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"S34 | Loser Lodge: Intro and Sign-up"
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tribephyl 12393 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Playboy Centerfold"

02-08-17, 07:04 PM (EST)
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"S34 | Loser Lodge: Intro and Sign-up"
Yup! It's happening. Despite my side-projects; running the government of a small Caribbean Island, distilling enough grain alcohol to keep guppy and Coco alive during the extended off-season, laundering at least 10 loads of single bills daily and proposing to every local cabana boy within a 3000sq mile area... I have found the time... no scratch that... I have found the passion to do yet another season of Loser Lodge.

Wait... "What is Loser Lodge?", you ask.
Well, it's a game. A phun game to play whilst wasting away what meager time we have left in these trying times while semi-famous retreads retry to claim the title of Sole Survivor.

Granted, it might be a pared down version, specially in comparison to both Celebrities in Vegas and SuperLoser Lodge, mostly because we're all a bit older, perhaps slower.
But I assure you, ramps have been installed, handrails have been screwed in and all bar-stools are self-lifting and self-cleaning. And as far as the game itself is concerned, outside of 2 occasions, participation will be minimal. With maximum payoff. And as always, a slightly delayed Happy Ending.

And since this Post is acting as an Introduction thread, I caution you to keep your beer-gogglers open for the series of Posts to come.
Including; The LLPSQ&A and eventually the 1st Entry. Look for them to appear as we get a bit closer to take-off.

Until then, go ahead and give your nod to joining in on this season's phestivities and take one of the following "Pre-Season Souvenier Tokens", or "PSST"s, as a reminder of your willingness to enjoy something, for a change.

So, Sign-Up and then take 3 of the following tokens to keep you warm during your stay at the lodge.
Pre Season Souvenier Tokens:

Egg Carton

Crocheted Baby Shoes

Folding Chair

Hay Bale

Guitar Pick

Air Pump


Four Leafed Clover

Scrotum Tote

Amber Signal Light

Dream Catcher

And since I'm mostly a man of complete open-ness, I'm gonna end this first post with the rules, aka small print.

A. Deadlines:

. 1. Weekly HutCam entries deadline:
.. a. Wednesdays at 8:00pm BOARDTIME.
. 2. Bonus entries deadline:
.. a. Differing from Bonus to Bonus.
. 3. Game deadline:
.. a. No game deadline. Open always. Just know that the later you begin the less likely you are to "win".

B. Objective:
. 1. Three objectives:
.. a. Highest ending score. (Be the 'loser' with the largest pile of points at the end and win it all!)
.. b. Lowest ending score. (Be the 'loser' with the smallest pile of points at the end and
I'll be making a big deal out of it. I always do.)
.. c. Loser Superlatives. (Best Hairdo? Strangest Walk? Biggest Memory Lapse?
You name might be an award you can get at the end,
regardless of how you did with your points.
Being outrageous, debacherous and nefarious, has it's benefits.)

C. Points:
. 1. For the purposes of theme, points will be known as points.
. 2. For the most part, they're hard to come by, but will be clearly defined in each weeks entry thread.
Usually by being placed within parentheses; ().
. 3. There will also be Gold Stars.
.. a. Gold Stars can be won only in and during AlumnaBona.
.. b. Each gold star will be worth 10 points.
. 4. Points can be won AND lost in this game. Read directions thouroughly and ask questions if necessary.

D. The "HutCam" entry:
. 1. Every week, a HutCam entry must be made. If not, it will invalidate all of your weekly points.
(Including any points you may have made in a bonus.) This is going to be a biggie, I just know it,
but watch out and try to remember to make your HutCam entries. Every week.
. 2. The harshness of the above rule is, hopefully, to get everyone showing up every week.
(and since I'm on the subject...)

E. Missed or late entries: (aka: The Absentium)
. 1. Missing a HutCam entry will cause a chain of effects, beginning with a loss of potential points.
. 2. If anyone reaches a 3rd Absentee, they will be expelled from the Reunion.
. 3. All Expulsions will be lovingly remembered at the Gala Awards Show, but that's it.
. 4. HOWEVER: I will always allow for a HutCam entry by proxy. Proxy, or any other
willing fellow loser alumni whose available. Just ask, we have some nice peeps.

F. All the little but important stuff:
. 1. EPJP v. TRIBE
.. a. The battle for reality game supremacy between Jeff "the saboteur" Probst and Tribe "the nefarious" Phyl will continue.
.. b. JP attacks will happen, but for the purposes of the game, ANY questions that go unanswered will be voided.
. 2. CoHosts
.. a. No Guest hosts are planned for this season, however...
.. b. Coco is back. And he does indeed operate as a CoHost. (and bartender)
.. c. He'll probably have a hand or two all over some weeks entries. (and some of the losers)

. 1. This space reserved for the inevitible rule change/addition/ammendment.

Now, that it's been revealed, maybe we can get a few of our Loser Alumni to resurface and perhaps blast this tease at other social venues. Would love to have a crowd befitting all these returning survivors.

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  Subject     Author     Message Date     ID  
 RE: S34 | Loser Lodge: Intro and Si... Flowerpower1 03-03-17 1
 RE: S34 | Loser Lodge: Intro and Si... 5cats 03-15-17 2
 RE: S34 | Loser Lodge: Intro and Si... Wallflower66 09-24-17 3

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Flowerpower1 2063 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Roller Coaster Inaugurator"

03-03-17, 09:17 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Flowerpower1 Click to send private message to Flowerpower1 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
1. "RE: S34 | Loser Lodge: Intro and Sign-up"
OH Mr. Tribey: Words cannot express my total elation at the prospect of another FHUN and FESTIVE, albeit nefariously scandalous season of life at the lodge. Count me IN! Now if I could just find my former trifecta of beauties, SCAR and VIXEY, we could really make a dent in the WOWWEEE factor around this place! Of course, by the looks of things, it's pretty barren so far. Come on PEEPS, you don't know what you are MISSING until you've tasted the delights that only LOSER LODGE delivers!

I will take the scrotom tote because it reminds me of my ole pal bydangles, when I caught him lurking beneath the fresh springs water fall in all his glory!

The Dream Catcher, cause I am always a dreamer, dreaming, dreamy, dream-worthy, dreamable, blah, blah, blah....

And, for my third token, I will tap into my Irish Heritage and go for the 4 leafed clover...after all, lady luck wasn't nicked that for nothing!

Cannot tell you how happy I am to see the lodge back open for business. After all, us losers need to have some kind of PHUN too!

Here are a few posts from Loser Lodge of yesteryear....a walk down mammary, I mean memory lane....

The body paint expedition....

and, just for PHUN:

Finally, the picture that haunts me still....

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5cats 1185 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Politically Incorrect Guest"

03-15-17, 06:30 PM (EST)
Click to EMail 5cats Click to send private message to 5cats Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: S34 | Loser Lodge: Intro and Sign-up"
Hi Tribe, great to see the LL back! The 3 tokens I choose are:

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Wallflower66 2444 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Seventeen Magazine Model"

09-24-17, 10:43 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Wallflower66 Click to send private message to Wallflower66 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "RE: S34 | Loser Lodge: Intro and Sign-up"
I have not been here for a long time, and it is good to be back! I missed you guys! I am looking forward to playing/staying LL again! It has been too long! Let's get the word out and get occupied!

Now let's see if I remember how to do this:

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