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"S45|Ep 5|East Coast Update Thread"
Flowerpower1 4201 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
10-25-23, 08:04 PM (EST)
1. "Here we go..." |
Me and drew we are stacked, an idol and safety without power... See Sifu, then see Ryan ask to be voted out...Sean. Sifu knows someone voted for him They return to camp. see a bat... he's there with the girls...My name coming up was a surprise. the girls don't want to talk about it. ...He asks Dee, was it a surprise to see yours? Of course Dee: TC couldn't have been worse, should have been him, but now he's pissed. This is the time to put your heart aside and play the game Sifu says he voted Sean. Julie said I am guessing Sean wrote Sifu... Jule: who knew h is parting word was no, I didn't write your name down. girls: we all think Sifu has an idol, so if we write his name down and he plays an idol, one of us is gone Sifu says there it is, Sean told me a lie he can't tell which one wrote his game down, he will do some reconnaissance and figure this out. cut to intro
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Flowerpower1 4201 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
10-25-23, 08:12 PM (EST)
2. "Post intro" |
Sifu knows one is lying. Belo in the AM. Emily says we are so spent... Austin: day 10 is most difficult day on S. I'm starving, no energy, lay in camp and all I can think about is food. see them all lying around talking about food.... We just want food, we are starving. Kendra sees a worm. . Kendra: after it rained I would save them off of the sidewalk...I'm so hungry I need protein. See her eat it. then she gags....spit it back out, disgusting. Drew: Kendra is a character, a lot of fun to be around, she has so much energy, she's happy...Drew says nice to have that at camp, I may not understand how she thinks, but it's exciting... Kendra: w are the alien alliance. Lulu: Jake is playing drums on his stomach...Bruce tells him to move his lazy fat #####... Jake falls down, he's dizzy, passed out...He fell.... They want him to sit down.... Kellie: Jake has a similar episode as he did last time, loses consciousness...stands up too fast and passes out....Kellie steps in, I'm happy to do it...Jake talks about possibly leaving. Before he came in game he weighed 270 pounds, he has a serious binge eating problem. It's a problem, he knew what he was doing, he hid it... He tells the story that his mom said she knows what he's doing, and it's okay, doesn't need to be embarrassed. Spent last 2 years working his ##### off, and he did better and quit the binging, a celebration of all his hard work, and everything he's overcome. So when I feel my body give out, that's frustrating, to work so hard on something, it stabs me right to through the heart, I'm a survivor and I will survive right to the end of this game.... Winner quote?
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Flowerpower1 4201 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
10-25-23, 08:27 PM (EST)
3. "Post Jake passing out...again" |
Lulu...going to get water...Kaleb and Jake Katurah, came back to camp and the whole camp was empty...she starts to look for an idol, searched her ##### off...Kaleb calls her name...she came back... Kellie: kat is a hot mess out here we all caught her looking in the tree today, so obvious, in front of everybody...they talk, she's all over the place. she's a liability to play with... Kaleb said I saw you searching for the idol and I wanted to call your name before they saw you...see them make an alliance. Then see Kaleb make an alliance with Jake, that's his super power, building trust. Then see him make an alliance with Bruce. He's got an alliance witheverone but Kellie Kaleb tells Kellie that there was an idol here but Sabiyah had it. Kaleb thinks that Kellie is the best player out here, see him make an alliance with her, they hug Red tribe: Girls are in the shelter, and Sifu is in the water...they are pissed Ryan told Sifu that he didn't vote for him Deee: she an immigrant, every time she thinks I am starving here, I think of my parents, they had one piece of bread for the entire family, I don't come from a family that quits see sifu at camp with Julie. Seeing my name was a big wake up call, that volcano is ready to go the game has begun. All three of the woman are playing me, I have a fake idol, he made it with beads and I am hoping they they will believe that this idol is real. Tells Dee, then Julie It's aggressive but kind of the game I have to play with S. J Maya: Sifu pulls out tai chi metaphor, when someone pushes you you have to push back. for the record I didn't. BELO: day 10 see Kendra brando and drew. Brando says she's cool to Drew. Brando was a never really close to Kendra being out here with her as my only lifeline, terrifying, but drew is super into Pokemon and super nerdy like me. he's someone that I spend a lot of time needing out with. So I am enjoying his presence be nice to work together. nerds never get to go far in this game, I'm open to a nerd alliance. Drew: nerd alliance that is garbage, brando is the last person I want to work with so I tell him, I don't buy his for a second...drew shuts it down says Brando, if he is not open to working with him I will have to work with Kendra...right now the numbers are drew and Austin, then me and Kendra and then Emily. Brando waking with Emily... Emily: coming in I was the odd person out, but now they are all turning to me. Austin is truly down to saving her and going to the end. Emily says I wanted to work with Austin and drew but now old belo looks good. I feel terrible because I promised both sides...I am genuinely at odds, I can see a path forward with both of them...hard to make the right decision
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michel2 4289 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
10-25-23, 08:29 PM (EST)
4. "Winner's Quote" |
I feel like both Jake and Dee had end-game type confessionals and a winner's quote especiallly after seeing 2 players quitting this season.
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Sheldor 4263 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
10-25-23, 08:40 PM (EST)
8. "RE: Winner's Quote" |
Yeah, quite a bit of time given to both Jake and Dee's backstory and their relationships in their tribes!
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Flowerpower1 4201 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
10-25-23, 08:36 PM (EST)
5. "Emily in the middle..." |
Lulu: Bruce is telling stories. Kat: bruce is a lot, when we first got here, he's trying to keep his bruxism's down but now they are coming right back out. I'm trying to hold it in, hello is anybody hearing this crap that he is saying. ...Bruce farts, so rude and disrespectful...Bruce: people my age we don't debate things... They have no wood...Kat says I think Kaleb is becoming more and more aware of Bruce... Kaleab says Bruce is a bossy leader...can you go get coconuts, can you chop it too. Kaleb says I will do anything he says my hope is that he will never see me coming when it is time to cross him J Maya: she is operating off the fact that Sifu has an idol. her only life line is that I am going to make myself the decoy and tell him it was me that wsrrote his name. I thought I was on the outs and made a desperate move.... DEe: operation throw J Maya under the bus. Dee thinks we should plat out vote out J at thenext vote. weigh the pDee and Julie: we want to get the idol out, but it's a possibility that there is a fight that we don't have to fight, thinking Jay...Julie lets just write J's name down and we areesafe, or send him home with a n idol in his pocket, don't know what we are gonna do., says Julie
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Sheldor 4263 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
10-25-23, 08:55 PM (EST)
11. "RE: J Maya" |
Wow! I didn't think Reba-2 would be competitive in this Immunity Challenge; instead they dominated and won! Austin on a Journey away from Drew while everyone talks about the Vote Off.
Kendra/Brando are definitely going to continue to court Emily's vote. However, I wonder if Emily will choose Austin/Drew over Kendra/Brando. Seem like all that Nerd talk by Brando might mean he's going to be the target...
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Flowerpower1 4201 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
10-25-23, 08:50 PM (EST)
9. "Next..." |
Come on in guys....Sean voted out....aka quitterIC...one at a time, race through 3 level obstacle course, collect keys, release a long hook, get sand bags, fire at three targets. knock down win immunity and in addition playing for reward...first to finish, a lot of fish, 10 fresh fish and everything you need to cook them and the second place is fist not so much. Emily sits out and Kellie sits out... The ole sand bags at targets challenge... Kaleb and sifu in first...collect three bags. Kaleb has first one, then Sifu, then Kendra Kaleb has second, then sift and Kendra...Kaleb extending his lead...now Austin for belle and karat for Lulu and J for reba... J, katurah then Austin. Jay won, then Austin then Kat. Brandon, bruce and Dee Dee and bruce have theirs, then brando...bruce is done then redo then belo. get the key to release hook. Julie got it first, now pull the rope and release sandbags. Jake is working Julie is close and has the sand bags, now they need to relay them to the front....Jake has the sandbags get all of the bags in the bin before you can move on. Reba is moving Drew is very slow for blue, he releases for below... bruce firing, Jake low Jay has one target down...dee knocks it down...bruce knocks one down, then Kat tries Austin fires, miss. sifu could win it...and he does! Austin misses Katknocks one down, now Kaleb Kendra trying now....Kaleb knocks it down, so Belo goes to TC for first time. Reba is first... Lulu: wins second and reward waiting back at camp One more twist, take a journey, reba will decide. choose one to go on journey Jay will go on journey. who will go from below and Lulu: Kellie bela will send Austin will go. Austin, , they want to get info from him from the other side. Jay, kellie and Austin go. take their flint. See Brando. Emily: wow seems like it its par for the course for me, not fun to go to TC, and now I have to make a really tough decision....
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Sheldor 4263 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
10-25-23, 08:55 PM (EST)
12. "RE: Belo Loses the Challenge" |
Yeah. I think Brando is in trouble too!
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Flowerpower1 4201 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
10-25-23, 09:03 PM (EST)
13. "Brando is in trouble....I think." |
Camp Belo...Kendra: first time for me to go to TC... Kendra and Emily... Kendra says we will do a respectful scramble...tries to convince Emily that she needs to go with she and brando. wants to vote Drew, he's scrawny... brando is making a proposal to drew, willing to keep me instead of Kendra...drew tells brando that there is no need brando will lie to people to get to day 12. drew: brando was interesting, let it be Kendra, so right off the bat my suspicions are raised. Emily says Kendra pitched you to me. drew tells Emily work with us 4 to get Kendra... I'm so confused because I thought he and Kendra were like that. Emily goes to brando to ask him, and brando tells him that was drew's idea... Emily says drew is not off to a great start to me if he's lying. Kendra: when I heard my name I wanted to reach out like a cat, a pit bull terrier...but it's all good, because I will put my trust in brando and Emily to vote drew out......good bye. you thought you tricked me but I tricked you! the journey players. Jay, Kellie and Austin
Kellie : I arrive with two original reba members, potentially make someone alien they trek to the top of the island...walk up, it's rough. Jay: we are hiking up the mountain, physically exhausted, and the first thing we see are sandwiches. choose one...majority rules. option one: food sustenance strategy: amulets, give you an advantage, but must be played all together. three have power of extra vote, 2 steal a vote, 1 amulet in game is an idol. can play till there are 6 players left in the game. Austin: all I can think about is food, stomach is caved in. amulets, need to use them together, I need to eat. Austin told them that it will buut a bigger target on our backs. Jay is pro amulet. kelpie says I am smack dab in the middle. angel eat the sandwich and say the course, devil take the amulet...
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michel2 4289 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
10-25-23, 09:04 PM (EST)
14. "Amulet or Sandwich" |
Which would you pick? Eat only a spoonful of rice for 10 days and then answer me!
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Flowerpower1 4201 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
10-25-23, 09:13 PM (EST)
16. "What will they choose....food or amulet" |
Austin wants the sandwiches, he's famished, leaves Kellie in the middle. We can make a pact...no one touches the amulet until 7...they make the pact and agree to work together, a new born alliance to work together. Austin says this is a symbol of war, I'm turning this, they will get my revenge for getting in the way of me and my sandwichJay: this is my best S day Austin in conf: this is my worst S day Emily and drew talk. Emily tells drew that brando told him it was a dreads idea. Drew says that it was brando that pitched it. Drew in confessional that what is she talking about...first time that she could swing the other way...he didn't lie...I did all I could to let her know, I'm counting on my guy Austin to solidify this. Austin: come back to belo beach what is happening. did they win over Emily. Austin tells them about the sandwich aor the sweat strategy...he said he wanted the sandwich. he lied and said that he didn't get any advantage. Austin then shows drew the advantage in private. Drew tells Austin that he's nervous as Emily might not be 100% with them. Drew has the safety is power...he could use his good will advantage....I do not want to use these advantages, do we trust Emily to work with. us... Austin is saying that brando is playing. Emily : I want to position my self well but I will burn one, an old belo, will the old belo tribe vote against me. Austin shows Emily an advantage. Emily feels connected with Austin but drew seems more of a game player. who has my best interests at heart. I am scared, the sun is going down and I still don't know.
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Flowerpower1 4201 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
10-25-23, 09:26 PM (EST)
17. "Austin shares info with Emily so she will vote with them...." |
Off to TC...brando...when you hear these words does it sound diff't when you are here. brando says it is hard not to be in awe ambiance this fire is death. every cycle it ends right here says Austin Emily, having been here does this givee you an advantage. Emily is over it...she keeps losing brando: we constantly make you switch and adapt...it was heart breaking that I wouldn't be with my old belo...having that experience is something that makes me pretty valuable drew says it could be useful or threatening. Kendra: Kendra hates this, she is independent doesn't trust people so much in real life, her relationships are terrifying...drew came to this tribe not expecting to get along with Kendra, but really likes her. Emily is the contrarian...we come into this game for the genuine people that they are and then we back stab them Austin knows there is cracks in original reba and belo...wants to work with people for the long haul drew sees tribes coming together to battle each other but on surviving that oncoming on slaught Emily is doing a calculation about what she will do, trying to figure out where to vote but also who can she trust. . She looks forward to proving that loyalty brando is admiring the scenery Austin is going to sacrifice his vote to extend the life span of his idol. , but with his advantage he's going to restore his vote. Vote count no one plays an advantage or an idol.... Drew Brando drew Brando Brando he looked surprised, Kendra says WHAT!?? Shocked! Emily reaches over to her and she is upset. Emily touches Drews and Austins knees.
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Flowerpower1 4201 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
10-25-23, 09:36 PM (EST)
18. "NTOS...." |
See the yellow and blue tribes arriving by boat and hear them say: we made the merge, they all yell: (They are coming to Reno beach) Sifu in conf: This is crazy with 13 people....this is psychological warfare! See them all celebrating together... Jiffy: Next time on Survivor... Drew to We've entered a new stage of the game Drew to the 3 other reds(Julie, Austin, and Dee): We are the strongest ones in the game... Drew in conf: We've entered a new stage of the game and we could just squash them... See kellie Bruce to Kaleb: You are powerful right now, you just may not realize it Kaleb in conf: I'm not batman, I'm the Canadian
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -