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"S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ears (and Eyes.)"
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Aruba 3375 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-19-23, 07:27 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ears (and Eyes.)"
This episode was “music” to Emily’s “ears,” but it was painful to my ears/eyes and pretty much all the other senses. And I’m not just saying that because of only one challenge (although that didn’t help.)

Previously on Survivor... King Drew and Austin find an II at Reba; Bruce is still a Jacka$$ at Belo; Bia possesses the idol at LuLu but gets blindsided anyway.

LuLu returns from TC, yet again, and Emily labels Sean a “chameleon” because he can change so rapidly. WOW!! Talk about “Pot meet Kettle!” If any castaway has chameleon characteristics this season its Emily. Granted, Kaleb deserves most of the credit for that transformation...but still.

Kaleb gives himself a well-earned pat-on-the-back for drawing in pathetic Emily and essentially squashing Bia’s failed ADS attempt. Kaleb is undoubtedly the star of this season.

Sean is scrambling more than my eggs on a Sunday well he should.


I made sure to get a better look at shameful Hannah, and yes, she is muddied. But guess is Jake. Guess is Katurah. Guess is Brando. Guess is Drew. And there may be others I missed. So, what does being muddied in your credit mean? NADA! But hey, you just keep looking for those “clues” on the Beatles album covers. LMAO!!

Jeff tells everyone to “come on in.” What follows is a solid five to ten minutes of the most nauseating embellishment of over-the-top obnoxious reactions.

Kendra displays her trademark chin mole disappearing act with an open-mouth gasp so wide you could hide the larger of the two tribe IIs in it. The smaller II could fit in Kellie’s exasperated open-mouth expression. Upon seeing Bia voted out at the last TC, Katurah is so flabbergasted she says she can’t believe it because Bia was the “voice of reason on the tribe.” REALLY? ARE YOU SURE?? Her calling out Bruce for acting like a Jacka$$ is credible because she’s living with him 24/7. But how on God’s Green Earth can she acknowledge someone as a “voice of reason” on a tribe SHE’S NEVER BEEN ON?!

Dee decides to add in her two cents and exclaim it must have been a wild TC. Sit tight, your time to witness Production’s inept casting failures at TC may come a whole lot sooner than you think.

When everyone is told to “drop your buffs,” the continued embellishment rivals that on The Price Is Right (I saw the commercial advertisements during this episode’s telecast, so now I know exactly what Michel was talking about.)

OK, here’s the rub... LuLuLosers is decimated to only three players. A total of 15 castaways remains in the game. And Production is fixated with its stupid three-tribe format. You don’t have to be the “math genius” (OldLuLu proclaimed Emily to be for being able to count to three) to not only presume a tribal switch, but to know it’s darn near a guarantee. Yet still sickening embellishment ensues.

NuLuLu gets exponentially stronger. NuReba is in some deep do-do for the future challenges. Given those two changes, NuBelo stands to get salvation from the stupid three-tribe format.

The tribal switch Dumba$$ Luck Award for this season goes to Emily who finds herself the swing vote between two Rebas and two Belos. It’s a power position that simply fell in her inept lap.
In a halfway decent season this would be the time in the episode for a RC. Instead, the social butterfly fans of Survivor can now get all “warm & fuzzy” watching the tribe dynamics within the three new tribes.


The drama queen prima donna Bruce transforms himself into a crybaby sissy. Naturally, everyone at NuLuLu gravitates toward the “damsel in distress.” Well, ALMOST everyone. Katurah is still bothered by Bruce acting like the Jacka$$ he is.

For those who wanted me to “lighten up” and “chuckle,” your wish was granted. The way Production edited Bruce’s foolish behavior and toggled back and forth with Katurah’s confessionals was hilarious TV. As much as I appropriately bash Production, in this case I’ll give them kudos. It definitely got a “chuckle” out of me. Calling out Bruce in confessionals for being a Jacka$$ is fitting; although extending it beyond the confessionals and bellyaching about it to her tribemates is ill-advised.

You’d think as the sole LuLu, Kaleb would be at risk. But his charisma won everyone over and NuLuLu tribemates want to be aligned with him. Any more questions who the star of this season is?

One tribemate who really wants to be close to Kaleb is Jake. So much, he’s ready to “jump ship.” That’s why he says he’s a “good swim’a.’” I would have regarded it as a cute metaphor and left it at that until he breaks out into an outlandish cackle and starts laughing like a Mad Scientist. Listening to that cackle, Jake came off more as a Big Los”a” than a Good Swim”a.”


Sean feels like he’s gone from the pot to the frying pan. He was a sure boot had OldLuLu lost another IC; now he’s all alone among four Rebas. His goose is cooked...or is it?

He is approached by J. Maya. Last week when Kendra and Jake formed an alliance, I did not sense even a hint of skankmance. Maybe it’s just me, but this episode I got the feeling that J. Maya may be acquiring a bit of the hots for little Seanie-poo. Whatever the intention, Sean welcomes it with open arms. She was also hoping to weaponize Sean to get rid of Sifu...or since he likes to refer to himself in the third person, I’m going to rename him “THE Sifu.” * snort *

J. Maya’s desire to eliminate The Sifu is perfectly understandable given the fact she’s a songwriter by profession and to listen to The Sifu’s dumb lyrics and music bites while performing the role of Court Jester by using the machete as an air guitar has got to be annoying for anyone but especially for a songwriter.

Court Jesters are fine when they’re funny; but The Sifu is not. Court Jesters also wear a Court Jester Hat to amplify their ridiculous behavior. In The Sifu’s case, his mohawk/conehead hairdo more than accomplishes that purpose. To Michel’s point, you do see more ridiculous hairdos on NFL players. Here lies the difference: NFLers MUST wear a helmet when on the field of play, so you’re not subjected to looking at the ridiculousness. We should be so lucky with Survivor.


Emily acknowledges her dumba$$ luck. So do both pairs of Reba and Belo tribemates. This incredible great fortune all but assures her a golden ticket to the merge.

Both pairs are jockeying for her newfound gifted services. Which way will Emily go? Need we ask?? Naturally, she wants to rub shoulders with the self-proclaimed “King...” Drew of course. Generally, being a “fifth wheel” is not an envious position. But for Emily, being the fifth wheel with the Reba 4 should allow her to skip-to-my-Lou to the endgame. There’s good reason Emily is the recipient of the Tribal Switch Dumba$$ Luck Award for this season.


With the formation of the new tribes during tribal switch, we now have three certainties: Death, Taxes, and the order of finish at this IC. No Damn Friggin’ Puzzles slightly softened the disappointment of only one challenge this episode. I would have like to see a rule only one basket could be scored by a particular player to make the win more of a TEAM victory. But that was not the case, so Kaleb’s star shined brighter as he racked up his second MVP honors.

Austin, the tosser for Belo, performed admirably to give them a runner-up finish. Not sure why The Sifu wasn’t taking shots from the beginning? Maybe The Sifu’s hands were tired from playing his silly air guitar; in any event Reba finishes last. Emily is moved to tears over the realization she will be avoiding TC for the first time this season. She humbly credits her tribemates. Actually, Emily should have credited Production for the stupid three-tribe format that allows a tribe to LOSE but still avoid TC. Reba has its first date with TC.

Back at Reba, J. Maya was pushing hard to save the object of her affection at The Sifu’s expense. Mama J and Dee are understandably concerned over J. Maya’s change of heart. Personally, I thought J. Maya was digging her own grave and SHE would be the one Reba would cut loose. But after several sidebars, it appeared everyone was probably getting tired of the Court Jester’s silly antics and was on board with The Sifu blindside.


With the Q&A that transpired, the prospect of The Sifu babbling his final lyric and strumming his last air guitar chord seemed all but certain. THEN, Sean drops the bomb...

It appears a mere nine days was way too long to be away from his husband. Everyone is shocked. Whether it was her plan to blindside The Sifu that has gone awry, or Sean having a husband, J. Maya looks like she took a shot in the gut.

