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"S46 - Ep 12 - Mamma Bear - East Coast Update Thread"
Flowerpower1 4416 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-15-24, 07:43 PM (EST)
"S46 - Ep 12 - Mamma Bear - East Coast Update Thread" |
Please place all commentary in this thread regarding the airing of tonights episode until it has aired in its entirety on the West Coast. And! Don't forget to have PHUN!
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Flowerpower1 4416 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-15-24, 08:05 PM (EST)
1. "Here we go...." |
See venus with the idol...see Liz pissed again. Charlie, his head is going in 22 diff't directions, has to start thinking about your own game. Teetering on voting out MariaVenus voted out see Maria smile. She was a going to play the idol but now she's going home with it Night 21, they return. Q butchered Venuse name, they laugh. Tribal went as it should. venus thought she could rally the troops and send me packing, you could cancel Christmas, that would never happen. Ben wrote Kenzie's name...ben said he ws supposed to write Venus' name down and he wrote Kenzie....ben has not been sleeping, he's losing his mind. Kenzie: what do you mean it Wass an acciddnt, Ben, it's a lie or its a dumb truth... Ben poor poor ben Liz is really upset...Maria is crying, she dragged me through the mud. Venus . Maria: at tribal venus came out of the gates slinging, attacked my character, Charlie comforts her. But now, she's gone we are at final 6, this the time to go for it. I have two wins and a blindside and been on the right side of the vote every single time, if they aren't trying to get me out then that's their problem.... Intro
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michel2 4563 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
05-15-24, 08:08 PM (EST)
2. "Thank you" |
Why does Kanzie care so much about Ben. Just let him quit!
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Flowerpower1 4416 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-15-24, 08:11 PM (EST)
3. "The Maria demise arc is set up" |
Maria just set up her own final story arc, imo. If they aren't trying to get me out then that's their problem...hmmmmmNight 21 sleeping. see the fire. Ben: it's getting way harder for me to sleep, waking up in the middle of the night, first time I had a panic attack, in the jungle don't know what's going on, now my body has a mind of its own...he hasn't had night terrors for 12 years. had terrors at young age, thought he was going to die, very similar to what he's had in this game. Kenzie wakes and walks within....if he walks around he goes with him, what I can do is be there for someone that needs someone. I could never let someone go through something so scary, alone. Be with him through the storm, you know? I love Kenzie. sunrise. Morning! they are all up Liz had a BM, she announces, she just dropped 5 pounds. I thought I would be the first S in history to not go to the bathroom the whole time, she's ready to play now. UGH! Kenzie says he name is not anyone else's name. Charlie tells them, don't write my name down either. Right now, says Charlie, he's given himself two pathways in the next vote, we can take out Maria and Q. Ben: I think Maria and Q may think that vote is a wrench between them. Charlie says what if I do what I set out to do with Maria, that would be awesome, such a dilemma....played the tote game with Maria and she's my best friend out here, need to be laser focused out here now.
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michel2 4563 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
05-15-24, 08:14 PM (EST)
4. "Family Final 4" |
If we look at the Family Final 4 theory, this season is quite odd with 3 Moms at F6! New core family, I guess but Maria is the original mom, Liz acted like a mom to Maria and Kenzie is a mom to Ben. Neither Charlie, Q or Ben are Father material, they are much more like sons. So what gives? Actually, I could see Maria as the father in a non-traditional way: She has driven the tactics up to now and she is coming under fire from her own son as is the Survivor way.
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Flowerpower1 4416 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-15-24, 08:25 PM (EST)
5. "Pre challenge" |
Challenge arena, huge long physical apparatus is there. down to 6 reward challenge race over obstacles, collect bag with ball, cross ladder bridge, crawl under obstacle, put ball in table maze. Sanctuary for an afternoon of Chinese take out. draw for spots go high step the first obstacle..q and Charlie out first, liz in the end. untie knots move bag through ladder bridge, move along the rope and moving your body across the ladder...still very even. Maria in the lead. across and now untying other rope, free the bag. Charlie is done, they are crawlingunder the final obstacle....q and Maria...Maria is first to the maze. then Q then Charlie Kenzie ben liz in last ben is in last maze requires a nice touch and a lot of patience. learning curve, will drop for a while Maria making some progress. Q making progress. Ben is cranking pinball wizard in his head. Maria drops. q drops, anybodies challenge to win Kenzie and ben, ben drops Maria drops. Q drops. Kenzie in the lead but drops. Charlie in the lead, Maria is doing well Charlie getting very close. Lis drops Charlie is in the inner circle and he wins. Charlie for Chinese take out! Chinese take out beautiful afternoon, sweeten the deal. after enjoy the Chinese take out finish the sanctuary with letters from home. choose one person to join you. Kenzie what is it about the letters from home. everyone here loves someone. her wedding was supposed to be yesterday....she's crying. He chooses Liz...OMG....Liz: thank you. choose one more person. will take Kenzie....he is so sorry to everyone else. see Maria looking down. Maria is crying. Charlie apologizes. ben rubs her back. Geez. This people need to buck up...they are such poor sports Maria is crying, the food eaters go, Maria is sobbing. I just want to see those letters so bad, I understand his decision but it's breaking my heart. Maria: this RC is one that I have been waiting for for many days and I couldn' t go It hurt my head my heart, my heat broke in three.
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PepeLePew13 26138 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-15-24, 08:34 PM (EST)
6. "RE: Pre challenge" |
My impression of Maria really has fallen the past two episodes - the b.s. reasoning behind who she picked in last week's reward plus today's whinging ... get over it, nobody owes you anything. You'll see your kids the next week.
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Flowerpower1 4416 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-15-24, 08:37 PM (EST)
7. "The reward sanctuary" |
Chinese food and letters from home. a school of fish above the coral reef this is amazing. wow! Liz is in heaven, I haven't had a reward in almost 10 days, feelings inside me and today I am picked! more than eating it feels like yes Liz you are doing something right in the game you are working with people that want to work with you. Charlie feels for them but...obviously, Not choosing liz was the hardest decision in the game. she is a true stand up player, we are Malcolm and Denise... they think Maria will understand day 22 at camp Maria is still sobbing and crying. Ben says let it out.... I can picture them sending their messages. Charlie and I said if we ever win reward we are not taking each other, but not haveing them, something died in me today, I just got robbed, it just got taken from me, I would have given up every reward to get this one. it's painful, all I can think of is you keep some bear cubs for mamma bear, I'm coming. this will light a fire under me. Liz gets letter....she doens' want the letter as it will show emotional side of myself, but to remind myself of home and why I came out here in the first place it feels like motivation, I see her little letter and her little drawing, she dared me to apply. There are people in this game who are not rooting for you but there are people at home that are Kenzie: hearing that they are all okay, there are no words to describe how much this means to me. I was supposed to get married yesterday, my fiancé moved our wedding because he believed in me. sorry, crying so amazing to have a support system to allow me to do this. used to being a perfectionist, relingquicshing that control. I thought I was the only person I could count on, this allows me to take a break, I can lean on other people Charlie crying....every single letter makes me cry and laugh and gives me what I need to get through. Judy his GF sends him Taylor swift quotes, he misses her, if I remember one thing my sister, dad, mom GF, they all told me to play to win. this might push me to play to win, which may mean I betray the one person I said I would play the whole game with, Maria.
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Flowerpower1 4416 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-15-24, 08:47 PM (EST)
11. "Post RC" |
see sharks swimmingsanctuary: that was amazing@! they are very grateful to Charlie a chance for the thereof us to talk strategy without looking suspicious . Liz and Kenzie agree they have to get Maria before Q. she's so good. Our band of goons to do it says Charlie Thank God Maria was not hear I am cooking something up to blindside Marie. key ingredients are Kenzie and Liz, wanted to cement that relationship today back at camp they are looking for idols. see them all Q: right now reward means nothing to me, I need to find this idol, the more time I have to look, they make it look so easy but he has looked for hours and days. he told himself calm down...his hand is starting to hurt, he thinks he found something...he pulls something out of his pocket, the idiot...it's a beautiful thing, and behold...last time it can be played is when there are 5 players in the game. Q asks himself do I tell Maria or do I don't he tells her. I told her about it because you have to tell someone and she is my number one, I'm playing it for you, or I will play it for myself. Maria wants to keep Q around. Imperative Liz goes next Maria is not worried about Charlie. Q says how about Charlie going next. Maria says this is the first time I've voiced this. He's so lovable he will win hands down. If Charlie don't win, let's get rid of him? Maria: a hard decision but it's a reality, he's a threat says Maria. Charlie is back and he and Maria talk and make up. Maria: we've walked this path together formed a friendship that will outlast this game so it's hard to switch from that comfort to it's my game now. Not many options for us to be a pair. Charlie: Maria is my number one ally but I've set up this blindside, it almost feels like guilt...I don't think Maria is thinking about considering blindsiding me. Maria: did we really have plans to go to the end toghether. Charlie thinks that Maria is planning on taking him to the end. Maria says we will be firnends at the ned of the game but right now he's standing in my way.... that was funny!
