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"S41-W12-E12|Vidcaps|“Truth Kamikaze”"
Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-03-21, 08:09 PM (EST)
"S41-W12-E12|Vidcaps|“Truth Kamikaze”" |
Please place all vidcaps and discussion on said vidcaps in this thread, note, "no sourced spoilers", thank you!
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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-03-21, 10:39 PM (EST)
4. "S41-W12-E12 Press Photos" |
Day 22 Thu 5/6/2021 - Team Reward Challenge12:10 PM | 12:11 PM
12:17 PM | 12:20 PM 12:20 PM | 12:20 PM
Day 22 Thu 5/6/2021 - Via Kana Camp (Losing Team?) 02:33 PM | 02:37 PM | 02:28 PM
Day 23 Fri 5/7/2021 - Individual Immunity Challenge 10:08 AM | 10:15 AM
10:47 AM | 10:48 AM 10:48 AM | 10:48 AM | 10:48 AM
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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-03-21, 10:47 PM (EST)
5. "Team Reward Losers?" |
Maybe these Three (Ricard, Danny, Heather) are the Losing Team in the Reward Challenge? And Xander, Erika, and Deshawn are off having their Reward? They don't look so happy. Heather has a knife/machete in her Right hand and the magnesium fire starter in her Left hand.
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-04-21, 04:18 PM (EST)
6. "RE: Team Reward Losers?" |
Maybe these Three (Ricard, Danny, Heather) are the Losing Team in the Reward Challenge? And Xander, Erika, and Deshawn are off having their Reward?Yes, I am on board with that. Erika/Deshawn/Xander to to reward. Xander will most likely win the IC, as they said in the misdirection clues that the plans have to change after the IC because most likely their target won. So, if Xander, Danny, and Ricard all have immunity....it's one of Erika/ Deshawn/Heather. If Xander/Erika/Deshawn have an F3, will it be Heather? OR, do you think that Danny doesn't find the HII. Whether he finds it or not, Ricard THINKS he did and that is just as good, no?
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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-04-21, 09:33 PM (EST)
7. "RE: Team Reward Losers?" |
FlowerPower"Xander will most likely win the IC, as they said in the misdirection clues that the plans have to change after the IC because most likely their target won. So, if Xander, Danny, and Ricard all have immunity....it's one of Erika/ Deshawn/Heather." Only the Reward challenge is in teams (Yellow vs Blue) The Immunity Challenge is 6 Different Colored Lanes So if Xander wins all the other Five are in danger but knowing this season I think there might be another Twist! And if Xander wins IC, I think Ricard is in trouble as I think it makes sense for Erika/Heather to vote with Danny/Deshawn.
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-05-21, 09:55 AM (EST)
9. "Whoops..." |
Sheldor: I meant to se Ricard must win the IC. He's their greatest target, as we saw last week. I think the "plan" was set to get him out as their number one target, but then he must win the IC and is now immune. Therefore, Xander and Ricard must have immunity, and most likely someone else that finds the hidden idol. If Danny finds it, or at least Ricard suspects that he found it, it all works in Danny's favor UNLESS, someone at TC steps up and announces that they found it, and it's not Danny? Regardless, I'm sold on Ricard winning the IC
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-05-21, 10:05 AM (EST)
10. "RE: S41-W12-E12 Commercial 1" |
I saw this promo on Friday evening. It looks very Xander centric. We see the IC, and we see zoom ins of Xander doing it. Then we see Erika crying. Is she crying because her target won the IC and now she's distraught as in it could be her? We see her crying and that is followed by a shot of Ricard. (Winner of IC?)Then we see Xander, Deshawn shake hands, agreeing to an F3 with Erika while they have been on reward? Then, we see Danny fall. Is he failing to win immunity, or is he falling in the game? Then, we see a zoom in of Xander when Jiffy notes, You wanted an adventure of a lifetime... The NTOS promo was very Danny-centric.
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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-05-21, 05:19 PM (EST)
12. "S41-W12-E12 Commercial 1 Transcript" |
Narrator: Only one more episode before the season finale.IC: Everyone spinning to unravel the rope around their waist IC: Closeup of Xander Closeup of Erika crying (not during the IC) RC: Closeup of Ricard Deshawn and Xander shaking hands on the beach IC: Danny falling off the beginning of the balance beam with a puzzle piece in his Right Hand. (Does Danny get injured?) Jeff Voiceover: You wanted the adventure of a lifetime? Closeup of Xander Jeff at TC: You're getting it.
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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-05-21, 05:31 PM (EST)
13. "S41-W12-E12 Commercial 2 Transcript" |
Xander: People want Ricard out bad.Closeup of Xander Closeup of Ricard Erika: Maybe we get rid of Deshawn Closeup of Erika/Ricard Closeup of Deshawn Deshawn: "All I can do is fight" Closeup of Deshawn swimming on the Yellow team in the Reward Challenge Next, Repeat of Commerical 1 but with some different scenes and dialogue Replaced shot of Erika crying with shot of Erika swimming in the Reward Challenge Replaced shot of Danny falling off the balance beam in the Immunity Challenge with a shot of Heather in camp looking concerned. Replaced Jeff voiceover saying "You wanted the adventure of a lifetime?" over closeup of Xander with voiceover of Xander saying "I think we might have made a mistake" over closeup of himself. Removed cut to Jeff in Tribal Councial saying "You're getting it."
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"
12-07-21, 06:42 PM (EST)
18. "Wowsa" |
Geez.....I hope they aren't referring to "their big move" as getting Heather out.
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -