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"S44 Ep. 6 Hey Production...Way to Pick 'em"
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Aruba 3309 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-06-23, 06:32 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
"S44 Ep. 6 Hey Production...Way to Pick 'em"
LAST EDITED ON 04-08-23 AT 05:10 AM (EST)

Let’s just say S44 needs to change the name of the show this season from “Survivor” to “Carson.” With the pathetic job Production did with its bevy of debacles, it has provided more than enough bashing fodder for this season.

We kick off Ep. 6 at Tika where I’m still trying to wrap my mind around what the hell Yam-Yam, Carolyn and Josh were talking about. I suspect Yam-Yam was trying to teach Carolyn some Spanish words. I got lost when Carolyn was replying to Yam-Yam. The fact Carolyn interjected explains the confusion.

All three tribes get tree mail telling them to drop their buffs and go to another beach.

Jaime, who continues to be a legend in her own mind, dubs herself “MVP.” Little does she know “MVP” stands for Most Vulnerable Peon still coveting her fake idol.


Josh reconfirms what a delusional ignorant dope he really is.

Yam-Yam is consumed with paranoia.

Carolyn, whose antenna struggles to pick up all the channels, experiences traffic frequency trying to decipher multiple voices in her head. Reminds me of “Friday the 13th” when Jason’s mom hears voices while going off on her killing spree. The difference here is with the mental midgets Production casted for this season, these Bozos will suffer enough SELF-INFLICTED wounds to mortally injure THEMSELVES.

She continues by telling us she “struggles with Hello.”
Seriously, that was pretty obvious 10 seconds into the season. One thing she won’t struggle with is getting to the end game thanks to the fact, her elevator doesn’t exactly stop off at all the floors.


Carson is stoked and looking forward to what the future holds. Carolyn and Yam-Yam are BEYOND lucky and fortunate to have Carson as their original Tika tribemate.

We see the dork-mance blossoming. What would be a high point moment in this horrible season is if Matt (professing his affections for Frannie) plays his fake idol on HER only for Jeff to announce, “This is NOT an II.” ROFLMAO!

All players come in for the challenge. Thank goodness we are not subjected to any nauseating embellishment when Jeff would have informed all who was voted out at last TC. Instead, Jeff explains the 12 will randomly draw a color from the bag and compete as two teams of six. No one can seek refuge on the Sandra Sit-out Bench.

Usually the most comical line(s) comes from Looney Tunes Carolyn; this episode it is Jeff when he states the two teams look “even.” In reality, any team with puzzlemeister Carson results in a major imbalance. But before the puzzle they must move heavy balls and get up a cargo net. During the ball rolling section, we hear Jeff’s play-by-play commentary as he informs us (who else but) Carolyn getting in the way. During the cargo net section, once again HUMILITY comes to the forefront.

Ms. MVP (Jaime) who blew enough sunshine up her backend at the beginning of this episode to melt the polar caps, struggles mightily to get up the nets. Heidi (who is just as short, if not shorter) didn’t seem to struggle. How bad was it for Jaime? She needed Carolyn to help her up. AHHH, yes...humility on Survivor is a glorious moment to watch unfold. LOL

Fortunately for Jaime, she has puzzle-solver Carson on the same team to save her sorry ass. Technically, it was the “team” of Matt and Carson who were the puzzle solvers. Although, in reality, while Matt was staring at a puzzle piece as if he was trying to prove Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Carson had half the puzzle already solved. It was a runaway!

The validation of humility was so overwhelming for Jaime, Ms. “MVP” breaks down in tears.


Before the challenge, when the colors were being drawn, Danny came up with yet another truthful quote this season proclaiming “luck” is definitely a factor in Survivor. It could not have rung any truer for Carolyn, Frannie, Jaime, Brandon, and Matt who should have formed a line and given big, fat, sloppy kisses to Carson for sparing them as potential boots at TC. Consequently, Heidi, Lauren, Danny, Josh, Kane, and Yam-Yam are vulnerable. Carson (and those who benefitted from him) headed for a merge feast.

The losers went back to camp where Yam-Yam laments he has “no hope.” But what he DOES have is Dr. Delusional. With Josh in the game, there’s always hope.

Back at the merge feast, Jaime is annoying as hell where her tears quickly turn into obnoxious high-pitched shrills of elation. Carson should have carried her to the feast since he carried/saved her in the challenge. The talk quickly turns to who should be voted out.

It’s mind-boggling we have SO much deliberation over the vote?? The weak caliber of castaways this season does not lend to the ADS as much as other seasons. I suspect Brandon may be the only potential ADS victim candidate by perception (since no one has stood out as physically dominating the challenges) but he is one of the six safe.

Josh is the obvious choice, but all are so worried about an II. So what?? With 12 attending TC, just split the bloody vote! They even had the benefit of Carolyn, once she adjusted her antennae, telling them Josh’s idol is a fake that was constructed with the tree mail beads.

The deliberation continues. Sweet Mother of Mercy!

Jaime is even present when Carolyn goes into detail about the fake “tree mail beads” idol that resembles the same idol Matthew duped her into finding...and it STILL doesn’t register with Jaime?!


When the winners return and all 12 are together, we STILL watch a scramble. Josh is the prime candidate, but the back-up plan toggles between Yam-Yam and Kane.

Kane’s beside himself because he does not know the players who came over from the other tribes. That’s understandable, but what is inexcusable is when he admits he also “doesn’t know what the players are about” who he’s lived with for 13 DAYS!!!


At TC, Yam-Yam beats himself up over “talking too much.” He explains to Jeff that’s simply the way he is even back in his “normal life.” Yep, you tell ‘em Yam-Yam; you are...who you are...who you are... Amidst all the rambling chit-chat, the camera continues to focus on Josh whose expression resembles that of a sentenced man seconds before placing his neck in a guillotine. (Acknowledging the heritage of my basher counterpart with that analogy.)

The most memorable TC moment for me was when Carolyn points to what looks like a medieval flail weapon right before she voted and stated she had one of those growing up. HEH??? Where/when did Production dig up this cuckoo bird? From the 15th Century?? Or perhaps, there may be something to the “Jason’s Mom” analogy???

In his parting words, Dr. Delusional utters some gibberish about how smart the remaining players were to eliminate a “threat.” * snort *


Next Time on Survivor
Kane, who still probably “doesn’t know what the players are about” is by himself during what looks like an II scavenger hunt.
Matt and Frannie appear to be taking their dork-mance to the next level much to the chagrin of others with Frannie possibly solidifying herself as the next Nerd Pin-Up Girl.
Jeff babbles something about players will “have no say who goes home.”

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 Carolyn's Interview: michel2 04-12-23 1
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michel2 4128 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-12-23, 07:33 PM (EST)
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1. "Carolyn's Interview:"
After 5 days without a television, I am just now coming back to speed and came acrosas this interview that may help you understand Carolyn a little more:

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: First off, what was it like to make it past the three-tribe portion of the game, on the precipice of the merge?

CAROLYN WIGER: OMG OMG OMG! I'M HERE! I am well aware that I am the definition of what most would consider "the typical first boot." I was terrified coming into the game, but seeing Maryanne gave me hope that people who are different from the norm can play this game, too! These small tribes are scary, but what's even scarier is trying to blend in when there is zero chance of that happening.

What's something interesting that happened in the pre-merge portion of the game that never made it to TV?

Okay, so once again, Yam Yam's snoring was keeping me up. I could not sleep, so I said "Screw it, I'm sleeping in the boat!" So I head to the boat and fall asleep. I get woken up in the middle of the night by Yam Yam wanting to talk. Well, hello! It's dark as heck out there and he scared the crap outta me! All of a sudden a paddle falls right on my face causing my lips to just start gushing blood. So anyways, I blame my constant lip licking on Yam Yam. He's the one who messed them up.

Did you really think the stick Xs and the fake idol would actually work, and was part of you secretly bummed that Sarah did not try to play it before she was voted out?

YES! OF COURSE I DID! I had complete faith in the X. In season 41, we saw Sydney wake up to a beware advantage plopped right beside her head. In season 42, we saw Hai completely cover himself in fake blood. Now here we are in the middle of the jungle with a rusty old birdcage. I didn't think twice about these bizarre X's and I have Jeff, production, and the new era to thank for that.

We had this map of the island at camp, and it reminded me of some sort of treasure map. There was an X on the map and my brain just started spinning and the X was born. I originally placed the X and the idol right next to Sarah while she was sleeping, but she kept kicking it in her sleep. At one point she almost kicked it into the fire! Sarah and I weren't working together in the game, so obviously I was thrilled that she found it! To be honest, the game part of me would have loved seeing Sarah play it, but the human part of me would feel like, "Ahhhhhhhhhh."

What was your favorite moment you experienced this season leading up to the merge?

The first few days at Tika we were ALL always together! I was so sick of us all doing everything together! Myself and Yam Yam knew we needed to get Carson on our side to take out Helen, but it was so hard to have those individual conversations.

Yam Yam, Carson, and I finally getting together to secure our plans for that first vote had to be one of my favorite moments because it gave me security and enabled me not to have to play my idol. I truly was so scared that Tribal and I remember just being so stinkin' proud of myself after. Also, it was a special moment as we bonded over all being quirky outcasts, and even named our alliance the Three Stooges.

What was your lowest moment leading up to the merge?

Lowest moment for me was the journey. I was so excited to go on that journey! Like come on! I am a huge fan! Just being able to experience that OMG! Like, being starving and now I get to dig into this food AND I get to meet two new people who I can hopefully work with! I WAS SO EXCITED! And then, yep. You saw it. The end. All jokes aside. That crushed me. I cried so much that night, but thankfully I had Yam and Josh, who comforted me, because I was a wreck.

How do you think your past in terms of getting sober and becoming a drug counselor prepared you for the extreme living situation of Survivor?

Here's the deal. If I would have held my emotions in, then I would have died inside out there. When I got sober, I didn't know who the heck I was. I only knew who I didn't want to be! I remember dying my hair dark brown and only wearing black. I wanted to be "serious Carolyn." That phase didn't last long.

Through my journey of self-discovery and healing, I was able to accept and love the person that I am. I learned how to open up and share my feelings no matter how uncomfortable it made me. I learned how to be a good person — a person I am proud of and my family is proud of. I believe that above the game, WE ARE HUMAN FIRST! I value the relationships and bonds that I have with people.

I knew I wouldn't be loved by everyone, whether that be fans or my tribe. But I promise you that there is nothing that anyone can say about me that is any worse than what I told myself when I was actively addicted. My life prepared me, but I also view the game a little differently. There is no ONE WAY TO PLAY! WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT! LET ME LIVE! LET ME PLAY!

How do you think the Tika tribe dynamics and alliances and success in challenges changes if Bruce is not medically evacuated on day 1?

Well, first of all, I don't think we would have lost so much. Bruce was a beast!! YES! Absolutely everything changes if Bruce wasn't gone day 1. I connected with Bruce right away. He is someone I could just be real with and he was real right back. Bruce was busy bossing everyone around at camp as we built the shelter. I knew I wanted to work with Bruce, so on our first walk to the water well I told him he was giving Rocksroy vibes. I told him he was coming off as the leader and a boss. He told me that his wife specifically told him not to do this and I remember saying, "BRUCE, LISTEN TO YOUR WIFE!" Bruce is a great person and I know he, Yam Yam, and I would have linked up.

What has it been like watching yourself on TV and what does your son have to say about it?

I love it! What you see is what you get. I could do without the close-ups of the zits on my neck, but overall, it's been a blast! My son, my partner, mom, dad, sisters, and brother are enjoying every second of this. No one is shocked by what they see because I am just being me and it's a beautiful thing to be. I was so nervous about my son seeing me struggle in challenges, but he doesn't care about that. He understands that this game isn't all about physical strength and winning challenges! Hearing him tell me I am playing well and he's proud means the world to me.

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Aruba 3309 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Car Show Celebrity"

04-12-23, 07:52 PM (EST)
Click to EMail Aruba Click to send private message to Aruba Click to view user profile Click to check IP address of the poster
2. "RE: Carolyn's Interview:"
What happened north of the border to deprive you of TV for five days???

No way I will be able to absorb your entire post/response before tonight's episode.

I will try to incorporate it with my post after Ep. 7.

Enjoy the tonight's show.

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michel2 4128 desperate attention whore postings
DAW Level: "Jerry Springer Show Guest"

04-15-23, 09:27 PM (EST)
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3. "Ice Storm"
No electricity.
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