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"Editing Thread"
Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
10-12-22, 03:14 PM (EST)
"Editing Thread" |
Please place all commentary regarding the editing of the episodes each week in this thread. Please feel free to comment on musical, visual, character, tribal, etc. Would love to hear any thoughts regarding the editing of the show.
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
10-14-22, 12:13 PM (EST)
1. "Ep 1 thoughts" |
LAST EDITED ON 10-14-22 AT 12:17 PM (EST)I'm no Michel, but I thought it would be good to comment on characters, music, v/o's etc. In the first segment we zoom in to the boats coming to the beach... Jiffy: This group of strangers has agreed to be abandoned in the Fijian Islands. They com from different backgrounds.... First confessional: Ryan: born with mild CP, will never walk... Jiffy: ...different back stories, cultures.... 2nd: Nneka: Nigerian... Jiffy: ...experiences.... 3rd: Noelle: Moped accident now hold the record for track para-Olympian... Zoom in on Elie Jiffy: But, despite their differences they must rely on each other in order to survive... 4th: Morriah: I want to be your friend... 5th: Sami: Being 19 as young as I am, I'm a hybrid, fun enerageable? 6th: Lindsay: Survivor's biggest fan 7th: Karla: Grew up in tough environment, I'm adaptable and resilient... 8th: Cody: I will play as hard and as fast as I can, way I surf, go out on the weekend... Jiffy: They will form a new society, where they decide the rules of how a million dollar game is played... 9th: Cassidy: I make my own fate... Jiffy: It's up to them who stays, see Jesse, Justine, "and who goes", then see Elie.... 10th: Elie: Psychologist I get people to do things they don't want to do... Jiffy: Each player must learn to adapt to their society or be voted out... See Geo, James.... 11th: James: I want chaotic... Jiffy: Only 1 will remain to claim the prize.... See Owen 12th: Owen: I want this soooo bad.... Then, hear Cody and Noelle....and they arrive at the beach. Historically the first boot and the winner are featured in the first pre-beach confessionals. The choices are: Ryan, Noelle, Morriah, Sami, Lindsay, Karla, Cody, Cassidy, Elie, James, Owen. We already know that Morriah, the first boot is OUT. Lindsay is also out at this point. I do recall that Tony, the winner, and perhaps JT, the winner, were the first confessionals of the show. Also, I do want to emphasize that the winner may or may not be in this group. The stars of the first episode included the three that went to big Rock Island, Karla, Dwight, and Gabler. Karla had 6 confessionals, Gabler also had 6, and Dwight had 7. They all played roles with in their tribes. Karla seems to be bonding with everyone, she chose not to risk it. Karla is the woman in the middle and is in great standing, imo. Gabler, wins the risk it idol and was willing to not use it at TC. Important to note that he was a weak link at the challenge...Elie likes him. Gabler had a good first episode, but then again, not so good. And, Dwight got a lot of confessionals, but lost his vote. Cody doesn't trust him. Hmmm? The other stars of the show are Cody, who had 7 confessionals, appears to be a character that is forthright, and in your face, "livin" large, bonded with Nneka and Jesse. He did narrating, but he appeared to be the strength in their challenge. He was brilliant with telling Dwight to put the flint in the end of the bamboo to pull the keys off of the structure. He threw shade at Justine, as the other sales rep. We already know that this spelled the demise of Justine later. The other star was Sami, who also did a lot of narrating, but also spoke of himself as the youngest, but wants to conceal things about himself. We saw how smart he was at figuring out the first task puzzle. He started their fire. He's also one of the strongest on the tribe. He's got legs. There was only one character that had one confessional: Janine. She also seemed to be the weakest link at Baka as she got her tribe to the tables last with a poor showing digging under the sand. Seems like she will be a number for Elie. There were many with 2 confessionals....may be because they are not long for the game OR, that they are long for the game and they will arc much later. Those with two confessionals included: Nneka, Justine, Ryan, Geo, Cassidy, Jesse, Noelle. We know that Nneka and Justine are now both gone. Moving on. Ryan and Geo got a bit of back story(Mild CP and LGBT isolation from