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"Daisy Of Love. "
Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
04-06-09, 09:38 AM (EST)
"Daisy Of Love. " |
We have a premiere date, a Wikipedia-provided nickname list for the cast, and a retread.Premiere: April 26th, 9 p.m. EDT. (If it's like most VH1 shows, we'll get a sneak preview airing earlier in the day.) Nicknames: 6 Gauge 12 Pack 84 85 86 Big Rig Brooklyn Cable Guy Cage Chi Chi Dropout Flex Flipper Fox London Professor Sinister Tool Box Torch Weasel Retread: Yeah. That 12-Pack. It's hard to predict personality from nicknames, but I'd hope anyone called 'Weasel' had a pet one: the other connection isn't encouraging. 'Torch' could be a welder -- or an arsonist. Don't even ask about Sinister. And Dropout is pretty blatant. But -- 84, 85, 86? If Wikipedia's right, either Daisy got seriously bored or we could be looking at triplets. The main problem with the show (beyond the usual 'It's all a joke and we're just here for the fights' of any VH1 dating series): Daisy is not the world's most stable personality. As the one doing the chasing, that can make her slightly entertaining: as the one being chased, it really makes you wonder about the people pursuing her -- not to mention just what her criteria are for making picks. Remember: we've met her ex. 
Is there anything VH1 won't put an 'of love' after?
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sica077 523 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
04-06-09, 11:49 AM (EST)
3. "RE: Daisy Of Love. " |
LAST EDITED ON 04-06-09 AT 11:50 AM (EST)I absolutely love my trashy, stupid dating shows! However, I really can't see myself enjoying this one. I just hated her so much on RoL2. I know someone, somewhere had asked this question, but: what the heck is with her getting her own show? I mean, even with Megan I can see how it might be amusing, but Daisy?? I don't find anything about her attractive, including her mannerisms and personality. >But -- 84, 85, 86? If Wikipedia's right, either Daisy got seriously bored or we could be looking at triplets. I watched the sneak peek on VH1 (because they shoved it down my throat) and there are, in fact, swedish triplets. I assume they are the trio of numbers (which is still stupid). Why do they need nicknames again? I know New York gave nicknames... is that where it started? Like anyone should ever follow her lead! ETA: Sorry for the redundancy. I took too long to type this I guess!
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Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
04-06-09, 11:55 AM (EST)
4. "RE: Daisy Of Love. " |
Flavor of Love started it. New York just kept the trend going.
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TxMom2011 188 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
04-08-09, 12:49 PM (EST)
10. "RE: Daisy Of Love. " |
I thought everyone on reality tv got paid. Just scale, but something.
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Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
04-27-09, 06:37 AM (EST)
12. "Premiere" |
A few quick thoughts:1. Daisy's confessionals feel completely scripted. Bret came up with enough 'live' commentary on the show and delivered his private lines with enough of a wink that it was possible to believe (at least for a moment) that sure, he could have really come up with that. Daisy -- well, let's be blunt: she doesn't come across as being all that bright. If anything, she feels less intelligent than her vocabulary. And given the way she talks, that's really hard to do. (She needed help giving out nicknames!) So when she comes out with anything even remotely witty in the private of her purple sanctuary -- sorry, not buying it. But on the plus side, her cue card reading skills are really coming along. 2. It's possible 12-Pack (who lost his name again) is honestly attracted to Daisy and showed up here to make a serious try at winning her affections. It's also possible he's no more interested in her than he ever was in Tiffany and this is really all about getting him still more TV exposure. And free alcohol. Lots and lots of free alcohol. Which, oddly enough -- 3. -- he wasn't really consuming last night. Unlike everyone else. I'm going to go out on a very narrow limb and call this the Drunkest Cast Ever from Night #1 on: from this point, the California recession will reverse as long as the sin tax hits twenty percent. The miracle is that we only had two people pass out. At least, two that we saw... Let's call him London because he drank enough to float a bridge! 4. How badly do you have to be doing as a band if you're showing up on a reality show for the free food? (By the way, if any of the triplets reproduce with Angelique, what does the kid's accent sound like?) 5. Out of the original twenty, I'm guessing the number who might be there for Daisy (as opposed to a free pass into the VH1 rotating reality family) is -- four. Could be lower. Probably isn't much higher. And you can't like those odds. Unless you're a VH1 executive, because they spell Season #2. 6. Judging by the preview footage, either the no-contact rule is out the window or we're going to be looking at a very short season. 7. Base level for a disaster description is 'train wreck' The next step up is 'bridge collapse'. For this series, I think we may get all the way to 'Chrysler bailout'...
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Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
04-27-09, 04:28 PM (EST)
14. "Da Twist" |
You know every season has to have one.During the preview of the season at the start of the show I saw. Our Own... Pepe Le Pew!!! I wonder what his nickname will be? Just for a few frames you see him running through the house. Nekkid. Now off to watch the rest of the DVR.
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eire_heart74 1231 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"
04-28-09, 07:01 AM (EST)
15. "RE: Daisy Of Love. " |
I would not be surprised at all if "Charles" showed up at some point. (anyone here see him on Charm School for the band audition? Clearly he digs this reality tv gig just as much as the rest of them do) The triplets. Raw hot dogs dipped in salsa. Yeah that still makes me barfy just thinking about it. Didn't see much hand flapping in this first episode. Wasn't to much call for her to whine and moan which is when the ready to take flight jazz hands pop up with her. I'm sure we'll see it soon.
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Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-03-09, 12:26 PM (EST)
16. "Episode #2." |
Just a few hints for the late-show group.1. They are getting progressively more drunk. And crazier. And stupider. We are at the point where we need to start checking the casting directors for hard drugs. They have them. And they're sharing. 2. Possibly the single worst use for a blow-up doll in television history. 3. Not only is Daisy not very bright (I have her at either something just below the average IQ or on the nose, but with no desire to use it), intelligence bores her. So do long words, items possessing more than five colors, and any event lasting more than twelve minutes. 4. Interest -- fading...
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Snidget 44369 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-24-09, 01:07 PM (EST)
23. "Epsode #5" |
LAST EDITED ON 05-25-09 AT 08:13 AM (EST)So, um how low can your IQ be and still be eligible for a VH1 show. I mean I know it was before you were born, but, "who is Marilyn Monroe?" Egad. ETA: Have we ever had a reality TV show where most of the people leaving were not eliminated but left or were told to go outside the normal elimination ceremonies?
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Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
05-26-09, 02:36 PM (EST)
26. "RE: Epsode #5" |
Fox is this show's version of Coach. Think about it. The massive ego, the constant involvement with himself, an inability to acknowledge anything happening outside his immediate life, the need to be on camera at all times, the way the editing keeps mocking him... The man has his own theme song, people: not even Benji made it that far! Fox is heading for an Epic Fall, and all we can hope for is a selection of rocks at the bottom. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 'I hate violence, so for our next challenge, we're going to have all of you fight!' ...right. Looks like Daisy got about as much of a voice in planning the season as she did in casting it. And someone should have gotten some idea what she wanted before it started because right now, the only thing this show is succeeding in would be 'taking years off her life'. You can see the stress increasing from episode to episode: show up looking for love, then slowly verge towards a permanent vow of celibacy. She's not secure, she's not confident in herself, and now all of these people who supposedly showed up for her either have their own agenda, walked out on her, or decided she just wasn't worth it. That'll do wonders for your self-esteem. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 12-Pack: playing to the cameras since the age of two seconds. (On the other hand, I've been sprayed by a skunk: the 'get-it-off-get-it-off-get-it-off! instinct is real -- but generally not that dramatic.) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Normally I'd say there's no way to avoid Season #2, but I think they've just about talked Daisy out of it...
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Estee 57126 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
06-14-09, 03:09 PM (EST)
32. "Early airtime teaser." |
Oh, it's a hairstyling competition! That explains everything!
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sica077 523 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Reality Show Commentator"
06-14-09, 04:37 PM (EST)
33. "RE: Early airtime teaser." |
Bwahahah! That was so ridiculous! He is such a skeaze (yes, skank and sleaze, equal parts ).
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Ahtumbreez 10456 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
06-26-09, 04:16 PM (EST)
36. "RE: You know, that could explain a lot" |
Favorite post from the site: she's about as screwed up as a soup sandwich Ha!
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toddE 1433 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"
06-29-09, 06:18 PM (EST)
38. "RE: Arc theme." |
I am glad London is back, because maybe we can now have a winner. On the other hand, maybe he's back so Daisy can reject him and have "closure."12Pack aka Dave seems destined for the "Second place but got laid" spot so common on these shows. So who else is there? Sinister? Puh-leeze, ZERO chance of winning. But I can't really see Flex winning, he's totally not that into her. In fact, he's a bit ambiguous. Someone has to win.......gosh...... London is the only one Daisy might actually like in the long run. But he just seems like he is back so Daisy can axe him instead of him walking out on her. The only thing I can say about this show is that it's better than the current, wretched, season of Charm School. And I won't ever even check out Real Chance...can't believe they got another season, they're bigger losers than Daisy.
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yvonnemtx 3 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
07-27-09, 09:37 AM (EST)
42. "RE: So." |
you know 12 pack will have his own show. i don't know this for sure but it seem inevidable.
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -