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"Shot at Love"
Puffy 6671 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
10-10-07, 01:27 AM (EST)
"Shot at Love" |
Strange show. Shot at Love with Tila Tequila. It's on MTV, sort of a copy of The Bachelor-type of shows.From Yahoo.com: "This series will feature contestants who want to win the heart of Ms. Tequila, who has more “friends” than anyone in the history of MySpace.com. Since Ms. Tequila is bisexual, the contestants will include 16 straight men, and 16 lesbians. Finalists move into her mansion, live together, and each week the number of suitors will be narrowed down, until one is left." Who watched?
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rjrabbit 3269 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
10-24-07, 09:00 PM (EST)
2. "RE: Shot at Love" |
Oops! I didn't look far enough down the page. I expect Bebo to lock my thread. Last night's episode sure was full of drama. I kindof like the Italian guy. He sure had Steven speachless when he said he hadn't mentioned any names. I'm glad Rebecca is gone.
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rjrabbit 3269 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
11-03-07, 09:24 PM (EST)
4. "RE: Shot at Love" |
I'm surprised she kept Steven too! He lied. I don't see her with Dani. She seems nice but definately not a lipstick lespian. Ashley is a nutcase! Boy did he take it hard.
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CattyChat 3379 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
11-26-07, 07:57 AM (EST)
9. "RE: Shot at Love" |
I was bored yesterday and watched all the back eps of this show to see what it was all about. I was surprised to find out I kind of liked it.First of all, Domenico really made the show for me. He was so hilarious and while I knew there was no way Tila would keep him for the "family visit," I was so bummed to see him go. But there was no practical way Tila & MTV were going to Milan. They should give Domenico his own show. Too bad this wasn't Vh-1, because he probably would get his own show.  I pegged Ashley (guy) as a freaky stalker type pretty early. I was shocked at how violent he got at his elimination, though. I guess MTV shows don't have the "assault someone and you're booted" rule. Ashley and Marco should have both been booted when they kept attacking each other at the pool. Vanessa was a total psycho. I can see her pulling a "Single White Female" on many women. I can't believe she just attacked that other girl like that on the elimination. I have a few "lipstick lesbians" as friends and don't really know any butchy ones. When Tila kept going on how she likes the lipstick variety, I never thought Dani had a chance. Dani has really grown on me, though. What a great gal she is and I can really see a connection with Tila. Bobby is the only other one I see with a strong connection with Tila. I think it will be down to Dani and Bobby in the end. I think Tila is going with Bobby, but I'd rather her pick Dani in the end. Dani just seems the most genuine of all. If Dani doesn't win, I think MTV should give Dani & Domenico a show together. They can be best buds helping each other find love. That is something I'd definitely tune into. Oh and I had never heard of this Tila Tequila chick at all before this show. Is she really that big of a deal??? If so, I don't know how I've never heard of her.  It was Autumn & incessant piped the quails from shocks & sheaves; like living coals, the apples burned among the withering leaves. ~~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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fullofgrace2470 168 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
11-28-07, 10:29 AM (EST)
10. "RE: Shot at Love" |
I would love to watch a show with Dani and Domenico on it (if Dani doesn't win Tila's heart of course-which is what I'm rooting for). If she does, maybe Dani could still be on the show just helping Domenico. The 2 of them crack me up. I love this show!!!!
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CattyChat 3379 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
11-30-07, 08:06 AM (EST)
13. "RE: Shot at Love" |
"I am obsessed with Dani. *I* want to date her. I think she is fabulous. And I have a major major crush."If I were attracted to women, I would love to date Dani. Her personality is golden. Not to knock this Tila or anything, but I think Dani is way out of Tila's league. Dani deserves someone who knows exactly what she wants and is a little more down-to-earth. With that said, Tila would be fun to hang out with, especially if one were looking for a wild girls' night out. Also, I CANNOT WAIT for Domenico's show. I heard about it, too. "That's amore!" This is going to be comedic gold, without the ick factor that I Love NY has. Go Domenico!!  The massy trunks are cased in the pure crystal; each light spray, nodding & tinkling in the breath of heaven, is studded with its trembling water drops that glimmer with an amethystine light. ~~William Cullen Bryant
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rjrabbit 3269 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
12-05-07, 08:47 PM (EST)
15. "RE: Shot at Love" |
Okay I just saw last night's episode. Was anyone else surprised to see Amanda go? Don't get me wrong I love Dani. Tila said she usually goes for lipstick lesbians so I was surprised that she picked Dani and Bobby. I have no idea who she will pick.
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fullofgrace2470 168 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Blistex Spokesperson"
12-05-07, 09:58 PM (EST)
16. "RE: Shot at Love" |
I wasn't surprised at all. I just didn't see a connection between them. Dani and Bobby seem to genuinely care about her, and she seems to care about them. I have no idea who she's going to pick. They're neck and neck in my eyes. I can't believe we have to wait 2 weeks for the finale!!!!
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toddE 1433 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"
01-04-08, 12:01 PM (EST)
22. "RE: I am so BUMMED!!!" |
Tila really disappointed me. Especially when it was so clear that Bobby wasn't even into her by the conclusion of the show.She came off so badly in the reunion special, very trampy and dumb,IMO. And it was super obvious at that point there was nothing between Tila and Bobby, despite her claims otherwise. It's the super-typical reality show pattern of picking someone who is guaranteed not to work out so that a season two can occur. The person who is the best match ends up in second place. Poor Dani was still hurt at the reunion show, and Tila was a real jerk to her. I am as dumb as Dani, though, and somehow, despite knowing better, actually got suckered into thinking Shot At Love people were actually having real feelings.
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rjrabbit 3269 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"
07-13-08, 00:07 AM (EST)
26. "RE: Shot at Love" |
I just watched "One Shot Too Many". Does anyone else feel like Tila got what she deserves? She breaks hearts and leads people on. So Kristy changed her mind. Isn't that a woman's perogative (sp?)!! I love Bo!
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