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"East Coast Update Thread S47 Ep 1"
Flowerpower1 4444 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
09-18-24, 08:00 PM (EST)
"East Coast Update Thread S47 Ep 1" |
Here we go: Place all commentary in this thread until the show has aired in its entirety on the West Coast and don't forget to have PHUN!
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Flowerpower1 4444 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
09-18-24, 08:18 PM (EST)
1. "Here we go" |
Wold in sheep's clothing, Im a wolf in wolfs clothingI am in the band, I don't do anything unless I'm going to win says Aiysha Kyle: growoing up was a struggle, foster homes, ... these 18 strangers will be abandoned Tiyana: first native Hawaiian to play sure I have friends and family watch ing this and I know what they want for me, want me to suffer says Jon 59 year old says my final words will be "I beat all your a$$es S47 says Jiffy See them arrive You are here I would say looking at my fellow contestants, says TK, I'm ready to go Welcome to S47....YaY they are divided by colors every season starts the same way with a new community, for the next 26 days. foundation of this experiment, humans always crave community but what you all will experience, when you are tired and hungry and left out, you will have same cravings for community. the game that sits on top of it, same humans that you are forming your community with. Need to rely on them and then vote them out let's solidify your comm, Blue is Tuku Red: Lava Yellow: Gatta Gabe from Baltimore, what do you bring, I'm a worker, I'm a grinder, keep going... Teeny in red. New Jersey, she likes to change it up with her style....looks like a patchwork in jeans Yellow Andy: growing up I had 4 friends, unpopular, I did not have an identity...wore Grateful Dead tees, but was a fraud of stoners Jon: Yellow, podcast host, I really care what people think of me... He is here every episode, apply to be on S. we are all l nervous because it will be fact checked about what we will play like Next phase says Jiffy First test as new tribes waiting for you in the jungle Andy in conf: walks us down the beach, he describes as a gladiators arena. It's grand, you have to perform or you will be in trouble immediately under muddy net, race into jungle, climb and retrieve 2 puzzle pieces from one of 3 diff't obstacles, then build the 3D puzzle...win machete and flint, provide a massive head start here we go....go going through the mud in pairs, blue is first running into jungle, Kyle they rest follow work together to free up the puzzle pieces, free up rope and then get the pieces, they are heavy, sam heads back first fro yellow and then heads back to help Asia and Keshawn have theirs Sam helps the other fgirll red is good, the next two go, yellow next....climb under the mud getting the next two pieces....blue is heading back with theirs yellow next blue is first, last pair is going TK whipping through the mud Red in last blue is back with all the pieces and they are now solving the puzzle, rectangular Yellow is back now...working on puzzle Red in last Jiffy says no second place today, just two losers Yellow is moving fast now, they are getting it? they are going to finish first....they win! Actually yellow was last to arrive back, red was second back, so the last team to collect all the pieces won the challenge a pot, a machete, a flint, map to home... big advantage of starting work on your camp the other losers say way to go other tribes have to choose one person to take on this task...blue will do rock sicissors Asia for red blue will do rock scissors, TK for Tuku they leave for boat to pick them up Jiffy hands the others a map to their new homes. head out Rome for red: Asia chose to go, big mistake, need to strategize with your tribunates, that is how I will win the million dollars! Our first million dollar quote?
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Flowerpower1 4444 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
09-18-24, 08:34 PM (EST)
2. "Post marooning challenge" |
Data day one, they arrive to their beachWe solved the puzzle 100% they are part of a winning team they say Jon says it felt like we are on the winning team and will will win forom here on out Jon: I was a speech writer for Hilliard and Obama, and now he is telling them that he jus a podcast host, when I was a teen I watched Richard hatch... Andy: I am a numbers guy and I look at it as a numbers game. so I f I connect with 2 people it will be really hard to get voted out...see him smoking with Jon. Jon and Andy going together see the four others commenting on the Jon and Andy able tribe: getting the shelter started. Not winning the challenge Tiyana says, sunk me to the core. I feel like we stack up well in termss of physical strength but in terms of puzzle solving, we have work to do Gabe wants to work with an okldrer person, he is an older soul. They know how to work with the people....he tells sue he has her....let those kids hook up we will have it from he shadows. Sue, the old one says she loves Caroline, like my daughter, she's cool... Sue tells her she jus her main person right now, they commit to each other Sue is good with Caroline and Gabe, she will be a force to be reckoned with. Red: losing first challenge sucked. have to an er doctor, he loves the chaos...constantly surrounded by the unkown, I a really good at it and I will be good at S too Teeny: playing S is about the relationshipKeeshawn and I bonded immediately, he's introverted and I am extroverted See the red striped girl, Genevieve bond with Robin, and wants to bond with teeny. see them talking. Teeny and Rome
See the two Asia and TK arrive at the island, here is the chance to be a hero for your tribe, find 4 keys,
One will get supplies for camp and other will go back empty handed. TK looks like an nil
See them match the clues...Asia, red tribe finds the first clue, then TK does, gets first key...
see him running to next, Asia has her second key
TK, looking
Asia looking for 4th key, it's in the ocean
TK has only found 2 keys, TK has the third key, looking for the ocean key, he's going to make his own path down....back. on the beach, goes in the ocean, Asia is looking for the path, TK cannot find the buoy, it's right next to himAsia was close, almost stole it from him
TK, got the pot machete and sling...Asia was heart broken. going back with no supplies will paint myself as a target.
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Flowerpower1 4444 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
09-18-24, 08:50 PM (EST)
3. "TK won the other pot and machete" |
....and Asia was the biggest loser(red tribe)Yellow tribe: girl talking way to mush...anika. Jon is saying that Anika is prepared...talks about getting fruit. Annika says I told myself not be the leader, but here she is leading. Sam says he loves Annika taking the lead, he's the glue guy. Sierra, the pretty blond, but her dad always wanted a little boy, she's trying to make fire, she has the machete and the flint, and makes the fire.... Sierra says we are off to a hot start, no better feeling. TK, blue tribe, cannot wait to see my tribes faces when they see what I have found out how much equity that builds me the hug and run up to him....they were vs each other, he says there is no way now that they will get rid of me first now. OMG, when TK came back to camp, the guys fell in love with each other when they saw each other says Caroline, I am not a n idiot it's a bromance. ....they guys pull a tree and see a an advantage and see it, lean on top of it, how can I get TK away from this, TK goes somewhere and he grabs it. Note says head straight to the path and dig up what you need for an II, finds the branch and finds the box with a lock on it and a tube with more instructions....find the rock face, he will have to bring what is up there down to me. TK walks up and finds him getting the key TK says it's probably the beware advantage TK says we found a key before w found anything else. The guy tells him that he just found it. he has to find t=ime to return to the box, but doesn't want to be too hasty about it, leads to miostakes Asia returns to red camp, they all hug her, I knew the only way to approach was by being honest. I had nothing to hide. She tells the story Teeny says she has listened to the podcast before, this could be helpful to my game, I pulled her aside, I think I know who you are...shes a niche commentator... Asia says when Teeny approached me doubt what I do, RHAP!!! Everyone here I trying to win a million dollars, who knows what is about to happen. See Rome going to look in the woods...they note him gone. Rome: when I started this game wanted to immediately start looking for advantages... On day one looking for an idol, I want to play this game as hard as possibele, I will look everywhere and he finds the reward advantage, that advantage will be in my hands and not someone else's. at the path find a box with everything you need to find the idol. right there where everyone is walking, he knows he has to do it at night, when everyone else is sleeping, it's on the path to the water.
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Flowerpower1 4444 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
09-18-24, 09:01 PM (EST)
4. "RE: East Coast Update Thread S47 Ep 1" |
Well, I listen to RHAP ALL the time and I don't recognize Asia! Crapper! But fun!A girl eats a worm....on the blue tribe Sue and long haired dude go for a walk, he told her about the beware advantage, and he needs her to keep a look out for Gabe. Gabe goes back to the box ....he grabs the box and takes off sprinting and gets off the path, then un locks the box, finds another box inside with a padlock. He gets an II, good for 1 TC, but if you want to keep going you can try to find another, it's good for 3 tc's. follow map to driftwood and find key to unlock the box. The box rolls down the hill and makes a lot of noise, the people back at camp are wondering what he is doing. will be a mentally stressful next few days says Gabe! back at yellow Jon: he is getting to know a group of young people, he's 40 years old. learned to be able to put yourself into other peoples shoes, he realizes he is the oldest person here. will not prevent me from working with these people Andy: I first sayw Rachel and knew he was someone that I wanted to hitch my wagon too. He's solid with Jon, but now trying to get Rachel... Rachel: one of the appeal of S to me, Andy is so sweet but not strategic, a little too eager to bond and get to know each other....it's super suspicious, to get up early so we can talk. No will not do that at night, at Gata tribe. Andy couldn't sleep, he needed to talk with someone, he feels like he is spiraling... Rachel: one of the things that a S person should not do, should n't go off to talk....told him not to do it, but he's doing it anyway....not a good idea. He's feeling insecure, cannot take those moments of downs, can't take someone else's game and take them down with you Andy: I tried opening up to Rachel, but he doesn't feel that he got that closure, he's in negative head space. I'm different and I stick out in a bd way, ...he's cracking coconut and not one watched me, and Jon does it and they cheer for him. Andy tells Jon he's in the worst spot in this tribe. Jon doesn't know if he wants to work with somebody like that.
