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"S43 | Ep 7 | "Bull in a China Shop | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-02-22, 07:48 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"S43 | Ep 7 | "Bull in a China Shop | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Please place all commentary in regard to the episode that airs tonight in this thread until it has aired in its entirety on the West Coast. And, don't forget to have PHUN!!!
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  Table of Contents

  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Here we go.... Flowerpower1 11-02-22 1
 Pre IC.... Flowerpower1 11-02-22 2
   RE: Pre IC.... Sheldor 11-02-22 3
 Mid challenge Flowerpower1 11-02-22 4
 Gabler IC Win....he was a beast. Flowerpower1 11-02-22 5
 RE: S43 | Ep 7 | "Bull in a China S... Flowerpower1 11-02-22 6
 TC Flowerpower1 11-02-22 7
   RE: TC coldbrewer 11-02-22 9
       RE: TC Sheldor 11-02-22 10
 NTOS Flowerpower1 11-02-22 8
   RE: NTOS Sheldor 11-02-22 11
 Merge Tribe = Gaia Sheldor 11-02-22 12
   RE: Merge Tribe = Gaia Flowerpower1 11-03-22 13
       RE: Merge Tribe = Gaia Sheldor 11-03-22 14
 EW Dwight Exit Interview Sheldor 11-03-22 15

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-02-22, 08:07 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "Here we go...."
They return after the Elie vote. Jeanine: I'm still reeling from what happened at TC, I was completely blindsided....You never hope to be that person left out of the vote. OMG I'm on the outside
Noelle tells her she understands, this has nothing to do with betted my game says Noelle, act like it's okay, tells her how to handle it

see her next with Cassidy, pretends that it is the best thing for her game, see Karla, Jesse, Dwight...Gabler. Owen, Samy, James. she tells then let me be an asset to James

She just wants to cry

Gaia Day 14


Dwight asks Owen about does he feel good moving forward with Samy

Owen wanted to utilize the Baka, Gabler is on warpath, loose canon, bull in china shop
it's like we've invited the entire group to view the Grand Canyon crack in the Baka tribe. He's thinking about not playing with him, because who knows what he could do next

Gabler talks to Cody. notes his idol is no good. wants to go under water and play it cool, but he's still ready

Dwight reads the tree mail....tells them all about pairs for the IC

you must divide into 6 pairs to compete

Owen: we will be pairing up for this IC, tremendously awkward

Sami confessional, they will compete, what's happening
Jeanine: brings me back to middle school
rock drawing they decide to do....and before we see the results, cut to commercial

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-02-22, 08:18 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "Pre IC...."
Owen sure got a lot of confessionals? Possible spike before the boot episode, or spike in the boot ep? Who knows....?

Day 14

the IC site

Noelle enters with game face!

asks Karla how they divided, get next to your partner

Owen gabler, cody/dwight, Jesse Janine, Karla Cassidy

running in three stages, make the cut to go to next stage
go through net, dig planks, plant flags in holes
second: race up cargo net, place the planks, first 2 pairs win
final: pairs are over, 4 indiv'ls compete, hold onto handle, and try to hold up bucket of water, when fatigue, you will drop the bucket, last one standing

first 4 pairs move on

twisted muddy net....looks so easy and then it's all twisted, Cassidy is first through, Ryan, Samy done, now James is out, they start digging....cody is out, now dwight, Owen is through, Karla is through, and they dig.....Noelle is taking her leg off...James and Ryan win this leg. Next isKarla and Cassidy are second, and gabler and Owen next....Cody and dwight.

Noelle is crying...

apologizes to Samy...Janine apologizes, you are not alone....they are helping Noelle. she is crying that was so hard....Jiffy uses the opportunity to shine a light on this struggle...warrier effort says a team, I am beating my self up more, they are all giving me inspiration....first time she's been emotional out here....

commercial break

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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-02-22, 08:21 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Sheldor Click to send private message to Sheldor Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "RE: Pre IC...."
Random Rock Draw Pairs

Noelle/Sami(Out Stage 1)
Jesse/Jeanine(Out Stage 1)

Moving on to Stage 2

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-02-22, 08:31 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
4. "Mid challenge"
I do believe this is the first time they have run an advertisement in the MIDDLE of an IC....

stage 2, involves the cargo nets and building plank stairs across. Those that will compete: Cassidy/Karla, Ryan/James, Cody/Dwight, Owen/Gabler

Here we go....take planks up net, use the three planks to cross the rope bridge, get down and then get to your mat.

cody/dwight up first, then the James/Ryuan, no time to waster here, a sprint

dwight and cody first....Karla falls they are out, Gabler and Owen in finals

Ryan is pissed at James, lol

25% of their body weight in the bucket...they have to hold it up the longest. hands on the bar, they pull it back and it's on....

comes down to endurance....dwight is dropping his bucket...dig deep....dwight is out

gabler is using his uncle, had heart surgery, next minute is for him
Owen wants the necklace.
Cody, lost wrestling match he lost in HS to go to state, this is his opportunity to redeem himself

Gabler says this is for Noelle, she's inspired me!
gabler is startting to drop, and he pulls it back up. Owen is dropping a bit. and it's dropping, and dropped
down to gabler and cody
Gabler does it for his vet friend that lost his family, blah blah....

now he's doing it for his dog. He won't shut seal buddies...cody's bucket is lower
gabler winds his upcode is struggling and he does

Gabler wins IC

Hell yeah dude, says Gabler

Gabler: I didn't know I could do that, if you even think for one second about doing this, do it!

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-02-22, 08:45 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
5. "Gabler IC Win....he was a beast."
I'm sure that awakened many of them that are not taking Gabler so seriously.....he killed it!

back at camp...Gabler: In that challenge I was inspired by the people that I was mentioning....he is playing for PTSD, and the people that I was affiliated with, the veterans, 1% of the population to cover 99% of us, I will be proud and pahhy to serve them

Samy: at the last TC, half were safe and others not, now we really see who is going with who...Karla is plotting with vesi...

in the water, James finds a bottle...there is an advantage under the shelter that will give you an advantage....James is regretting everything in this moment, we all know about it....I was going to wait until after camp, but James went right away and got it....I figured I need to get it now.
Dwight tells them all....Noelle,

Noelle is voting for James

Noelle just told them all...Noelle tells them all that James got for James out

Jesse: I could go with vesi Baka route, the route, Noelle wants us to, Jesse trusts Karla, they have so much in can sit her in the game and watch Noelle accumulate this power, or do something now.
Jesse and Cody talk, he would rather go for Dwight, and weaken Noelle

Cody: exploring the option of making a move with coco....this is a move that will make things look crazy, no matter what Jesse and I will be on the same page

Jesse reads the kiP advantage....he can take an advantage or idol ...he's putting it in his pocket, once I take someones idol, I have a huge target on my back, using it to gain trust is power. see him tell Ryan. He tells Cody...

Cody: Oh crap, James has the KiP, he's the most dangerous out here, he gives his bracelet to Jesse. Jeanine is giving it to Dwight! Jeanine says it feels scary, but I think it is safer in Dwights hands then mine....Just in case James asks me, I will give my advantage to Owen....steal a vote. they are all trying to cover it up and they are trying to figure out who to vote out

Jesse: there is so much that is scary....easy take out James, hard route we take out Dwight, and it's vesi no more.
Don't want to mess up, they are at the stage of the game where legends are made, or flame out.

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-02-22, 08:46 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
6. "RE: S43 | Ep 7 | "Bull in a China Shop | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
So....Cody's idol is with Jesse. Janine's idol is with Dwight. Noelle's advantage is with Owen. This is going to be good!

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-02-22, 08:57 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
7. "TC"
Night 14 Tribal Council

challenge was designed to illustrate earning it every step of the way
Karla says the firs t5 days were the hardest...but in the third stage, you don't know how long you have until you are gone

Jesse talks
Dwight says there is no more vesi Baka coco here, we are all playing individual games
Noelle says you don't want someone in your alliance going home so have to have plan a, b, c....
Jemes says advantages are great but at the same time have to know if you are introuble or not...find a group of people that you build trust with that you stick to it

Cody: are you going to jump in and play this game or are you going to let the game come to you

Jesse: how condfident are you about being safe....9
Karla: 9
Ryan 7/8
cody 8
James 8.5
dwight 7
Noelle 8

Samy says he's with heart, mind, play with your gut... time to vote

Noelle is first voter

see cody
see Dwight
see James, dwight, Janine

Jiffy asks if anyone wants to play an advantage or idol...James does not play his....


It looked like Jeanine was trying to get her idol back, but I don't know if he gave it to her....

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coldbrewer 350 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-02-22, 09:21 PM (EST)
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9. "RE: TC"
There was an EW article saying Probst said that idol goes with Dwight. So Jeanine SOL.
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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-02-22, 10:06 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Sheldor Click to send private message to Sheldor Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
10. "RE: TC"
Thanks for the tip ColdBrewer!

Jeff Probst clarifies Survivor idol transfer rules at Tribal Council

Can you hand another player an idol while the votes are being read on Survivor? We went to the host for the definitive word.

By Dalton Ross
November 02, 2022 at 09:00 PM EDT

Chaos erupted on Wednesday's episode of Survivor 43 when players started shuffling idols and advantages back and forth to avoid potentially having one of them stolen by James Jones, who had procured a Knowledge is Power advantage, giving him the ability to take an idol or advantage from someone if he could correctly guess who was in possession of one.

In all the trinket shuffling, Dwight Moore ended up in temporary possession of Jeanine Zheng's immunity bracelet, but when Dwight's name began coming up during the reading on the Tribal Council votes, Jeanine started asking for the idol back, repeatedly putting her hand out behind her in the hopes that Dwight would give her the idol in case he was voted out. Even though Dwight told Jeanine "I got you" and "I see you, I see you," he did not turn the idol over before he was eventually voted out by the tribe. But could he have?

