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"McKidd on McShow"
aquariaqueen 2616 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"
10-31-08, 01:31 PM (EST)
1. "RE: McKidd on McShow" |
I loved Bailey getting all over Hahn, it was much deserved.I loved how Callie told Hahn she slept with McSteamy that day-twice! I hated that there was another box of diaries. I loved Christina dealing with the pigs, but hated the whole concept of it. I'm interested in the Izzie/Korev storyline and how it plays out. I was surprised how Richard was so taken back by Anatomy Jane. I loved how Richard told the family off, how the father told Richard off, and how Richard responded at the end. That was great writing.
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Glow 14353 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"
11-03-08, 01:06 PM (EST)
2. "RE: McKidd on McShow" |
LAST EDITED ON 11-03-08 AT 01:07 PM (EST)Oh I don't know. I like Dr. Owen. Besides the obvious (shallow) reasoning for this, I think he's a strong character. We need that on this show and we need Christina to have something to do because Sandra Oh is wonderful. I hated the pig thing but I loved how it played out for Christina and her interns. I really liked when Hunt asked Derek and Mark what he should/they would have done. I am incredibly happy about Alex and Izzie. I have been waiting for them far too long. (Like, the only other couple pairings that would make me happier is Tim and Tyra from FNL and Jason and Sam from General Hospital.) I just think they have a very believable connection. He's wanted her since the beginning and she's spent her time trying to avoid wanting him. I hated the Callie/Hahn leaves/glasses scene. That was very painful to watch. I'm pretty sure it was supposed to make you cringe though. But. I'm glad Callie came clean about McSteamy... but this story doesn't seem to be about Callie so much as Hahn. I too loved Anatomy Jane and I didn't hate Meredith and Derek at all this episode. ![](http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/User_files/48eb6c0a4ab9e693.jpg) etfix: Tyra not Lyla! ugh
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