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Flowerpower1 4416 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-15-24, 09:00 PM (EST)
13. "Charlie vs Maria" |
But, will Q give Maria his HII? Kenzie, Liz, Charlie, Ben will all vote for Maria, no? Maria and Q vote Charlie. If Q gives his HII to Maria, Charlie will be toast. Ugh. Let's see how this plays out Day 23 Challenge arena in the sea Maria gives up the necklace climb to top of tall tower, leap off, race over obstacles to finish and solve a dolphin puzzle. Win or you are in trouble. Go swim to platform up the ladder, Maria first up, jump off, then climb to floating net, Charlie in the lead...q in the lead...chalrie first...Charlie falls off balance beam, Maria in the lead....they cannot cross the balance beam dolphin puzzle. liz is over....ben is through, then Charlie, then liz, q is over, Kenzie is dead last Maria and ben with early pieces. big stakes...ben in lead. everyone is looking at each others puzzle. Ben is in the lead MaRIA IS catching up. Maria in lead on a tear. ben has slowed down. Maria is on fire...Maria wins immunity... guaranteed spot in final five. Maria: yesterday I hit rock bottom. Charlie has confessional of doom. This is survivor, attack. tonight there is a real fire under Q and his torch could get snuffed tonight.
Wow, Charlie is a dead man walking
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Flowerpower1 4416 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-15-24, 09:11 PM (EST)
14. "Post IC drama" |
Well, Q might go home with an idol in his pocket, why not, each player is dumber than the next on this show....ugh. day 23 congrats Maria Challenge beast Maria Kenzie: Maria is the biggest threat out here we cannot get her out. but I don't want to go any farther with Q. I wanted him out of my game...I'm ready to take down king Q Ben: every time has been the time to take out Q.. Maria and Q think they are running this show for a bit. Ben: this will be my favorite blindside of the season Q and Maira go and talk: Q says we have to take the shot when we can. they agree, time to get rid of Charlie. removing my number one and trusting my number 2. it's Charlie tonight. Kenzie talks to Q. We are going to vote out Charlie Liz notes that Q says it will be Charlie, but I don't want to work with him. Kenzie and Liz agree this is finally the night that Q is going home, what will we say to Maria. Maria is talking to girls, they agree that Charlie will win, if we don't vote him out, everyone loves Charlie. Charlie and ben talk. we have to make sure that we can survive tonight, if we leave Maria in the dark, then she can team up with the girls and vote out either ben or me. This is why I Never close any door. Maria thinks I'm still her number one ally. Charlie asks would you consider voting out Q tonight. Yes. Maira says don't look me in the eye, Charlie. she thinks tonight is charlies night to go. but in reality we are all voting for Charlie. Maria and Q talk, you may get a vote, but I don't think you are going home. Q says he is confident that Kenzie, Liz Ben are on board with voting out Charlie. He doesn't think anything will go wrong, if I feel any spooks or dukes then I am playing my idol. Maria: tonight is a tough vote, when I started I wanted to find my person, but I am stepping forward but at the end of the game only one can win, I will see my best friend in the game walk out tonight.
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PepeLePew13 26138 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-15-24, 09:26 PM (EST)
15. "RE: S46 - Ep 12 - Mamma Bear - East Coast Update Thread" |
That's, what... the fifth time someone got booted while holding an idol this season?
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Flowerpower1 4416 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-15-24, 09:27 PM (EST)
16. "Wonder if...." |
Q will feel any spooks or dukes and play his idol or will he follow the rest of these inept players and leave with it in his pocket? (I sure hope so!)NIght 23, tribal council. they note that Maria has the necklace on. Ben says Jeff we have a show for you tonight. Jiffy forgot his popcorn. dang. reward challenge, Charlie. had a big decision to make. a classic of bait and switch ...Maria was emotionally upset, Charlie says we talked about it, they three that didn't go said it was okay. Kenzie: moved your wedding to play S. This is a day hearing from home. the six of us are this weird dysfunctional fam. we have made this fam here but not the same as hearing from those we love so much from home. Maria: in elite group of women that has won. It was the drive from not getting the love. No hard feelings to Charlie. She went back to camp and cried the whole rest of the afternoon, channelled it into fierce determination to win the challenge cannot let the person that is going home smell that they are going home. Charlie does it get easier to blindside. Charlie says more difficult. do you want them around camp the last couple of days. if you tell the wrong person the wrong plan, or wrong name so easy to flip the game on it's head. Jiffy notes alliances. Maria says they are important but empt to think about who is still here or who should I sit next to. they don't know about alliances. Kenzie tells about her and bens friend ship and he told me writing my name down was an accident. .Kenzie says alliances are a. wash ben says he was drunk on pizza. She's like my survivor sister Q what is your take on alliances. are alliances over? Q says it is not over, plans in place for this vote it makes sense. a vote will be made tonight about group will agree. Liz. says there are power couples but we are all thinking about that final tc. I won't win, I'm not in an alliance, blah blah. Charlie says we are all sitting here. this is a group of hardened S players they are all good at this game, hard to tell where the lightening will hit. Charlie votes Q. I hope I got you Kenzie votes Q Liz votes Q Ben votes Q It's been a fun ride. Maria votes Charlie. I love you so much but I have to think about myself moving into an individual game, can't wait for my boys to meet uncle Charlie anyone want to play the idol?
He is NOT playing it. Wooohoooooo! Charlie Q Charlie Q Q Q AHHHHH HAAAAAAAA
Q is getting up, they love him, sorry buddy says Liz. good game buddy see Charlie. Wow!!! Maria is a sitting duck. Charlie knows she voted for him. Oh I cannot wait to hear this next ep!
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michel2 4563 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
05-15-24, 09:28 PM (EST)
18. "Well?" |
I can see Liz and Kenzie rallying to Maria's side against Charlie.
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Flowerpower1 4416 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-15-24, 09:36 PM (EST)
20. "Five...." |
Five people go home with an idol in their pocket....IDIOTS!!!! Geez, I hope the next batch of DAWS are paying attention! Yawn.
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Sheldor 4711 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
05-15-24, 09:46 PM (EST)
22. "RE: Five...." |
Crazy!Five Players Vote Out with an Idol in their Pocket ! (Jem, Hunter, Tiffany, Venus, Q)! Five Players in a Row Leave with an Advantage or Idol! Tevin(Extra Vote), Hunter(Idol), Tiffany(Idol), Venus(Idol), Q(Idol) Heck! Let's re-hide the Idol and see if someone else will get voted out with an Idol in the Last Tribal Council (Final 5) when you can use an Idol!
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Flowerpower1 4416 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-15-24, 09:35 PM (EST)
19. "NTOS" |
Final FIVE they all yell at day break Kenzie conf: I'm in final five, I'm like a secret cute little assassinNext time on Survivor Maria: It's do or die, like this is the time to just go for it. Ben: It's such a vibe it's like electric almost see them at the F5 challenge all muddy, Charlie is in first place. here Jiffy say: this could be worth a million dollars right here Liz: Holy hot dog on a stick, this is CRAZY. See Liz crying (again) Charlie: I'm so close I want to win this freaking game see them all, Kenzie, Liz, Maria, Ben, Charlie all seen...
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Flowerpower1 4416 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
05-15-24, 09:38 PM (EST)
21. "Q" |
was a great sport in his final words....Blindsided with an idol in my pocket. Some times life just doesn't work out for you, but he was proud of the game he played. And he made a shout out to his GF that they were going to appleby's and what she didn't eat, he would, and then had a very hearty laugh! Good for him!
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -