to cover my tracks

Sienna, Sam wants to work with Andy but I want to work with the three girls

Kyle won't flip or go after Tyanna

Kashan....see him, Gen doesn't want to go on with Kishan's plan, will make him the plan

Night 1 Lavo

they return...

Teeny: I don't know what happened, I'm bamboozled. Walking into TC, I thought it would be Rome, I lost Kishan, he was my # one.

Teeny, didd you know about the pain asks Rome? I thought you had my back, if it was going to be me tonight why didn't you tell me says Rome

Teeny and Gen talk...Gen tells her that Rome and Sol are on the bottom

Gen says the idea to vote out Kishan was mine.
Teeny is scared about her relationship with Rome. Gen feels good that she did damage control with Teeny, and Rome is number one, she's in good with him as she tipped him off.

Teeny gen and Rome talk. Rome says he was hurt with Kishan, I thought I had a solid alliance with the four, Rome-Teeny-Genevieve-kishan- moment I heard my name he was out, so I was happy that \he went, see Teeny and Rome hug, teeny your can be sad that you were out of the vote, at the end of the day that trust is one hundred percent broken, says Rome

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michel2 4595 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

10-16-24, 08:09 PM (EST)
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5. "Come on in at 8:05?"
Jiffy was in a hurry to explain his new twist. We've had 3 tribes meld into 2 before so what is it? New groups only for the reward and then they go back?
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Flowerpower1 4492 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-16-24, 08:21 PM (EST)
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7. "It was all just...."
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michel2 4595 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

10-16-24, 08:23 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
9. "RE: It was all just...."
Nice idea, I felt. making connections is key
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Flowerpower1 4492 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-16-24, 08:08 PM (EST)
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4. "Post Intro"
Challenge arena day 9

on land, big obstacle course.

See Gabe and blue arrive, they note only two tribes. Yellow arrives next, confused two tribes, they are confused....oh God

Kishan voted out

Reward challenge, 2 lanes, doing something different, new S twist....they react and cut to commercial

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Flowerpower1 4492 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-16-24, 08:20 PM (EST)
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6. "Reward Challenge"
They will be split into two teams for the RC.

random draw across all 3 tribes to form two teams of 7. Compete and win together and celebrate together.

race under obstacle, collect keys get ladder, use to get 5 balls from over head structure then land those balls into targets.

winning 7 taken to the sanctuary for the suvrvivor social hour, barbecue hot dogs, corn hole and advantage of opportunity, forge bonds that will help you later in the game.

they divide in to teams. pull rocks

Gabe has conf: getting to cross pollinate, huge strategical, we kn ow how close we are to the merge, invaluable

Anika sol rome Gabe Andy sierra and gGen

sue Kyle teeny sam Rachel Ayanna and Caroline


under the obstacle and untying bags, every player responsible for getting one bag, get it and go to your mat. blue goes, then yellow...looking for 3 keys, and try to unlock the in early lead, now maneuver that ladder through tricky maze.

yellow has their ladder. yellow momentum now. blue is stuck

yellow can feel it they have figured it out, has the ladder free, one person goes up, Kyle goes for yellow, he's unclipping the is teal trying to gt ladder out.

they go to next stage, ball throw to get a basket...must get 5 baskets

blue moving on now

rome climbs up and unclipping

yellow lands a basket

Caroline going now

Caroline misses.

blue now going to thow the baskets

Caroline scores the second, now Ayanna

Gabe scores the first basket

Ayanna misses

sierra makes it


tyannascores, next Kyle tgoes

Andy in and out

Kyle scores, now Sam goes the fifth and final and he

Andy scores the third

sam in and out

sol trying to tie it up

in and out

sam for the win and yes, he wins!

huge effort by everyone says jiffy

all the girls plus Sam and Kyle go to the sanctuary. The rest go back to individual camps

Teeny: I wa so psyched my team owon, this changes my game I am the only lava going in, coming from a place where I am on the bottom.

I have the feeling that Teeny is going to throw her tube under the bus but we will see!

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michel2 4595 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

10-16-24, 08:22 PM (EST)
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8. "That Twist can be decisive for Teeny"
Either she gains knowledge and allies or she's toast if Lavo goes to TC and no one thinks they can use her knowledge. Personally, I'd make Teeny my closest ally if I was in Lavo and profit from her connections.
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michel2 4595 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

10-16-24, 08:34 PM (EST)
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10. "Rome is at it again"
Things are not looking good for Rome with Genevieve determining that he isn't an asset anymore but actually a threat.
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Flowerpower1 4492 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-16-24, 08:34 PM (EST)
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11. "The Survivor hour"
Sanctuary....first sanctuary....OMG....

Kyle has conf: sees big sign: survivor social hour, corn hole sodas and grill and dogs....and the veggie dog for me cause I am a vegetarian, the happiest I 've been for food.

coming this close to the merge,

Teeny starts: basically we get to tribal and get this weird feeling....I am on the bottom.

Rachel with Sam from Gata, if we merge getting as much info as possible is critical, we go every where together. They heard that you and Sierra were running the show, we have a secret bond together, that is dangerous for my game.

Tyanna notes this is her best case scenario, Gabe has been looking for idols the whole time, and we see Sue. Gabe has been throwing my name out there so now they are going to think of him that they cannot trust. He found and idol and he played it

Sue notes that Tyanna threw Gabe under the bus.

Sue: gabe was my number one ally and Ayanna but a target on his back!!!

then they play corn hole.

Rachel Gen and teeny talk. Caroline is still playing survivor. Sue is my number one she tells them. she feels good vibes from both teeny and Rachel.
Teeny has established a great relationship with I'm thrilled over th emotion

back at loser Gato

worst S day says Sol

Rome: when we lose the RC, the worst feeling in the world, come back hungry, coconuts and water, rough. With Teeny not at camp opened the door for me to get out teeny. have to convince him to trust me. share knowledge with people to dev'p trust.

tells him about teeny, has an amulet with 2 other people and if they use tighter it counts as an idol.

Genevieve told me that she doesn't want yto work with you long term
Sol is voimiting info to me, and that when I recognized, I have 20 years sales experience, I'm getting a big dose of humble pie right now.

see rome and Gen: actions speak louder than words. Gen: right now Rome is very chaotic right now....she says he is acting like he lost an I C....he's pitching Teeny to Sol. But Rome is easier for me to work with...

Rome told me that you didn't want to work with me long term, says Sol to Gen.

Gen in conf: Rome has been very naughty that Rome told Sol that. And rome was the one targeting Teeny, not sol. If Rome is not telling me everything than his danger level goes up, and then he won't be valuable to me any more and right now the scales are tipping.

Looks like Gen is finding all the BS that Rome has told Sol and Gen is not having it.

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michel2 4595 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

10-16-24, 08:36 PM (EST)
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12. "RE: The Survivor hour"
I felt that Tiyana completely messed up her social hour. Sue doesn't want to go after Gabe so she'll tell him everything.
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Flowerpower1 4492 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-16-24, 08:46 PM (EST)
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13. "Gen is thinking Rome is being naughty...."
....and the scales are tipping and not in his favor.

Sierra and Anika are thinking of letting the chickens go...

Andy the three of us are hungry, and these chickens are unwanted members a t gata beach. We won a great fishing kit, maybe we can catch some fish...see them with the net.
Andy: nothing is working. a bad afternoon after a defeat.

See Sam and Rachel come back, see them trying to get something with the net.
Tuku goes to the second TC...and tells them. I leave out that Sue told them that we heard you and Sierra were running things back at your camp.

later he tells Sierra that, this is not good for my game. I know I have Rachel Annika and myself but sam and I have a tight alliance , the three of us with Andy. What is best for my game. I know I have a lot of power but it is stressing me out.

Teeny told the others that I was on the bottom and I was scared so she tells her tribe aobut what happened, didn't not tell he stole Kisha's vote.

Gen then tells Teeny that Rome told Sol a bunch of crap...teeny has the amulet....sol and gen finally see the light that Rome's unpredictability is just too chaotic to have in this game

at blue. Tyanna, when we get to the merge...Sue felt horrible that she put a target on games back in front of all of them. I think she did it intentionally, she wants him gone, he's my number one ally

Sue tells Gabe everything...Rachel: my strategy that tuck is falling apart, looking like we will all make it to the merge, my fear is that Gabe has all trust gone from Tyanna because she threw him under the bus. I will try to do damage control, we need to get together, I want her to tell him about it, come clean with Gabe.

but if I ignore her advice they won't trust me.

If she wants the to apologize to Gabe then it feels like it is the right thing to do.

Gabe is not buying. Tyanna tells him that we are going to the merge.
Gabe is not buying it. doesn't trust anything that she says, she says the only thing I told them was that you played the idol.

If she was not compelled to apologize to me then she wouldn't have.

She says she had a private convo with them and told them he had played the idol. Sue tells him.
Gabe wants to crush her s dreams and smile while he watches it happen

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michel2 4595 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

10-16-24, 08:47 PM (EST)
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14. "Question"
Whan was the last time a tribe threw a challenge? I feel Gae could get Blue to throw the next IC just to get Tiyana. That would be something we haven't seen in a while.
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Flowerpower1 4492 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-16-24, 09:05 PM (EST)
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15. "Gabe wants Tyanna out, Red wants Rome out"
Cut to the challenge.....

Gata tribe is bringing their chickens to the challenge. Are they family members that travel with. you. They want to negotiate with Jeff. Sam says that not everybody was comfortable at eating them, and they suck at making eggs.

They want 2 dozen eggs in a swap for the chicken. Jiffy tells them that you want all your eggs in one basket. Jiffy will give them 5 eggs per chicken, 15, Sam says 20, they settle on 18 eggs, they will be back at camp. Jiffy takes the chickens.

Immunity up for grabs

drag heavy net full of coconuts and sand bags, along the way collect more coconuts and sand bags, heavier, then use them to knock off all the blocks then they must reassemble the same puzzle block wall.

gata sits out Anika. Tuku sits out Suel

go....drag the net bag to first mat, untie knots and saw the ropekyle working it for blue, and has the coconuts and sand bags, get into the net.

Sol has Ihis and Andy still working for gata, struggles blue is onto the next mat.

red has their bag and and y is terrible, then has it cut they have a lot of time to put in the bag

blue is at the third mat blue is working together in the lead

now blue entries the bag

now yellow pulls the bag to second mat

red is almost to the end.

Andy is so bad

Ayanna throws and cannot knock the blocks down, Kyle knocks some down
red is trying to knock the blocks down, sol is doing well, gata is so bad...

sol another big hit

neck and neck, I just don't know what the heck yellow is doing

blue knocks all of their s down now get all of the pieces back on the mat.

Yellow must throw the blocks down

red has a road block, they are jammed up, Sam is throwing

Sierra and sam throwing.

blue with huge lead

Yellow pulls ahead of red, then red knocks theirs down

Blue has won it

lava and gata starting on the puzzle at the exact same time. lava is winning red is winning lava wins and yellow loses!

See Andy. Rome is crying.

Big emotional win. we are the only tribe with just coconut, low energy, put whole heart into it. We were able to do it today, that 's why we don't give up on S.

See Sierra

See Sam

See Andy.

Rachel notes no way to cook the eggs with no fire.

Andy: this IC was a tough one, and after 10 days I conclude that I am not good at challenges, I have laid a lot of ground work, this is the start of my game I am looking forward to tonight, says Andy.

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michel2 4595 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

10-16-24, 09:06 PM (EST)
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16. "Andy or Anika?"
In a finish we didn't expect we are face with answering the following: What will Sierra decide?

I expect Andy will go. He had the kiss-of-death confessional and he rightly said he isn't good at challenges so why keep him? To please Sam? Not a very good reason.

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Flowerpower1 4492 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-16-24, 09:14 PM (EST)
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17. "Yellow....losers"
Andy had the conf of doom.


the challenge was a total flop says Sam. Andy once again cannot seem to get out of his way in the challenge. he's sawing the rope with the wrong side of the knife.

the fact that we negotiated for 18 eggs but we lost the IC, had to give away our flint. no fire.

Andy made it harder for our tribe. I genuinely think this tribe would be better off without Andy.
Anika: I lost my vote on a journey, I'm not worried, I'm sure that Andy is going home tonight.

Sam: he's a liability challenge wise, long term I don't trust Anika, I want her to go.

Andy talks to Anika.

After all my efforts I think Anika is buying what I am selling. My alliance with sam and Sierra is confidential, Anika underestimates me. he tells her that he is a free agent tonight, I want Anika and Rachel to see me as the bottom, I want them to pull me into part of their plan. Make him believe that we want to get Sam out.

Anika and Rachel pull me aside, if you are down for it we have an idea. Vote for Sam.
they have given me a fake plan, I was prepared fior that, they believe what I am selling them hook line and sinker.

meanwhile see Sierra nd Sam talking....get Anika out. Sierra feels like a piece of crap how can I look her in the eye. Sierra wants to keep Anika. she wants Andy out. But Sierra is my number one, we need to keep each other calm, Sierra says that Anika cannot vote. Keeping Andy around, it's good for sam's game abut is it good for my game. He has to play his idol tonight. If I keep it away from Andy, how will he trust me. maybe the safe move is to vote out Andy, it will come down to who Sierra and I want to vote out, it's all the power.

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michel2 4595 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"

10-16-24, 09:14 PM (EST)
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18. "The Chicken and the eggs"
LAST EDITED ON 10-16-24 AT 09:15 PM (EST)

No not that way but it was what they did with Jeff: Negotiations. Sierra should have sold it this way: This time we do Andy and next Anika.

PS. The egg came first.

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Flowerpower1 4492 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-16-24, 09:27 PM (EST)
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19. "TC"
Sam must play his idol. He says it will be whoever Sierra and he decide it will be. Anika has no vote.

Night 10

Social hour reward: Rachel: we learned about the few of the dynamics at the other tribes, Gabe played an idol, and Kishan was blindsided.
Sam says he bought everything they said, tried to listen more then talk
Andy trusted them....we've talked about managing out perception.
Andy says once again that he is not he bottom but has made head way. what is more important is getting to know what I am made off on the inside
Rachel: who do we vote out and why? This person may be emotional, could hurt or help you
Sierra: keep those that you trust and feel bonds with, but there e is 100% value in keeping someone who is emotionally out.

Anika: there are 5 diff't pathways to take in this game tonight we will find out which is the next pathway we decide to take.
Rachel says the we that I established today is the one. that I feel confident with, having cohesion after the vote is the most important thing, having this alliance as we go into the merge is key
cohesion is not always a guarantee, he feels confident that his we will come out ahead. Anika hopes that she is in the we
Andy is trying to turn the me into the we
If he survives then he will be part of the we. He has hope
See sam and he looks uncomfortable.

Rachel first voter.
Andy votes Anika. I have been burying you for the last ten days, here is your headstone.
Anica cannot vote but if she could she would be voting for Andy, she cannot trust him.

Vote tally.

Sam is not playing his idol.


Wow! She is shocked. You are kidding me you guys? Says Rachel...Anika has her mouth wide open. She asks Rachel if she knew.,...No...she asks who owned this. Three votes....Sam Andy and Sierra.

She's a poor loser. She's in tears. So over confident and she was so bossy.

Rachel is not happy. Andy is elated.

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Flowerpower1 4492 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-16-24, 09:29 PM (EST)
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20. "Well...."
NTOS had it right, the boot came from the yellow tribe with big eyed Anika and clown boy Andy as the candidates. Blue was the decoy. No sign of Red in the NTOS
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Flowerpower1 4492 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-16-24, 09:41 PM (EST)
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21. "NTOS"
At Yellow tribe: Rachel reads mail or a message delivered>
It's day 11 and the game is about to change. Drop your buffs! See them all hug and scream happily!!!
Then see blue camp: they are altogether in the shelter and they scream and shout OMG!!!
Then see the red tribe on the beach and they scream and shout

Jiffy: Next time on Survivor

See two boats arriving to a shore
Hear someone say GO

Tyanna in conf: It's animalistic at this point

See Kyle looking at Sol and telling him "what a d!ck!"
See Sam
Hear a guy say(Sol?): I'm fixing to squish him like a bug, while we see Rome eating some squishy red fruit
.Rome: ..I'm going to be feasting on Sol's bones, as we see Rome feasting
Rome in conf: I'm on Survivor, baby!

Andy: This is fun as hell
See Tyanna look very surprised while Kyle is standing behind her
Then see Andy and Tyanna together and he laughs very weirdly

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