But right before it’s time to vote, Dee mouths The Sifu’s name to Mama J. Given the size of Dee’s mouth, I’m shockingly surprised The Sifu did not see it. Now we’ll really need Jeff to read every vote to see the outcome. In the end, Quitter Sean will board the first flight off Fiji to jump into his husband’s arms after a 3-1-1 vote. The Sifu and Dee received the other votes. In true third person fashion, The Sifu did not ask Sean, “Did you vote for ME?” He asked, “Did you vote for Sifu?” This guy is such a clown.

So, four TCs; two quitters. I’m 100% sure no one suffered a serious injury requiring surgery back at home. Since we see opening credits, I’m 100% sure Westman was not cast this season. This leads to only one indisputable conclusion: Production/Casting SUCKS!!!

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 RE: S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ear... michel2 10-19-23 1
   RE: S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ear... Aruba 10-20-23 2
       RE: S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ear... michel2 10-20-23 3
           RE: S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ear... Aruba 10-21-23 4
               RE: S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ear... michel2 10-21-23 5
                   RE: S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ear... Aruba 10-25-23 6
                       RE: S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ear... michel2 10-25-23 7
                           RE: S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ear... Aruba 10-25-23 8

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michel2 4284 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-19-23, 10:11 PM (EST)
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1. "RE: S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ears (and Eyes.)"
LAST EDITED ON 10-19-23 AT 11:51 PM (EST)

Fun recap, Aruba.

Did you hear Emily say that Sean was a chameleon who changes his spots!! Talk about mixed metaphors!

Personally, I prefer omelettes on Sunday morning.

Look again at the credit: I am pretty sure that EVERY player shown in the mud has an ADDITIONAL shot of their clean face but NOT Hannah!

Did you noticed that the audio kept Jake's laugh going AFTER he had disappeared from our screen?

I like «THE Sifu»

And about hairdoos, did you notice Lourdes Gurriel's of the D'Backs during the NLCS? He sports a 12 inch mop of neon-purple hair standing straight up under his cap!

And, by the way, NFL preview shows love to present the NFL players walking out of the bus and into their locker rooms. No helmets then! Of course, there are some who add a beautiful chapeau!

Read my recap to see what I think of the «Tribal Switch Dumba$$ Luck Award». To give you a preview, I don't believe in that kind of luck.

I hope production reads your suggestion of alternating shooters after each basket. You'd also be happy if the rule about sit-outs was that EVERYONE had to sit out once before one returns. That would eliminate the weak players getting a pass.

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Aruba 3375 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-20-23, 05:28 AM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ears (and Eyes.)"
Thank you, Michel.
I'll be looking forward to reading your recrap.

Yes, the metaphor should be a Leopard that changes its SPOTS. Although, chameleons do have pigmentations on their bodies that can look "spotty," but I doubt that's what Emily was trying to say.

When I eat breakfast out, I usually order a Spanish Omelette. But when I stay home, I just scramble them because it's quick and convenient.

I guess I didn't look at the credits THAT closely. If that be the case, we better not see any images of Sean with a clean face.

I don't remember how long we had to hear Jake's annoying cackle, but it was pretty lengthy. So, I can believe it extended AFTER his laughing face left the screen.

Here's some trivia for you: He may have been the first (not 100%) but in an earlier season of Survivor, a castaway ALWAYS referred to himself in the third person and would even say "THE" before his ridiculous nickname. Can you name him?

Not so much this season, but more in prior seasons, Mets SS Lindor would sport different neon colors for his hair each game.

I don't watch a lot of pregame because I get annoyed when some analysts who NEVER competed at a higher level (I consider "higher level" collegiate sports or higher) try to come off as sports authorities. Consequently, I rarely see the athletes coming off the bus. But you will always see how obnoxious a player may look during the beginning of the game when they announce their name and the college they attended. Every now and then, you'll come across a non-conformist who will not name their college but announce the elementary school they attended. REALLY? Makes me want to smack the silly hairdo off their head. LOL.

If you're going to suggest another conspiracy theory with the tribal switch, I recall Jeff holding out a tray with the random buffs concealed. I'll be interested to see you explain that.

I don't know. By forcing EVERYONE to occupy the Sandra Sit-out Bench, you're penalizing the winning tribe. As Benjamin Franklin wrote in his Poor Richard's Almanac 250 years ago, "An ounce of PREVENTION is worth a pound of cure." I'd be happy to NOT have weak players to begin with. Of course, that just circles back to better casting.

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michel2 4284 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-20-23, 12:50 PM (EST)
Click to EMail michel2 Click to send private message to michel2 Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
3. "RE: S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ears (and Eyes.)"
LAST EDITED ON 10-20-23 AT 07:30 PM (EST)

I was wrong about the opening credits: We do see Hannah taking a face plant in the mud but she has a clean face a second later. Still, compared to the other muddy faces, hers is the eggregious one. Katurah and Kendra are shown in action. Maybe it meant nothing but I found it funny to see Hannah's face plant.

Sean is clean all the way but not seen in action.

If a prior Survivor did something that no one else usually does it has to be Coach! I remember him refering to himself as The Warrior and The Dragon Slayer. If you have time, read all his glory as he was the #1 entry in Mario Lanza's second edition of Survivor's Funniest 115 Moments:

You must fall for every magician's trick if you think that seeing Jiffy distributing Buffs meant that it was legitimely random. So many ways this could have been fixed:

1 - The easiest: Each bag had the player's name on it and they were told to pick their bag.

2 - The bags were divided into three portions of the plate and Jeff simply rotated the plate as he wished while the players were instructed to pick the buff directly in front of them.

3 - Scrap the scene, telling the players something went wrong and then have production hand over the pre-designated buffs to each player.

In a shipwreck, all types of people survive, not only Olympians. Survivor mmimicks this by having all types eligible to play. We do get some horrible ones like hannah and Sean but we also get marvelous characters like Sandra, Fairplay, Cochran, etc...

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Aruba 3375 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-21-23, 01:04 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
4. "RE: S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ears (and Eyes.)"
Coach is a very good guess, but before Coach there was Bobby in S12-Exile Island. You may not remember him from his name “Bobby,” because he preferred to go by his stupid nickname “Bob-Dog.” First and foremost, (IMO) anyone over the age of 21 who feels the need to have to go by a nickname is a monumental LOOOSER in my book. I’m not counting Jim (for James) or Bob (for Robert,) I’m talking about obnoxious stupid nicknames like “Bob-Dog,” or “Sifu.”

To make it worse, throughout the entire time he played in S12, he never used pronouns like “I,” “me,” “mine.” It was always “THE Bob-Dog” when referring to himself. THANKFULLY, he did not make the merge.

Actually, I DO like magic shows even though “magic” is a misnomer. There’s no such thing as “magic” or “magicians;” they are illusionists. So, I accept illusionists for the entertainers they are. Jeff is NOT an illusionist, so I’m unable to relate to your comparison.

If any of the three options you listed to support your conspiracy theory had merit, you are saying the entire cast would have to be in on the “fix.” Or in other words, a hopeful who goes through the process (in some cases very LONG process) to FINALLY be given the “opportunity of a lifetime” and a 1 in 16 chance to become a millionaire, would willingly and graciously accept a fate that would essentially throw away or destroy any chance for him/her when a predetermined “conspired” outcome puts them on the wrong side of the fix??? Sorry, that’s a theory extremely difficult to wrap my mind around. But I know you will always be searching for that second gunman in the grassy knoll, or the autopsied alien parts in Roswell, or the dug-up remains of a corpse buried in some cemetery in Liverpool, England where modern forensics could positively identify the deceased as Paul McCartney.

I’ve lost count how many times I’ve told you I DO NOT want “Olympians” casted. Allow me for the umpteenth time to express this to you in the form of a question, “Do we (or a vast majority of Survivor fans) really want to watch a season with another Courtney Cox???” Nuff said...

I’m fine with different types of people in a shipwreck scenario. For example, a couple of millionaires, two attractive women, a genius professor, a captain, and an ignorant dorky goofball. It’s a concept that can work quite well. As a matter of fact, it DID because Gilligan’s Island was one of my favorite shows growing up.

Now, let’s fast-forward to the present. When I tune in to watch a game/competition with A MILLION DOLLARS as the grand prize, I don’t want to see inept casting debacles. I would prefer the best of the best of ALL the applicants and hopefuls to compete with such a LARGE prize on the line. The final cast should be players who possess very little to no weaknesses. No, it does not mean only “Olympic” athletes. But on the same token, no whiney crybaby quitters, or players who squeal like pigs during pitiful efforts at challenges, or to have a pathetic “sit-out” bench named after you.

Listen, when I want to step away from my “competitive” mode, I enjoy being entertained by a bunch of “characters” as much as the next person. I’m just not in favor of those “characters” backing into a million dollars or being awarded that kind of money out of default. That’s just me...different strokes for different folks.

To put it in perspective, when I tune in every year to watch the Superbowl, I don’t want a bunch of pee-wee Pop Warner participants playing for the coveted Lombardi Trophy. I suppose it circles back to the “competition” aspect of a game I embrace.

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michel2 4284 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-21-23, 09:44 PM (EST)
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5. "RE: S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ears (and Eyes.)"
LAST EDITED ON 10-21-23 AT 09:44 PM (EST)

So, I guess a Standford graduate that was a great athlete, a great narrator and actually won some challenges for his tribe would be a great casting choice, wouldn't he?

See, this is where we disagree most. ONE OF THE BEST CAsting choices E-V-E-R was Bobby Mason. He's actually my favorite all-time pre-merger boot and I regret deeply that he didn't last longer. I also got to exchange with Bobby for about a year, almost as regularly as I have with you during a season. He got on the internet and was funny as hell.

Another fan of Bob-Dawg was Mario Lanza and I'll copy what he wrote in the entry he dedicated to the Exile Island great:

- «Bobby Mason was only around for five episodes of Survivor: Exile Island. In fact a lot of casual Survivor fans probably don't even remember him. But he leaves behind a legacy that is so large, and so distinct, and, well let's face it, so unique, that I don't think he will ever be topped.

I mean, seriously, this is a guy who went to Stanford and Amherst, who holds a law degree, who is probably one of the smartest and wittiest guys who has ever been cast on the show (seriously, listen to how fast he talks sometime, he is hard to transcribe), yet he tries to pass himself off as a thug gangster so that people will underestimate him. Or, as Bobby once described himself, "Lawyer by day, rapper by night."

Just check out this quote he gave in an interview below, where he describes his image and his strategy going into Exile Island::

"I see it all the time-- no matter what schools I have on my resume, people just assume they’re smarter than me based on how gangsterish I look. I cultivate that image obviously so I’m not complaining. Just saying I’d find a couple of cats that like me but (mistakenly) think they’re smarter than me, and I’d let them ‘lead’ and ‘determine policy’ but in the end they’d only be doing so to the extent I let them."

Here's another interview, where he elaborates on his Exile Island strategy in, uh, typical BobDawg way:

"I hid the fact that I’m a lawyer. I wanted people to think I was the big, happy go lucky, gentle giant type that was just happy to be there. No threat, just want to smash foos in challenges and keep things light around camp. I didn’t want to lead, I didn’t want to get into arguments, I didn’t want to be recognized for anything except smokin’ foos in challenges. Secretly, I’d be one of the smartest players in the game and one of the best schemers."

So anyway, yeah. This was a guy who had all sorts of nuance and depth and interesting character quirks going on behind those eyes. It's just a shame that we only got five episodes of greatness to remember him by.

In episode one of Exile Island, we meet Bobby in the first five minutes of the game. And we immediately see how witty he is when he describes the way the tribes have been divided by age and by gender. In the first five minutes of the episode, he drops one of the best confessionals of the season.

There was the young beefcake crowd. Of which I was charter member and president..."

.then there was the Love Boat crowd, which was the older men..."

"... there was the Golden Girls..."

.and then there was the Spice Girls. It'll be interesting to see how things shake out."

Bobby's next epic moment in Exile Island came in episode three, and to this day remains one of my favorite challenge moments in Survivor history. Check out the recap below. There's no way I can watch this scene and not laugh at the ending.

It's the final round of the immunity challenge, and Bobby and Ruth-Marie are squaring off (along with Terry and Danielle) in a sandpit pillow wrestling challenge.

At the end of the round, Ruth-Marie grabs the pillow and attempts to run with it back to her mat. Meanwhile the Almighty Dawgsta is in hot pursuit.

Ruth-Marie realizes who is about to catch her and practically shits her pants

Bobby doesn't want to hurt poor little Ruth-Marie (because he is easily like 3 times her size and 10 times her might), so he just grabs her by the sports bra and drags her face first over to the Casaya mat. I love it.

BobDawg easily makes it to the Funny 115 just for this moment alone.

Oh and then comes the best part: It's kind of hard to explain this if you have never read about it before, but Bobby has a complicated set of poses that he tries to hit whenever he is celebrating something. There are three poses in all. In order, they are called "King's Ransom", "Double Dragon" and "Warrior's Honor." I swear to God I am not making this up. When Bobby hits all three poses in a row, it is called a "Sparta's Revenge."

And just why does Bobby have these three poses he names? Well I guess I'll just let him describe it in his own words. This is from his appearance on the Early Show: "You know, I'm from L.A. And we have a tendency to do that. We assign fantabulous names to things that aren't fantabulous."

But wait! There's more!

In episode four, we get the great scene where Casaya wins a full bathroom in a reward challenge. It is called Casa de Charmin, and when the Casayas come back from the challenge it has already been delivered to their camp. The Casayas immediately take a vote and decide that they aren't going to use Casa de Charmin as a bathroom. Nope. They are going to use it to store wood.

Which, of course, doesn't sit too well with the almighty Mr. Dawgsta. Now if the Ruth-Marie sports bra scene wasn't already memorable enough, here you go. This is where it all begins. This is where the Legend of The Almighty Dawgsta truly was born.

obby (in a confessional, laughing) explains it to us: "The rocket scientist brain trust that we have decided immediately that the first thing we were gonna do with our fresh new brand new toilet was store wood in it."

"I was like... alright. I'm gonna go in here and take a dump before you start storing wood in the toilet."

And this is where the Deuceman officially Cometh: "Does anyone mind if I break in the dumpster? I got a deuce to drop."

Danielle looks on in stunned disbelief as BobDawg doesn,t wait for an answer to enter the bathroom. Danielle looks horrifued. And when Shane asked how it feels, Bob answers: "Feels about ten pounds lighter. I'm like a whole new man.

So anyway, that's two epic BobDawg moments. Want more? Well here you go!

In episode five, Bobby pretty much single-handedly wins reward for the Casayas. He wins it because of his mighty fish-chopping skills.

Bobby wins a picnic-- including wine-- for his tribe. But alas, that is probably the last happy moment he will have in the game. Because later that night, with a storm coming down around them, Bobby and Bruce (for unknown reasons) are kicked out of the Casaya shelter. They spend the night sitting together in the outhouse.

And what do Bobby and Bruce decide to do about the fact that they have been kicked out of the shelter and are now sleeping together in a shithouse?

Why they take the last Casaya bottle of wine and they drink it.

Just to spite everyone.

Once Bobby drinks the last bottle of Casaya wine, his adventure is basically over. He wakes up the next morning to find that everybody is pissed at him

When Courntye confronts him about drinking the wine, Bob Dawg has an epic rebuttal and he explained it in an interview after Exile Island:

"That was a weird day. I woke up in the outhouse before Bruce did-- or more accurately, I just got out first because I never made it to sleep. I had been laying with my back on the floor with my legs straight up in the air against the inside of the outhouse, trying not to suffocate with all the pressure on my lungs and trying not to swallow termites that were crawling all over my face. I came out and ran into Courtney and she immediately started in on me with the passive aggressive stuff like "So, uh, where were you!" like we were old buddies and I ran out on my bar tab or something.

I tried to shake it off but she wouldn’t stop with the "hey, have you seen the bottle of wine?" and "I wonder where it went…" I hate that passive aggressive crap. That’s a sign of weakness in my book. Just say what’s on your mind (BobDawg Da Rules #3). I was trying to be diplomatic and actually apologized to everyone and everyone said it wasn’t a big deal (oh they didn’t show that? Wow, amazing) but she wouldn’t let it go. So at some point BobDawg thought "BobDawg gotsta shut her up. BobDawgsta can’t go out like that on national tv." But Bobby Mason didn’t want to completely unload on her, cuz Bobby Mason was trying to win. So we split the difference and we told her what we told her.

That bottle of wine: $7.99. The look on her face: priceless. It was almost worth getting voted out over…"

It started when Courntye asked: "Hey, what happened to you guys last night?"

Bob answered: «It looked like our spots were taken so ,I ended up crashing in the Casa de Charmin.»

«What happened to the last bottle of wine?» asked Courtney

Bob - «I drank it»
Courtney: «You drank it.»
Courtney - «How do you feel about that?»
Bob - «I feel swell about it.»
Courtney just stares at him in disbelief

Courtney in confessional: «"We all worked very hard for that wine out here. It was like... super special."

Bobdawg in confessional: «"Courtney definitely had a right to be upset. I just don't need to hear it. Like, I really don't care what she thinks. She's probably one of the two or three most annoying people probably in the history of the world."

When Courtney wouldn,t let it drop and kept asking why he would do that, Bobdawg just stares at her in silence, She goes on and on so he finally shuts her up, turns hs back on her and says: «"I don't feel bad that I stole your wine. "Like... I feel bad that I deprived them of wine. But I have no hard feelings whatsoever about the fact that you've been deprived of wine."

Yes, that got Bob dawg voted out but it also led to legendary final words: «"... I could have played it differently but the truth was, I just couldn't stomach a lot of these jokers.. People in Casaya were bonded together out of weakness. Out of desperation. Courtney, Danielle, and Shane were spineless little twerps, all of 'em. And just bein' around 'em made me wanna throw up." / end of transcript

Knowing how you hated Casaya, I'd think you'd embrace Bob Dawg.

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Aruba 3375 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-25-23, 05:44 PM (EST)
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6. "RE: S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ears (and Eyes.)"
Yes, I know this reply is late. MLB playoffs, NFL, and the NHL highlighted by “Frozen Frenzie” last night! True competition the general public crave...

If not for the juvenile nickname and his own self-acknowledgement in the third person, I probably would have liked The Bob-Dawg. I was not a big fan nor hater of either tribe (per se) as I primarily followed Terry Dietz that season.

My two notable memories of S12 with regards to The Bob-Dawg was when:

1) The Bob-Dawg and Bruce were shacked up and spent the night in a Survivor port-a-potty and consummated their “Rush Hour” alliance over a bottle of wine. Hands down the most comical moment of that season, and

2) The sheer hatred between The Bob-Dawg and Courtney. I remember The Bob-Dawg stating a couple times in confessionals that Courtney was among “the THREE most annoying individuals he ever came across on his life.” As understandable as that assessment was, I always wondered (just out of curiosity) who the “other two” might have been?

I was hoping Jeff might have asked him during the Reunion Show, but he did not. If I had known you personally communicated with The Bob-Dawg, I would have asked you to find out for me. LOL.

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michel2 4284 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

10-25-23, 06:04 PM (EST)
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7. "RE: S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ears (and Eyes.)"
Wwe actually asked that question to Bobdawg but he simply answered nobody we'd know.

Can you imagine how powerful La Mina would have been if Sally hadf picked him instead of that boring Austin? Bobby was still available when Misty's turn arrived but Nick wasn't a bad pick.

To think Shane was the first man picked was hard to believe.

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Aruba 3375 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

10-25-23, 07:21 PM (EST)
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8. "RE: S45 - Ep. 4 - Painful to My Ears (and Eyes.)"
La Mina would have been stronger without Sally, period, who sucked at tribe challenges and individually lost a couple for them. Not to mention losing the spear from the fishing gear that would have provided lots and lots of fish/protein for La Mina. It was that boneheaded blunder that prompted me to appropriately nickname her “Sh!thead Sally.”
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