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Flowerpower1 4444 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
09-18-24, 09:11 PM (EST)
5. "Andy spiraling downward...." |
....Rachel doesn't like it, and now neither does Jon. They are protective of their own games. Tuku day 3...at night...Gabe....the next clue told me I have to find driftwo\od that will have key in it and open up the next box. He finds the driftwood and smashes it Finds the key, he's exhausted, gets back to the box...christmas morning. a third box within the second box...have an II for 3 TC, but can do one more task, and get II that is good until the F5. , He chooses to take the idol for the next 3 TC's. Get his vote back. Red tribe: .Rome: last night he found the box and got advantage, then has to open the next box, find the driftwood, this is in sane, I f I can find this and get this done fast it would be awesome. then he hears a twig snap and sees Asia....Asia tells the others. Sol says Rome is offf his rocker, a complete liability. finds the clue, the key to the box is at the bottom of the well. see him dive into the well to find the key... he got the key, heinous it unlocks the box, will hope to get the II... The other tribe members find him at the water will and he goes the other way, that is the most suspicious thing to do. Asia says I have the numbers, if we do end up at the first TC, Rome is the first to go
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Flowerpower1 4444 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
09-18-24, 09:19 PM (EST)
6. "Gabe...." |
chooses to take the II that is good for 3 TC's.Meanwhile, Rome, on the red tribe, is very SUS to his tribemates who know have him at the top of the list for the next boot. But will ha have an idol to use, or will he be too greedy? Challenge area is in the ocean and on the beach.... they all enter. Blue - Tuku, red Lava then yellow.Gata First IC: start out in water on platform, swim to boat, paddle back to shore, collect three heavy chests, drag the chests to beach, unlock them solve massive S puzzle. First 2 tribes to finish win immunity. Fire stays lit, without it you are vulnerable. Playing for reward, survivor building kit, shovels, etc. Smaller tool kit for second place. last tribe to finish, first to TC, see the yellow tribe. they dive in, swim to boats....get everyone on the boat....once on, unclip then start paddling...all three paddling, going to first chest, yellow is way off course. Blue and red get theirs first. Yellow is struggling. Red is good, Sol is good for red, and blue capsizes and the chests are out, absolute disaster, both chests off... and gate, yellow capsizes, absolute disaster, says Jeff.... you wanted survivor, you got S right here, says Jeff! This challenge is hysterical! LOL
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Flowerpower1 4444 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
09-18-24, 09:32 PM (EST)
7. "Challenge numero uno" |
these morons are flipping the boats, and the chests are out, the players are all out, and the boats are upside down. Blue got their boat back up, but it's now filled with water and they are all churning it out! this is going to be very tough....This is a dream come true for Jiffy! One of the worst starts to any challenge in 47 seasons of Survivor. Red tribe has their chests out on shore, they are the only ones that did not flip the boat. Lava. Red has their boat up on shore, get the three chests to the three spots and puzzle makers take over. the others have their boats on shore but they are still trying to get the water out. Red is building their puzzle, they win immunity and reward! showdown with the other two moron tribes. Blue is unloading the pieces yellow is trying to do the puzzle now too Tuku, blue is ahead. See Andy worried Andy wanders off to the side? Jon notices..Andy goes and lies down....he needs medical, he's cramping....medical is called, they give him water.... Blue is winning....they win. Yellow is the biggest loser. Andy is off to the side, now medical is trying to cool him, Andy is over heated, he tells Jiffy that he was getting booted out tonight...he's just emotional...Jiffy says he gets it. we will go when you are ready, we are giving him space, they all clap for Andy.... Poor Andy...he comes back to yellow...they all clap. he was over heated, he is okay now. you seem emotional. I was fighting for my life, I am on the bottom, I see it in their eyes, they don't like me, I don't think....they all say, Andy....Jiffy says it sounds like you are defeated...when they were finishing the puzzle, I was thinking I was going to throw him under the bus, I just want to be in the game. you fight until I snuff your torch. Geez....when are they going to get sturdy, good mentally well people!!?? Andy gave WAYYYY too much info to all the other tribes as well. Yellow tribe: they talk...