family). It was easy to see that Ryan was the challenge beast in the challenges, and he uses his brain as well....came up with the grid for digging at the first task and found the supplies within a half hour. Cassidy told us about her strategy, she will take charge of her own game. Jesse, who did not get an intro confessional appears savvy to me. He wants to sit back and see who gravitates together, we see him go to the girls and make headway, and then bond with Cody. At home he doesn't have many friends, but here he's getting invitations! Also got a back story re: tattoos, gangs, Juvenile Hall, high on the GE test, educated at Berkley and Duke, pHd in Political Science, wants to be role model for kids. Noelle told us about how she lost her leg and she's happy with Vesi, meshed with Justine. Is her only story her handicap and proving herself? Three confessionals: James, Owen, Morriah. We know Morriah got confessionals as it was her boot episode, and Owen was the boot decoy. Owen was good in the challenge, seems good with the girls. Worried about no one strategizing. James had some meaty confessionals. He got a back story with the chess champion, and insight into his strategy. He wants to let others think they are in charge. We see him bonding with the girls, he was chosen as their 4th, and he's also in w/Ryan/Geo. He is strong as well. Four confessionals: Lindsay. She mostly narrated and told us she was the super fan. We know she's out first for team Coco. From my vantage point, I see the long term players as Karla, Samy, Cody, Jesse, Elie, James. I will note that they all had an intro confessional except Jesse, who was seen, however. We heard about all of their backgrounds, and we saw them socially integrating into their respective groups. Karla and James stood out on Coco. We already know that Karla is in the middle, and by extension, so is James. Elie and Samy are more interesting as they both shined, but they seem to be at odds with each other. Will they be conflicting most of the game or will they bury their differences and work together? Cody was amazing in his first episode, definitely strong at comps, BUT, is his personality too large and too fast? He could be the character of the season. Jesse seems to be the more silent side kick with social graces. The secondary supportive players as noted from the first episode....may not have much of a story, but may have a significant role in the season: Cassidy, Dwight, Noelle, Gabler, Owen, Ryan. Cassidy is with the girls and James, seems to want to drive her own bus. Dwight got most confessionals, but lost his vote, but persevered. Noelle, still worried her handicap and overcoming it may be her biggest story. Owen, could have been the first boot, saved by apparently Elie. Sure seemed to me that Janine was the weakest link on that tribe, but she's hooked up strong with Elie. I put Gabler in this group ONLY because he got an idol. I seem him as a loser though. Ryan has shown strength and smarts, he's here at least until the post merge. Slow starters: Geo, Lindsay, Justine, Nneka, Janine, Morriah. Geo is bonding with Karla but appears to be the weakest male. Janine is a weak player in challenges, but if she can make it to merge she could be a long time player. We've seen this way too many times. Justine, Nneka, Morriah, Lindsay - already out.
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
10-17-22, 05:11 PM (EST)
2. "Thoughts post ep 4, "Show no Mercy"" |
The episode began with Vesi's return from TC...Noelle thanked them all, and said she loved them. Cody had the first confessional about voting out his ally, Nneka. It was brutal...like his GF broke up with him, the pizza guy stiffed him, and his roommate drank all the beer in the fridge...They have no flint, no food, no fire, and they are in dead last. Now it's time to kick some butt, let's GO! And, with that first confessional, that is exactly what the proceeded to do....won the RC and the IC! Over at Baka, both Samy and Elie have confessionals about Gabler...he's not aware and he gets under their skin....see Gabler try to cover them with palm frond blanket, then later he and Elie argue about what size sticks to add to the fire. With this I note that Samy and Elie are sleeping next to each other in the shelter....closer then they appear to be? Elie called him a liability to her game and to camp life. Then we cut to the RC. When Vesi came in Owen smiles when he sees Noelle there. And, at the end of the challenge, Owen whispers good job, guys to Vesi