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"S45 - Ep. 9 SUMMARY"
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Aruba 3391 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-23-23, 01:36 PM (EST)
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"S45 - Ep. 9 SUMMARY"
LAST EDITED ON 11-24-23 AT 06:04 AM (EST)

Previously on Survivor...

We see a recap of arguably the best episode this season that will be tough to beat mainly because of the return of the Survivor Auction, Bruce’s gutsy IC win, and a classic Kellie blindside.

Returning back to camp, Kendra Kleavage is in scramble mode knowing she was on the wrong side of the vote. HMMM, it seemed like yesterday (actually it was in real Survivor time) when she was all high and mighty boasting about the “bad ass girls” picking off the four dudes one by one? My, oh my, how the fortunes of Survivor have turned for our endowed castaway.

Conversely, the blindside threw Jake a lifeline. He’s still on Surviv”a” even though he was kept in the d”a’k.

Bruce takes a shot in the solar plexus when he is informed Kellie was conspiring against him because he was being too “overbearing.” Bruce is flabbergasted by that claim because, in his own words, he doesn’t see himself that way. HUH! WHAT!!! Next, we’ll hear Kendra claim she doesn’t she herself as being too revealing?? Not only does Production’s “best department” purposely cast stupidity, but it also accounts for delusion and ignorance when preparing its short list of applicants.

King Drew decides to trade in his Royal Scepter for a pad & pen and become Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Aaron Beck all rolled up into one as he attempts to psycho-analyze Bruce by tying in game “imagery” to Survivor “reality.” Hey Drew, it’s really not that complex; if you refer to my initial post for this season, you’ll come up with the diagnoses...Bruce is a Jackass!

Kendra and Katurah, who both voted Jake at last TC, decide Dee could be tough to beat if she makes it to FTC. They decide she should be targeted. Kendra reverts back to her “bad ass” role targeting Dee, while Katurah assumes an “Emily” role by “flippen” on Kendra Kleavage faster than Kendra could adjust her undersized bra. Translation: Kendra should begin to start picking out her cleavage-revealing wardrobe while sitting on the Jury.

Emily also sees the danger of Dee advancing in the game, so she gets Drew and Austin alone to pitch the idea of turning on Dee. Drew flashes an expression as if someone whacked him in the face with a frying pan. Austin will not embrace that idea because he enjoys “talking” to Dee. I suspect Drew adores his “conversations” with Dee as well. LMAO! Emily strikes out faster than an MLB pitcher can throw three pitches under the new pitch clock rule.

TREE MAIL: Everyone needs to divide themselves into three teams of three for the upcoming challenge.

Kendra immediately asks who is willing to team up with her. Had she bent over while asking the question, you might have had four men in a fisticuff battle for the other two spots. Instead, she raises her hand to expose her hairy armpit. Understandingly, no one steps forward. Not that it matters, because if the players refer to “episode nine” in their Survivor 45 script they were handed to begin the game, they will see the teams were already predetermined. *snort*


As the F9 march in, Jeff states, “if you’re looking for a break, you’re on the wrong show.” Don’t tell that to Dumb A$$ Award recipient Emily...

The challenge is an obstacle course in stages. The team finishing last in the initial stage will lose their votes at the next TC. The two remaining teams will battle where the winning team will head off to the Sanctuary to feast on roasted chicken; but not before those three players face off in an individual challenge for immunity.

The team of Katurah, Austin, and Emily finished last. I'm not surprised considering the way Emily moved the sand around like a cat covering its poop in a kitty litter pan. But they are told they will embark on a Journey where they could earn their vote(s) back. The team of Mama J, Bruce, and Kendra Kleavage win the next stage and will face off for individual immunity. It becomes ANOTHER showdown between the two OLDEST castaways. Hey Production, are you taking notice NOW to address your age discrimination???

Jeff announces no man has ever won the individual IC with outstretched arms keeping discs from falling to the ground. Talk about your classic spoiler! Mama J puts out a stellar effort, but Bruce comes up big again and wins his second IC in a row!! Katurah’s expression resembles that of someone who just stuck their nose into an airplane toilet.

Drew, Dee, and Jake head back to camp but still have their votes. Drew and Dee cook an oversized portion of rice and eat most of it while Jake is out and about. When Jake returns, he is left with the burnt residue on the bottom of the pot. Dee is SO amused by this, during a confessional she flashes a toothy grin so wide you’d swear you’re looking at a row of tombstones at the Arlington National Cemetery.

At the Sanctuary, Mama J, Bruce, and Kendra Kleavage dive into a roasted chicken...LITERALLY. Like the chocolate cake during the auction, there’s no utensils. I reiterate the concern I noted in my post last week about the absence of toilet paper. I sure hope these players are tested for Cholera and E. coli after the show!

At the Journey, members of the losing team must each individually solve a timed numbers brainteaser to add three “pluses” and one “minus” to a numerical row 9 to 1 to make the equation 100 even. By her own admission, Katurah chokes under the pressure to complete the puzzle in the set time and cannot earn her vote back.

Emily fails as well appropriately lamenting how embarrassing it was that she panicked considering her profession as an investment analyst. She’s right. Personally, I would rather place my entire net worth on either red or black on the Roulette table before I would approach her for investment advice.

Austin was successful and got his vote back Simply put, he’s been killing it in this game. He is shaping up as the player who is playing the most complete game of Survivor, but as we’ve been accustomed to in recent seasons, will probably come up short in the end.

As all nine convene back at camp it is clearly Kendra vs. Jake. Production tries its utmost to misdirect an obvious Kendra Kleavage boot by focusing on discussions to eliminate Jake instead, but they fall short IMO.

All three from the Journey announce to everyone they could not regain their votes, but Austin comes clean to his alliance that he, in fact, did. This delights Dee since, with Austin’s vote, Reba now has the vote advantage because she was getting paranoid with the knowledge that Kendra is gunning for her. She literally jumps into Austin’s arms which delights Austin even more...purely from a “conversational” standpoint, that is.


As Kaleb and Kellie assume their places on the Jury bench, it is obvious Kellie is STILL smarting over the blindside. Rubbing salt in the wound, Jiffy states it was one of the biggest all-time blindsides in Survivor history. More salt is added when she observes Bruce wearing the IN again. Kaleb holds Kellie’s hands in hopes of alleviating some of the pain.

Jeff focuses on Bruce’s second win in a row. Bruce explains how it is “not good” but also a “big deal.” Jeff is completely perplexed and does not understand how any bad can be derived from wearing the necklace. Allow me to SPELL it out for you Jiffy—A. D. S. Nuff said!

King Drew starts rambling some Roman philosophy about how the game of Survivor is like the “Sword of Damocles.” I’d be hard-pressed to think any of the other castaways had the knowledge to make that connection. It wouldn’t surprise me if Jeff, himself, stopped TC at that point and waited on Production to google “sword” and “Damocles” to understand what the heck Drew was talking about before resuming TC.

Kendra Kleavage continues to show that her brain is NOT her best asset(s) by ONLY THEN coming to the realization that those returning from the Journey who stated they lost their votes may NOT be telling the truth. Yep, way to pick’em Production.

Despite the feeble misdirection attempt on Production’s part, Kendra Kleavage is booted by a large enough majority, so all the votes do not have to be read. This allows Austin to not have to reveal he lied about losing his vote.

Next Time on Survivor

Red Herring sightings. Emily and Bruce are carving up a plan to break up the Reba 4. Jake is at odds with King Drew after he’s tugged on his royal cape for most of this episode in hopes of fitting in. Are we being set up for a King Drew assassination? There’s a reason why Red Herrings are plentiful on NTOS.

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 RE: S45 - Ep. 9 SUMMARY michel2 11-26-23 1
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michel2 4367 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

11-26-23, 01:57 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: S45 - Ep. 9 SUMMARY"
LAST EDITED ON 11-26-23 AT 01:59 PM (EST)

That was superb, Aruba!

The problem with the «Bad ass girls» alliance that Kendra didn't recongnize is that it happened by happenstance. Those 6 girls hadn't worked together to eliminate the men so some of the girls had to have another deal, a better alliance.

I see we both saw Drew as a psychiatrist when dealing with Bruce. I wish I had thought of having Freud and Jung each having their own universe to analyze Bruce.

Your challenge was rougher than mine. It must have hurt a hell of a lot for each player to divide him/her self in three. (!)

As for your concern about the absence of TP, there are ways around that. They use leaves and use always the same hand, keeping the other for food. OK, they are still nasty but there hasn't been reported cases of dysentery since Lex in Africa.

I think Emily cost herself any chance of solving the puzzle by assuming she couldn't do it before even trying. Her whole body language was saying «This is Impossible.»

AS for Bruce's remark you really think that eliminating Bruce will be a case of ADS? You can't stretch it that far considering Bruce was a target from Day 1 Scene 1 Act 1 when Emily mentionned his return. That was LOOOOONG before anyone knew Bruce could win challenges. Everyone HATES Bruce and that has nothing to do with being afraid he could swwep the challenges and certainly not the votes at FTC.

Yes, that was funny when Kendra admitted she didn't think people could lie. But since you are so gung-ho into telling the truth shouldn't that have made Kendra your favorite?

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Aruba 3391 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

11-27-23, 07:16 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: S45 - Ep. 9 SUMMARY"
Thank you kindly for your “superb” compliment.

Agreed, all-gender alliances need to be established from the get-go and need to maintain traction without any opposite gender intervention during the early stages of the game to make it to the endgame intact.

I’m 100% positive Bruce used BOTH hands to rip apart the chicken. I don’t remember the chocolate cake, but since they had a short time limit to eat the cake, I doubt all three of them approached it nilly-willy with only one hand...especially since there wasn’t much cake left when Jeff said “time.”

I remember Lex’s ailment in Africa. That was going back when Survivor TRULY lived up to its name and castaways had to boil their own drinking water as opposed to getting it from the well. I still recall Lex uttering one of my most memorable lines of all-time, “No matter how long you boil the water, it still tastes like it was tapped from a monkey’s butt!”

If/when Katurah writes down Bruce’s name at TC to boot him out of the game, I’ll agree with you that HER vote would NOT be because of ADS. As for the other players...we’ll wait and see. If we hear others state what Katurah has been ranting about Bruce since day one as the reason for voting him out, then the ADS would be a non-factor for Bruce's oust. Conversely, if we hear scaredy-cats wanting to target or vote Bruce out because, “he wins challenges,” he’s a threat,” “we don’t want him winning another IC,” Yadda...yadda...yadda... then ADS IS the reason. We shall see.

Valuing honesty as a upstanding characteristic I would want to instill in all my loved ones has nothing to do with my ability to not believe a lie.
Just because you’re able to ACKNOWLEDGE one’s shortcoming or despicable behavior, in no way, shape or form, does it mean you ADVOCATE it. I’m not criticizing or assessing Kendra Kleavage for how she (or anyone else) may FEEL about lying; I’m appropriately bashing her for being so ignorant to think players would not lie on Survivor since any fan of the game knows Production covets lying sacks of sh!t.

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michel2 4367 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

11-29-23, 08:28 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "RE: S45 - Ep. 9 SUMMARY"
Loved your Acknowledge vs Advocate argument and I take good note of it.

But Kendra didn't tell a lie herself, she actually wore her feelings on her cleavage so why the hate?

I.m sure someone somewhere will say that it's time to use the fact that Bruce doesn,t have uimmunity to finally get rid of him but the desire to eliminate him pre-dates his two wins so no ADS here.

PS. You could be right about digging in with both hands and I wasn't a fan of those scenes either.

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