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"S41 | Ep 10 | Vote Thread"
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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-22-21, 11:22 PM (EST)
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"S41 | Ep 10 | Vote Thread"
Due to the Holiday week, I thought I would post the vote thread a bit earlier.

Please place the name of your boot choice in the Subject line and the rationale in your Message. Here are the candidates:


And, don't forget to have PHUN and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 Liana coldbrewer 11-23-21 1
 Heather Sheldor 11-23-21 2
 Ricard Flowerpower1 11-24-21 3
 Erika michel2 11-24-21 4

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coldbrewer 350 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"

11-23-21, 03:06 PM (EST)
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1. "Liana"
Is it possible Xander uses his extra vote and somehow one of Xander, Erika, & Heather get either Deshawn or Ricard to defect?

I predict Shan is the target, but she wins immunity. Get one of her minions out...Liana.

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Sheldor 3865 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-23-21, 11:14 PM (EST)
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2. "Heather"
In the promo videos Shan and Ricard both say they want to vote out Deshawn. Deshawn says he wants to weaken Shan by voting out Ricard.

I don't think Shan would actually vote against the 4 Black Alliance but Ricard might. I think Deshawn might vote for Ricard as he is an outsider and loyal to Shan.

I think Xander will use his Idol leaving only Erika and Heather as people on the bottom of the alliance of 7. However, I think it is likely that Erika wins back to back challenges. I assume she will be up against Xander in the "Hard to Handle" Individual Immunity challenge but this time I think Erika outlasts Xander (Erika his shorter (lower center of gravity), has smaller feet for the balance beam, etc.).

That leaves only Heather...

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Flowerpower1 3975 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Thong Contest Judge"

11-24-21, 10:44 AM (EST)
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3. "Ricard"
LAST EDITED ON 11-24-21 AT 11:07 AM (EST)

This should be a phun episode!

Trying to figure out the time line.

They return from TC post Evvie and Naseer boots. ....
At night: See Deshawn and Erika go off and talk:
Erika: We have to get one of 2 idols out....wants to go after Shan, Deshawn agrees, but the next AM in confessional Deshawn says: But, I have a really loyal alliance with Shan, Liana, and Danny....

Then, in AM after TC, we hear Shan question Deshawn...I saw Deshawn go off with Erika, he's really sneaky...Deshawn is on Shan's radar...

Then, most likely the RC. I think when we see Danny, Deshawn tell Liana they want to get Ricard out the "others" are on reward. Could Ricard have won reward and taken Shan and a few others?

Most likely during this time when the others are on reward, Deshawn has a confessional: As long as Ricard is in the game, Shan is the most powerful player....We plan to take out Ricard.

Then, when Shan returns, we see Liana, crying, telling her that Danny and Deshawn want to go after Ricard.....

Then, perhaps we have the IC....possible winners: Xander, Shan, Erika?

Ricard confessional: Deshawn continues to lie, it bothers me, it annoys me, and he can go!
Shan to Ricard: We're gonna vote for Deshawn!

Question is: Will she go against her black alliance for Ricard?

So. Most likely Shan/Liana vote together for: ??? Erika or Deshawn, if Erika is immune, Heather?

Ricard: I see him voting for Deshawn, especially if he knows Deshawn has mentioned him.

Deshawn and Danny will vote together for Ricard.

So who will Erika/Heather/Xander vote for? I think they will vote together for one of the majority alliance: Danny, Deshawn, Shan, Liana, Ricard. Erika wants Shan. But, she has an idol, and she could have won the IC. So, second best thing is another ally of Shan's. Either Liana or Ricard?

I think it's one of Ricard, Liana, Erika, Heather....

Heather and Danny are seen the most in the press images. If Erika wins IC, then I could see Heather going. If she does not, I think it will be Ricard.

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michel2 4059 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

11-24-21, 08:29 PM (EST)
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4. "Erika"
Wasn't she target numero uno last week? She won't win immunity every time.
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