on his way out. I cannot help but think perhaps Owen/James/Noelle formed a strong bond to serve them all post merge. Vesi wins the opportunity to raid another camp and they want to strengthen themselves as much as possible while at the same time weaken another tribe the most, they choose Coco, who has the most players still in the game. Cody volunteers, and Dwight is worried what he will do....the three, Dwight, Noelle, and Jesse want to be diplomatic about it, while Cody wants to kick them where it will hurt....in the machete. In the end, Cody was happy he got more than what he came for with fishing gear, limes, and roots. Karla, OTOH, was pissed because Coco negotiated away far more than they should have in order to save the machete. She's onto Cody, they got played. She stated in conf that she did not trust him. I also got the impression that Karla was pissed at Lindsay for volunteering more, and it was Lindsay that said to Cody, would you be prepared for our retaliation upon him mentioning the machete.... IC: I saw that Owen got "sassy" with Gabler calling him professor, and Elie called them out. After Vesi had won, it was Noelle and Dwight that helped the Baka tribe with their puzzle, blatantly. I really feel like Owen/Noelle/James may indeed get to work together post merge, and I feel that they will all be there. Post IC at Coco: Ryan let us know he trusts James, Geo the most. However, it was Karla and James that seemed the closest. Karla noted that Geo had an I'm calling the shots game, and bossed her around, power hungry while Lindsay was blowing up her game, didn't listen because she didn't trust the people in her own alliance. We saw Karla talking to Ryan, James, Geo, Cassidy. She's working it over there. In the end, Lindsay left and I think it was Karla's choice. Thoughts. The extras and expendibles: Gabler, Janine, Geo Supporting players: Noelle, Dwight, Owen, Cassidy, Ryan The players: Cody, Jesse, Samy, Elie, James, Karla Gabler is a dead man walking....as soon as his idol runs out. He's annoying his tribemates and he's low on the totem pole. Janine is totally irrelevant except as a number to Elie at this point. Geo, he's pointed out as power hungry with a big ego. Noelle is a solid player, but needs to work on her social game. Let's see if her social game can get her post merge to meet up with James and Owen. Could save her. Dwight is with Noelle, but no connection to the "others" Owen is secondary so far on Baka, but could come to fruition later. Cassidy is a number for Karla. Antagonist to Geo. Ryan is the muscle, should be targeted at merge. Cody has great confessionals, strength and is savvier then his tribe gives him credit for. But, he's a HUGE target for others and we saw he didn't make friends going to Coco. Elie/Samy/Karla/James/Jesse all have some hope for very end game, imo.
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michel2 4059 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
12-06-22, 09:47 PM (EST)
4. "Impressions on a Character" |
I am sorry that I didn't have the time and the energy to devote to this thread but now that we are getting close to the end, I wanted to give my impressions of one player: Cody.First, along with Karla, Cassidy and Owen, he is one of the last players standing with an opening confessional in episode 1. Of those, Cassid and Owen's lacked substance: They simply stated that they wanted it bad. Karla had a little more meat around her confessional but it was, again, mostly fluff. Cody stated that he wanted to play fast and hard. He also added some personal stuff about being a surfer and that he likes going out to have a good time. That alone doesn't mean much but later Cody added the confessional that really stood out to me: He said he worked in sales but wouldn't tell anyone since no one trusts salesmen. Yes, we did have people in sales win Survivor, most notably Brian Heidik the car salesman but it was probably easier to fool people back then. In any case, Cody has been much less slimey than Heidik and, like he promised, he has played hard and fast and has had a great time in Fiji. That authenticates his episode 1 introduction. For that reason, I see Cody has this season's Sole Survivor
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-07-22, 05:03 PM (EST)
5. "RE: Impressions on a Character" |
Excellent take, Michel! I am almost with you....here's my take. I don't even remember the first episode, so it's interesting to me that Jesse did NOT get an intro confessional. But, was seen. The way I see it is that Jesse is the more formidable of the Cody/Jesse duo. They are a power couple that has not turned on each other. Cassidy's whole story is outlasting and the fact that she's totally motivated and driven by revenge. She gets fixated on anyone that writes her name down. Geo, Ryan, now Karla. Karla has been shown to be very socially adept, but now we see that she's driven by paranoia, that anyone that could expose her has to go, even her closest allies, James and Cassidy. She's got no loyalty and that is a kiss of death, imo. Jesse is the more formidable of Cody/Jesse because we see him bonding with everyone from day one. He had an island husband with Dwight. He gets along with everyone. Cody is more opinionated. It seems to me that Jesse gives Cody the choices and lets Cody choose but it appears to me that Jesse is steering that ship. Cody was fixated on Justine, so Jesse went along. Cody made all of the choices before this last week when Jesse called out Samy for boot and started this plan to knock out Karla "next". Regarding editing, Jesse's motivation has been sincere and out there from day one, his family. Doing whatever he has to do for his family. Cody's motivation was to win the money, we heard that day one, he's already spent some of it! Jesse has more the hero edit to me. What SCREAMED to me was when Jesse explained how to do a blindside....he spelled out 3 things, and the three things were written in script at the bottom of the frames when he spoke them, and then they showed him carrying out the 3 stages. HUGE! Underlined by editing. However, it WILL come down to either both of them at F3, or only one. Whoever is there will win. If both are there I think Jesse will win. If he gets knocked out by fire challenge then Cody has it. If the Erica or MaryAnn type win, I will be sooooo disappointed. Owen's Charlie Brown story has so far been outlasting. He is the underdog who was out of the loop the entire time, but was able to win challenges. But, for me he's been more of a tool than driving the boat. Gabler, hidden in plain sight, is not controlling the ship either. Cassidy, Owen, Gabler are the supporting players.
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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-07-22, 07:45 PM (EST)
6. "RE: Impressions on a Character" |
Seasons 41-43 Episode 1 Confessionals for the Final 6 S41 E01 Confessional Count- 8x 6th-Danny
- 5x 3rd-Xander
- 4x 2nd-Deshawn
- 4x 5th-Ricard
- 2x 1st-Erika
- 1x 4th-Heather
Openning Boat Confessionals - 1st) 9th-Evie
- 2nd) 6th-Danny: It's been a year and a half of quarantine. Your mind's going crazy. And I would throw on Survivor, and I would just binge-watch it all day and all night. I got to look forward to seeing competition. I'm a former NFL player, and the competitive spirit never leaves. You're always trying to win at something, so this is the ultimate test for me.
- 3rd) 11th-Tiffany
- 4th) 14th-JD
- 5th) 16th-David
- 6th) 8th-Shantel
- 7th) 18th-Sara
- 8th) 2nd-Deshawn: COVID has made me more excited to play the game.
- 9th) 1st-Erika: Getting into the game, I'm gonna be an animal that's let out of its cage.
- 10th) 3rd-Xander: This is what I live and breathe for. Oh, my God. (laughs)
- 11th) 13th-Genie
- 12th) 18th-Abraham
- (2nd time): 1st-Erika: Oh, my gosh, it's like a million. I was supposed to come last year, and it got taken away last minute. And I think about, like--so many people lost so much during the pandemic that they're never going to get back, but, like, we get to still have this experience. I-I can't believe it.
- 13th) 10th-Naseer
- 14th) 4th-Heather: 20 years ago. Day one. Day one. Oh, I missed everything about it. This is routine for me. This has been a habit. I started watching 20 years ago with my boyfriend, who is now my husband, and now we watch it with our children. So this has been a tradition in my family-- or creating a family with you. Thank you. Thank you for this.
- (2nd time): 9th-Evie
NONE: 5th-Ricard (7th-Liana, 11th-Sydney, 14th-Brad,)
S42 E01 Confessional Count- 6x 1st-Maryanne
- 5x 6th-Omar
- 4x 2nd-Mike
- 4x 3rd-Romeo
- 2x 4th-Jonathan
- 2x 5th-Lindsay
Openning Boat Confessionals - 1st) 4th-Jonathan: I've waited a long time to be out here playing Survivor. I live for challenges like this. I have a world record in pull-ups with a 100 pounds on my back. I did 15 in a minute. But this is like the ultimate challenge. There's nothing like this. Like, yeah, there's a million world records, but there's one Survivor.
- 2nd) 7th-Drea
- 3rd) 6th-Omar: As an exotic animal veterinarian, you never know what you're going to see when you come into work. It might be a tiny canary with a fractured leg, or a giant rhino that you have to put your and up its butt. I'm gonna come out into this game acting like a pigeon, something that's non-threatening, but really, I'm going to be like the owl in the night. You're not gonna hear or see me coming until your're dead and Jeff is snuffing your torch.
- 4th) 12th-Lydia
- 5th) 13th-Daniel
- 6th) 16th-Marya
- 7th) 5th-Lindsay: How much farther can I really go? How much potential do I really have?
- 8th) 8th-Hai
- 9th) 2nd-Mike: You get one shot at this. You get one shot. And I'm gonna give it everything I got.
- 10th) 1st-Maryanne: Right now, it feels like a roller coaster. The strap is on, the people have done their final check, and the roller coaster just went like... (grunts) And it's now just starting to move. And in this moment, you have to decide, are you going to raise your hand to have the experience of your lifetime, or are you gonna close your eyes and regret that for your life? My hads are going to be raised, and I'm going to be sreaming with everyone on this... whatever ride this is.
- (2nd time) 1st-Maryanne: Maryanne. It's, like, you dream about this, you know? You dream about, lik, going on Survivor. Then you're like... And all your friends are like, "Maryanne, you're not gonna make it on Survivor." Like, so many people. And then it's like you're here, and then it's like, like, you know, like, you're here. And, like, you're there and, like, I'm here, and, like, you're just like... Like, I just want to, like, jump up, run, scream. Ah! It's so hard to keep it in.
- (2nd time): 2nd-Mike: Mike. How you doing Jeff? I'm out here with Jeff Probst. Can you believe this? Holy crap. Well, let me soak this in for a few seconds first. On the beach, sand under my feet, and Jeff Probst is talking to me. It don't get better than that. I can't wait for my friends to see this. They're note going to believe it. I think you need to be diversified in all the areas--social game, your challenge game, and even just how you act around camp. I think it takes it all. I think the person that comes out an is more well-rounded than the rest of us will win this game.
- 11th) 17th-Zach
NONE: 3rd-Romeo (9th-Tori, 10th-Rocksroy, 11th-Chanelle, 14th-Swati, 15th-Jenny, 18th-Jackson)
S43 E01 Confessional Count- 9x F6-Cody
- 9x F6-Gabler
- 7x F6-Karla
- 6x F6-Owen
- 3x F6-Cassidy
- 3x F6-Jesse
Openning Boat Confessionals - 1st) 9th-Ryan
- 2nd) 16th-Nneka
- 3rd) 8th-Noelle
- 4th) 18th-Moriah
- 5th) 7th-Sami
- 6th) 15th-Lindsay
- 7th) F6-Karla: Grew up in tough environment, I'm adaptable and a very resilient person. That's how I've gotten to where I am today in life. Whan I've been tired, when I've been beaten down, when I've been told no, that's my time to shine and kick #####.
- 8th) F6-Cody: I'm going to play the game as hard and as fast as I can. Just like I do my life. Just like the way I surf. Just like the way I go out on a weekend. And I'll be honest with you, I've already spent part of it. So I really need, I really need the million bucks. (chuckles)
- 9th) F6-Cassidy: I'm not gonna sit around and wait for other people to determine my game. I make my fate. I make my game.
- 10th) 13th-Elie
- 11th) 10th-James
- 12th) F6-Owen: I want this so bad. I used to daydream about seeing my name up in the opening credits.
- (2nd time): F6-Cody: I'm buckled up and I'm ready for the ride.
- (2nd time): F6-Karla: Let's do this.
- (2nd time): 13th-Elie
- 13th) 11th-Jeanine
- (2nd time): 10th-James
- 14th) F6-Gabler: Gabler. Mike Gabler. Jeff, I've been watching since the very beginning when our children were still being created. And my wife, basically, when they hatched--we, we started watching as a family like everybody else did, and we mike it a Survivor night every week. I'm proud to be here.
- (2nd time) 8th-Noelle
NONE: F6-Jesse (12th-Dwight, 14th-Geo, 17th-Justine)
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coldbrewer 350 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"
12-07-22, 08:25 PM (EST)
8. "RE: Impressions on a Character" |
There was something in the opening credits in the first episode that got me thinking. There was literally a quick two second snippet of personal photos of the cast and their families. I had to slow it down to 1/4 of a second. It was inserted between Owen's comment about seeing his name on Survivor, followed by a quick montage of specific cast members and their family, then a clear shot of Gabler. Right before the Gabler shot, there was a pic of Cody holding up a fish he just caught (assuming that's what he was doing). Cody's pic was the only one that didn't have family. That quick montage included pics of Jesse, Cassidy (I think), Karla, Sami, then Cody. Could FTC be Cody, Gabler, & Owen?
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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-08-22, 09:23 PM (EST)
9. "RE: Impressions on a Character" |
Well Cody won't be in the FTC! Good eyes!! Single frame advance on my DVR and I skipped right by the Cody & Fish photo as it is literally ONE Frame! Here is who I see... - F5-Jesse & Family
- F5-Karla & Female(partner?)
- F5-Gabler in scrubs
- 9th-Ryan & Family
- 17th-Justine & Husband?
- 6th-Sami & Baby
- 11th-Jeanine & Boyfriend?
- 12th-Dwight & Family
- 6th-Cody with large fish
Not seen Final Six is Owen and Cassidy. If we are looking for subliminal message then maybe Jesse, Karla, and Cassidy are the Final 3.
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coldbrewer 350 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"
12-09-22, 06:33 PM (EST)
10. "RE: Impressions on a Character" |
I know what I'm implying here...LOL. Like that common theme in the Fast & Furious movies. It's all about family. You've got that Jesse confessional talking about his family before Cody is voted out. That pic of Jesse with his family. Hmmm
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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-10-22, 05:20 PM (EST)
12. "S40-43 Penultimate Ep Confessional Count" |
S40-43 Penultimate Episode Confessional Count and AverageSurvivor 40 Episode 13 After First F6 Tribal Council Confessional Count 59 4.53 1st-Tony # ..................; F5 Immunity WINNER; F4 Fire Making WINNER and WON! 35 2.69 4th-Sarah # ..................; ..................; F4 Fire Making LOSER 33 2.54 3rd-Michele # F6 Immunity WINNER; ..................; F4 Brought to F3 32 2.46 5th-Ben # ..................; F5 VOTED OUT 29 2.23 2nd-Natalie # F6 EoE RETURNER...; ..................; F4 Immunity WINNER (brought Michele) and LOST 20 1.53 6th-Denise # F6 VOTED OUT Survivor 41 Episode 12 After F6 Confessional Count 47 3.92 2nd-Deshawn # ..................; F4 Fire Making WINNER 39 3.35 3rd-Xander # ..................; F4 Immunity WINNER (brought Erika) and LOST 30 2.50 5th-Ricard # F5 VOTED OUT 26 2.17 1st-Erika # F5 Immunity WINNER; F4 Brought to F3 and WON! 10 0.83 4th-Heather # ..................; F4 Fire Making LOSER Survivor 42 Episode 12 After F6 Confessional Count 50 4.17 2nd-Mike # F5 Immunity WINNER; F4 Fire Making WINNER 37 3.08 1st-Maryanne # ..................; F4 Brought to F3 and WON! 31 2.58 5th-Lindsay # F5 VOTED OUT 28 2.33 4th-Jonathan # ..................; F4 Fire Making LOSER 25 2.08 3rd-Romeo # ..................; F4 Immunity WINNER (brought Maryanne) and LOST Survivor 43 Episode 12 After F6 Confessional Count 50 4.17 Jesse (Has Idol NO ONE knows about) 45 3.75 Karla 38 3.17 Owen 36 3.00 Gabler 30 2.50 Cassidy
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-10-22, 11:37 PM (EST)
13. "RE: S40-43 Penultimate Ep Confessional Count" |
LAST EDITED ON 12-10-22 AT 11:41 PM (EST)Thanks for all your hard work, Sheldor! I really felt like throughout the last two seasons they have edited things so differently, and it really made it hard to use them as a tool to help point to the winner. I think it's interesting that Jesse is probably one of the quietest contestants yet he's had so very many confessionals. I also want to add that it also matters what kind of confessionals they are having, dynamic or narrational. Dynamic confessionals carry a lot more weight. The thing with Jesse is that he's had very dynamic confessionals as well. I do feel like the story of the season is his. We also have his commitment to his family as motivation for winning the $$. He told us he's willing to be more brutal and do what he has to do, and last week he put his money where his mouth is. I do see Jesse as the hero of the season and the protagonist of this seasons story. Problem is, I've been wrong before. I just don't think it's anyone else's story. Owen has been the Charlie Brown of the season yet he has won immunity and challenges. He's also been the narrator for the jury portion of the show...and typically narrators don't win or even last this long. I do feel the large majority of his confessionals have been narrational in nature. I don't think I've heard him talk strategically at all. He also as the big fan of the show has lived his dream of being on Survivor and winning challenges. As such we could call him a journey player. Gabler was weak at the start but had an advantage. He was committed to getting Elie out and when he did, the alligabler went back underground and I don't really think we've seen him since. He told Owen that he had a plan to get him and Owen to the F3, yet the editors never revealed it. Last week he told Jesse, Cassidy that he wanted an F3 with them. Don't know if I buy that either. Karla has been like the villainous one this season, cutting anyone that could expose her. Now she's name calling Cassidy. Not a good sign for her as winner. She was seen as everyone's friend and ally in the beginning with a keen social game and one that has talked strategically. But, her edit has rolled down hill imo. Cassidy has really not had much of a story until someone writes her name down and she needs to get revenge....Geo, Ryan, now Karla. She may outlast Karla but I don't see this as her story. The only fulfilling ending this will have in my book is a Jesse win. We'll see!
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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-13-22, 02:41 AM (EST)
14. "RE: S40-43 Penultimate Ep Confessional Count" |
It's interesting that both Sneak Peek videos feature Gabler the most and Gabler is also pretty prominent in the Promo videos (but most of his video clips are from earlier in the season).Also, in one of the Sneak Peek videos Cassidy brags that she is the only one of the 5 that has voted correctly every time but Cassidy threw a vote on Ryan when Jeanine was voted out. The actual person who has vote correctly at every Tribal Council is Jesse! 0 Wrong 8 Correct = 8/8 100.0% Correct: Jesse 1 Wrong 8 Correct = 8/9 88.9% Correct: Cassidy 1 Wrong 7 Correct = 7/8 87.5% Correct: Gabler 2 Wrong 7 Correct = 7/9 77.8% Correct: Karla 2 Wrong 5 Correct = 5/7 71.4% Correct: Owen Even though a lot of people complained about the "edit" when Erika and Maryanne won... Erika had the 4th most confessionals of the Final 5 (more than Heather who was basically "purple") and Maryanne had the 2nd most out of the Final 5. Winners At War is not really a good comparison with Edge of Extinction, all Winners, etc. and of course Tony always dominates the confessionals when he wins. So we haven't had a Male Winner in the New Era (post Season 40) so we don't know how they would be edited. Cassidy winning with the least amount of screen time/confessionals would be odd even for S41 & S42 standards! Karla would make sense as a big character who had to overcome her hand and leg injury. Gabler was a big character throughout the season but only 4th in Confessionals; not likely for a Male winner. I had picked Owen pre-season to win. He has the 3rd (middle) number of Confessionals which is unlikely to win but does not rule him out. Owen even got things like a special Owen credit in the opening since he mentioned he looked forward to seeing his name in the credits, got to talk about how he dreamed of playing "Last Gasp" and he played it and won! And Owen is sitting in a "throne" like John Cochran in the previews... but I agree, very unlikely he will win but I'll still be rooting for him! I assume Jesse wins no matter who he is up against but he must win Final 4 Immunity or Final 4 Fire Making to win as NO one will take Jesse to the Final 3!
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -