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"Nashville Star 7/21"
whimsey 4402 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
07-21-08, 08:23 PM (EST)
1. "Coffey - safe" |
LAST EDITED ON 07-21-08 AT 08:38 PM (EST)song: "Southern Man" He did an original song at audition. His song has all the right elements, but yikes. Lyrics: "Escalade, not a Lexus, came here on my John Deere from Texas". John Rich says he didn't think country radio will play it. Says if he wins, he'll be so happy, he might run around the building naked. Now you're talking!
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whimsey 4402 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
07-21-08, 08:33 PM (EST)
2. "Melissa Laeson - safe" |
LAST EDITED ON 07-21-08 AT 09:15 PM (EST)She hasn't been songwriting long, just a few months. Says this song is about how the business has treated her. song: "Ready to Stand" Can't recall what song it reminds me of, but it was nice and she wrapped herself around it. Lyrics ' ...been slammed in the backside by the door ... Her transformation from rehearsal, where she looks like a Walmart mom, to how gorgeous she looks onstage is remarkable. I wish she had as much confidence as Coffey and Shawn.
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whimsey 4402 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
07-21-08, 08:45 PM (EST)
3. "Medley from Judges" |
Jewell is up first, and is not in good voice at all. My heavens girl! What was that about. Jeffrey is next - he's a songwriter, not a vocalist. He does a very respectable job. I like him. John Rich is last - tears it up with "Save a horse ride a cowboy". Its his country style, in your face. Did they tell them last night that they would have to perform? That was almost awkward to watch.
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whimsey 4402 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
07-21-08, 08:54 PM (EST)
4. "Gabe Garcia - safe" |
LAST EDITED ON 07-21-08 AT 08:55 PM (EST)His original song is "just him". it's about a couple getting away for some special time to keep their romance alive. song - "Lost Weekend" Has some good riffs, good hook. Lyrics: "... sip champagne from a paper cup, watch the moon go down and the sun come up..." He still doesn't work the crowed, but he is a tiny bit better. You can tell he probably didn't grow up watching Opry and seeing how good stagecraft makes a great performer. You have to be more that a great singer - need the whole package.
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whimsey 4402 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
07-21-08, 09:02 PM (EST)
5. "Ashlee Hewitt - ????" |
She says her writing is her strength. song: "Mike's Hard Lemonade" I still believe she tries to hard to be Jewell. Kind of a lazy, country ditty. Lyrics: ...she broke down and gave herself away, because of him - and Mike's Hard Lemonade." I can't invest in her. Sorry.
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whimsey 4402 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"
07-21-08, 09:10 PM (EST)
6. "Shawn Mayer - ?????" |
LAST EDITED ON 07-21-08 AT 09:18 PM (EST)She tears up at being on the Opry stage. Her song is from her experience moving to Nashville and leaving her boyfriend back in Iowa. song: "I'm not looking back" Very soulful and deep. Lyric: "...as much as it kills me - I'm not lookin' back." My favorite of the night, but I think she scares folks. When she smiles, she lights up the room. Radiant. But you don't see it often enough.
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Emty2 8 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "American Cancer Society Spokesperson"
07-21-08, 11:41 PM (EST)
8. "RE: Going home tonight..." |
It's about time...I just couldn't see/hear what the judges were seeing/hearing in her. They kept telling her how great she was, and all I heard was mumbly screeching.
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mindy23 1319 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"
07-22-08, 08:58 AM (EST)
9. "RE: Actually..." |
I've been surprised from week to week that Coffey has lasted as long as he has. His vabratto is really starting to get on my nerves! Reminds me of a lady in our church choir who just doesn't get that THAT is not the 'in' thing to do. It resonates even after it's gone, and OUCH! Fingernails on the chalkboard for me!He must have some fans somewhere who really dig him. But that voice? Nah-he'll never make it. Not even at the County/State Fairs. I just don't see it. I really was saddened that Ashley had to leave. Yes, she is much like a young Jewell, but that's not such a bad thing. She has her own world ahead of her, and I do believe she may crop back up somewhere, and make her way out of the plastic bag she's in. Shawn has been a dark horse for a while-nobody's fool, and to have the nerve to fire John Rich has put her in a league of her own! YEAH, you go, GIRL! The others were just 'ok'. Didn't give me chills or shivers or nothing of the sort. Actually, I felt they took melodies from other Country songs and added their own lyrics, mixed things up a little, and there you go. But, whatever. They blew it past the judges, so I guess that's all that matters, right? And the votes-don't forget the votes! The trio on stage was quite awkward. I have a question: Is that the ONLY song that John Rich has ever recorded??? Because that's the ONLY song I've ever heard him sing! And I absolutely HATE IT! He makes me feel creepy all over when he sings it, and I DO NOT consider him the Donald Trump of anything! But what do I know?? Jeff outdid the other 2 by a mile, and he isn't even a performer. Who knew?? Oh well.....next week will be the tell-all, I suppose. Oh, how I'll miss Billy Ray reading his cue cards ever.....so....slow....ly. Pallllleasssse!! Get a different host/hostess next season! PLEASE!!! A daddy star does NOT make you a good host. Thanks very much.
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Glow 14353 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
07-22-08, 02:08 PM (EST)
10. "RE: Actually..." |
*cosigns Mindy's post* Seriously. All of it."Actually, I felt they took melodies from other Country songs and added their own lyrics, mixed things up a little, and there you go." When Gabe started his song, my husband started singing "The Good Stuff" by Kenny Chesney. We thought for sure the judges would comment on it. I did really like the words to it though. Coffey? is horrible. I told my sister he tried out for AI and didn't make it. When the judges told him he's not country enough, she said, "Didn't you tell me they told him on AI that he was too country?" I said, "No. They told him on AI that he isn't good enough." hee. He seems like a likable guy though. I'm sure that buys him some votes. oh. oops. I like "Save a Horse" so I'll have to make a footnote under my co-sign. ![](http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/User_files/47bcc6d10f790164.jpg) another JSlice masterpiece
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toddE 1433 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Beef Jerky Spokesperson"
07-22-08, 02:15 PM (EST)
11. "RE: Nashville Star 7/21" |
Last night was the first time I ever watched this show. I am ambivalent toward country...not my favorite genre, but I do have a country playlist on my iPod, a lot of Johnny Cash and Dixie Chicks.Anyhoo... Ummm...the black guy's name is Coffey?....what's up with that? He also had the weakest voice, although his song was amusing. The second girl, Melissa, was far and away the best. She was outstanding, in fact. And whoever did her look, kudos are in order. The last three were all ok. Kind of bland and generic, especially Gabe. Jewel...I thought she was trying to do her pop ouvre in a country style, which is why she sounded weird. "Foolish Games" is one of the best songs ever, but it is not country and trying to make it so, ruined it.
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Loree 8616 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
07-22-08, 03:28 PM (EST)
12. "RE: Nashville Star 7/21" |
Why is Coffey still there?I noticed Jewel must have ripped her blouse/dress on her guitar. She had a ripped hole on her left side when she was judging after that. I like Shawn. Melissa and Gabe are very talented. Ashley was better than Coffey but so were several others that have already gone home.
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p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -
p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e - p l a c e h o l d e r t e x t g o e s h e r e -