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Flowerpower1 4444 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
09-18-24, 09:42 PM (EST)
8. "Survivor is a game of..." |
paranoia....Andy is back pedaling. They are all worried about Andy, if you are having outbursts like this on day 3, that is a huge concern. Jon: that was messy. because of how it went down, I am a bit paranoid, I feel like I have been struggling to fit in. Jon talks to the girls...he tells them how it happened. they all say, how do we play the game with him. Rachel says, is it okay if we tell them we are voting for you, is that okay? Jon said he is okay with it, but now he wants to find what makes the most sense. He talks with Andy. What do you want to do? Andy wants to vote Annika. Andy says he is giving me a lifeline. my core priority in this game is to just stay in the game. They go and talk to someone else. So, Jon suggests that instead of one of them, let's make a move. They go to Sam. They want Annika. They don't want to talk to Rachel about it. Sam says they want me to throw a vote on Annika today, and I am not doing that. Jon is a strategist, No, Annika and Sam talk. Andy can be a liability, right now we need strength says the nurse. Sam says he will vote Jon. The girls worry about Andy. he is a ticking time bomb. Jon is more even keel and level headed, I am genuinely scared. this will decide the fate of gata and that is so scary says Rachel.
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Flowerpower1 4444 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
09-18-24, 09:56 PM (EST)
9. "TC" |
It's between Andy, Jon, Annika. Nurse Sierra is telling how tough it is...props to Annika, led the tribe. Annika: stepped up to be the leader.... Jon: spent the first 3 days finding commonality...we are a community but competitors. delayed start to the strategy Andy: at the IC, stood out by me, the comments you made, nobody likes me, everyone wants me gone. He grew up that way, never felt he belonged. In your recent life, you feel like you have broken out of the mold of not being liked. you worked so hard, then took on the big task of this show. He wants to show everyone how far he has come. Jon: Did Andy have a moment, people shouldn't be judged by their worst moments. Andy: you shared a lot of info, easy to says he's a loose canon. Andy said that old part of me just said it, paranoia. you only threw one person under the bus. Sam: what was the fall out from a strategic point of view. Andy is willing to turn on his best friend. Rachel sympathizes with him but.... Jon does't know what conversations would've taken place, but you know there are conversations going on, could it be me? Time to vote Siera is up first See Andy, then Jon. Vote tally: John Anika John John First person: John is out Well, the young ones voted out the old John. See you. Sam pats Andy on the back.
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michel2 4572 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
09-20-24, 09:58 PM (EST)
12. "The Vote" |
I think Jon got himself voted out. Episode 1 is the worst time to make a move but he HAD to make his mark even if the flow wasn't going in his direction.
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Flowerpower1 4444 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
09-18-24, 10:04 PM (EST)
10. "Next time on Survivor" |
Lets go Andy... Annika: With Andy, it's giving toxic cleaning boyfriend Jiffy: Next time on Survivor... Guy on red tribe: Rome is a lot, see him dancing at campBlue girl telling someone else in the tribe: He called us all losers... Sue: the rage on her face put the nail on the coffin. See Sue then Gabe Sam to Andy: Let's talk See Andy Sam: I was not ready for the bomb that Andy was about to drop. See Sam wide mouthed, looking shocked after talking with Andy
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michel2 4572 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
09-20-24, 09:55 PM (EST)
11. " One Inglorious and Perfectly Stupid Episode "" |
Episode 1 of Survivor made me long for the days before Probe took charge. Seasons used to start with a bang like when «They came at us with Spears» to start Vanuatu, or the visit of the Buddhist temple for Survivor China and all those other memorable starts. Now, it's the same old formula: Players know who are on their tribes before they reach the island and we jump into a puzzle challenge Worse, by forcing the players to plunge in a mud puddle, we cannot recognize them at the precise moment we are trying to familiarize ourselves with them. Then Jeff has the gall to say that they will only get a pot, a machete and a flint to start but we all see that they each have a carry-on so huge that they'd have to pay extra to take it on the plane! They also have a water canteen and there is enough bamboo already chopped and prepped to build a small chalet! But the worse part was that they found another Jelensky. I thought last season's bozo was an exception but they found another one. And to think his tribe wasn't smart enough to get rid of him. Stupid! Stupid Players...
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -