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"S41 | Finale | East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-15-21, 07:58 PM (EST)
"S41 | Finale | East Coast Spoiler Thread" |
This crazy season is coming to a close. We will have hours of Survivor tonight so please place all commentary regarding the show tonight in this thread. I hope everyone enjoys the show and hopefully we will be in for some surprises! Merry Christmas and HAVE PHUN!
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PepeLePew13 26111 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
12-15-21, 09:19 PM (EST)
1. "RE: S41 | Finale | East Coast Spoiler Thread" |
Well... nobody saw that coming, Erika winning F5 immunity.
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-15-21, 09:20 PM (EST)
2. "Come on in......" |
One last twist they will never see coming.....read votes on location, and do after show while on the island....Deshawn: wildest dream X here right now, fight to bitter end Heather: pulling myself up Ricard believes he can win the game Erika: game will be intense, broken promises, wild finish Night 23 new island F5 let's go, says Xander Another curve ball on another beach, few supplies, starting over, perfect for me, eat my own adrenaline, Iwant them weak and starving as I rise to the top Deshawn asks to talk to Erika, I'm not ready to talk Deshawn: Tribal was another mess, blew up Erika's spot...see replay...Heather was thrown off, and Er was pissed, you were on the top and I am on the bottom, they were shook, and that was the goal E and Ricard talk....I can't talk to them, it was personal... E: danny went home, I will never trust him again... Ricard tells her, you will be F4, not him....he has to go says Ricard... Ricard: Deshawn thinks he made some big moves but now ....I really want him to be the focus and so I am not so I am not the focus....don't want him in F4 Xander getting fruit deshawn is acting like a announcer dEshawn says he's good at the challenges so if he does not win at next IC, he has to go E and H talk....how pissed are you at me. ? H says no comment. haha E says we all need to think about who we need to sit next to. Now see E and Deshawn talking. Desahwn wants to tell her that I was on the bottom so I had to pull something E : D sunk his game, he's throwing grenades...I was hoping to keep him around, I don't know how we are or can keep him around They get an envelop for each player at tree mail and deliver it. Solve the phrase to find the advantage. correctly solve the entire phrase then find the advantage Everyone is hard at work, get advantage and will get a shot at a million dollars. Ricard loves puzzles....Xander got it first Advantage is there the trees love to dance....X and Ricard are splitting up to find it. all knew to make sure that deshawn doesn't t get it Xander: I love this, you look over and see the grimace of your opponent and all you have to do is to push a little harder than them Erika found it...have a slight advantage in todays' ic....it wasn't right on the beach it was int he woods a bit....E told Ricard. They are hiding it and letting Deshawn keep finding it....see Deshawn keep looking all day....lol IC arena Final five...Erika says that she found the advantage, and Deshawn is shocked. collect series of rope rungs, build ladder, collect pieces and solve 75 piece puzzle. playing for reward, steak, veggies, bread and wine. Erica starts with 4 rungs already completed. Seems like a BIG advantage, not a little one. Go....first phase collect all rope rungs...erica big head start, everyone else have to collect 7 rope rungs, erica needed 3....,Heather in last Erika big advantage, then Ricard, Xander Once build ladder work on second ladder. he next ladder has 4 rungs already completed... Xander left one rope rung and had to go back. Ricard is on ericas tail. Erika is at puzzle Ricard is at puzzle, Deshawn is there, Xander is there, and finally Heather Erika is blowing through it Ricard trying to catch up One of Ricard's pieces have fallen Erika wins.... See Ricard... Steak veggies bread and wine for two....who will you take? Erika is picking Heather....we had a tough TC... See Ricard, then see Xander and Deshawn Xander: I was hoping that I could win but I have the idol. Ricard is not immune, it's a no brainer that we are going to try and get target numero uno out....
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michel2 4059 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
12-15-21, 09:22 PM (EST)
3. "RE: S41 | Finale | East Coast Spoiler Thread" |
I know I voted Deshawn but I can certainly see erika winning the whole think. That IC win will impress the jury. If she wins the next or the Fire Challenge as we are predicting I don't see the jury thinking she doesn't deserve it.
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-15-21, 09:32 PM (EST)
4. "Erika finds advantage for f5 immunity and wins" |
Erika had a HUGE lead with that advantage. Probably the biggest advantage I have seen with challenge advantages. Xander wants Ricard out.....They arrive at the reward ....a set table....Erika is crying, when I saw how hurt you were, I would have been so upset that I hurt you...Heather says that it her they way deshawn exposed it all together. Heather: Having lunch with a good friend....I didn't realize that I would meet such good friends, looking forward to being friends with them out of the game. we respect each others game... Ericka says if Ricard wasn't such a threat I would love to go to end with him. Heather says she would rather vote out Deshawn Erika shuts her down Tonight X is safe, he has an idol, so the chopping block is Ricard, someone who I really respect, or Deshawn Deshawn says he has to write his name down. He 's a huge threat...no loyalty and who can you beat at the end, if they decide to vote me out, shame on them. Ricard tells Erika that me and deshawn are voting each other out Erika says she doesn't know who she will vote for....I hate deshawn...you have been a bad #####, it's a rough decision for us. Ricard: Deshawn tore her apart at TC but this.... See ricard talk to Heather... Ricard talks to Xander, Erika talks to Deshawn....in my head I know what I should do but.... Erika: Of course it makes sense to get Ricard out, but after last TC, I can't trust Deshawn Deshawn tells Heather, if you save me, I will take you to the end. X and Ricard talk...Ricard tells Xander that he has a baby due next week. Xander is OMG....Ricard tells him. a little boy...he could be here I am excited to be here, I gave up so much, the first moment of my baby's life... X : Ricard is an obvious threat, it tugs at my heart strings, I am definitely debating whether I want to He suggests saving him with the idol....Xander says I don't want to go home with an idol...if anything it would make it look like I am controlling the vote. Going into tonights TC, if I want to save him, I can. But do I want to make that million dollar gamble....this is my showcase to the jury that I am the one taking the reigns in this game!!!
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-15-21, 09:33 PM (EST)
5. "RE: Erika finds advantage for f5 immunity and wins" |
GAWD!!!! Please let Xander play the idol for Ricard!!!! I would love to see the look on Deshawn's and Erika's face! LOL! He needs to make a play!
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-15-21, 09:44 PM (EST)
6. "F5 TC...." |
night 24, see an iguana....the juryDeshawn: last tc you said need to take out Ricard I didn't have to say alot of that because most of us were not he same page. Xander says it felt like high noon in the wild west, they both know they are on the chopping block for different reasons Erika: any decision is a tough one Ricard now you are vulnerable. I think I have played a good game. she's in tears from what he said, I feel like to do so well, i've been struggling and nobody knows it. he's teary...my husband and I got pregnant again....then he gets the call and I don't know what to do, my baby is due next week...he could be born right now and I don't know and I've been really struggling, so proud of myself that I'm here, I did a damn good job. Deshawn: I understand Ricard, we have had a frenemeyship....I can hear the hurt in his voice and at the end of the day he's my friend X says R has fought so hard, we talk and we have grown close a bit of a bromance, really hard, to know people have put him in this position, I feel for him. Ricard says if Deshawn is in the end game he will get more votes Erika says it's a big consideration of the game Ricard: what have you learned? I just didn't think I would do so well, didn't think I would be so capable, I'm good at it...see shan shaking her head....Jiffy says you will be a better dad because of this experience... Ricard genuinely had a moment, I can be one of the greatest S players ever and not winning the game. Jiffy says he doesn't feel that a blindside is coming....that you will be the one. Ricard votes Deshawn deshawn votes Ricard COMMERCIAL>>>>>really?
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-15-21, 09:46 PM (EST)
7. "Mid TC F5" |
Ricard voted Deshawn Deshawn voted RicardVote read: Deshawn Ricard Ricard Ricard damn....Xander didn't play it.....Jiffy didn't even ask if anyone wanted to play the idol? for did my TV f up?
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-15-21, 10:09 PM (EST)
11. "RE: Mid TC F5" |
Thanks, Pepe! I think there were technical difficulties right at that moment, TV was black screen for a long time.....UGH!
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-15-21, 09:53 PM (EST)
8. "They all voted Ricard" |
LAST EDITED ON 12-15-21 AT 09:55 PM (EST)LAST EDITED ON 12-15-21 AT 09:54 PM (EST) Night 24 F4....Xander says whenever in our lives will we have a 25% chance at a million E: at the very least I know I can compete in fire, I made it on exile X: honestly I just want to get a good nights sleep...good night f4....raining....one cloud and a big thunder storm.... they get up to move in the forest see deshawn and all of them are miserable...they are soaked it's pouring rain, I feel like a rock star....hes happy they are suffering....the empathetic in me is sorry, but the competitor in me is like, is this all you got? Next day sunny.... fire is out...see X making it see erika and x and Heather....we made it through that was the worst night.... maybe mother nature was trying to slap us across the face, I can see myself winning if i can get to the end. I have failed miserably making fire....I can't focus my attention on that I just need to win the freakin' challenge and that's it
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-15-21, 10:08 PM (EST)
10. "who will win the next challenge" |
Erika has spoken confidently about fire making, Deshawn has said he's bad at it.....foreshadowing? Day 25 Challenge arena There is a balance beam apparatus.... final ic see xander last time...navigate across curved walkway while stacking blocks, first one to stack so they spell final 3 will win. you have power you will decide who sits next to you and who is forced to make fire. spelling final three from the bottom to the top, deshawns and X both drop their blocks, want to move quickly but certainty.... drop one, drop them all what do you favor? lace or slow it down and hope someone else drops. Heather drops. starts over X coming back with his 4th block, deshawn has 3 blocks, Erika with her 4 letter coming on . Deshawn drops and has to start over Xander has 5th block and heading back for 6th and final block. his tilted, he has a lot of time, and Erika drops....Xander is way ahead now. Heather drops. Deshawn has 2 letters....closest one to X Xander heading back up with his final block. He places the final block, now must get back to the finish Erika has 3 blocks, Deshawn has 4. Xander very slow and very steady Heather drops, Erika with 4, Deshawn with 4, Xander has 2 feet togo and he wins Xander is crying.... Whats the emotion right now, it feels like I have been holding my breathe this entire game, this is unreal moment, the craziest sentence I have ever said. you are 20, you were the kid at home and here you are and now you have a shot to win....can you still see the kid yes, I was the kid that said I could never be on S....if you work hard you can get it....Jiffy hugs him. I can feel for you. one thing left to do, win, says JIFFY! they hug E: I am really happy for X, heartbreaker for me, but X won and I am nervous, I don't know how this one is going to go....
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-15-21, 10:19 PM (EST)
12. "Xander wins F4 immunity" |
So, anyone think X will pull an underwood?X: on a much more personal level, having this necklace around me is much more. Love pushing myself in competition, I was young chubby, wanted to be the version of myself that I dreamed of....went out for Cross country....went to nationals, came the best team in florida history, with hard work there is nothing you can't do... Deshawn wants to talk to X D: who will you bring and who will make fire. I am hoping and praying that I don't have to make fire. He tells him that your chances of winning would decrease if you brought Erika Heather says to him that Erika can beat you, he says, I don't think so.... Erika; if you think it's better to throw me in, there is merit to taking me. X says I have made up my mind, I am taking you Xander chooses to take Erika, but practice just in case.... Xander says that I know E is good at it, so why would I give her the opportunity to show off her skills Deshawn says that doing fire is the last thing I want to do....give e a knife and flint and let me go to work, because you never know what Heather can pull out of her pocket. Both os them ar etrerrible at fire H: My social game is good, now I am going win my spot in the top three. X says he wants to see Heather, have her come out on top. He says that H and E have the same game. D says he can get sparks but there is no height on my fire...for me this Fire making challenge means the world so it sucks X is watching Erika trying to make fire, she can't make it ...OMG....oh man.....She is just advertising that I could take her out and make a big move. Is this a ply? is she doing this to make a point. I was set until she came up and couldn't make fire...X is telling Heather that she can't make fire....X has last confessional....its a million dollar decision....
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-15-21, 10:28 PM (EST)
13. "E can't make fire, so X wonders if he made the wrong choice...." |
Xander says he gets to make a make or break decisionHis ideal F3 would be Heather and X, says Deshawn Heather says she told him, whatever you gotta do, I'm ready X is trying to make his decision before it even happened. He says Deshawns truth bomb affected me, he says the jury agreed with it...X says the jury doesn't respect E and H's game....he feels that they don't respect H's game it's as a goat....X says she might prove people wrong that she is a bad #####. Could see Shan say he's got a bad read on people Who will you take with you to F3? He says he will take Erika. Deshawn and Heather will do fire.... Erika: I respect the decision, he's giving me good news, but it probably bad news on how people perceive me...who will be in third spot, Deshawn or Heather?
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PepeLePew13 26111 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
12-15-21, 10:38 PM (EST)
14. "RE: S41 | Finale | East Coast Spoiler Thread" |
Damn... that was easily the best fire-making challenge of all time on Survivor.
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michel2 4059 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
12-16-21, 06:48 PM (EST)
27. "RE: S41 | Finale | East Coast Spoiler Thread" |
Most weren't even competitive! But, yes that was somenthing.
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-15-21, 10:39 PM (EST)
15. "Fire making challenge coming up" |
Deshawn vs Heather. Build fire high enough and long enough....Heather is going right for the flame, and Desahawn got the magnesium, then it's burning,....deshawns flame is starting to grow....deshawn has this easily....Heathers started flame.....deshawn has smothered his fire.....he's breathing on it.....it's out....Heather's fire is solid....the jury is so happy for heather....deshawn has a flame too....heather is winning this challenge. Deshawn smothered his.....Heather is going to win and suddenly heathers flame i sdisappating, deshawn has flame too.....now heathers is going higher and so is deshawnsdeshawn is going to win" and DESHAWN wins....out of no where.... wow, they all say.... best fire making ever, they all say. Jiffy says wow, I don't know where to start.deshawn getting emotional....dont ever stop, now I feel more confident....emo Deshawn Heather is out, got to this point and I am proud of myself, overcame alot of my fears, I was petrified of getting in water, so this pushed me way beyond my comfort zone, thankful for the journey....good luck, it's been a blast crying deshawn .
now power shifts to the jury. Now they hold the power of the game....one more night in fiji
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-15-21, 11:10 PM (EST)
16. "F3: Deshawn, Erika, Xander" |
Xander: being in F3, I am so grateful, I think I have lost 20 or 30 pounds, I think I have loved every moment, my story is an uderdog story, I got myself here, got advantage, risked my vote....I won 2 IC's, got to choose who went to fire....everything in survivor bucket list, check....if I win, I will be the youngest winner of all time, give every fiber of my body to win.... E: I played a hell of a game, I get underestimated. a lion that dressed like a lamb, time to show everyone that I actually have teeth, won 2 challenges, broke the hour glass and behind the scenes I created the alliance that dominated the game....take off lamb costume, I have everything that it takes to win
Deshawn: I can't believe I survivoed one of the craziest seasons, and I thrived, my social skills got me here and resilience and condifedence , I worked my ##### off to be here...the money would change my life, got to keep my foot not he gas, it would...I am ready to do what I gotta do....give me the belt, I want to be the champ they go to TC.... you put yourself into a position to win...why do you deserve it. Evvie goes first: each of you are up against 2 people that have a very good shot at this. danny: I was a pro athlete, he breaks it down, pre merge, post merge, f8. Explain your game plan.... Xander says that he wanted to play a xander game, do different, go with my gut, in quarter one I know that team dynamic was strong, I wanted to be work horse, use my advantages and idol for the team. I said I am a number, you can use me....he felt comforable keeping Ricard as a shield, it was a gamble, had to turn on him eventually....Naseer mentions his social game, your very kind heart dEshawn what was your game plan....huge fan, foundation was the social game. first half was about building those relationships....heather, erica and naseer. then second half I felt I was not he block, I was the flue that kept people together, Shan is frowning....Ricard wants to interject....sounds nice, can you explain why the first day of merge was to explain why erika needs to go, sydney needs to go, you threw everyone under the bus....d says it wasn't true. I did see Erika as a big threat, my truest intention was I never wanted Danny out of the game. Erika: I had a lot of expectations on how this would go, come in be a sweet lamb, then slowly work our way up, kept winning, but starting to see relationships shift, heather rand I was dynamic duo, I go live alone, down and out, coe back and flip over the game, the ooppportunity of people on the bottom she I can reap harvest later, I found myself in dominant alliance of the game at the end. Ricard says you had a fantastic game but you lacked that social game with the bulk of the jury but there is something to be said about having a relationship with every one like deshawn did because he betrayed everybody....Erika knew she wanted to be kind but did better in one on one connections....big part of my social game was with Heather...it was knowing how this duo could work together even thought there was a truth bomb. Tiff: asks Xander how did you perceive yourself with tase....he said like Ozzy, we sang tighter, it was cute, I wanted to protect you, it was so detrimental to my game though...Liana asked him about his social awareness....was there a moment like that for you....during the tiffany vote I felt that I was getting duped so that is why I stayed in the game. Evvie asks him that you saved our idol so long, it was because of social game and paranoia...Ricard asks we had a solid friendship...he says we were tight...what doesn't make sense to me, you took out me....but then Erika is here....i am confused, were you lying to me? He says our relationship was real. you would have won against anyone, I was under the impression that erika wasn't the biggest strategic threat. Heather says that she told X that I told you that Erika was the one that could beat you. He feels he has an edge on Erika, he didn't give her the chance to tip the scale toward her if she won fire. Shan asks Deshawn about his emotional game...at every turn we had three conversations, we all wanted to win for the black community...it's important for my vote, what happened....did you use the social movement to highjack me? dEshawn says he would never sell out his people for a game...but I wore my heart on my sleeve, I'm young, have a lot to learn, hurts me that you think I would use the community....he says he was hurting. all he can do is apologize....it was hard. Danny wants to address erika, from a competitor....you did amazing in IC and puzzles, you allowed people to underestimated you. Erika says she is underestimated, I was never out in front, and every TC I want to I was on the right side of the vote. you played the game that I wanted to play they all agree Liana asks Xander....do you have an idol? hahahahaha Now they are voting.
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-15-21, 11:15 PM (EST)
17. "Votes...." |
What is so so surprising to me is that Erika was invisible in the first half of the season. She made bad moves, wanting to get Sydney out.....she was at the very bottom of her tribe, the one they wanted to ban. She just disappeared among all of the alphas.
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-15-21, 11:21 PM (EST)
19. "They will vote...." |
Boy, They certainly do edit men and women differently....but they did love Shan.Danny said: I thought that your game was more intentional, more risk taking....didn't show who he voted for.... Jiffy is going to get the votes....he will read them. He says the theme of the seaso....a little history says, Jiffy. Summer of season 1 on location. Time to do it again, 21 years later. Announcing the winner right now. Erika Deshawn Erika Erika Erika Erika Winner.... they do not even hug her....they suck....deshawn and Xander...come on........let's bring in pizza and champagne.... The jury comes over and hugs her.... now setting up the after show on location.
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PepeLePew13 26111 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
12-15-21, 11:24 PM (EST)
20. "RE: They will vote...." |
Erika will bring home about $1.3 million CAD, and she'll keep it all if I'm correct as Canadians are not taxed on their winnings.
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-15-21, 11:31 PM (EST)
22. "RE: They will vote...." |
She notes her strategy was to just get to the end.....it didn't need to be pretty....didn't have to seem like the one in charge....She talks about exile, how it was the turning point of her game. And, it was! Cheers to the first Canadian win! The jury thought that Xander lacked the social awareness....definitely. Xander says it wasn't about the win for him, it was the journey. Deshawn: Jiffy notes that everyone thought he was emotional....Deshawn says that he didn't see himself like that, he's excited for the chance to grow from this...Jiffy noted his turning point was the fire making challenge, you just kept trying to build the fire. Deshawn was lucky with the do or die....he's happy to be there.
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PepeLePew13 26111 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
12-15-21, 11:34 PM (EST)
23. "RE: They will vote...." |
Exile was definitely the turning point of the game for her, and also we saw Ricard and Erika making the move to oust Shan but even though Ricard was more of the lead on that move, Erika was the one shown to be given credit for it. That was the moment that sold me that she was going to win it all.
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michel2 4059 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
12-16-21, 06:54 PM (EST)
28. "RE: They will vote...." |
I'm not an expert but Erika earned that as part of a US game so, I'm pretty sure she'll have to pay some income tax to the US just like Canadian Hockey players playing for a US team. Also, this wasn't a lottery which are all sponsored by provinces so she'll have to declare it as a revenue.
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PepeLePew13 26111 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
12-16-21, 10:16 PM (EST)
29. "RE: They will vote...." |
Canadian and non-U.S. resident game show winners can reclaim part or all of the 30% withholding tax imposed by the IRS. ... To go about getting the 30% withholding tax back means having to deal with the IRS. It entails filling out IRS Form (1042-S) 1040NR and trying to navigate the U.S. tax system.
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Chez 775 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Fitness Correspondent"
12-15-21, 11:54 PM (EST)
24. "RE: They will vote...." |
I wonder who was the one vote for Deshawn. Danny's words as he voted did not seem apropos to Deshawn.
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -