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"March 12 Episode"
aquariaqueen 2616 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Survivor-themed Cruise Spokesperson"
03-13-09, 05:41 PM (EST)
2. "RE: March 12 Episode" |
I am so glad that they brought Izzie's crazy hallucinations to a conclusion. I loved that Bailey called the wife!! Ack...more Der/Mer mismatching. Izzie encouraging George and Korev. Korev with the band nerd.... Poor John, I mean, Jim. Still think they're forcing Callie into relationships, doesn't seem natural at all. McSteamy telling Little Grey that she's fixing him. Thought Little Grey would figure Izzie out. But it was a good conversation. Izzie confiding in "the robot". "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." Thomas Jefferson
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sisyphus 321 desperate attention whore postings DAW Level: "Cooking Show Host"
03-16-09, 11:35 AM (EST)
3. "RE: March 12 Episode" |
I am really getting tired of the meredith/Shepherd on again off again relationship, just end it please ..it is really very painful to watch....however I am loving christina, newguy and little grey/sloan....much more interesting for now....korev is turning pretty good also....
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