We went to host and executive producer Jeff Probst for answers. First off, we wanted to make sure the rule about not being able to hand an idol over after you were voted out was still intact. "That's correct," says Probst. "Once you're voted out, you're out of the game and any advantage or idols in your possession lose all their power. You must turn all unplayed idols or advantages over to us. You are not allowed to even sneak an advantage to a player so they could try to bluff with it."

That's an interesting last point, that even a dead idol is not allowed to be played as a decoy. But now that we have reestablished that idols and advantages cannot be transferred as one is getting up to get their torch snuffed, what about during the reading of the votes, when Jeanine was asking for her idol back? Again, we went to the host for the final word. Could Dwight have handed the idol back before that final vote was read?

"No," says Probst. "Once the reading of the votes begins, that's it. That's why I say, 'If anyone has an idol or an advantage and you want to play it, now would be the time to do so.' That's your window. After that, you are basically handcuffed from doing anything other than hoping it's not you."

So there you have it. Had Dwight passed Jeanine's idol back to her it would have been confiscated by producers and presumably buried out on Ghost Island to mature with awesome new powers. All that said, it was still a nice try by Jeanine.

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-02-22, 09:09 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
8. "NTOS"
James talking to Karla, Jesse, Cassidy...we have seven. that can take us far
See Samy and cody walking on beach

Jesse: this could be the seven that skips to to my Lou the end of the game
Janine, Samy, Owen talking. Samy: That's not the way the game should go...
Owen in conf: We could start an uprising
Janine to Cassidy: We could do damage
Janine in conf: Sometimes you have to rock the boat
Cody seen, then in conf: People are running around like Jean-Claude Van Dam
Noelle to Samy: I'm with you ....and they fist bump
Samy: Im trying to set me self up to win this game.


Noelle: James
Dwight: James
Cassidy: Dwight
Jesse: Dwight
Cody: Dwight
Karla: Dwight
Samy: Dwight
James: Dwight
Ryan: Dwight
Gabler: Ryan
Owen: Ryan
Jeanine: Ryan

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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-02-22, 10:18 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Sheldor Click to send private message to Sheldor Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
11. "RE: NTOS"

Noelle and of course Dwight left out of the plan and voted for James. Noelle voted for Cassidy last week.

Interesting that all of original Baka, except for Sami, voted for Ryan (Gabler, Owen, Jeanine) and that Gabler voted with Owen and Jeanine (AlliGabler diving down under the water?)

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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-02-22, 10:23 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Sheldor Click to send private message to Sheldor Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
12. "Merge Tribe = Gaia"
According to Wikipedia the Merge Tribe name is Gaia
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-03-22, 08:00 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
13. "RE: Merge Tribe = Gaia"
I think Jesse bonding with Karla immediately is telling. They both went to Berkley and at around the same time. When they talk about the seven, who is included?




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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-03-22, 01:42 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Sheldor Click to send private message to Sheldor Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
14. "RE: Merge Tribe = Gaia"
Yeah Jesse and Karla were both in the same class/year at UC Berkeley! However, UCB is huge so they might not know each other but that has to bond them!

Original plan appear to be 4 Baka vote for Ryan and 4 Vesi vote for James.

In EW Interview, Dwight says he knew 4 Coco were voting for him but then he thought Sami was joining them making 5 votes which would beat their 4 James and 3 Ryan votes so he tried to convince Owen or Jeanine to switch their votes from Ryan to James but ran out of time before Tribal Council.

Cody and Jesse from Vesi joined Sami(Baka) teaming up with Coco to vote for Dwight.

So I would say the Seven is:

Coco(Cassidy, James, Karla, Ryan)

Plus the 3 that broke from the Baka/Vesi Split vote plan
Vesi(Cody, Jesse)

Noelle(Vesi) definitely on the outside voting for James(Coco) with Dwight(Vesi)

Gabler/Jeanine/Owen from Baka all voted for Ryan as part of the original split vote plan.

So it sounds like it is:

Coco(Cassidy, James, Karla, Ryan)
Vesi(Cody, Jesse)


Baka(Gabler, Jeanine, Owen)

However, not sure if Gabler is really with Owen/Jeanine.

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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-03-22, 01:46 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Sheldor Click to send private message to Sheldor Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
15. "EW Dwight Exit Interview"
I will put this in the Exit Interview post when I get around to updating it but this is worth reading now!

Dwight Moore says Jeanine was not reaching for the idol at Tribal Council on Survivor 43

The ousted player also reveals that there was more Vesi and Baka challenge assisting that we did not see.

By Dalton Ross
November 03, 2022 at 11:56 AM EDT


Adding some intrigue to Dwight's final moments was the fact that Jeanine Zheng — whose idol Dwight was holding — appeared to be asking for her idol back as the votes were being read, so he did not leave the game without it. Or so it seemed. We spoke to Dwight, who tells us Jeanine was not actually asking for the idol back. He explains what really happened, while also shedding light on Cody and Jesse's betrayal, the real story behind helping Baka in the challenge, and everything else that went down on the island. You can either watch the interview above or read it below.

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