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"New Food Show on Bravo, "Chef Academy""
mindy23 1319 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"
11-17-09, 10:45 PM (EST)
"New Food Show on Bravo, "Chef Academy"" |
With the supposedly 'sexiest chef' Jean Novelli, who hails from France. He actually is pretty good looking, to my taste. His wife, who is about 7 months preggers, and he, came to L. A. to open up a cooking school (re: Chef Academy).He interviewed quite a few interesting candidates for his school, and ultimately chose 9, ranging from a young frenchman, who is much like himself, in looks and charm, to a woman who resembles someone from the "Housewives of OC". There is also another woman there who just wants to please her new hubby and MIL; a submarine cook, a sous chef, who is quite impressive to everyone but Novelli, and a few others who haven't quite broken out of their terror enough to have personalities yet. His rule is 3 strikes and you are out of his school. The first episode was only a challenge for him to judge each student for who they were and get a feel of what he'll be working with. Each student made a 'signature dish' (ala Gordon Ramsey?), which he and another chef tasted and judged. The OC lady ultimately won with her Swedish pancakes and peach and berry compote. He is much like a laid-back Gordon Ramsey, to me, in many ways. He does curse, throw a few things, but without putting so much of the fear of God in everyone! So far, anyway. There are really a miriad of food shows to choose from at this point in the season, but I think this one may be worth taking some time to watch. I plan to hang with it and see where it goes. I don't remember there being a 'reward' mentioned at the beginning of the show for the winner. I'll have to research that, or if someone else knows, please feel free to add. Maybe just the chance to graduated from a Michelin-chef's school? I don't know, honestly. Seems there would have to be more for these people to come, literally, from all over the world. I don't remember any of the contestants even discussing winning anything.

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RE: New Food Show on Bravo, "Chef A... |
JessicaRN |
12-05-09 |
1 |
RE: New Food Show on Bravo, "Chef A... |
weltek |
12-07-09 |
2 |
RE: I LOVE this guy!! |
mindy23 |
12-09-09 |
3 |
RE: I LOVE this guy!! |
weltek |
12-10-09 |
4 |
RE: New Food Show on Bravo, "Chef A... |
udg |
12-19-09 |
5 |
RE: New Food Show on Bravo, "Chef A... |
JessicaRN |
12-19-09 |
6 |
RE: New Food Show on Bravo, "Chef A... |
udg |
12-22-09 |
7 |
RE: New Food Show on Bravo, "Chef A... |
mindy23 |
01-07-10 |
8 |
RE: New Food Show on Bravo, "Chef A... |
jbug |
01-07-10 |
9 |
RE: New Food Show on Bravo, "Chef A... |
ginger |
01-20-10 |
10 |
RE: New Food Show on Bravo, "Chef A... |
JessicaRN |
01-22-10 |
11 |
RE: New Food Show on Bravo, "Chef A... |
kidflash212 |
07-10-16 |
12 |
JessicaRN 1112 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"
12-05-09, 10:49 PM (EST)
1. "RE: New Food Show on Bravo, "Chef Academy"" |
LAST EDITED ON 12-09-09 AT 06:57 PM (EST)I just finished watching the second episode of this and I really like it. He is passionate and serious about cooking, but very likable. He is really nothing like Gordan Ramsey. The students are interesting. I like the bleached blond California housewife. She is actually doing really well. Not sure what to make of the French porn star, but he makes for good TV. The two guys who look alike seem to have a bromance going. The chef had a strongly negative reaction to the lady that put sea salt on her caramel garnish, but I like that and I know the whole sweet-savory thing is big these days. Apparently, not in France. All of the desserts he made looked really good.
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mindy23 1319 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"
12-09-09, 09:09 AM (EST)
3. "RE: I LOVE this guy!!" |
Now that I've watched the show for about 3-4 episodes, I'm finding that he is really a very cool, and funny man! And yes, he is nothing like Gordon Ramsey at all!I think that Bravo wanted to make him come off like that, at first, to get the attention of the viewers, but this chef is really cool, funny, and seems like a real riot to work with! He is very serious about what he does, but he treats the students with a great amount of respect, and when they are good, he tells them, and when they are not, he doesn't berate them, call them 'cows, pigs' or whatever!! He's teaching them to cook, plain and simple, not to own a restaurant, or become an Iron Chef! And he is incredibly talented, too. His teaching skills are amazing as well. I just love watching him, listening to him, and all in all, I think Bravo really has a winner with this guy!!

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JessicaRN 1112 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"
12-19-09, 11:01 PM (EST)
6. "RE: New Food Show on Bravo, "Chef Academy"" |
I'm glad you reminded me about the bread!! I thought that looked really good. Are the recipes online? Of course, I live at high altitude which affects bread baking, but I bet you could even use frozen dough and jazz it up.
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mindy23 1319 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"
01-07-10, 09:10 AM (EST)
8. "RE: New Food Show on Bravo, "Chef Academy"" |
I really hope that more people will watch this, and he gets enough positive reviews to make a come back! This is really a unique show, with a spin and a fresh way of looking at your average 'cooking show'! There are no promises of food shows, no million dollar winnings, no front pages, or specials in Martha Steward's Living, etc. Just plain people wanting to be better chefs!I am really enjoying this, and hoping that more people will realize what a great show it is, and what a really nice guy, and AMAZING chef this guy really is!! When he and his wife did the special for his assistant (for breast cancer, because his mom had died from it), it was really touching! Would Gordon Ramsey ever do that? Not in a million years, or should I say, when Hell freezes over! 
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JessicaRN 1112 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"
01-22-10, 06:01 PM (EST)
11. "RE: New Food Show on Bravo, "Chef Academy"" |
Finished watching this last night and was kind of sorry to see if finish. I really liked it and I thought that Chef Novelli was hysterical. I'm not sure if they could repeat this season after season though. (I plan on trying a couple of the recipes this weekend)
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kidflash212 4583 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Stuff Magazine Centerfold"
07-10-16, 10:35 AM (EST)
12. "RE: New Food Show on Bravo, "Chef Academy"" |
Porn star tush - another opportunity missed.
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -